CAP 4 CAP 4 - Concept Submissions

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Concept: Stat Buster
Description: A Pokemon that can successfully take on popular Pokemon relying on stat boosting moves. May overlap with the "true Garchomp counter" idea.

Basically a good, OU Bidoof or a Skarmory that doesn't let Gyarados and Garchomp have a field day. Unaware isn't necessary, but one of Haze, Roar or Whirlwind probably is.
An Auto-Stealth Rock Remover

Moltres, Charizard, Articuno, Regice.

All of whom have good stats which are well distributed and workable movepool as well as some good niches in the CAP metagame. Why aren't they used more? Stealth Rocks. It has been said many times that the main aim of the CAP project is to promote diversity and the main obstacle to diversity is the presence of Stealth Rocks. Stealth Rock strips up to 25% or 50% of the health of pokemon that sport a weakness to Rock. That is simply devastating to the survivability of attacking pokemon that have an unfortunate weakness to what is otherwise a rare attacking type. Taking 50% of HP on entry is simply too great an issue to overcome.

How else can Moltres be condemned into the realms of BL? One of the best counters to Mixape, PlotApe, Lucario, Pressure, U-turn, reliable recovery and on the CAP server, it beats every single CAP pokemon made to date. Yet I haven't seen even one for all the time I've been on the server, simply because of Stealth Rocks.

For those who think Revenankh and Syclant are broken, then having an Auto-SR remover is one of the best ways to remedy that. Both Articuno (One of the best counters to Syclant) and Moltres (one of the best counters to Revenankh and Pyroak) would benefit. And perhaps one of the most pressing reasons why Revenankh unbalances the metagame is the invincibility it gives to entry hazards. Only Psychic Starmie (Weavile's, Tyranitar's and Metagross' lunch) has a chance of getting past Revenankh which is very uncommon and even more prone to Pursuit.

Compared to the other types of spikes, SR is by far the most the most effective way entry hazard.

~ 19 OU pokemon learn Stealth Rock
~ 2 OU pokemon learn Toxic Spikes
~ 2 OU pokemon learn Spikes

Around 40% of OU pokemon have access to Stealth Rock meaning that it is easy to fit into a team and so is likely to be present on most teams. On the other hand, you will need a Forrestress, Roserade or Tentacruel to set up Toxic Spikes or the aforementioned Forrestress and Skarmory to set up regular spikes in all likelihood. It is worth noting that, crucially, stealth rock only needs one turn to become fully effective whereas Toxic Spikes and Spikes take 2 and 3 turns respectively.

I am only advocating the Auto-Removal of SR to reflect the ease at which it can be set up and the negative impact it has on diversity. Do we really need Stealth Rocks in the metagame? Apart from nullifying Focus Sash (which requires the attacking pokemon to sacrifice another item) what else does it do that makes it indispensable to the balance of the metagame. Would Zapdos or Togekiss or whatnot be near-uber if there were no Stealth Rock? Of course not. Pure Stall would still be viable even with the auto-SR remover, I have run a CAP stall team for a long time without ever having stealth rock on it.

If the pokemon has a trait to remove Stealth Rock there is a lot of scope for possible niches and movepool. Personally, it would be better to have a trait than a move for the long term health of the CAP project that we didn't go down the route of making new moves.

So, in summary, hopefully an auto-stealth rock remover and a more diverse metagame with the likes of Houndoom, Honchkrow, Typloshion and even Shedinja gaining usage.
Concept: Special Dragon
Description: A dragon type pokemon (gasp!), but is actually focused in special attacking rather than the physical attacks of pretty much every other dragon. Offensivly based pokemon, possibly a split of evo from Dragonair, keeping the serpant form? That's what I think of but hey, anything can go.

I like this, a special dragon would be cool...

Concept: Togekiss Counter
Description: Togekiss is mostly broken. You could easily beat a game with him if the opponent arent prepared... Electivire is the best thing i cna thing to kill him, but dugtrio ruins his party. A GOOD Electric/Rock/Something else ( why not a fast rock monster) who could hit well in phys side would be nice, since Tog ruins all cap pokes bar Scyclant sometimes

I`d rather Special dragon, since its cooler, but Tog counter could help to balance the metagame as much as Garchomp counter could

EDIT: SkarmBlissCounter ( sorry if mispelled) idea FTW... i like the two ones above, but a Anti-SR would be better.....
My main problem with a "Garchomp counter" concept is that it may end up in a final product that is either (A) too constricting and overly contrived or otherwise (B) achieve pseudo-staple status. I know it would be fun to see Garchomp become less powerful, but in my opinion, creating one pokemon with that purpose alone doesn't seem realistic and won't lead to a very creative or fun pokemon to use.

sanjay's idea I like, however, because it leaves room for far more options in our final pokemon and also leaves room for many different possibilities as to what our pokemon will specifically do.

EDIT: I also think SBC's idea is also a very good concept. We already have a toxic spike "remover" like Tentacruel that has gained OU status for that role alone, and I think a stealth rock remover will finally allow us to use several pokemon who are otherwise too difficult to use. However, removing stealth rock does not entirely remedy Syclant's power, as it would basically make Compound Eyes a much more used ability since a lack of SR means Mountaineer is not as necessary, which would in turn make Syclant more powerful as well with >90% Accruate 120 BP moves in its arsenal (Blizzard/Focus Blast).
Concept: Unlocked sweeper
Description: A Pokémon with high Attack or Special Attack, with an Ability that cancels Encore, Disable, and the negative effect of the Choice items. However, it has low speed to make up for it.
SkarmBlissCounter~ Why can it just be an auto-entry hazard remover instead? It's more easier to remove all entry hazard then to remove one specific hazard.
SkarmBlissCounter~ Why can it just be an auto-entry hazard remover instead? It's more easier to remove all entry hazard then to remove one specific hazard.

Well, as I have said, SR is much more prevalent and easier to use than the other two types of hazard; I'm thinking more of balancing SR than a crusade against hazards. Furthermore, I don't want to make pure-stall and stuff like Hail teams (I fucking hate Stallwrein btw) impossible to use effectively by having a pokemon remove the hazards at will. Finally, SR has more of an impact on a pokemon's viability than any of the other hazards.
Concept: Unlocked sweeper
Description: A Pokemon with an Ability that cancels/ignores the effect of Encore, Disable, and the negative effect of Choice items. It would have relative low offensive stat to balance out this ability.

Well, as I have said, SR is much more prevalent and easier to use than the other two types of hazard; I'm thinking more of balancing SR than a crusade against hazards. Furthermore, I don't want to make pure-stall and stuff like Hail teams (I fucking hate Stallwrein btw) impossible to use effectively by having a Pokemon remove the hazards at will. Finally, SR has more of an impact on a Pokemon's viability than any of the other hazards.
I understand your intentions towards finding a way to balance out Stealth Rock's power. I'm mostly saying what I said because of coding issue and a general idea that if you're going to remove one thing from a group, you might as well remove the others from said group.
Concept: The Pure Utility Pokemon.

Description: A Pokemon based solely on team-playing. Reflect, Light Screen, Rapid Spin, Safeguard, etc.

Problems: Is the CAP project able to make something like this? To determine a balanced way in which this could work? Can we make a Utility Pokemon?
my idea for a pokemon would be one that would be a bane for the entry hazards all the while dispatching them in a unique way instead of just spinning.
Concept: Massive recoil attack pokemon

Description: A pokemon with a low defnce/SPDefence base stats, High attack stat fragile typeing (defencivly) but covers offensivly alot of types, most of its best attacks cause recoil. Basicly a phisical sweeper that can cause alot of damage but wears itself down. E.G Electric/Rock or Flying/Fighting typeing.
Concept #2:
Radiation sickness

I would love for poison types to be more competitive than they are currently. So far all we have is Gengar (who is in mostly due to his ghost typing) in OU.

My suggestion is to create a pokemon that will make sweepers take more care in deciding to attack and may slow down the need for instant sweeping. It would be a pokemon more suited to walling with an ability that works similarly to bad dreams except with poison instead.
Concept: Hippowdon-esque Dragon counter
Description: Decent Defenses with anti-dragon typing. This would help counter the growing supremity of dragons.
Concept: Bulky Dragon
Description: This Dragon would be used as a wall. It would have high defenses and not too bad attack. It could have Thick Fat to reduce the super effectiveness of Ice attacks and Fire attacks. It could be somewhat like Blissey with Wish support.

Concept: Wonder Guard
Description: We could have a pokemon with Wonder Guard. The only this is, it could have VERY bad health (not like Shedinja). It could be used as a supporter or Baton Passer pokemon. The only way to defeat would be by status effects, weather effects (sandstorm), etc.
Concept: Wonder Guard
Description: We could have a pokemon with Wonder Guard and it could be Ghost/Dark so nothing is super effective on it. The only this is, it could have VERY bad health (not like Shedinja). It could be used as a supporter or Baton Passer pokemon. The only way to defeat would be by status effects, weather effects (sandstorm), etc.

Shedinja is powerful enough already without getting a much stronger alternative.
Concept: "Evil Mind"
Description: A balanced to specially-defensive Pokemon with a versatile moveset and great typing combination.
Concept: Elemental (Think D&D elementals. It could be dual-type, if that was what people wanted.)
Description: What we are missing is a speedy, defensive pokemon. This pokemon is very fast and defensive, but its offense is somewhat lacking. Its ability would cripple its defences if its speed were reduced (paralyzation, sleep, etc.) Think of an elemental that can soften blows it recieves by rolling with them, thanks to its speed.
SkarmBlisscounter said:
If the pokemon has a trait to remove Stealth Rock there is a lot of scope for possible niches and movepool. Personally, it would be better to have a trait than a move for the long term health of the CAP project that we didn't go down the route of making new moves.

So, in summary, hopefully an auto-stealth rock remover and a more diverse metagame with the likes of Houndoom, Honchkrow, Typloshion and even Shedinja gaining usage.

Trait: Geocentric Core

Regains health equal to the Stealth Rock damage it would have taken, and removes Stealth Rock from the feild. (Optional: takes 50% damage from rock moves.)

It would probably need to be on some rock type combination (Rock/Grass, maybe), but it would serve this purpose quite well.
Concept: A usable beginning bug.
Description:I was thinking the typical beginning bug with an ability that makes it completely usable. It's BST makes it 385, whic makes the idea even more interesting.
After searching around, I came across a very interesting trait:

Solar Power: When Sunny Day is in effect, this Pokémon loses 1/8 HP per turn, but Special Attack is increased by 50%.

After looking, I thought that a trait similar to this might be usable on other pokemon. I debated what stat to boost and with what weather effect, and I decided on this:

Concept: Buried in the Sand
Description: Two of the pokemon created on CAP are able to utilize two types of weather, Syclant (Hail) and Pyroak (Sunny Day). There already plenty of water pokemon, so Rain is out of the question. That leaves one weather left, the infamous Sandstream.

I am proposing a special based pokemon that could utilize a trait similar to "Solar Polar". Sand stream is primarily Physical from my experience, so a pokemon that is special based would be interesting.
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