CAP 35 - Part 13 - Shiny Palette Submissions

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CAP 35 So Far


Shiny Palette Rules
  • Shiny palettes must be submitted as palette swaps of the winning sprite entry. No other modifications to the image may be made.
  • Colors in a shiny palette must have the same relative hue and brightness compared to the corresponding color on the original sprite.
      • Acceptable:
        • Light blue -> light red AND dark blue -> dark red
        • Light blue -> white AND dark blue -> gray
        • Light blue -> gray AND dark blue -> black
      • Unacceptable:
        • Light blue -> dark green AND dark blue -> light green
        • Light blue -> light red AND dark blue -> dark green
  • Images must be in PNG format.
No more than three WIP shiny palettes can be posted by any individual person through the entire course of the submission thread.

Final Submission Post

All artists must make a final submission post conforming to the shiny palette rules (listed above) and the following:
  • The post must have "Final Submission" (in bold) as the first line, with the sprites at the top, and any additional description or comments (if applicable) below them.
  • The final submission image must be hosted on a reliable image hosting service (such as Smogon forums or Imgur). Do not use the 'Attach a photo' tool on messaging apps (e.g. Discord). Do not use Iaza or Ezimba.
  • Only make one (1) final submission post.

Final Submission

This shiny is based off a Blonde Highland Cow and Yak, species of cattle which inspired Shox's design. With blonde fur, warm browns, and a black/purple mouth and tongue. Also swapped the copper rings for silver, another conductive metal, and changed the electricity to yellow.
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