Gonna try and rate some of the submitted typings. But I wanna preface this post with the idea, that regardless of what type we pick, this Pokémon will want either Clangorous Soul as its activation move or unburden as ability (maybe Simple too but I don’t trust it).
Any typing suggested with the assumption, that you don’t need either one or the other should be thoroughly scrutinized.
I think that most types, that aren’t super hazard weak will work with clangorous soul and I think that all types with access to a STAB sound move (except maybe If you’re only sound move is Psy Noise) will work with Unburden.
Imo we have to accept that any typing that cannot work with Clangorous Soul can only work with Unburden, which constrains ability choice for typings that don’t like Clangorous Soul.
now to rating typings
Grouping these two together. Between the two I think Psychic Poison has the edge bc of more relevant resists overall and much better coverage. I don’t think any of the two is really good though, as the Super Effective STAB coverage is just really meager. Hitting Argh and Venom in one slot is cool and for Psychic Poison adding Cresc and Hemo means you hit four really big targets, but finding good complementary coverage is really awkward. You want Fire for Equi and flying types, Fighting for Ting Lu and Kingambit, Ground for Heatran, Gholdengo and Glowking. Assuming that both these typings want to run Clangorous Soul as main activation, bc Psy Noise as Main STAB is just insufficient, you will always heavily suffer from 4mss.
This typing just works really well. The STAB combination is great, combining bulky Ground types, Heatran, Hemogoblin and other offensive Fire types as well as Arghonaut and Venomicon as targets.
Allowing for multiple Throat Spray activations both for Unburden or with Clangorous Soul gives us much more flexibility going forward.
This typing also has a above average defensive spread, that allows an offensive Mon some solid switch in opportunities and room to boost. Slight caveat is being weak to several high caliber priority options, which is going to make revenge killing a bit easier.
This typing is basically in the same boat as the first two I wrote about.
It’s neutral STAB spread just isn’t enough for a sweeper in my opinion especially when the main draw of adding Steel to Dragon flops, when the two main fairies aren’t weak to steel and compared to the other two I feel like it has even less relevant resists. What gives it a slight edge for Clangorous Soul builds imo is that it is easier to round out a Strong Dragon STAB with coverage.
I think it’s workable but I don’t believe it’s remotely optimal.
I think this is pretty similar to the above, with just slightly being better in every regard.
The STAB combination actually hits the relevant fairies and is fairly easily rounded out by one coverage move. It has more relevant resists allowing it better opportunities to set up. Like Water/Psychic it allows both for Clangorous Soul and Unburden builds.
Compared to that it does lack the same SE STAB spread, which makes it slightly less appealing to me.
This typing needs more Hype. Imo it is the best typing for working with Clangorous Soul and while it shuts down other routes I think this would become a highly usable Mon. The STAB typing is just really good, hitting Water types, Venomicon and the Steel Birds as well as two of the main Ground types SE. It is fairly easily rounded out offensively to hit basically anything SE. It does have a few relevant resists with the big one being able to blank Kingambit.
This comes with the slight caveat, that it only can work with Clangorous Soul to allow for a mixed attacking Set. At the same time Clangorous soul actually heavily synergizes with this typing and the offensive presence it provides is incredible.
The offensive spread is almost as good as the above and if we assume Clangorous Soil for this I’d be happy to work with it. It does have slightly less solid resists and less Super effective hits compared to the above, so I’d still prefer Electric/Fighting
Very similar to above fighting options but trades the incredible offensive spreads with slightly better defensive utility . It still a very potent offensive typing that can be easily rounded out offensively. As both other fighting types it pretty much requires Clangorous Soul, but given that nature of its STABs I think it can only benefit from that.
This typing is one of the top tier options for having solid defensive utility and an amazing offensive Spread.
Similar to Psychic Water it allows both for Clangorous Soul and Unburden routes and basically doesn’t have a downside to it for this project.
Part two:
Electric typings usually give you very strong offensive combination and this one is no exception. I think in CAP it can suffer from Libra being so good and it would probably compete quite a bit with Raging Bolt.
Other than that the STAB coverage is strong and easily rounded out.
While it doesn’t have the same defensive impact as Poison or Water Dragon and not the same offensive coverage as other Electric types it’s still going to allow us both Unburden and Clangorous Soul routes and seems strong enough to function well given the right coverage.
If you are looking for good defensive utility and still solid offensive coverage, this typing is probably the best options.
Walling Hemos STABs while hitting Grounds and Fairies SE is really good and you don’t need much coverage to make the STABs really threatening. It also allows for both attacking moves and Clangorous Soul activating the item.
I rate it slightly below my top tier and especially Water Electric and Water Psychic because it offers slightly less powerful offensive Presence.
Originally I rated this typing quite highly because it has an insane offensive coverage just with STABs and Psychic Noise seemed fun. I highly doubt Psy Noise is really that good on STAB typings because you’d rather have a stronger move and coverage and this typing doesn’t have good activation options that wouldn’t be better on Fire Normal or Fire Electric imo.
Given its hazard weakness it also doesn’t lend itself to Clangorous Soul routes.
If we go with a Fire type on the slate I’d rather not see this one.
Another Psychic Typing that I honestly don’t really see popping off. It just needs too many moves as Coverage to really become threatening especially to Equilibra.
I don’t see this typing having room to run Psychic Noise really, though I could see it working with Clangorous Soul and very specific abilities or just really high SPA.
The defensive Spread isn’t amazing but probably workable enough.
Originally I wanted to endorse two additional water typings, but given how well Water Psy Water Electric and Water Poison fit there’s not really much they can add to the slate.
Given my Rating of the suggested types my ideal Slate would probably be:
Water Psychic
Water Electric
One of Fire Normal/Fire Dragon/Fire Electric
Electric Fighting
Psychic Fighting
Poison Dragon