Final Submission
"Lore" + "Harrowing"
Pronounded: "LOR-ow-ing"
IPA: lɒroʊɪŋ
Why so? I'm envisioning this book as a sort of Lovecraftian dreadful tome of forbidden knowledge, as did thundergoos. Here, you've got a book the content of which is piercing through your mind, whatever you do to resist it (Tinted Lens). But if you try to destroy the forbidden book, as is customary for that kind of cursed artifact, it's way tougher than it should be, and maybe it grows even more powerful the more times you try to destroy it (Endurance). In all senses of the term, facing that book is a harrowing experience.
Besides, there's "wing" in the name a little by chance; and I like the feel of that "h" stuck between the "L" and the "o". I think it gives off a somewhat alien, foreign vocabulary look, which fits the theme of unpronouncable entities. It also reminds me of "abhor", which is a sweet word of negative feelings and refined lexicon used by learned evil mages.
"Lore" + "Harrowing"
Pronounded: "LOR-ow-ing"
IPA: lɒroʊɪŋ
Why so? I'm envisioning this book as a sort of Lovecraftian dreadful tome of forbidden knowledge, as did thundergoos. Here, you've got a book the content of which is piercing through your mind, whatever you do to resist it (Tinted Lens). But if you try to destroy the forbidden book, as is customary for that kind of cursed artifact, it's way tougher than it should be, and maybe it grows even more powerful the more times you try to destroy it (Endurance). In all senses of the term, facing that book is a harrowing experience.
Besides, there's "wing" in the name a little by chance; and I like the feel of that "h" stuck between the "L" and the "o". I think it gives off a somewhat alien, foreign vocabulary look, which fits the theme of unpronouncable entities. It also reminds me of "abhor", which is a sweet word of negative feelings and refined lexicon used by learned evil mages.