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CAP 30 - Part 14 - Name Submissions

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Final Submission


"Lore" + "Harrowing"

Pronounded: "LOR-ow-ing"
IPA: lɒroʊɪŋ

Why so? I'm envisioning this book as a sort of Lovecraftian dreadful tome of forbidden knowledge, as did thundergoos. Here, you've got a book the content of which is piercing through your mind, whatever you do to resist it (Tinted Lens). But if you try to destroy the forbidden book, as is customary for that kind of cursed artifact, it's way tougher than it should be, and maybe it grows even more powerful the more times you try to destroy it (Endurance). In all senses of the term, facing that book is a harrowing experience.
Besides, there's "wing" in the name a little by chance; and I like the feel of that "h" stuck between the "L" and the "o". I think it gives off a somewhat alien, foreign vocabulary look, which fits the theme of unpronouncable entities. It also reminds me of "abhor", which is a sweet word of negative feelings and refined lexicon used by learned evil mages.
Final Submission


“lexicon” + “ichor”

Pronounced: lex-ick-or

A simple portmanteau of “lexicon” (a term for ‘vocabulary’ or ‘dictionary’, with the root “lexic” relating more generally to ‘words’) and “ichor” (the ink-black blood of the Greek gods, said to be fatally toxic to any human who touches it).
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Final Submission


Combination of Diabolic, Diabolism (another word for black magic), and ink.

Pronounced: Die-ah-bawl-eenk

A simple pun that rolls off the tongue. Not to mention that it's the ink that makes it really diabolical.
Final Submission


The word chronicle (a record of events/history, usually in print) combined with ink and cull.

Pronounced: cron-in-cull

I'll leave the flavor to my WIP.
Changed how it was pronounced a bit. If said fast enough the in- flows right into cull which produces the "ink" sound.
Final Submission


Slight misspelling of corrode (destroy or damage by chemical action) plus codex/hex (ancestor to common book)/(magic spell)

Pronounced: corrode-ex

Simple (most poison types' names are very on the nose) and gets the point across that it's a poisonous spell book.
Final Submission


Corrupt + book + ink

Pronounced: "Ka-Orb-Ink"

Its a book that is covered in ink and when it switches it's form it changes or "corrupts."
Final Submission


Nib (Pointed Tip of a Pen) + Iblis (Leader of the Devils in Islam)

Pronounced: Nib-lis
IPA: nɪblɪs

A short name that rolls off the tounge easily while also being a bit of a pun that connects to some of the occultist vibes that CAP30 (Particually 30i) gives off. Changed from my WIP "Inklis" because this feels more natural and also seperates it from all of the Ink related names.
Final Submission


A combination of "Text" + "Tox/toxic".

Pronounced: "TECKS-tocks"
IPA: tɛkstaks

Fairly simple combination of the two major parts of the design. Also, consonance between the two syllables can make it fun to say.
Final Submission


"Fly" + "Libelous." A portmanteau of the toxic crime of libel with a nod to its Flying-type.

Pronounced: "FLAHY-buh-luhs"
IPA: /ˈflaɪ bə ləs/
Final Submission


Corrupt + book + ink

Pronounced: "Ka-Orb-Ink"

Its a book that is covered in ink and when it switches it's form it changes or "corrupts."

...I can't tell if this is intended to be silly, but if not there is already a pokemon called Carbink, which I think this hits a bit too close to.
Final Submission


A dense book of information with a fury lying beneath the cover. Also, ‘alms’ is tied to the concepts of religious charity. It’s the subtler part, but the blend of piety and sin fits with the forms.

Pronounced: al-ma-wrath
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Final Submission


A combination of "Grimoire" + "Air."

Pronounced: "GRIM-air"
IPA: ɡɹɪmˌɛɚ

Pretty simple name that was made by changing one letter of the original word (grimoire = book) to incorporate "air" (related to the CAP's secondary typing). "Grim air" could be another way to say miasma, which relates to the Poison typing as well. Grimaire very clearly relates to the CAP being a flying book.
Final Submission


Nib (Pointed Tip of a Pen) + Iblis (Leader of the Devils in Islam)

Pronounced: Nib-lis
IPA: nɪblɪs

A short name that rolls off the tounge easily while also being a bit of a pun that connects to some of the occultist vibes that CAP30 (Particually 30i) gives off. Changed from my WIP "Inklis" because this feels more natural and also seperates it from all of the Ink related names.
Niblis is unfortunately found in the first words of names of multiple Magic: the Gathering cards - notably always of incorporeal to semi-corporeal spirits. Thus, I immediately made the wrong associations between this name and CAP 30, similar to the submission Corrbink.
Final Submission


"mercury" (a liquid metal known for its toxic properties) + "grimoire" (a fancy name for a spellbook)

Pronounced: "murr-KYUU-moirhe"
Final Submission


A combination of "air" + "Merriam"

Pronounced: "MER-ee-uhm"
IPA: mɛriːəm

The air part from Flying-type; Merriam is from Merriam-Webster, a dictionary publisher. The name is also a palindrome if you are into that.
Final Submission


Portmanteau of "atramentum", a Latin word for black ink; "avian", to refer to its flight; and the Latin neuter noun suffix -um.

Pronounced: a-tra-MAY-vee-um
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