CAP 30 - Art Submissions

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Final Submission




Supporting Material

Held Item:


About the overall concept:

Based on canaries => Flying type + Roost
Canaries in coal mines reference => Poison Type (at the time, canaries were used to prevent miners from gas leaking such as firedamp)
My entry is based on the duality between convicts and US Marshalls in Old West/Western movies style. When 30b holds the item, it gets instantly promoted to an US Marshall.

About 30b: kept in cage convict crested/gloster canary
Bulky body => Tank archetype + Stamina + Body Press
Has a (gas leaking coal) ball attached to its foot => 64 Spe
Note: its body plumage mimics a bird cage and striped prison uniforms

About 30i: US Marshall/Sheriff frilled canary
A real sleuth with piercing gaze => Tinted Lens
A real gunner => 110 Atk + Gunk Shot

About Held Item:
A badge modeled from US Marshall five-pointed star badges mixed with the shape of a skull, giving it an ominous poison type vibe.

Evolution of 30b design
Evolution of 30i design
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Cap 30b.png

CAP 30i.png

Held Item:

Cap 30 item.png

The new concept
People hated my gryphon design and one of them called it a "demon ghost frog" and as a result I adopted the concept.
30b is based on a balloon and a flying frog which translates into the flying type
It still retains the poisonous gem eyes from its gryphon incarnation but is now based on a pufferfish which translates into the poison type.

I felt the puffer design would fit the bulky nature of 30b

30i one is popped and is leaking gas but is now way more powerful as a demon ghost frog.

The item is based on a barbed vine and is meant to show that the item form is 30b but popped.
Final Submission


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Temporary File.png

Supporting Material

Held Item

Temporary File.png

BothCAP 30bCAP 30i
DescriptionMy designs for CAP 30 are a bird with a secret identity. Inspirations for the pair include:
  • American southwest/Mexico
  • Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
  • Journey
  • Peacock (Skullgirls)
  • Peacocks (real life)
  • Phantom Thieves of Hearts (Persona 5)
  • Zorro (Zorro)
Another theme that this design evolved into was the contrast between how CAP 30b was the scholar and CAP 30i was the swordsman, representing a "talker vs. doer" dichotomy. Will it be the case that "the pen is mightier than the sword" or "actions speak louder than words"? I guess we'll see how CAP 30 plays out!
CAP 30b is the prim and proper scholar. It keeps the feathers in its cap in top condition and calls it macaroni. It doesn't get its feathers ruffled easily, whether by physical or special damage. However, CAP 30b has a hard time moving in them. If it needs to defend itself, it can prick the assailant with poison quills. Outside of combat, it scrawls enigmatic symbols using its poison-tipped quills.CAP 30i is the rogue swordsman. The inkstain markings around its eyes have transformed into a monocle-like shape. It has shed most of its feathers to gain speed, keeping one of them to use as a weapon. The quill it wields is still poisonous, adding to injury to insult wherever it leaves its calling card.
JustificationTyping - Poison:
  • The central conceit for this design is that the bird's quills double as poisonous needles, which it uses to sting the opponent with. The 30b design makes the visual pun of the quill being used as a writing instrument, where the poison doubles as ink. The 30i design gets a bit more flagrant by using one of its long tail feathers as a rapier.
  • In general, its bright markings reflect how in real life, poisonous animals tend to have bright colors as a warning to predators.
Typing - Flying:
  • It is a bird. One that flies, even!
  • Brave Bird (likely): It is a bird.
  • Body Press (required): This was a bit of a dilemma. Only one Pokemon line that learns Brave Bird is not a bird, and only two lines that learn Body Press are Flying types. I elected to focus on justifying Brave Bird here, leaving Body Press open for interpretation. Given the range of Pokemon that can learn Body Press, it's not too out-of-the-way to see Body Press on a design like CAP 30b.
  • You'll need Stamina to parade around a big fancy hat, thick shoulder pads, and a long robe made out of your own plumage.
  • The big shoulder pads and multiple layers of feathers lends itself well to a defensive spread.
  • I went with a literal interpretation and gave CAP 30i a monocle.
  • It wields a huge quill to justify a high attack stat.
  • The exchange of its thick coat for adept footing to justify lower defenses + higher speed.
Complete Breakdown
  • Dominant colors
    • Purple is for Poison
    • Bright pink is warning coloration
  • Triangular patterns
    • Inspired by the colorful triangle patterns seen on ponchos
  • Yellow markings
    • Inspired by Journey + Aztec patterns
  • Blue eyes
    • They were the only bright hue I hadn't exhausted yet
  • General
    • Design uses lots of round, downward arcs to show defensive nature
    • Has a few sharp points to draw a connection to CAP 30i
  • Crest
    • Shaped like a beret-like hat
    • "A feather in one's cap" like Robin Hood
    • Long feather + thin beak give the imagery of a feather pen
  • Head
    • Thin and pointy like ink pens and needles
    • Markings near eye resemble inkstains + allude to CAP 30i's monocle
    • Cravat is there because it needed something interesting at the front
  • Wings
    • Folded back since that's a shorthand for studious and patient masters (e.g. TV Tropes)
  • Body
    • Big shoulder pads look pompous and help with defensive spread
    • Feathers resemble baggy pantaloons to signify bulkiness
  • General
    • Has lots of sharp, acute angles to signify its offensive direction
  • Crest
    • Shaped like a top hat
    • Extra red feather in front because it "needed something" and connects it to CAP 30b
  • Head
    • Monocle is gold and white to bring attention to it
  • Wings
    • Used for obfuscation and theatricality
  • Body
    • Patterns are flat against body to minimize drag
    • Zigzag across belly resembles Zorro's belt buckle
    • Legs resemble boots
    • Tail resembles swallowtail jackets

Lastly, thanks to everyone on Discord who supported this design and gave constructive feedback on it, and best of luck to those submitting!
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Final Submission




Supporting Material

Held Item

The base form is inspired by the Rod of Asclepius, the symbol of the Greek god of medicine and healing. The item-enhanced form is inspired, as others in this thread have been, by the Caduceus, a symbol of another Greek god, Hermes. This was done more for the aesthetic than lore relevance, seeing as the Asclepian doesn't have wings, and neither are associated with poisons nor are surmounted by venomous snakes (The Aesculapian Snake itself is a rather mundane serpent).

The item breaks tradition by being visible in the transformed state, and is the vector through which Tinted Lens is expressed. Stamina justification for the base form is that it's bloody hard work trying to fly with only one wing it is subject to a geas that compels it to travel ceaselessly, which is detailed below.

The two brothers, consumed by adoration of themselves above all other things, raced over the land, spreading their noxious venom wherever they passed, poisoning the earth and all who dwelt upon it. Such was their contempt of all life that the Gods sought to intervene, and punish the brothers for their hubris.
One brother was struck low, their body warped and shriveled into the form of a laurel branch. The other was bade to carry this branch, and wander once again across the land, healing the damage inflicted on the world with the bitter tears wept by the laurel. Thus cursed, the serpent brothers have wandered for centuries, beyond the age of Gods and Heroes, with no end in sight.

Eventually the yellow-bellied brother realized that the Gods' watch over them had lapsed, and they devised a plan to escape their curse. By subtly poisoning the land's people with their venom, then healing them with their brother's tears, the yellow-bellied serpent sought payment with information that would lead them to an artifact of great and terrible power. This artifact was finally found through the efforts of a single powerful Trainer, and the brothers were restored to their former glory, having learned nothing from their ordeal.

fig. 1: A fragment from an ancient urn. Restoration work on the remaining pieces is underway.




Held Item:

Hey, so uh

While I liked the direction my initial designs were going (and I really appreciate Rapti’s suggestions for them), I decided to reevaluate this CAP’s concept and go back to the drawing board. I can go back to my initial designs if these aren’t received as well (they would only need a few touch ups I think), but I wanna make sure my entry fits every single one of CAP 30’s elements, so here’s this fella.

In short, 30b is a skyfish nudibranch cultist that turns into an elder god when it’s holding a Totally Not Cthulhu Idol™. These designs are much more fleshed out, so I’m leaving my explanation under a cut this time. Shout out to the cool folks on Discord for the feedback so far!

These designs came about when I thought about the implications of Stamina. Stamina seems to indicate endurance and persistence. The idea of persistence, alongside me coincidentally binging YouTube videos about cults, inspired me to base my new 30b on a cultist. The average cultist is pretty persistent about their cause, so I thought this would fit pretty well.

The idea of a cultist having an alternate form quickly led to me bringing in some Lovecraft into the mix. Since Cthulhu was worshipped by a cult, I made my 30i Cthulhu. When 30b holds a mysterious stone idol in its hands (…sleeves? wings?), the idol warps and twists its body into a cosmic horror. With the idol, it can now peer into alien worlds, and now it sees far too much. Thus, Tinted Lens. I also made 30i slightly goopy since Cthulhu is said to be ooey gooey in Call of Cthulhu, which hopefully also makes it look more Poison-typey.

Besides cultists and Cthulhu, both forms are designed after nudibranchs, since some species of nudibranch are toxic and making it a marine mollusk ties into Cthulhu being a big octopus dude. To justify the Flying type, I also made 30b a skyfish. Skyfish, or just rods, are cryptids said to be either flying aliens or tiny spacecraft. I thought making it part cryptid would loosely tie into Cthulhu being an alien creature. 30i originally had a membrane thingy too, but it felt a bit too busy, so I made wings out of its gooey flesh. Cthulhu is described as having dragon wings anyway, so I tried to get that across.

The miasma flowing out from both forms is a reference to another Lovecraft tale, The Color out of Space. The titular color mutates and poisons all living beings that are exposed to it. Hopefully this makes them look even more Poison-typey and maybe even more Flying-typey in a loose sense. I was actually thinking that 30b’s green miasma would make those who inhale it less perceptive, allowing it to carry out its cultish activities unnoticed. In contrast, 30i’s purple miasma would drive those who simply gaze into it mad, another reference to Cthulhu/Color out of Space/and like a million other things Lovecraft came up with.
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Here’s my concept, some roughs with colour ideas! and the final linework for 30i! Thanks to folks on discord for feedback! Especially for the Ouroboros suggestion which has helped me unify the themes!
I took one look at your 30b and my brain immediately went "This is too close to being Tornadus-T". I highly recommend changing it as a result (e.g. change the feather pattern, change the face, make the snake's head smaller).

The mammal feet on both forms also don't feel right to me.
Final Submission

It’s time to unveil the final stage of the crackpot design I decided to cook up this time!

For 30b, a humble trash stork, based on a milky stork. It‘s a bird of very little brain, and thus thinks trash is a suitable fashion choice. But it helps make them suitable scavengers for dumpsters.

And for 30i, when the trash stork finds a cursed hat, it turns him into an evil marabou stork fellow. No longer content with just digging through the garbage, he upgrades his look, and searches for better meals and has become a true scavenger of carrion.

Supporting Material

Held Item


A spooky lil' cursed hat.

An Anatomical Study of 30b
A detailed sighting of 30i

He's the Trash Bird!
Final Submission



The good Count himself. Equal parts Dracula and Olrok, with the base body of a vampire bat. It's large wings fend off even the strongest attacks, and can protect its entire body. Once honed in on a target, it will pursue it to the brink of collapse. Normally a very controlled and calculating creature, however the smallest tinge of bloodlust can do away with all that.



When giving in to its hunger, it becomes an ultimate predator. It loses all semblance of higher thought and reverts to a more feral form, whos only drive is to hunt. Equipped with hyper focused eyesight, a menacing figure, as well as some nasty lethal toxic claws, this beast almost always comes out on top of the hunt, as it moves with unparalleled speed in even the blackest night.

The two forms mirror Dracula's boss fights in the Castlevania games, were the fights almost always pit you against his noble form, and a monstrous demon form right after.

Supporting Material

Held Item:


An unassuming red stone. Warm to the touch, however coming in contact with it causes 30b to revert to 30i as it seemingly slips into a primal hunger.

How do showdowns between 30b and Slowking Belmont go?

Another chance to showcase both forms in classic CV poses
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Final Submission
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I hope that at least i get to top 5 =), i really failed in the design read

Supporting material
30b support art
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30i support art
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I dont know if this is supportive, but i wanted to show how the design evolved into what is now =)

Held item
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Just a poisonous sting that can pop the wings of my 30b =)
30b :
Inspired in a putrefacted dead bird, it doesnt seem too obious but its because now its just poisonous slime, and also because it doesnt seem like a bird, and thats my idea, that it got so corroded and putrefacted thar it just doesnt seem like a bird now, sound kinda weird and strange, but i think im the only one that understand what im trying to say xD, i hope that someone understands, the rings were mostly decorative at the start to doing this CAP 30 design, but now, i think that they are more part of the design =), (srry if the explanation doesnt seem very good, but this was my best explanation of the rings xD) its freezed poison that remains in his corpse, that it uses to mantain the accumulated poison on his wings and, "back part" ???, idk how its named that thing xD, it has so much accumulated poison in his wings, that it uses it to protect from attacks expanding it (thats why stamina, and also because is dead, and i dont think dead people get tired =) ), and throwing it to enemies, so to travel it motly uses his "back part", it expulses some of the poison inside him from the back part to impulse, and with the wings, it floats like a balloon, the pattern is just decorative and good looking, and it has the color of the rings to put more of the rings color on the design.

30i :
Also inspired in a putrefacted bird, now, with the item, it pops his rings and wings and also puts it in his not-anymore back part, it also becomes more fast and strong but more exposed to attacks, now the eye its more designed, and it becamed more asassin-like eye (thats why tinted lens idk if i got understanded with that), now with his popped wings, its more fast, and the liquid poison of the rings is now in his wings, his head now it tries to help the eye to be more highlighted, at least thats what i tried, the claws on the wings are mostly decorative and to make it look more attack like, but its same history of the rings, it has a part where it almacenates the poison for the sting, and the thing separating those, its more decorative, but its like, the non-sting part of the item (with the poison almacenating thing).
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Final Submission




Supporting Material
30i in fast flight mode ready to charge

Design Sheet

Held Item

The held item will be a faulty mini reactor core which is what causes the reliable-ish 30b to meltdown and explode, resulting in 30i. Similar in purpose to to Dubious Disc for Porygon Z.

My CAP30 submission is based on power plants. The base form is reliably chugging away 24/7, hence its Stamina ability. It can spin its fan-like hands to attack with air currents and fire sludge at its opponent!
The item form has gone into meltdown, and its chimney has exploded! It can use its burning core to create rocket-like thrusters to travel at high speed as it burns through its own bodyweight as fuel. Its also based off of a hazmat suit that you might need to wear in a high radiation zone post-nuclear meltdown, with the gas mask acting as its Tinted Lens flavor.
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Our stats for CAP 30i have been decided! With that, we have 48 hours to go until CAP 30 art submissions close. To see what that deadline is in your time zone, check out the link HERE.

Make sure that your final submission post follows the rules as specified in the opening post, or it will be disqualified! I'll make rounds if I see anyone's submission not match the expected format.
Final Submission



Sometimes, the otherwordly and alien, are closer to our world than we might realize...closer to us, than we might realize...

Such as this poor snail, which was once peaceful and oblivious, but is now trapped in its own body by alien parasites, aggressing at any and all who come close, and forced to contort into an avian form, as to keep its captors secret under wraps...
Supporting Material

Held Item

  • Leucochloridium paradoxum, a parasitic flatworm that infects snails eyestalks and brains
  • Leonardo Da Vinci's Aerial Screw and Tank
  • UFO's and Alien Invaders
  • Birds that have eaten snails infected by Leucochloridium Paradoxum, and spread the parasites eggs via droppings
  • Leonardo Da Vinci's Ornithopter
  • Government Jets and Aircrafts commonly mistaken for UFO's
  • Crop Circles
  • Bird that resembles a skull
  • Rings/Jewelery in scary stories, which depict one image (bird) but secretly show more sinister iconography (skull)
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Final Submission


Supporting Material

Held item

My idea for CAP30 is a combination of multiple birds, drawing inspiration from dinosaur elements as well. 30b is meant to resemble early birds like archaeopteryx mixed with elements of frigate birds. I wanted to make supporting material that depicts how it would inflate its throat sac to cushion itself from attacks (stamina) but unfortunately I never got around to. 30i has elements of a stork/hoatzin that dawns a plague doctor mask to gain tinted lens, but in return it becomes (ironically) more sickly looking.
Final Submission



Legends speak of a CAP creature unlike any seen before, inscrutable yet benign, mysterious yet affable. Yet if presented with the symbol of its pact, its nature undergoes a complete reversal, and it seeks the grisly demise of metallic beasts. It reveals its keen eyesight brimming with genuinely murderous intent, and its piercing implement drips with the purified cocktail of its venomous shroud. Once its target is in its sight, it swoops...

Supporting Material

Held Item


CAP 30 gets a hit job

Another CAP, another balancing act of concepts. 30i took its inspiration from assassination, in particular the polonium bullet umbrella alleged used by the KGB to dispose of their political enemies, with the umbrella shade forming the head and Tinted Lens demonstrated by the binocular eyes. This motif is turned around for 30b to resemble a straw hat, with the underlying theme of 30b being the active assassin form and 30i being the wandering warrior, patiently waiting to make its move. It switches between forms with the calling card of an envenomed kunai, a symbolic representation of its weapon of choice.

CAP 30 feels like it hasn't changed all that much in the process for me, perhaps not helped by scheduling being pretty tight for me for a variety of reasons this season, but thanks again to the community for being supportive, constructive, and open to ideas as I've come to appreciate over a year of CAPping. Cheers, lads.
Final Submission



Supporting Material

Held Item


Pilot fairy. Rationale behind poison is sky pollution and a toxic mood. Both forms can move their wing plates freely but they use them for different means: 30b uses them as shields to protect himself from incoming attacks while 30i uses them to look cool lol.
Final Submission



Ever been told that certain books can be dangerous? Well... now you know why you should avoid the restricted section.
These designs are based on forbidden books, with literal toxic contents. You'd better not touch that ink! Plus, the head is a sentient quill/fountain pen. Both (but especially the base forme) were inspired by beautiful extended butterfly/moth wings.

In both formes, the covers of the open book act as wings. In transitioning from base forme to item forme, the whole book flips around: whereas you're looking at the defensive (Stamina!) outside in 30b, you're looking at the offensive inside in 30i. Now that its head is stuck in the ink bottle, it's forced to resort to physical attacks. In the item forme, the pages also fold themselves into a paper airplane, which is great for diving. I imagine that in 30i, the "spikes" at the end of the wings pulsate like ferrofluid. It's got a bookmark that switches places, too!

Supporting Material

Held Item

It sticks its whole head into this bottle of ink, which makes it go berserk (a literal Tinted Lens).

The remaining images have some more information about what this forbidden book can do!

How 30b screams (or uses a special attack). Like a fountain pen opening up!
30b writing you (yes, YOU) a message!

30i folding into a high-speed dive!

Evolution of the design.

And finally...

This demonstrates two more features of the designs:
  1. How 30b can hunker down and get defensive.
  2. How 30i's paper airplane can act as a giant pen nib (with "drip").

It's been absolutely wonderful working with everyone throughout this process! Seeing everyone's artwork evolve these past two months has been a master class in creating — and critiquing — fantastic character design. Thank you so much to everyone in the Discord for being so kind and supportive of not only my work, but everyone else's (if you're an artist who's not in the Discord, I highly recommend it! This was my first CAP process as a member of it, and it was an amazing way to get running feedback and engage with the community). The last CAP I submitted art for was CAP 20 (Naviathan) — it's good to be back! Best of luck to everyone in the polls.
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