Final Submission
Supporting Material
Held Item:
About the overall concept:
Based on canaries => Flying type + Roost
Canaries in coal mines reference => Poison Type (at the time, canaries were used to prevent miners from gas leaking such as firedamp)
My entry is based on the duality between convicts and US Marshalls in Old West/Western movies style. When 30b holds the item, it gets instantly promoted to an US Marshall.
About 30b: kept in cage convict crested/gloster canary
Bulky body => Tank archetype + Stamina + Body Press
Has a (gas leaking coal) ball attached to its foot => 64 Spe
Note: its body plumage mimics a bird cage and striped prison uniforms
About 30i: US Marshall/Sheriff frilled canary
A real sleuth with piercing gaze => Tinted Lens
A real gunner => 110 Atk + Gunk Shot
About Held Item:
A badge modeled from US Marshall five-pointed star badges mixed with the shape of a skull, giving it an ominous poison type vibe.
Evolution of 30b design
Evolution of 30i design


Supporting Material
Held Item:

About the overall concept:
Based on canaries => Flying type + Roost
Canaries in coal mines reference => Poison Type (at the time, canaries were used to prevent miners from gas leaking such as firedamp)
My entry is based on the duality between convicts and US Marshalls in Old West/Western movies style. When 30b holds the item, it gets instantly promoted to an US Marshall.
About 30b: kept in cage convict crested/gloster canary
Bulky body => Tank archetype + Stamina + Body Press
Has a (gas leaking coal) ball attached to its foot => 64 Spe
Note: its body plumage mimics a bird cage and striped prison uniforms
About 30i: US Marshall/Sheriff frilled canary
A real sleuth with piercing gaze => Tinted Lens
A real gunner => 110 Atk + Gunk Shot
About Held Item:
A badge modeled from US Marshall five-pointed star badges mixed with the shape of a skull, giving it an ominous poison type vibe.
Evolution of 30b design
Evolution of 30i design
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