CAP 3 CAP 3 Sprite Submission Thread

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Extra shiny design on request based on Atyroki's shiny.

I think i'll work on a back pose soon.

That new shiny coloring is better than the greenish shiny. Without the full flames like Atyroki, I think the purple glow looks a little odd. You should leave the same yellowish glow in the barrel of both sprites.

All your sprites are extremely well-done. After seeing your new art thread, I can see that you are no stranger to advanced sprite art. I'm glad you decided to use your talents to make a sprite submission for CAP. I hope you continue to do so in the future.
Best colour scheme, by far, and the best head, too. I'm not totally happy with the arms (the back part of the cannon armor is a bit too long, in my opinion). The pose is also quite good.

The chest on the back sprite should extend further down a bit, in my opinion.

The new sprite KoA's doing is looking very good also so far, and Nopie's back sprite is just PERFECT, in my opinion.

Keep up the good work, guys!

I agree with everything Time Mage says except for the comment about the sprite's chest. I think the chest of Wyverii's is perfectly fine at its current size without augmentation. However, maybe it could be a difference between the male and female forms of the CAP?

Not much to do now aside from adding a flame from the right arm. (The one furthest from the viewer.)

Not much to do now aside from adding a flame from the right arm. (The one furthest from the viewer.)

I feel like this sprite was perfectly executed. There are so many beautiful sprites on this thread, but the body shape on this one and shading is just super impressive. It totally looks like I'd run into it in a Pokemon game.

Not much to do now aside from adding a flame from the right arm. (The one furthest from the viewer.)

Holy Crap... I can bet 20 bucks that KoA wins with this sprite. No, 100 bucks :)

Go make the backsprite KoA :D I'd love to see that!

Not much to do now aside from adding a flame from the right arm. (The one furthest from the viewer.)
Holy shit, awesome pose, only thing I can suggest is that the highlight color doesn't seem to blend, maybe make it a tiny bit darker. I'd like to see if it would work.


Back sprites completed. Tweaked the chest a bit, the front pose is leaning forward so it might give the impression that the chest armour is larger than it actually is. I'll still be taking advice.

I have several ideas on how to make female/male variations, through lengthening the hair, changing the length of the chest armour (thanks to Darkflagrence for that one), or perhaps something to do with the arms. I'm partial to the hair but if people think the chest adjustment is better or have better ideas let me know.

KoA's sprite: Since we're trying to emulate a Pokemon style you need to have a black or near-black in a good portion of the outline (excluding transparent, glass or icy parts of Pokemon). You'll also need to work on your colour choice and shading. Try shifting the hue of the colours as you pick them out which will add some interest, and the shading of the red part of the legs don't make sense since most of it is obscured by the skirt and as such shouldn't really have a highlight. The head and skirt feel awkward and out of place. Otherwise, I can't give any more advice off the top of my head.
I've been viewing this thread since it began and only now felt the need to reply here.
I sincerely think that right now superiority is clear, and it is Wyverii's sprite that has the lead.
Now for defending my point, firstly assuring you all that I'm trying a completely constructive approach, please do not take my criticism as offensive.
I did not like KoA's first sprite at all, and the problem is that everything I didn't like about it is back in his second sprite, meaning:
The legs and feet are extra bulky, and the legs are bent strangely in this pose, the toes seem out of proportion, with different sizing for each, and the head positioning is a bit odd.
On the positive side, it has extremely well aplied shading and the arm canons are just perfect.

Now for the reasons why I think Wyverii's is the best:
The head is very good, the wooden fangs make a great detail, there is great coloring and the wood is perfectly detailed. But the one trait that caught most of my attention is one so subtle that I bet some people didn't even notice, and the level of detail it adds contributes to a great realistic look, I'm talking about the claws in it's toes, extremely well executed, giving it that "I need to carve them in the ground to shoot my canons without worrying about propeling me backwards" look.
On the negative side there is the strangely positioned tail.
If I can give advice for improving Wyverii's fine art, the only thing I have to say is, try changing the shiny version's leaf colors to a red or brownish dry leaf coloring, like they were in the fall or something.
Good Luck!

I decided to make a new sprite because the last one was kinda bad. This one still needs few adjustments, but I think it's already much better than the last one.

Tried a fix on the tail. Please give feedback. ^^

Hm, the part that is seen between the legs has improved, but the part to the left of the sprite looks worse. Now it gives the impression that the tail starts too high on the back. And now that I see it, now the part between the legs makes the tail look too thin.

I have a suggestion about the tail, but it would require to re-do it (the tail, not the sprite) entirely. In case you're interested: Instead of making it fall low and be seen between the legs, why not make it occupy the space to the right of the sprite? The low-left part of the sprite has a lot of things going at the same time, with the cannon in front. The tail could go to the right, going up.

Also, could you shorten the non-cannon part of the arms? Right now both parts of the wooden armor in the arm are equally as long, and look a bit awkward because of that.

Otherwise, your sprite is still the best (but watch out, the competition is not far behind!).

Also, --T.I.B.M--: Your new sprite is great! I'd angle the arms a bit, and maybe thicken the tail a tiiiny bit on the base and make it a bit narrower near the tip.
Wyverii, if you fix your shading, you'll basically win this automatically.

Your light source is coming from the upper left. This is important, so pay attention to it.

Look at it's tail. It's under its body and behind its legs, so the yellow wouldn't have the same vibrancy as the yellow on its chest. Same thing goes for the right leg and basically every part of its lower body that's to the right of its left arm cannon.
The next decision is whether you want the fire from the cannons to be actually glowing, because this would add a secondary light source. If you choose to go down this path, it means there will be a brighter orange/yellow highlight on the very edge of its right knee under the right cannon. Be sure not to overdo this as the cannon isn't too bright yet since it's not fully charged.

If you can pull the second part off, it would look awesome, but if you can't, then don't. Your sprite is already more complex than the average D/P sprite due to the wood texture. I probably wouldn't because all Pokemon sprites only have one light source, even the ones with fiery tails. But you should do it just to practice, it will be a valuable lesson.

Your back sprite has the same shading issue considering the single light source standpoint. The shading on the hair and front cannon should basically be inverted.

Any better? (old sprite on left) With the 80x80 restriction it was rather difficult to balance out the tail going in the opposite direction but I think I did a fair job.

Edit: (for above), i've already made the sprite differ by adding the wood shading, adding any other concepts such as the glow and the darkening of the lower body without breaking colour restrictions or style would be difficult to pull off. As for the back sprite, there area a few back sprites i've seen that seem to have a lightscource from the back rather than the front but i'll see if I can change it.
if wyveri wins you have to keep the green first shiny you did, its much better.

I would be perfectly happy whether wyveri or koa's wins they are both amazing, however i do believe KOA's fits the stat spread better.
lol...sorry wyverii didn't mean that as an insult. woke up hung over, saw the back sprite and thought that the breast plate looked like a set of massive breasts...

apologies. it's a damn good back sprite. it's a damn good sprite in general. i love koa's pose and his sensibilities, but as everyone here has pointed out, yours is done in the closest style to the pokemon games.
Edit: (for above), i've already made the sprite differ by adding the wood shading, adding any other concepts such as the glow and the darkening of the lower body without breaking colour restrictions or style would be difficult to pull off.
The first part I can understand, but the last part is just filling the brighter colors with your shadow colors. There is no reason why that yellow part on the woodman's lower body should be just as bright as the fire inside the cannon, or why its right leg should be as bright as its left leg when its left cannon is in front of it and therefore blocking the light.


I'll keep the shiny like this since it can be changed any time via a simple recolour. Again, ideas on variations of gender would be nice since i'm kinda stuck on that.

By the way, I can't understand why people think KoA's sprite fits the stats better, as far as I know his speed isn't going to be abysmally low so he doesn't need the look of a slow tank.
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