CAP 3 CAP 3 - Part 5 (Build)

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I am actually agreeing with the majority (I think) and voting:

Offensive: Special
Defensive: Mixed
Speed: Fast

I hope this outspeeds Adamant Lucario without having to use +Spe and that it has reasonable defenses in both physical and special so that it doesn't have to switch often (it does have a Stealth Rock weakness :pirate:).

edit: I realised that for some reason Lucario is classified as Fast, changed vote!
this is getting bitter, just like i thought.

personally, i'm not surprised it's going special. but i think it's unimaginative and easy. just because fire and grass are two previously special types, people are biased that way. im gonna be really pissed if this doesnt at least get some good physical options and a useable physical attack.
Offensive: Physical
Defense: Mixed
Speed: Fast

I'd like to see a fast subseeder with lots of HP, that can take a hit on both sides. Attack because for some reason, I like it with these typings.
Offensive: Special
Defensive: Mixed
Speed: Medium

I will give reasons when I am no longer tired, but I wanted to get my vote in there just in case I miss the "deadline."
Urza~ Maybe people are biased when it comes to types. Maybe they noticed the problem with going phyiscal from an artistically point of view. There's many way one could view any of these choice on why one would vote for them. If you want my honest view, I view it being more special than physical because of desgin problems, generally liking towards special attackers, and the fact most of it's physical attack choices seem meh compare to it's specials.
Offense: Special
Defense: Mixed - High HP, around 110, low defenses, around 70 each IMO
Speed: Fast - Base 100 is nice

The way things are going, I can really see this thing becoming a special version of Revenankh to be honest. Beefy coming in, able to increase it's potential (depends if it get's chlorophyll) and then firing off some awesome STAB's. I'd rather it went in a more different direction...
Offense: Special
Defence: Mixed
Speed: SLOW!!

Seriously, how do you think Swampert gets by in OU? Special instead of Psyhical cause then you get Solarbeam, Fire Blast and Sunny Day to spam, but everything else prefered similar to Swampy

Offensive: Physical (i think it may resemble NP nape too much if it goes Special -- give it like...flare blitz / blaze kick / fire punch for fire STAB and Leaf Blade / Power Whip / Seed Bomb / Wood Hammer for grass STAB *those are just some examples of good physical STAB*)
Defensive: Special (Only weaknesses are Flying, Rock, and Poison, none of which are special, so it could be a nice Sp.Wall)
Speed: Medium (Heatran-ish, just so its defenses can be a bit better -- also, it may be even more like nape if its fast too =(

( just my opinions )
Does Flower Gift Raise Attack and Special Defence or Special Attack and Special Defence in the sun, because this would be a bit more unique than giving it Chlorophyll. The art would have to match however.
TGVA8889, please pay more attention to the project before contributing. This is a Fire / Grass, not Grass / Fire.

I can hear the coldness of your post. Yes, silly mistake, thank you. Still, that wasn't the complete point I was trying to make: It's not just a Fire Pokemon, it can be compared to other Grass types also.

I'm liking less and less the whole "Sunny Day Boost" thing: I'd like it to be good without the sun, too, unlike a lot of the Sunny Day-boosted Pokemon that already exist.
Offensive: Special
Defensive: Mixed
Speed: Fast

For, defense, I was thinking slightly higher sp.def than def (like most fire types) but high HP.
I can hear the coldness of your post. Yes, silly mistake, thank you. Still, that wasn't the complete point I was trying to make: It's not just a Fire Pokemon, it can be compared to other Grass types also.

I'm liking less and less the whole "Sunny Day Boost" thing: I'd like it to be good without the sun, too, unlike a lot of the Sunny Day-boosted Pokemon that already exist.

Really? The main thing I feel in this Pokemon is a Sunny Day theme, considering that it's both Fire and Grass and little else recieves a boost from Sunny Day like this. I'm all for the Sunny Day theme myself.
Really? The main thing I feel in this Pokemon is a Sunny Day theme, considering that it's both Fire and Grass and little else recieves a boost from Sunny Day like this. I'm all for the Sunny Day theme myself.

It's less that I don't like the whole "Sunny Day Makes It Awesome!" theme and more that everyone seems to be making decisions like it should be a purely sun-based Pokemon. I feel like it should also be good outside of the sun, as well.
It's less that I don't like the whole "Sunny Day Makes It Awesome!" theme and more that everyone seems to be making decisions like it should be a purely sun-based Pokemon. I feel like it should also be good outside of the sun, as well.
This I agree with. Without the sun, this Pokemon should be able to take a firm seat on the lower end of the OU list. IN the sun however, this should easily jump up to the top portion of the OU list. Not enough on either side to make it useless or overpowered given the brightness of the sun, but enough that it's worth using in either case.
It's less that I don't like the whole "Sunny Day Makes It Awesome!" theme and more that everyone seems to be making decisions like it should be a purely sun-based Pokemon. I feel like it should also be good outside of the sun, as well.

Hmmm, yeah. I can see your point.

I'd also like it to see use outside of Sunny Day teams, but I don't think that it's really going to happen. Its typing seems too geared towards Sunny Day for it to be really useful outside of it. It also just seems right that it should have a Sunny Day-based ability, a sentiment that apparently many others in this project agree with.
It's less that I don't like the whole "Sunny Day Makes It Awesome!" theme and more that everyone seems to be making decisions like it should be a purely sun-based Pokemon. I feel like it should also be good outside of the sun, as well.

Im not i just want it to actually be able to take a hit and use the array of support moves that come along with grass typing. If everyone is voting fast then that is going to end up taking away from defences and in turn its gonna end up being like every other fire type fast and powerful but too fragile for it to really matter.

Something slow including clorophyll, generally means more stat points to use on defences which gives us something that can support and be a fast sweeper if sunny day is in effect.

Just going for a fast sweeper means we get something that might be able to be a faster sweeper right away, but in result will not be able to take hits as well and if it doesn't get clorophyll will probably still be too slow to sweep anyway.
The more and more I see talk about it getting Chlorophyll, the more I dislike it because it feels predictable and un-originality to a certain extent. I more rather have it with Flash Fire or something else.
At this point i couldn't careless whether the thing gets the trait or not. Im just worried its gonna end up at the point where its basically typlosion(fast,mixed,special)

Which means unless we give it one of the absolute best movepools in the game(infernape) or a 555+ base stat total so we can give it bulky defences(a faster heatran), its gonna be like every other crap fast, special based fire type.
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