CAP 14 CAP 3 - Name Submissions

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Final Submission

final submission

gonna go with the simple here:


should be p obvious really, but i like the way it rolls off the tongue

A combination of beam, like beams of light, and squeamish. Also sounds pretty cute I think.


Kind of a joke submission. I think the name fits though. Amber + Lamp


A play on the word molten, with an added l to reference Mollusc's.

I'm out.
Final Submission


"Gastropod" + "Lava"

It covers the main physical design, that of a snail (Gastropod) and lava lamp (Val, Lava).
How about Lavenom?
Lava + venom

I probably won't be able to come up with another name before this closes, due to dog sitting at a place with no wi-fi (thank you chick-fil-a wifi for letting me submit xp) so:

Final Submission:
I'm thinking of a couple names:

Lavamp: Lava+Lamp. Doesn't really say anything about the Poison part.
Characid: Char+Acid. Doesn't say anything about looks though.
Cephalava: Cephalopod+Lava. Assuming this thing is a squid that is.
Pyramp: Pyro+Lamp. Bleh.
Toxshell: Toxic+Shell. Too obvious.
Toxquid: Toxic+Squid. Bleh.
Erupoison: Eruption+Poison. Bleh.
Toxcargo: Toxic+Escargot. Too much like Magcargo IMO.
Lamphur: Lamp+Sulphur.

What do you guys think?
Karcharos: Greek for Tentacles
Vulcan: Greek for Lava (or something like that)

Vulcaro. Brilliant.

I was originally going with "Vulcharos," but Vulcaro sounds cuter :3.
How about Brimscone?

Comes from brimstone (which is sulphur, which is found in volcanoes and, if not outright poisonous, then at least smells like it) and cone (the shape of the lava lamp).

In other news, I like Galladiator's Magmusk.
Proposing Proboxius or maybe Pronoxius. I think the first one rolls off the tongue better.
Proboscis + Noxious

Also, I like how Mollux rhymes with Pollux, a star, which is a hot ball of flaming gas.
Final Submission

Condera: Conical/Cone + Caldera. The 'cone' can refer to the cone snail, or the cone of a volcano. Caldera is the pit that forms after the collapse of a volcano, as well as being comparative to the word 'cauldron', something befitting that bubbly mixture inside the lamp.

I like Mollux and Immollusk. :P

  • macle: It'd be good if it didn't sound too close to Metapod. It is catchy, though.
  • SubwayJ: Hrm. I do think the 'escargot' word's been used sufficiently in Pokemon, through the examples given. That's the detriment to the name. Otherwise, it's a nice portmanteau!
  • BloodGod22: I don't see the name's charm entirely. I'd see 'swoop' rather than 'swoon', and the snail certainly doesn't fly from high places down to low.
  • DrOfla: I can't help but think you've taken part of it from Hazmutt. I can see this cone snail being hazardous, though. I won't say that the word looks clunky, since there's an in-game precedent for that.
  • DougJustDoug: :D It fits well as a cutesy name and a traditional blend of words.
  • Agent Gibbs: Simple and clean. Good.
  • Pokethan: I see 'calzone' and 'calve' there, unfortunately. Where's the 'ca' from in the word; is it just alliteration?
  • Birkal: I can definitely hear it well, and I do think it fits the tongue of the snail. What about making it more snail-related?
  • srk1214 and Don Honchkrorleone: Snailava's a bit too obvious, of course, but some pokemon names are.
  • Objection: Brimscone does flow nicely. It makes me think of scones. But otherwise, I like it.
  • Weebos: Hey, I like Immollusk! It flows nicely!
  • FlareBlitz: Not bad, not bad... Not bad.
  • nyttyn: Interesting mix of lamps and snails, though how'd that 'ou' get there from 'mollusk'? I, currently, think I'm pronouncing it incorrectly from your given sources.
  • Ahhhhhh......Clefable.: I think I'm lost in your blended word; perhaps something more obvious?
  • Mos-Quitoxe: Works, although the name does get smothered with the other names with 'lamp' in them.
  • THE_IRON_KENYAN: Okay... well, how well would it relate to a snail? Not much, unless that snail cooked bitter almonds.
  • srk1214: Groovee has a better symmetry to the word. I only see tangential relations to the snail in your secondary meanings.
  • Deck Knight: I don't really see the bomb in it, but the composition of the word has a lumpy but natural tone to it.
  • Asylum_Rhapsody: Hmm... I can't twist my mind around the apostrophe, even if you've mentioned it on IRC before. It might get lost with the other 'lava'/'lamp' portmanteaux, though the 'mantle' part of the name is awesome for its dual meaning. :)
  • Master of the Six Kings: Beacone. :D It also resembles 'be a cone' (that's a good thing in my eyes!).
  • TheMantyke: A bit long and a bit obscure for me.
  • Roserade Raider: I think of hippogriffs with that name.
  • Red Riddler: Hippies versus hipsters... But 'Slippie' would lose a bit of the origin, right? Convect isn't bad, though, either!
  • TravelLog: I do think a change in syllables would be best for a more viable name.
  • bluemon: Simple. Hmm, not bad, but not too good, either.
  • Hiphopanonymous: I do think something shorter and less of a 'champ' in the word might do. Machamp works because it's a master of fighting, though what's the snail?
  • SunnyE: Perhaps less obvious sources than that? Reference the snail part of the design?
  • Seven Eagles: While the mix is sound, the sound is a mix. Slightly less flow-y than I'd like, but workable nonetheless.
  • tea_and_blues: I see 'snot' in there. XD I don't think that's intentional. But it does help the name in portraying the pokemon. Proboscorch, Probopass. Same syllabic name, unfortunately for that one.
  • typon77: Too bad there's a 10-character limit that trims one l from mollusk.
  • It's not too bad a mix of words.
  • Mari: It's Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, and Latin, and it doesn't focus on any of them! Simplify, I'd say.
  • CyzirVisheen: I see Castelicone, oddly enough. It's a bit of a weak portmanteau, hinging on one letter, but it has excellent rhythm to the word.
  • ikasu: The name is quite ambiguous if the only hint of 'cone is 'co'. :/
  • Pwnemon: A bit obvious, but works. A bit 'meh' to me. :P
  • Not Scicky: Beamish sounds like 'beam'+'ish' (suffix), tough Mollten isn't too bad. It's slightly similar to Moltres, though.
  • Sonic The Hedgedawg: A bit of a jagged-sounding name--the 'tlu', I think. But that has no bearing on how good the name is; I think it's quite nice. :)
  • DarkOrbX: I see 'oval' in the word. XD
  • Fizz: Glutesnoot. Huh. Well, I like the 'snoot' part of it, partially because of its sound and partially because of its definition. You could go somewhere with that.
  • Galladiator: Magmar. :/
  • Project_Mars: It's a bit uninspired, I have to say, and it sounds rather brash for a snail.
  • AOPSUser: Hrm... Less 'lamp', less 'tox', less squid (it's a snail). Entice your creativity. :) Lamphur isn't too bad!
  • blastoiseboy19: Well, they're sorta tentacles, sorta feet, sorta slimy membrane. If it was more of an octopus, that'd seem more fitting.
  • Arkaious: Shelmet's shell is a helmet. :P Might be too close in origin.
  • Ooraloo: Pretty name, but oddly mixed.
  • Gypceros: Alabaster outside of names is a whitish color and a mineral. If it was from abalone or something, I think that'd be better-fitting. Of course, fitting 'blaster' into it would be trickier.
  • miltankRancher: Huh. I thought it was just 'conch' + 'lava' at first, but that 'cochlea' in there's quite nice! I feel blase to it as I've read through all those 'lava' names, but that's quite a refreshing and nice name.
  • LockDown: Guess what? That was a fun coincidence after I thought of that name! I did like that. :) Pronoxius makes me think of 'obnoxious' slightly, and you'll have to navigate around Probopass if you use 'Probo'.
How about Brimscone?

Brimscone is brilliant. I think it conveys the goofiness of the design while also evoking "fire and brimstone."

"Scone" also makes me think of the British quick bread, and imagining CAP with a monocle and an over-the-top British accent, speaking about eternal damnation is ridiculous in the best way possible.
Final Submission

It seems so obvious, but its so simple, it works (and I could actually see the adorable thing saying this name ^_^)

Mollamp (Mollusk+Lamp)

Where Astro Lamp is another name for a Lava Lamp and Gastropod is... yeah, you know what it is.
Maybe too similar to Gastrodon? Idk...

Personally I'm not inclined towards any name which uses words relating to a full on fire like "immolation" or "Arson" since the whole fire aspect of Cap3 is a lot more subtle than that. Stuff relating to the fact its a lava lamp seem a lot more suitable.
On that note, Mollux is one of my favourites by far.

Pyro (Fire) + Pollution (Poison)

It doesn't fully go with the design, but I feel as if it works with the typing. There honestly isn't much more to explain, bar pronunciation. I've found that it flows better prounounced per-oo-shun, but I could see the case for a stronger y to emphasise the fire typing.
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