Ok, so we've had a lot of good discussion so far covering broadly our initial typing and its importance, interactions with self-weak and self-resistant typings, and our interaction with passive damage (status and stealth rock). I'd like to summarize a bit of that before moving into the typing submission stage.
Initial Typing:
We will be relying primarily on our
Initial Typing moreso than
Color Change to generate initial switchins, and as such it should have a number of relevant resistances. A good attacking STAB is a
bonus but not a requirement when looking at our initial typing. Additionally we should
not be weak to Stealth Rock with a resistance to stealth rock being a
bonus. Similarly, while not mandatory an immunity to Poison and Toxic for our initial typing is a
major bonus but is not mandatory in the least, with an immunity to burn being a conditionally major bonus. That said, we should still expect
Color Change to provide a lot of our defensive utility, and while it won't generate as many switchin opportunities as our initial typing, it will still generate a lot.
Self-Resistant Interactions:
Resistances to Self-Resistant typings, as
Amamama and
The Metric System said, are a way to provide us with a consistent set of resistances; a Steel type with Color Change can switch into Grassy Glide and still resist Grassy Glide. At the same time these attacks are where the greatest value is realized from Color Change; turning a weakness into a resistance can lead to a situation where the first attack does 80% and the second does 20%. That said, there is some disagreement on this point, see
Wulfanator72's recent post which argues that these typings can and should provide the majority of our defensive switchins, so being weak to them is potentially disqualifying.
Generally speaking,
we want to have a mixture of weaknesses or neutralites, and resistances, to Self-Resistant typings. This provides us with consistent switchin opportunities, which stay consistent, and the ability to leverage Color Change to its maximum extent. Though, as
Jewvia said, initial Neutralities to Self-Resistant typings let us still actualize Color Change with far lower risk.
Self-Weak Interactions:
The general consensus I have seen on this matter is that we should accept these typings as lost matchups, as seen in
Wulfanator72's post, and that focusing on them is lost time, and that we should instead focus on the matchups where Color Change provides a large benefit. An immunity to either of the self-weak typings is something that we should view as a
bonus, but is not mandatory in the least, and is not on the level of other bonuses.
I apologize for the timing of this, but I think it has to be asked;
6) Are there some self-resistant typings that are less accessible than others in terms of setting up Neutral=>Resist and Weak=>Resist combinations?
I ask this because the self-resistant typings have varying attack strengths, and there are definitely some of them where being weak to the typing initially will simply result in CAP 29's death, even assuming Skarmory style initial bulk.
With that said, I will be opening typing submissions. I think it may help to think of them in terms of:
7) What benefits does Color Change offer this typing?
a) Can this typing set up an Initial Weakness into Color Change Resist combination?
b) Can this typing set up a Initial Neutrality into Color Change Resist combination?
c) Does this typing offer consistent switchins, that is, Initial Resistance to Color Change Resistance interactions?
8) What further bonuses does this typing offer (SR Resistance, Toxic Immunity, Burn Immunity, Spikes Immunity.., Ghost Immunity, Dragon Immunity) beyond its resistances.