CAP 29 - Name Submissions

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WIP (1/3)


Pronounced: an-TEE-kor
IPA: ænˈtikɔr

"Anti" / "Antique" / "Manticore". Tryna play up the hostility of the mon for its Dark/Poison type while still referencing its core(!) elements.

WIP (2/3)


Pronounced: DEH-co-DAI-r
IPA: ˈdɛkoʊdaɪr

"Deco" like Art Deco. "Dire" can be both dangerous/serious and also the RPG reference that "Dire" animals are bigger tougher and scarier.
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Pronounced: ka-moo-gaar
IPA: ˈkæmuˌgɑːr
Origin: Camouflage (See: Color Change) + Cougar (variation for lions, a.k.a the mountain lion)
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WIP (1/3)


Pronounced: "Gris-aye-leon"

A combination of grisaille (gris-aye), a classical method of painting in black and white, and leon meaning lion.

(In the grand tradition of Pokemon with ambiguously pronounced names, "Gris-ei-leon" is also probably an OK pronunciation, since it still sounds good. I also considered Grisailleo, and would be interested to know if people have a preference.)

WIP (2/3)


Pronounced: "Chi-mehr-os-kyu-ro"

A combination of chimera and chiaroscuro (the use of strong contrast between light and shadow to create depth in a painting).

(I'm a little surprised this hadn't been suggested already, maybe I just missed it. It might be too complicated to be a good name, but I thought the concept of light and shadow played well into the Dark typing.)

WIP (3/3)


Pronounced: "At-rocks-ic"

A combination of atrox (from panthera atrox, an extinct species of massive lions once native to North America) and toxic.


Maybe I'm a giant art nerd, but once I started looking I had a lot of ideas for this one.

First of all, I'm upset that the Latin name for lead is plumbum. Lead has such a history as toxic pigment. Sadly 'lead' is almost too short to work with and any combination I came up with that involved 'plumbum'. . . well, the syllables you have to work with are 'plum' and 'bum'. Good luck making that sound serious.

In more promising territory, two arsenic-containing pigments used in ancient Egypt have very cool names -- orpiment and realgar. Maybe somebody more creative than I can come up with some combo with one of those that (a) actually sounds like a Pokemon name and (b) isn't a complete phonetic nightmare. (Honestly I think realgar would be a solid name by itself, because 'real' means royal in Spanish, but I wasn't sure if submitting the name of an actual object was allowed.)

On a feedback note, I like the idea of this name being a little more complicated or dense than other CAP names, since it's supposed to have mythical or legendary vibes and usually their names aren't just combinations of common words. I also think the idea of it staying the same in multiple languages is interesting, but I'm not attached to it because I don't want to be unnecessarily restricted to only Japanese names.

Sorry for the long post, hopefully this doesn't clutter up the thread too badly.
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from "王" (pronounced Ō, japanese for king or emperor), "oleum" (latin for oil, in reference to oil paint), and "leo" (latin for lion).

Pronounced "Ohlee-on"
IPA: oʊliːɒn
I’m loving a lot of the more punny subs and would be happy with a ton of names posted already, but I’ll throw my own name in the mix because I’m competitive and love wordplay too.



Fairly simple portmanteau of Chromatic + Manticore. I know the base design is more Chimera based, but I feel the two creatures are often enough substituted for one another and chimera is more likened to generic animal fusions nowadays. Plus Manticore just has a more threatening aura to it.

This will likely be what I end up tossing in. It’s also exactly 12 letters, which I think is the limit.
As a Magic: the Gathering player, I immediately found this name to be extremely close to the name of the existing MTG card Chromanticore. I suggest changing your WIP for exactly this reason.
Modpost: Final submissions for names are now open. Make sure that your name submission follows the template in the opening post exactly to avoid disqualification!

You have 72 hours to make your final submissions, after which we will close this thread and start name polls.
Final Submission


from "王" (pronounced Ō, japanese for king or emperor), "oleum" (latin for oil, in reference to oil paint), and "leo" (latin for lion).

Pronounced: "Ohlee-on"
IPA: oʊliːɒn
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Final Submission


Vinci (as in Leonardo Da Vinci) + Lionne (French for "lion")

Pronounced: Vin-si-oh-ne
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Final Submission


Pretty simple, Portfolio + Leo for lion. Portfolio implies a range of different artworks, which I like for Color Change.

Pronounced: “port·fow·lee·oh”
Final Submission


A combination of “Roar” (forceful lion sound) + “Portrait” (a framed artwork)

Pronounced: “ROR-trit”
IPA: ɹɔɹtɹət
Final Submission


A combination of “Ombre” + "Leo" that is suggestive of "Imbroglio"

Pronounced: “ahm-BRAILLE-eo”
IPA: /ɒmˈbreɪl yoʊ/

Ombre is the blending of one color into another, leo for lion, and imbroglio refers to confusing/complicated situations, such as a Pokemon that's constantly changing types.
Final Submission


A combination of "spectrum" (as in the color spectrum) and "panthera" (the genus that lions are from)

Pronounced: "speck-THAIR-ra"
Final Submission


From Lycia (mythological home of the Chimera), Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (hallucinogen associated with art), Lie, Side (of a square), and the "ide" chemical suffix.

Pronounced: "LIE-side"
IPA: ˈlaɪ.saɪd
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Final Submission


A mix of Tempera (a painting technique), Temperamental (moody in spanish, but often used to describe people who are easily angered), and emperor.

Pronounced: tehm-PEH-rrohr
Final Submission


A combination of "acrylic" (a type of paint) and "leo" (Latin for lion).

Pronounced: "a-KRILL-ee-oh"
IPA: əkɹɪlio
Final Submission


Gallery + Gyakushuu (逆襲, "counterattack") + Allure/Lure + Rex (Latin for "king") + Lion

Pronounced: "Gahl-LURE-eh-on"
IPA: /gəˈlʊrɛɑn/

Gallery (as in "art gallery") relates to the oil painting design elements of this CAP, Gyakushuu refers to how CAP29 can use Color Change to possibly prevail over its opponent and Allure/Lure and Rex refer to the dignified image it seems to give off.
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Final Submission


Simba (means "lion" in Swahili) + Picasso (as in Pablo Picasso, the artist)

Pronounced: "sim-buh-CAH-soh"
Final Submission


A combination of purr (A sound cats make when content) and Surrealism, a genre of art focused on the unrealistic and unusual.

Pronounced: Per-REE-uhl-iz-uhm
IPA: /pɜː ˈrɪəlɪzəm/
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Final Submission


Picto- as a prefix means “to paint,” and “Core” is a reference to “Manticore,” a lion-like creature with a snake tail.

Pronounced: Pik-toh-cor
Final Submission


A combination of the words Camouflage (references Color Change) and Cougar (variation for lions, a.k.a the mountain lion)

Pronounced: ka-moo-gaar
IPA: ˈkæmuˌgɑːr
Final Submission


A combination of "Raion" (Japanese for lion) + "Gazo" (Japanese for image)

Pronounced: RY-gah-zo

IPA: raɪgazo

Kinda based off Raikou, which is a combination of the Japanese words for lion and lightning.
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Final Submission


Manticore + Baroque

I wanted to reference manticore and some art style related to CAP 29 but couldn't make them work with manticore so I went with Baroque, a painting style that is all about THE DRAMA and it's kind of related to CAP 29 dark-type since in baroque paintings it was common to use a contrast between lights and shadows (chiaroscuro) to emphasize certain subjects in the composition and to enhance the dramatic effect.

Pronounced: MAN-tih-roe-k
IPA: ˈmæntɪˌroʊk
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