CAP 25 - Part 10 - CAP 25w Name Submissions--OPEN FOR FINAL SUBMISSIONS

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Final Submission


"Triton" (as in Triton snail) + "Atoll" (A ring of coral reef that will often surround volcanic islands)

Pronounced: TRY-toll
Final Submission


From "Triton" and "potentate", a monarch or ruler, especially an autocratic one.

Pronounced: "TRY-ton-TAYTE"
Final Submission


"Escargot" + "Fortress"
Real tritons guards corals from the crown-of-thorns, and this one literally does so by being a giant snail fortress

Pronounced: "es-KA-fort"
IPA: 'ɛs.kaʁfɔːt
WIP (2/3):


"Aristocrat" + "gastropod"

Pronounced: "Uh-RIS-toe-pod"
IPA: əɹɪstəʊpɑd

paintseagull indirectly pointed out to me that "Architon" could easily be mispronounced to have the same stress pattern of "archetype" if the reader isn't familiar with Greek, and I figure most people would have that misconception, so I ditched the name. Here's a name I like after brainstorming all evening. Thanks to Sunfished for giving feedback and a suggestion on which spelling I should use! :D
Final Submission


A combination of "Meer" + "Barbosa".

Pronounced: "MEER-bow-suh"

German word for sea, spanish word for slug. Pretty simple name.
Final Submission


A combination of "Limpet", a sea snail with a spiral shell + "Imperator", a name for a Roman commander

Pronounced: lim-PEHR-uh-tohr
IPA: /lɪmpərətɔr/
Final Submission


Comes from the words "Decor", referencing its gaudy shell, and "Coral".

Pronounced: dek - KOR - ail
Final Submission


Conch + Triton, the son of Poseidon in Greek Mythology

Pronounced: <con - cry - ton>

An alternative pronunciation could be con - chry - ton
Final Submission


"Shell" + "Sherlock", Sherlock Holems is often shown smoking a pipe, which might be considered a human equivalent of using Toxic Orb

Pronounced: SHELL-lock
IPA: [ˈʃɛllɒk]
Final Submission



Pronounced: kawr-OH-nee-ah

It wears Coral, it looks fairly regal, and the Triton snail's scientific name is the Charonia Tritonis.
Final Submission


A portmanteau of "almighty," referencing CAP 25w's size and bearing, and "Triton," a type of snail and a minor sea god.

Pronunciation: awl-MAHY-tuhn
IPA: /ɔːlˈmaɪtən/
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