Crucibelle-Mega Animation WIP
Was hoping that the textures would at least be ready to be used by the time my WIP on the animation was ready to show off, but oh well. Enjoy looking at a completely white Mega Crucibelle!
So yeah. Crucibelle ain't sitting on its pot. I chose not to because I simply thought it may end up looking strange having it sit on something that in no way in hell would stand up on its own without spinning like it is now. I also decided to just use the more simple hair model I made instead of the fancier pre-posed model that was based off of the official art. I made that model just in case I decided I'd use it but it ended up looking off on a Crucibelle that's just standing idle.
Also, just ignore the graphical glitches with the hair for now. I know why it's happening and I'll fix it later and update the model.
QxC4eva I think I found an export setting that can possibly fix the importing issue with the animation for maya. I exported the animation into three separate .dae files. Let me know which one works, if any at all.