CaP 20 Pre-Evo - Part 3 - Art Submissions

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Robot from the Future
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Orange Islands
Hi all, let's get down and get some cute little critters drawn for Naviathan's prevos! I'd love to see what people have been planning since the prevo was introduced (I know some of you do that).

I'd like two separate entries, but we might put them up in pairs. Let me know how you guys would like it to roll :) We also have a change in type, Prevo 1 is Water while Prevo 2 is Water/Steel. Keep that in mind with your designs!

As with all Art threads, please check out the rules below. As for now: I will leave you guys with the awesome artwork for Naviathan that was originally drawn by Mos-Quitoxe



A final submission will contain a main design and supporting material if you choose to add supporting material to your artwork. What constitutes a main design and supporting material will be discussed later in this post. The most important rule concerning art submissions is that all work must be your own. Plagiarism is heavily frowned upon and will only result in pain, misery, and infractions. Or even bans in particularly egregious cases. Using someone else's idea as inspiration is fine, but copying someone else's idea and passing it off as your own is unacceptable. Use discretion when using someone else's idea; if you think you are plagiarizing, you probably are.

Main Designs

A main design is the piece of art that the voters will be voting on. It is modeled after the Official Art of existing Pokemon. For example, the Plasmanta artwork in this post is Plasmanta's Main Design. The winning Main Design will be the official, definitive art for Plasmanta's pre-evolution. Therefore, when creating and submitting your Main Design, remember that your design should be worthy of display as the official art for Plasmanta's pre-evolution. Official pictures of Plasmanta's pre-evolution will use the winning Main Design. Although the idea of a Main Design is the "Official Pokemon Art" of Plasmanta's pre-evolution, that does not mean you have to follow any specific artistic style when designing your Pokemon. There are no pre-determined standards of artistic design or rendering technique.

Here are the rules governing legal Main Design submissions:

  • Your design must consist of a single Pokemon on a plain white background with no part of the Pokemon cut off by the canvas.
  • No props, action effects, move effects, or additional objects can be rendered on or around the Pokemon. If a prop is part of the Pokemon's basic design (ie. Conkeldurr's pillars, Gurdurr's girder), then it is acceptable.
  • Any 2D digital or scanned traditional drawing may be used. It must be in full color. 3D media and photos are not allowed.
  • Your design must have a distinguishable outline on the entire subject in contrast to the background. No part of the design can be blurred into the background or blended into the background in any way.
  • The maximum allowed size is 640x640 and the minimum allowed size of 320x320.
  • Your design must be in a compressed digital format such as .png or .jpg.
  • Please only host artwork on a reliable image hosting service (such as imgur or puush). Do not use the forum's 'Upload a File' feature. Do not use Iaza or Ezimba.
Final Submission Post Rules

All artists must make a final submission post conforming to the following rules, including those for the Main Design, in order to be included in the art poll.
  • The post must have "Final Submission" (in bold) as the first line, with the Main Design at the top, and supporting material (if applicable) below it.
  • All supporting art must be included as links or as linked thumbnails no larger than 150 pixels in either dimension. Do not include full images of supporting art in the final submission.
  • Only make one (1) final submission post. Artists are welcome to work on multiple designs and get feedback from the community, but only one design can be submitted for final consideration. If you wish to alter any aspect of your final submission, then edit your post. Do not make a new one, even if you delete your original post. Any deleting and re-posting will be treated as bumping and is subject to moderation.

By making a final submission, an artist gives the CAP project permission to use the submitted art for CAP and related projects. The artist also consents that the design can be interpreted by other artists for the CAP project and for other promotional purposes.

Artists cannot submit any artwork that has been previously or that is currently used by another project not affiliated with CAP. The winning CAP artist agrees to not later use the winning design for another project or contest not affiliated with CAP.

These rules are not malleable and will be strictly enforced. Do not use precedence as an argument for breaking these rules. Claiming that your submission is legal because it emulates an existing Pokemon or a previous CAP's art is not a valid reason for breaking the rules. There are existing in-game Pokemon that do not comport with these rules and there are existing CAP Main Designs that do not comport with these rules. However, these are still the current rules for submitting Main Designs and for your design to be legal, it must follow all of these rules. If you are not sure whether your design is legal, feel free to contact me or a CAP moderator. These rules are not meant to discourage users from submitting art and these rules are not supposed to trick anyone. If you want to make sure your submission is legal, please ask!

Supporting Material

Supporting Material is material that adds to your Main Design. Although the winning Supporting Material is not featured in the same capacity as the Main Design, Supporting Material is still useful for convincing others why your design deserves to win the Art Polls. There are almost no rules governing Supporting Material, and almost any Supporting Material you can think of is allowed. Typical examples of Supporting Material include motion sketches, interactions between your art design and other Pokemon (including CAPs), animations, sculptures, and cartoon strips. Pictures of your design from other angles are also acceptable. Non-art supporting material is also perfectly fine. If you would like to argue or describe in words how your art design works, that is also legal. Just remember to keep your Supporting Material tasteful and to relate your Supporting Material to the Main Design. This rule is intended to prevent artists from posting unrelated art in an effort to gain more attention or promote other designs or artworks. Supporting Material is not necessary nor required for the Art Poll. All you need to create to appear in the Art Poll is a legal Main Design, but if you would like to further explain your Main Design then feel free to include Supporting Material. There are very few rules governing Supporting Material, so get creative with your Material if you include some!

General Posting Rules
  • Artists can post any work-in-progress (WIP) artwork in order to solicit feedback or to help develop ideas. WIP artwork does not need to conform to the standards of a Main Design. It can be in any medium or stage of completion, but it must be related to an original art design by the poster.
  • Do not spam the thread with excessive amounts of artwork over a short period of time. Apparently, some artists think they will improve their chances in the poll if they overload the submission thread with their artwork. Doing so will result in your posts being moderated.
  • Do not post inconsequential "updates" to previously posted art. Only if you have made a significant change and have not posted art recently can you post an update in the thread.
  • No post can contain more than 800x800 pixels of included art, and no single picture can be larger than 640x640. Past those limits, artists should post links to the additional art or use linking thumbnails. Each thumbnail can be no larger than 150x150. Any number of thumbnails can be included in a post, even if it passes the limit. All art must be in a compressed digital format such as .jpg or .png.
  • Do not post to state your intended design. Such posts are a weak attempt to "reserve" an idea, and serve no constructive purpose. "Reserving" an idea carries no weight and is completely inconsequential to your final product.
  • Do not post images to serve as inspiration for artists or attempt to commission an artist in the thread to do your idea. This isn't an idea thread. It's fine for artists to post their own inspiration as supporting material. All work should be your own. If you would like to bounce around some ideas, do so on #cap on IRC.
  • No bumping or begging, especially for feedback. If your design is any good, people will comment on it. If your design gets no feedback, then your design is not very good. Consider the silence to be your feedback. If your design is not receiving feedback, then it is probably not impressing anyone enough to win the Art Poll. Discussing your design on #cap on IRC, however, is fine. Just follow the IRC rules when doing so.
  • Do not declare any artwork as "the winner" or say that anything "is clearly going to win". It's fine to post praise or support for an artwork, but don't make a statement indicating the results of a poll that has not been conducted. Such posts are insulting to all the other competing artists.
  • Do not post that a design does or does not "look like a Pokemon/Digimon". Such comments are unable to be substantiated or refuted. There is no artistic style guide for Pokemon, so don't act like you know what a Pokemon should look like. If you like or dislike a design, that's fine, just say that. Saying you dislike a design is fine as long as your criticism is constructive. Don't say someone's design looks more like Agumon than Plasmanta.
  • Do not post questions asking for help in making art. This isn't a tutorial thread.
Art Polls

All art polls will contain the main design and, if applicable, a link below it titled "Supporting Material". This will link to the artists final submission post. If the final submission contains no significant supporting material, then no link will be included in the poll below the main design. As a result of This Policy Review decision, all legal Final Submissions will be slated on the Art Poll. You do not have to convince me that your art is worthy to be slated. I am just another voter in terms of the Art Poll, my only other responsibility is, well, running this thread and opening/closing the poll. To reiterate, all legal submissions will make the Art Poll. Don't worry about "not being good enough to be slated", if your post follows all the rules then your design will go before the voters!


This thread will be open for much longer than other CAP pre-evolution threads. Stats and Movepool will run concurrently with this thread, so don't worry about a "time crunch" with Art Submissions. I will update this thread with more information (Stats, etc.) as we decide on it.

Our Prevos so far:

Typing: Water -> Water/Steel
Abilities: Water Veil / Heatproof / Swift Swim -> Water Veil / Heatproof / Light Metal
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That's Naviathan, not Plasmanta. The OP says "the awesome artwork for Plasmanta".

Anyway, here's my basic stage before the middle stage. Once I submit the middle stage, I will edit this post. Do you want them in two separate images? If so, shrinking them down doesn't sound very MS Paint friendly.


It has a simple design right now. Its eyes are closed here, but it isn't blind. My middle stage has horns more like a certain pirate ship that resembles a sheep, but also as a reference to Lapras.

EDIT: Quanyails I love your inner tube plesiosaur and canoe crocodile! The idea of "Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs" is quite smart. I suppose the Nessie is the Bread, the Croc is the Eggs, and Naviathan would have to be the Breaded Eggs?

Mine's too simple right now, so I'm thinking of giving up again like I did with that turtle, mostly because yours are so clever and adorable.
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Click to view full-sized images:

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

I went with a 'Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs' approach to the design drafts I had sketched out a month ago. First stage is an inner tube plesiosaur. Second stage is a canoe crocodile.

Here are two stages I drew a while ago, before I knew the ability. The middle stage is nothing special, just a miniaturization of Naviathan with a different head ornament, but for the basic stage, I decided to make it a viking rower, instead of a smaller boat. I'm not that experienced with digital art, so sorry if it's not a very good drawing.
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Quanyalis, that first stage's color scheme is looking a little.... familiar. You're not still sore, are you? :P Beyond that, I love the thematic progression of both of them, but I think the second stage could be differentiated a tad more, as at this point, it's more or less Navi minus oars and shields, which leaves its design a little stark. Canoes DO have paddles, anyway.
I don't think I'm going to officially enter, cuz I have a million things to do already, but I just wanted to talk about what I think of when I imagine prevoes for Navia in the hopes of getting people thinking.


I think it's probably smart from a biological standpoint to give its prevoes the same caved-in spine that Naviathan has which creates that hollow boat area, but it would probably look really weird and sad on a smaller creature. I think a decent route would be to focus on Naviathan's line as a series of Pokemon that could ferry others, and base them off of different inventions for traversing water that increase in-size, like a raft to a kayak to a viking ship. I can't really think of how important the oars are, but since they're flashy and quite iconic, i think it would be the best thing to trademark for the evo-line (either that or the mohawk).

What really bugs me is becoming a dual-type Water/Steel upon its first stage evo. There's probably an undiscussed, pleasant visual balance between something aquatic becoming something that sports some feature(s) to make it metallic/esque. I like to think of the Steel type as the element of refinement, so that stage1 dual type should look significantly prettier than the basic form.

I also think you can play a bit more with the color schemes and tell a color-based story about how it becomes a seasoned battler and gains that oxidized, rusty color that Naviathan has upon evolution, kind of like how someone who takes pride in being outdoorsy refuses to wash the dirt off of their car after going to numerous hiking/camping locations. I'm kind of talking about what Quanyails is doing, where it's born all pristine and cute, but eventually builds up dense layers of rust during its Stage1 before finally evolving into Navia.

So, those are my loose thoughts.
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WIP - Coloring, Main Art Roughdrafting TBA. Please excuse messy pencil outlines, and oars not being the same size. Oars are hard.

For the first evolution, I wanted to go with the lines of something simple. A rubber duck, a boat carved from a block of wood, that sort of thing. NaviJr1 as I call it for now doesn't have actual legs, they are stuck to the body and do not move. From above you can see it is boat-like like Naviathan.

For NaviJr2 we have design points based off a Pleiosaur, a longship, and also an ancient Egyptian boat, which sometimes have an eye on the front. Something similar is on NaviJr2's face around the eyes. Primarily aquatic, the flippers are joined by two oars as well.
Thought I'd try my hand at this :)


The one on the left is shaped to be a turtle, with aesthetics taken from Squirtle, but more punk-like.
The right one is still a wip, but gives the general idea of how the body shape looks, being less angular than Naviathan and acts more like a little saddle.
Originally the idea was it being bipedal and evolving into a quadraped, but that struck me as odd.
So, I was thinking of going with either the left or right, and build off a new mid stage from there. or not. I'm sort of at an impasse :(
Edit: Final Submission



I went with the mono-blue color scheme for the first-stage design, thanks to feedback. :)

Re: Integer Mova: Do you refer to removing the blue waves on Second Stage's bow? I was thinking of going from one wave to two waves to three, both linearly and like the Fibonacci sequence.

Re: Re: Integer Mova: Yep!


Scipio323: Well, I can't say I wasn't influenced by a fellow container-reptile! But sore? Far from it. :P I did try out a color scheme matching Naviathan's more here, but I found that the yellow swirls on the head reminded me of a blond pompadour wig! Of course, I then swapped the crest and fin colors around and ended up with my current color scheme here.

Now that I think about it, maybe mono-blue would suit a pure Water-type Pokemon better. This choice of color isn't bad. Feedback could help with deciding on the color palette.

As for the second stage design, yes, the similarities are the 'eggs' to Naviathan's 'breaded eggs'. The idea, stealth pun aside, does have its pros and cons.

  • Mos-Quitoxe and paintseagull: Are you two busy? I miss seeing your submissions. :)
  • Integer Mova: Exactly with the bread and eggs! It's a shame to see you leave before final submissions, but I hope to see you in future art threads!
  • plaindrome: The way you recycled Naviathan's elements for your first-stage design is quite clever! I don't mind your second-stage design, considering 'middle-stage syndrome' some Pokemon have. :P I would like to see, perhaps, more contrast between the first and second stages from their different typings.
  • Yveltal: :D My goodness, these designs are inventive! I love the personality each stage exudes. I would focus more on the design itself rather than what it means. I want to vote for them, but they're a little confusing. I can't pick up immediately that the first stage is a raft, and I wouldn't have gotten why Second Stage had those ribbons in front if it weren't for the sketch underneath it. Perhaps seeing them colored will help?
  • HelenTheHero: The rules would suggest your drawings be resized, but this is pre-evos. :P I can't really see 'duck' in your first design--I'm looking primarily for a bill-shaped mouth, rather than what looks like a snout. A ridge on its back, tail, and four fake legs make me think it's entirely reptilian. You would likely need more indicators of its concept. As for Second Stage: the design is quite neat--no qualms for concept nor design. I'd pay attention to perspective and anatomy, though, for execution. Are we looking at the top or bottom for your first drawing? The oars suggest an overhead camera, but the legs suggest an underside view. These details do matter!
  • Sunfished: The first time I saw your drawings, I thought the left design was the first stage and the right was second stage. I figured that that would work quite well! If you have to choose, I'd go with the first! It certainly hits my points of concept, design, and execution. I don't find it that unusual for a design to go from two legs to four, but that might be because it's a trope I'm familiar with. First Stage could be growing bigger until it can no longer support itself on two legs, hence dropping down to all fours once it evolves. Meowth, Bagon, Oshawott, Purrloin, and to an extent Snover do that, so there is precedence!
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Quanyails In regards to the colors of your Pre Evos, I suggest the Bread Pod be white and both blues, as your new color scheme portrays it. However, the Eggs Gator could do without the blue. What do you think?

EDIT: The blues you have on the Bread Pod and Eggs Gator right now work better, as they share Naviathan's color scheme. I suppose it's Cyan for the Pod, but Blue and Navy for the Gator?
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Final Submission


My Photoshop is incredibly expired. I did the best I could with about three hours of spare time and a box of colored pencils, don't be hatin'

I definitely like the idea some of you guys had with making the basic form look like a little warrior, because I can picture Navia carrying a bunch of its clamoring children around in a comical Davy-Jones'-ship-meets-Kangaskhan kind of way, but I was more intrigued with following a visual story of a buoyant object turning into bigger buoyant objects. I figured I needed some more visual cues to tie in the first stage both to its final form and the raft concept, so I caved and gave it obligatory mohawk + adorable curls in every direction, along with some brown parts that were intended to resemble wood. I also tried to make him look a little less gruff, because in my fantasy, this is the kid that's carting his non-Water type friends across the river.

For the Sage1 evo, I came up with this story mid-design that worked with the Basic form I already had done. Bear with me, I actually took the time to fuss over an explanation for the type change:

A young Pokemon who spends all its life on the water's surface befriends some Pokemon on the shore who can't swim, and offers to carry them across the lake when they need help. He wants to be there to look after his new friends when they're escaping a tough opponent, so he disciplines himself and evolves with the will to be a better asset to his loved ones. He gains the Steel type as proof of his wish to fend off threats and legs for better maneuverability both on land and water. Over time, while he earns a good reputation as a savior, his many battles and the burden of dependancy he placed on himself have slowly turned him salty, to the point that he wishes to no longer police the daily squabbles around the lake, and evolves one final time to a form that better resembles his new character; A rusty, seasoned battler with multiple tactics, choosing to remain uninvolved and save its power until an all-out war happens. I wanted to show a huge thematic contrast between the stage1 and Navia by giving him elements of a Roman soldier (to bring out that militant justice-seeker) and an extreme-yet-uncomfortable stance like a show-dog at a presentation (because he's trained constantly to remain the perfect little guardian), but in the shape of an inflatable life raft (bigger than a raft, can carry more in an emergency getaway situation). I like the idea of meeting a Naviathan and listening to its stories of being trained for success after helping its loved ones along as a child, but eventually losing its love for attaining greatness, which is why it took on the form of a viking ship; a style started by vagabonds who weren't known for much because they largely kept to themselves.

But to summarize, this is what you get, world.

EDIT- cleaned up the boards, compressed filesizes down to <200kb
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Yveltal Gotta say, the first stage is so cute! However, it seems to resemble a flying squirrel more than a terrapin, or whatever Naviathan is based on. It's probably the appearance and color of the tail.
I hope it's not too late for me to join this!

Final Submission



I didn't really have a big concept for either of these; they're both just Mini-Naviathans. Good luck to everyone else!
As I have been unable to draw a decent final submission, I will not be entering the CAP. Feel free to use ideas from mine, and I love what everyone has done so far!
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