BW2 General Metagame Discussion Thread

Actually one stall team archetype I have been playing a lot starts with Forretress or Heatran for hazards control and to get a genesect "counter" out of the way. From there I pretty much have 4 pokemon to cover everything else.

Surprisingly one limit when it comes to the physical side is Mamoswine, mamoswine has 2 counters that aren't worn down, Skarmory, and Slowbro. Since I have hazards slowbro seems like a good start, all I need then is a Scizor counter (maybe Tyranitar) so I am balancing between Jellicent and Gliscor.

The special side is a bit more tricky, but Blissey and Amoonguss have been solid players, Amoonguss needs some testing over Celebi though. In either case I need something that can take volt switches, Breloom, and Keldeo, so its pretty much a toss up.

I would not say sun stall is precisely bad, its more of extremely difficult to play and take a ton of playing with. I remember in BW1 a few got in the top 10 with sun stall teams, you know back when that was hard. One big pro of sun stall is the ability to use fucking cresselia can gain 75% health in one turn. Cresselia is like immortal if played correctly, her bulky makes things shat their pants. She is one of the few pure Mix-mence counters for example. Again it is very hard to play, regular stall is hard enough, but if your pure insanity, suns stall is very possible.
since i play stall, the set of celebi that generally sticks most in my mind is a really weird navi - uturn/leaf storm/recover/perish song or heal bell with significant investment in defenses and relatively little investment in attack. leaf storm mainly being for the punch (especially because you need more power to hurt switch-ins if you're not invested in satk; it's not like you'll be staying in very long with a stab as shitty as grass, so who cares about satk drops), uturn to escape bulky pursuiters, especially tyranitar (even more important if you run celebi alongside another pursuit weakness; this becomes mission critical), recover because duh and perish song/heal bell because celebi is really one of the only good mons that can provide those moves.

Drop U-turn. On a "hard" stall team, you have very little to gain from u-turn's momentum whatsoever. Unlike on balance teams which use pivots for easier switching, most of your guys will have the ability to hard switch into a target with ease. I don't think U-turn will allow you to escape from the Pursuit users targeting you either (Tyranitar and Scizor) since you are slower faster. Outside of escaping trappers, U-turn/Volt-Switch have very little use on stall teams. Scouting is done better by Protect or phazing since each can provide some ability to rack up damage on the opposing team. Tried Eviolite Misdrevus, it just doesn't spin block as well as cool as it is (only if it were bulkier with Lefties recovery).

Any ideas for sun stall?

Sun stall will never work in OU for two paticular reasons. First is Ninetales. Ninetales literally contributes nothing to the team besides the ability to status things. When teambuilding where you are trying to maximize the utility of every slot, Ninetales is certainly not doing any favors. It also is constraining that you need to heavily rely on Rapid Spin in order to keep your walls functioning (in the case of Sableye on Venusaur) when competing against an opposing weather inducer. You may also need to use Shed Shell in order to keep Sun up to escape Dugtrio (some rain teams use it). Therefore, you will have the ability to switch in 5 times with just SR down: your opponent 9! Second, Sun does little to help the Steel-types and Water-types that act as the defensive backbones for most teams (really the OU tier). Good luck getting Dragonite when it can do ~50% to Skarmory without a boost and getting Creselia to take that abuse (with no reliable recovery) repeatedly :o If Hippowdon got Drought (mirroring its cousin Groundon) you might have a chance.

As for suggestions, you will want to limit your weaknesses towards Sand teams paticularly. Having an of forgotten Rock resistance will be handy. Of course you would also want to limit your water weaknesses too. Claydol/Nidoqueen would be a good Poke to incorporate on the team since they both counter Terrakion and can give trouble to Sand teams (though Nidoqueen counters TTar better, Claydol vs Hippowdon better). One absorbs Tspikes/provides them while the other Spins. Skarmory is perhaps the best general counter to sand teams and can incorporate Spikes, however its ability to counter Dragonite will be severely limited. A strong secondary check to Dragons like Slowbro, Landorus-T, and Hippowdon will probably make your way onto your team. Run Eviolite Chansey since your weather makes sure sand doesn't make its toll. For rain, you have Dragointe (stronger Flamethrower on Shuffler), Venasaur (absorbs Tspikes needs Aromatherapy), and Gastrodon/Jellicent (with Shadow Ball/Night Shade) at your disposal.

Stall is bad now (worse than other team-types that is right) for a couple of reasons. For one, its a bitch to teambuild, so you have to invest more time/thought into the teambuilding which can get boring. This accounts partially for its lack of popularity. However lack of success has to do with the inability to incorporate two things at once on a team: walling and utility.

What I mean by this is that you have a class of Pokemon that can actually take the hits to account for certain threats, but then there is another class of Pokemon that possesses the moves to support your own. So you have your wallish Pokes that prevent you from being destroyed from threats i.e. the Chanseys, the Slowbros, and the Heatras. Then you have your pokes that ussually have an exclusive utility that can counter threats but are otherwise lacking/exclusive defensively: your Forretress', Sableyes, Roserades, and Quagsires. Stuff like Slowbro is great to counter powerful threats like Terrakion and act as a secondary check to Dragons. However in the end they are lacking since they provide so little to act as team players (what can Slowbro do besides spread toxic/use trick?)

Essentially you can't find the room to stop yourself from being destroyed by the powerful hits launched in BW while supporting youself or trying to incorporate an exclusive utility move on a team like Rapid Spin. Sometimes you have to curtail the supporting/utility capability of a Poke just to make sure it can wall threats/stay healthy. The shift of using RestTalk Sp. Def Heatran is one example. In exchange for the ability to counter Genesect+Dugtrio more efficiently, you give up the ability to use two utility moves! This makes it so that teambuilding is much more constrained; especially in the circumstance that you can no longer put SR on sp. def Heatran. Not only do you miss out on the ability to utilize Heatran as an SR setter/contribute damage with Toxic, you also miss out on Protect. I can't explain how unappreciated the importance the move Protect is on a stall team. It isn't often thought about, but endgame if you need to wait turns for a Pokemon to die from residual damage like status or sandstorm, you can extend it from the 3-4 turns (usually you will lose 2 guys in a battle) to 9 if the last Pokemon comes out into the Protect user. It makes playing against choice users that come in on certain pokes much easier to play against too (like Keldeo coming in on Heatran).

So when you have to take into account stuff that is walled by exclusive things (Tornadus-T - Jirachi, RainCM Jirachi - Gastrodon/Psong Celebi, Genesect Sun teams - Heatran, Terrakion - Gliscor/Nidoqueen/Slowbro/lolitrieditsbad Claydol) while also trying to incorporate stuff with limited distribution whether for support or to beat certain targets (Baton Pass - Haze/Perish Song, Deo-D Offense -Prankster/FAST Taunt or Magic Coat/Bounce, opposing stall - stall breaker/Toxic Spikes) you are going to run into issues when covering threats. Overall there is a very exclusive list of Pokemon on stall that can both wall and provide great utility. Among these are Jellicent, Chansey, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Rain Dish (in rain) Tentacruel, and Dragonite.
Personally, if I was looking toward sun stall, I would prolly look at a Ninetales / Cresselia / Chansey / Sableye core, and then add a spinner + SR / Spiker. To this end, something like Forretress might potentally be a good option, since I could then run Venusaur in the last slot for Sub Seeding, plus as a "scarfer" when sun is up. Xatu is also a good option, pissing off rain teams by shutting down Ferrothorn and screwing over anything that looks to spam Taunt. I don't really play stall much tho, so idk how good my rough idea of a sun stall team would actually be lol
I like Ginga's approach to it, that core does look pretty solid for a Stall team, I mean take out Tales and you have something that could function as a decent core on any stall team.

Alk, when you asked for a Levitating Spinner, you overlooked one; Claydol. Now we all know how shitty Claydol can be, although on a SunStall team it may actually have a place. In Sun it loses its weakness to water. The rest of its weaknesses are covered by Heatran, and then double covered by other members that might find there way onto a SunStall. It has very usable defenses also, with base 105 physical and 120 special. If you really wanted to free a slot up on Heatran, or whatever your Stealth Rock user was, you could throw them on Claydol.
As gimmicky as it sounds a potential moveset could be:


Claydol @ Leftovers

Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock
Reflect/Heal Block/Earthquake
Lightscreen/Ice Beam

Screens aren't necessary, but if you don't want it to be offensive they could help the team. Another potential move is Heal Block. While a fairly useless move in itself, on a stall team it could be very useful, against say a CM Latias. The major drawback to Claydol is lack of reliable recovery, but that aside I think it could fit perfectly onto a SunStall team. If using Heal Block, HP-Ice could be used in conjunction for Dragons, it wouldn't do a lot, but it would do something.

Earthquake and Ice beam for Claydol for sure. One of its biggest assets is being able to counter Terrakion and some dragons with its Defense. Earthquake lets it slam Terrakion, even in sand (and the 1.5 SpD boost) are going on. And Claydol learns Ice Beam to murder dragons and Gliscor.
The best Sunstall build I've used was Ninetales / Cressy / Sableye / Skarmory / Tentacruel / Chansey. What direction do you guys take with Cressy btw? Moonlight is obvious, for the last slots you're always tossing up between Calm Mind, Psychic, Ice Beam and HP Fire.
I was going to quote, but the post was too long, so let me just say this:

U-turn is awesome on stall celebi, because of pursuit. Now, i hear you saying "but you can't u-turn on the pursuit user"!! Yeah, you u-turn as they come in. If it's t-tar, then he takes around 20% of his life, which can wear him down to the point that you can actually beat him with grass-type moves. As for scizor, not so much, but it can wear him down to wherever you need him to be for a 100% ko with HP fire, which of course depends on your EVs. (I needed 75%).

TL;DR:U-turn lets you double-switch when pursuiters come in, and wear down t-tars so that you can defeat them 1V1 eventually.
Interesting set, but I've no idea why you're using Hidden Power [Ice] Claydol when it learns Ice Beam. I think that set would need Earth Power somewhere, I'd hate to be used as setup fodder for Terrakion when Claydol should be able to wall Terrakion. If you are using this on a Stall Team, I think you're much better off without Light Screen / Reflect. There's simply no need to use dual screens if you're using stall just because everything on your team should be able to take a hit. Besides, it's not like you're preparing for a sweep or anything. I think the best set for Claydol would be something along the lines of Rapid Spin / Stealth Rock / Ice Beam / Earth Power. You hit pretty much everything you need to while still performing the role of a Spinner. With two attacking moves it's much harder to be turned into setup fodder, as any Steel walls mono Ice Beam, while stuff like Gliscor and Dragonite use you as setup fodder when you lack Ice Beam. I also think Hidden Power [Fire] is a worthy mention somewhere, as it allows you to beat Forretress and Ferrothorn easier, both of which are generally annoying to Stall. But yeah, Claydol is a cool mon especially for Sun -- being able to take on things like Scarf Terrakion and Landorus-T is great as they can prove annoying for Sun.

As for Sun Stall in general, I've never seen a decent Sun Stall team in B/W. There's so little you can abuse with Sun in comparison to Rain and having to run the worst 'mon in OU (Ninetales) isn't doing you any favours.
I've seen all right sun-stall,it's not hard to beat.

Also, dual screens are brutally pointless in stall, and i see this being used occasionally. STOP. If you can't wall things without screens, sucks, but stall is all about the long run, and you need your free turns for other stuff. Claydol is interesting, though-screens sort of cancel out boosting, and rapid spin means you can't just set up hazards. But you really don't want claydol being worn down while it sets screens.

And jimbon, really EQ is better IMO.
Temp V1 i wouldn't use Claydol in the same team with Cresselia as they have the same roles. They both are hard counters to Terrakion, and generally provide similar resistances. Claydol has Rapid Spin over Cresselia but Cresselia has way more bulk and reliable recovery.

bubbly i never ever run Calm Mind on Cresselia. Psychic/Psyshock, Ice Beam and Moonlight are mandatory imo. Then you can chose between HP Fire, Reflect and T-Wave. I prefer Reflect which lets you escape your biggest enemy, which is a threat to sun teams in general, Tyranitar. Having HP Fire to kill Scizor is not necessary anyway, as Sun teams shouldn't have a hard time against him. However OHKO-2HKOing Skarmory, Ferrothorn and Forretress is good. T-Wave lets you cripple sweepers you can't hurt otherwise, such as SubCM Jirachi, CM Latias, and Volcarona.

But seriously Cresselia is such a good wall, which counters so many otheriwse unwallable offensive threats such as MixMence, Terrakion, Mamoswine and SD Garchomp. The only thing that prevents him from being used in stall teams is lack of reliable recovery, which is fixed in Sun, so i think that using Cress on a sun stall team is a must.

The team that bubbly posted seems quite good. Ninetales, Chansey, Cresselia, Sableye, Tentacruel and Skarmory have good synergy and they provide anything a stall team would want, except from a cleric. Tentacruel and Chansey can take on most rain mons, and Cresselia, Skarmory and Sableye handle many dangerous physical attackers that sand teams carry, such as Stoutland, Landorus(-T) and Terrakion. Only serious problem is offensive Heatran, if he grabs a Flash Fire boost, as then he will be able to 2hko Chansey and nothing so nothing can wall him, while most of the team members can do nothing to him. The only way to kill him is with hazards. Also physical Fire types such as Darmanitan and Victini demolish this team too, but most other things seem to be covered.
The best Sunstall build I've used was Ninetales / Cressy / Sableye / Skarmory / Tentacruel / Chansey. What direction do you guys take with Cressy btw? Moonlight is obvious, for the last slots you're always tossing up between Calm Mind, Psychic, Ice Beam and HP Fire.

Isn't that Stunt's team? I've seen it used before and it's really devastating, at least in BW1.

Cresselia is interesting. Personally I'm a big fan of a Sun sweeper along the lines of CM/Psyshock/HP Fire/Moonlight, but if you're looking for more of a Utility Cress, then I'd say a quality set is Psychic/Reflect/Moonlight/HP Fire or Ice Beam.

The best Sun Stall uses CM Cress, from what I've seen. Sun Stall's big problem is that it often lacks a method of killing last-Poke sweepers, which Cresselia excels at. With Psyshock and HP Fire, it can beat essentially any CM sweeper, and it does a good job walling last-Poke Dragonite, Salamence, whatever. Its decent base Speed is really nice for outspeeding SD Scizor if your Ninetales has fallen.

If its mono-Psychic typing and Moonlight as its staple recovery move didn't make it so atrocious, I'd use Cresselia on all my stall teams.
Just throwing this out there. Council representin'

I actually enjoy BW2 a lot, contrary to what a lot of the well known players feel. I don't mind the team match up "issue" and I certainly don't mind the "challenge" of having to prepare for many team archetypes.

That said, it is my opinion that Rain Offense as a whole is simply too strong in this metagame. Rain Offense in BW1 was already super strong, and BW2 gave it Tornadus-T, Thundurus-T, Keldeo, and Genesect. Sure you can use all 4 on non Rain teams as well, but all 4 are without question a great boon to Rain Offense's prowess.

Here is my issue: I don't think any of them are broken individually. Yea, I can understand and even appreciate (accept) suspect arguments for all 4 (probably Genesect the most), but I still don't think any are convincingly broken (they might be banned by a weak 50-50ish simple majority or something but it won't be convincing). However, Rain Offense as whole, to me, is convincingly broken.

Before I continue on, I'd like to emphasize that I am not in any shape or form biased against weather. You'll note that I was the one that did the main grassroots advocacy and campaigning for a complex ban to keep the weathers in BW1 ('Aldaron's Proposal'). I've tried my best to keep weather in BW.

Nevertheless, we now have BW2, and 4 GREAT (yet not broken, convincingly) additions to Rain Offense. BW1 Rain Offense was already arguably the strongest team archetype (in general), and now BW2 has given it 4 great tools to be that much better. Stall is basically nonexistent, on ladder or tournament play (though tour bw2 seems to be a bit more balanced defensively than the ladder). I honestly believe Rain Offense, with its large number of great offensive threats, is now, in BW2 (not BW1 mind you), convincingly broken.

So we can either ban a bunch of things (some combination of Tornadus-T, Thundurus-T, Keldeo, Genesect) that aren't broken individually, or we can take a nod at history and view Politoed through the scope of the 4th gen suspect characteristics and see that it is broken regarding the Support Clause, since Drizzle is the one connecting constant to "Rain Offense."

(Note banning Drizzle also helps Smogon in the PR department, as a complex ban would no longer be necessary with Drizzle gone. While this shouldn't be the main or determining factor for anyone, it is something interesting to consider when viewing everything in its entirety. We're already going a nonstandard route to keep Drizzle in the meta with a Complex banning, and we've already banned Manaphy and long do we continue to chop off a limb here and there on Drizzle to keep it in the metagame? How important is keeping Drizzle actually in the overall scheme of things?)
well isn't this a bloody conundrum, i guess we're gonna start the general suspecting thread all over again

i have seen similar arguments and am, to some extent, wont to agree. keldeo and thundurus-T are not even close to broken in any experience i've had. tornadus-T, and even more so genesect, are cutting it close, but i tend to err on the "not broken" side. yet rain offense is still one of the most powerful team variants of the era. i also agree that there is only one elegant way to excise the problem from OU, which is to ban drizzle itself. banning 2 or 3 mon+drizzle combinations is clumsy and i think it crosses too many lines. trying to encapsulate the concept of rain offense in a ban is impossible; definition is too fluffy. that really does leave only one option, which is to send politoed packing.

however there is a fatal problem with banning drizzle from OU, even if we ignore the loss of styles like rainstall that are definitely not broken, and that problem is sun. there have been players who have considered sun the broken one in this metagame, not rain. well if you eliminate rain, that is definitely going to become even more defined. i would say sun is a much bigger threat to stall than rain is if we're arguing about playstyles. given this concern, the only solution that could be at all considered elegant is to ban both drought and drizzle together and see what happens if only sand and hail remain.

there is also, of course, the very legitimate concern of destroying rain stall if drizzle is banned. definitely not a broken playstyle in any aspect, but it would be a certain casualty of eliminating drizzle from the tier. i have an easier time living with that than i do living with the idea of sun offense being uncontested, but that's an argument for another day.

the bigger question really is whether or not rain offense, or sun offense, or any of their individual threats, are broken to begin with. i feel that if it can actually be established that they are overpowered, then the only possible solution is to ban both weathers and be done with it. but first it has to be established that rain offense is broken. that tornadus-T is not broken. that thundurus-T is not broken. that genesect is not broken. that keldeo (okay i think this one is the easiest) is not broken. this is a long road of testing.

anyway i don't really know if i ultimately have an opinion on the brokenness of rain offense; i can find arguments within myself both for and against it... looks like it's up for discussion now though
I agree. Rain is becoming way too strong. I don't think it's rain as a whole it's tornadus-t. That thing is just way too powerful. Imagine giving darkrai a stab move with 120 power and prefect accuracy in the most powerful weather condition and a 30% chance to instill confusion. In rain keldeo and thunderus-t were kinda underwhelming. They're both really strong, but they lack enough speed to make them outright broken. Genesect is damn annoying in any weather it's in. If that thing reaches 30% usage(granted it will be #1) it's really worth looking at. My concern is genesect and tornadus-t, everything else is fine. But if drizzle has to go, all weather(minus hail) have to follow. Rain is what keeps Sand and sun HO from destroying everything. Banning one will lead to an imbalance and that's why I believe if one goes, all of them should too.
Rain itself is not broken. Tornadus-T itself is not broken. Keldeo itself is not broken. Thundurus-T itself is not broken. A combination of the four is broken. Problem lies in either banning Drizzle or making a complex ban involving all the elements above, also banning Drizzle would mean that you need to ban other weathers, not to mention that banning Drizzle would take out one of the elements that make Pokémon a so diverse game.
I agree. Rain is becoming way too strong. I don't think it's rain as a whole it's tornadus-t. That thing is just way too powerful. Imagine giving darkrai a stab move with 120 power and prefect accuracy in the most powerful weather condition and a 30% chance to instill confusion. In rain keldeo and thunderus-t were kinda underwhelming. They're both really strong, but they lack enough speed to make them outright broken. Genesect is damn annoying in any weather it's in. If that thing reaches 30% usage(granted it will be #1) it's really worth looking at. My concern is genesect and tornadus-t, everything else is fine. But if drizzle has to go, all weather(minus hail) have to follow. Rain is what keeps Sand and sun HO from destroying everything. Banning one will lead to an imbalance and that's why I believe if one goes, all of them should too.

2. Genesect is very metagame changing, but I wouldn't say its broken. 96 (or is it 97?) base speed isn't that great in an offensive-based metagame. It makes a great scarfer, but any good player can play around it. It's just the u-turn that makes it so versitile, that allows it to get switch initiative, but that's volt-turn in general and a lot of things can check genesect. Heatran for starters is a nice counter, but rotom-h also works (I actually used him to some success on a rain stall team to check sun, and it actually works). Genesect is also hard-checked by things like Scarf Landorus, Scarf Terrakion (or any Terrakion since Gene generally doesn't carry the steel type attack, and can't hit it at all). It's coverage is amazing, but not perfect. Scarf sets are easy to play around, especially with offensive protect variants like torn-t or protect terrakion / stall gliscor. Also, since gene is so fast, things like rotom-w can volt-switch after it u-turned and nab the switch advantage. Its wall breaking sets get outspeeded by a lot of common threats, and RP sets can't do much to stall. Finally, Genesect is very hard-pressed to do much of anything to sun unless by some miracle it pulls of a RP, and even then, things like heatran laugh at it. Just because its "damn annoying" doesn't make it ban worthy imo. This is up for debate as it IS metagame defining, but I'm not sure its broken as I find it manageable to deal with.

3. Tornadus-T's STAB isn't that powerful. It's manageable. I can name a bunch of common OU pokes that can check / counter him, but you can read the analysis.
Personally,i always dread facing tornadus-t, and i would be F*CKING ECSTATIC if it were banned. And i honestly feel like it might be banworthy-stall has trouble really dealing with it because regenerator makes it really hard to stall out, and it's so fast that offense teams also have trouble with it, since they can only force it out with scarfers, and it can't be worn down by forcing it out.
Outcome(s) for banning rain, sun and sand


-Blaziken, Manaphy, Thunderus-I, and Excadrill can come back to ou.

All of them were essentially too powerful due to the existing weather conditions that they thrived in best. Blaziken's counters could be 2HKo'd when it was at +2 in the sun,
Excadrill was faster than everything, thunderus has access to more powerful stab, and manaphy has a 100% recovery move and was immune to status.

-Donphan will drop to uu (uu will have its best spinner back)

It's going to be outclassed as spinner by excadrill who A) is faster B) more powerful and
C) Has a steel typing to be able to check dragons and D) can beat spin blockers

-No more complex bans.

SS+Drizzle and SV ban will no longer exist b/c
weather will no longer exist.

-More manageable pokemon.

Tornadus will essentially be neutered, keldeo, volcarona, thunder-(I/T), genesect, jirachi, and landorus will all have a decrease in power.

-Stall will become more viable.

With less powerful threats, defensive teams can thrive and thus create diversity.

-Hail will be the only weather

Hail is perfectly manageable playstyle that doesn't really disrupt any sort of balance. In fact it makes pokemon like froslass and possibly regice viable in ou.
This means ou won't be centered around the same pokes.


Politoad, Ninetails, Gastrodon, Venusaur, Hippowdon and dugtrio (possibly jolteon) will all drop to lower tiers.

All of these pokemon are ou for one thing and one thing only, weather. When that's gone, they will be too. While this may seem negative, lower tiers will actually benefit from them dropping.

-Tyranitar will decrease in usage.

It's insane special bulk will be gone meaning, you can take it out easier, at the same time it can't counter lati@s any more.


Bliss is picked over chansey b/c the leftover recovery was vital due to residual damage caused by sand(and to a lesser extent hail) Blissey may switch usage levels with chansey.


-A huge chunk of playstlyes will be taken out.

It's no surprise that by taking weather you're going to rip out so many
different strategies.

-Underused pokemon that are ou viable because of weather won't be any more.

Sand rush users, chlorophyll users and to a lesser extent SSers will no longer have a place in ou.

These are just my thoughts about what will/should happen if weather is gone. -shrugs-

@shurtugal I didn't say rain was broken, I didn't say genesect was broken. All I said is that they're worth being looked at.
Tornadus-T has no definable counter, if under the right conditions, it can defeat its counters. For example, heat wave kills
jirachi and bronzong in sun.
But in sun, it's got half-accuracy hurricanes. So, while i guess it CAN still do damage, it's not really all that threatening.

More importantly, it can wear down Zong and u-turn on rachi to dugtrio. So there's that.

Also, why are you talking about banning sand? Really, other than the two sand veilers, there are no really great abusers of those any more, and that would remove two good-on-their-own merit pokemon from the metagame.
I personally find it quite easy to deal with most rain offense teams. Lefties Rotom-W is usually a great check to such teams, and usually puts the pressure on them for all the game, as long as they lack Celebi / Amoonguss / Chansey / Blissey (Ferrothorn and the dragons are easily crippled by a WoW).

My biggest problem in this meta is easily Genesect, which i feel is the most suspect worhty poke. As many have said before, i have played many battles where the game was decided by who kept his Gensesct alive longer, and in most games i play he is usually the most problematic poke for me to face. Does this mean it is broken? No. Does it mean that it deserves some serious consideration? Definitely!

EDIT: Superbadd Thundurus-I wasn't banned because of rain, he was OP on his own.
Personally i think that banning all three of rain, sand and sun would make hail reign as it no longer has to deal with enemy weathers, and Abomasnow and friends are now free to spam their Blizzards and kill things. Although hail has problems on its own, it's biggest problem is certainly the other weathers and banning them would make life to hail much, much more easier. The metagame is always going to be centered around one weather unless you ban all of them, or if there is a diversity of weathers and another diversity of tools to all of them (wich is currently not happening).
I honestly don't think hail will be that powerful. OU isn't very friendly to ice types, plus there's SR which really puts a lot of pressure on it. I think hail will balance out the dragons if all of the other weathers are banned.
Also, why are you talking about banning sand? Really, other than the two sand veilers, there are no really great abusers of those any more, and that would remove two good-on-their-own merit pokemon from the metagame.

I would argue that Sand Force Landorus and Sand Rush Sandslash (who is an amazing Rapid Spinner when equipped with LO, tied for best in the tier) would let Sand have powerful options that couldn't be "anti-metagamed" (other than carrying bs like Sunny Day) might make Sand stand out a lot more for powerful options compared to non-weather.

superbadd said:
-Underused pokemon that are ou viable because of weather won't be any more.

By extension, you could say that there are underused Pokemon that become OU viable without weather anymore. Some UU's like Zapdos, Slowbro, Bronzong, and Kingdra (who can now more freely use Rain Dance) wouldn't have to deal with very powerful weather hits, like boosted water attacks. Some lower OU's who have difficulty dealing with powerful hits, like Reuniclus (though Genesect and Scizor really would hurt it), might see a rise too.
i definitely believe that if either rain or sun is banned, the other will have to accompany it into the void. these two are really the most powerful weathers by far. sun has chlorophyll, fire nukes, we all know how this works. rain has hurricane, thunder, hydro pump, etc etc.

however i don't know if sand will need to be banned, if those two are banned - that's a different story altogether, i think. the main use of sand is to get use out of tyranitar while simultaneously annoying other weathers. there are only two mons in OU that are rock (can abuse for sdef boosts), one relevant mon with sand force (landorus-I, and physical landorus is not as popular as it used to be... it was once a powerhouse of the BW metagame though) and only one relevant user of sand veil (gliscor. possibly garchomp depending on what the council says). both the viable sand rushers are in lower tiers, which is indicative of how powerful they are in OU. sand is definitely not being run because any one pokemon can become a powerhouse while under it. that might change if it becomes the only major weather though

and hail will definitely need some more work before it becomes an OU threat. really the main reason hail is run right now is for blizzard spam, residual damage (which sand fails to get on many bulky mons) and, reason #1 by far, to change the weather and deny control of it against others. hail will become stronger if all the other weathers disappear, but i have a tough time believing that it will ever dominate. you can't make a team with more than two ice types on it and still maintain a metagame edge. it's just not gonna happen with a type as shitty as ice.

all these thoughts are a long way off though so it's just theory

landorus has sheer force, so it doesn't need sand. keldeo doesn't rely on rain to function, and the power drop isn't that great considering +2 hydro pumps will still hurt. volcarona has been used outside of sun and still works nicely, so it doesn't need sun. Rain Therians are the only things will be nuked, but even thundy-t can still fit on volt-switch teams.
you are missing the point that superbadd tried to make. it doesn't matter that these threats will still be powerful, the point is that they are LESS powerful and that means the counter list goes up. whether that's good or bad is up for discussion, but hp ground lum volcarona in sun has NO counters in the game. only checks. take away the sun and the list goes up dramatically.
as for landorus, you missed something important between sheer and sand force: almost nothing in landorus's physical movepool benefits from sheer force. stone edge and earthquake do NOT gain boosts from sheer force. the whole reason landorus was so powerful was good speed and a solid (not extraordinary) base attack, combined with the sand force boost that affected both rock and ground moves. that means its edgequake was a LOT stronger than most base 100 speed mons should have been capable of achieving. sheer force is only usable on special sets which are easily walled and frankly only effective against a narrow bracket of teams - teams that are popular right now, which is why the set itself is popular, but sheer force landorus-I is without a doubt an anti-meta mon, not a meta one. it counters popular threats but will never be one. it lacks the punch and coverage.
weatherless keldeo is really not all that common. even on sand, where keldeo does appear, the main advantage of running it is that you've taken one of rain's most powerful sweepers and put it on your own team, so you can turn rain's own weapons against it. it happens to be solid enough that it can stick up for itself if rain is not present, but it's not exactly a game-demolishing set without its rain backed hydro pumps. it only gets interesting when you give keldeo the rain support. i personally think keldeo is fine either way though - it has lots of counters because of its shit worthless movepool.

Er, without sand, NO ONE will use Excadrill, so Donphan will remain an OU spinner.
lol WHAT? you serious? sand means excadrill can no longer sweep. it is still without a doubt one of the three best spinners in the game. steel typing, high attack, and enough base HP to take a few hits (not many, donphan is bulkier, but the steel typing goes a LOOONG way). go take a look at excadrill's uber analysis. the bulky spinner set is the FIRST one. not the offensive SD set that arguably made it overpowered in OU... the BULKY SLOW ONE. yeah. it's not gonna sweep any time soon, but it still packs plenty of punch, and moreover, it's a usable pokemon with rapid spin - that alone means it will be guaranteed to see usage. i have even seen mold breaker discussed and used seriously in ubers, because bulky excadrill can use it to force out giratina-O (otherwise you can only hurt giratina-O with boosted shadow claws, and there's only so much room in a moveset that already runs rapid spin).

as for tornadus-T counters, chansey is very shaky because you cannot switch in on a superpower - you won't wish/protect fast enough to survive the next two and you have no leftovers to save your ass with protect stalling. nobody in the game should ever be running heatproof bronzong; the main reason to run bronzong is because levitate takes its resistance pattern from solid to ridiculous. otherwise you suddenly become vulnerable to everything running ground/ice or ground/rock coverage, and there's no shortage of those.
I guess what I am trying to say is that by removing weather, your taking away playstyles commonly used in OU. We've still yet to touch rather rain, sun, and sand are broken first, much less if we should ban them. Rain has currently centralized, but it isn't broken. If we ban one, the structure does fall, but I don't see why we need to ban weather in the first place. That's my point entirely. We've yet to prove if a weather is broken.