Captain Funk vs
Doppelsoldner - no response from opp
Drivetacos vs
sss_ten - no reply back.
Greentea570 vs
Probopaslll - no response from opp.
Nick.see vs
Darkstars880 - inactivity from opp.
RealJester vs
maiw - no reply from opp.
GaryTheGengar vs
agenS - agens missed schedule + didnt respond back after a reschedule option by gary.
akshathat vs
3d - no reply back from opp.
Mazinger vs
Bellyman007 - no reply back from opp.
257m vs
Trosko - trosko stopped replying after rejecting a specific schedule while 257 further contacted asking if they are available for other days.
Kadiro vs
Firedrake725 - no reply from opp.
The Dovahneer vs
ADF Test - no reply from opp + claim act.
jschneider69 vs
swag god - no reply from opp.
K-12] The Madchine vs
Ophion - claimed act win + opp missed scheduled time.
SiTuM vs
BingusVGC - no reply from opp.
Salty team water vs
Void - no reply from opp.
reymaki vs
3clocks - co reply from opp.
Blui vs
Inder - inder stopped answering while blui continued to see what time they could play at for the weekend.
Itader vs
Hollow Soul - claimed act due to no activity.
Max_at1 vs
Pohjis - no reply from opp.
Icemann vs
r1dude - no reply from opp.
Iguana vs
Skyrio - claimed act due to opp missing scheduled time.
So Noisy vs
fatty - claimed act due to opp missing time.
lhce628 vs
SuperEpicAmpharos - was given the win.
CamiloTD vs
Punny - inactivity from camilo.
eblurb vs
ab2trappy - no reply from opp.
Spl4sh vs
Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ - claimed act + opp stopped responding.
Fluore vs
Balomogon - no reply from opp.
obii vs
reyscarface - act claim + scheduling situation on obiis side.
Xlez7 vs
Jimothy Cool - one put more effort to schedule as the other missed the first week to contact.
5noodles vs
Fivesallround - no reply from opp.
Auspexel vs
SoulWind - no reply from opp.
Churielix vs
fanchris21 - no reply from opp.
ollyhinge11 vs
Rahulnim - inactivity.
Balto vs
LaMount - inactive from mounts side.
MetPlaz vs
Snak - no reply from opp.
Sabella vs
Lialiabeast - lia stopped replying after another questioning arose from sabella for scheduling.
Magyarország vs
Feaniix - no contact from opp after scheduling.
Leo vs
DeserK - leo scheduled dates and times but deserk lagged a bit on responding twice.
urrgh vs
Vandosaurus - inactive.
bb skarm vs
Ruds024 - no reply from opp.
august vs
VyoletRayn - there was no response back from rayn.
Melle2402 vs
Puffy's mom - complicated scheduling from puffy, no specifics with availability mentioned until days later which confused melle. Didnt answer back until after deadline on playing from melles last message.
Permission Slip vs
iKeepAglokLikeAcop - no response back after some time.
tjljt vs
Sharow - no reply from opp.
sensei axew vs
johnace - no reply from opp.
Nezloe vs
FottemGaming - no reply from opp.
KeldeoCrowned vs
T___Darknight___T- inactive.
Dababy2 vs
Urmom333 - no reply from opp.
fabwooloo vs
Pav1up - no reply from opp.
SOM/05 vs
IcyGas52 - act claim + missed schedule.
omicorio vs
nonfoolnonfish - omi had missed scheduled time after scheduling with their opp, asked for extension after deadline but they had 2 weeks to get this done.
Rasenpou’s Meal vs
FU SHUN HA - no reply from opp.
orijyn vs
Blox - no reply from opp.
Uta The Clown vs
LeCehlou - no reply from opp.
Yert vs
Raymario Pokénic - no reply from opp.
Skelly10 vs
M Dragon - no reply from opp.
Joga vs
BlazingDark - joga became inactive after some time.