Gen 5 [BW] Arbok [DONE]

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name: Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Earthquake / Aqua Tail / Seed Bomb
move 4: Sucker Punch
item: Black Sludge
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Coil makes Arbok a dangerous sweeper, and its accuracy boost makes Arbok's STAB move, Gunk Shot, more reliable. Earthquake primarily targets Steel-types like Lairon and Pawniard, and it has the added benefit of breaking through opposing Arbok, though picking it leaves Arbok struggling against Ground-types and Solrock. Alternatively, Aqua Tail still provides super effective coverage against most Rock- and Ground-types while still doing high damage to Pawniard, though it leaves Arbok unable to break through Whiscash and Frillish before they can KO or cripple it back. Seed Bomb retains super effective damage against Solrock and Ground-types while also threatening Whiscash and Frillish, though now Arbok has no effective way to damage Steel-types, and Frillish can still threaten Arbok if not weakened prior. Sucker Punch lets Arbok pick off faster threats like Persian and Simisear, as well as threatening Choice Scarf Psychic-types like Grumpig and Mr. Mime. Intimidate lets Arbok find more setup opportunities by weakening opposing physical attackers.

Arbok best fits on offensive teams looking for an effective wincon that can set up on certain important physical attackers, such as Muk or Mienfoo. Based on its choice of coverage, Solrock, Steel-types, or Ground-types tend to be able to wall it. Water-types such as Staryu and Whiscash serve as effective checks to Solrock and most Pokemon of these types, Grass-types such as Leafeon and Meganium can also handle Solrock and Ground-types, and Mienfoo and Hippopotas can handle Steel-types as well. The aformentioned Grass-types also help against Frillish and Whiscash if Arbok forgoes Seed Bomb. Stealth Rock support from setters such as Solrock and Lairon is essential for getting faster threats like Simisear and Mr. Mime into Sucker Punch range. While much harder to fit on teams, Spikes support from the likes of Pineco or Shelmet also greatly aids Arbok in these matchups, especially with preventing Persian from repeatedly switching in to wear Arbok down with Fake Out. Other offensive threats like Kingler and Raichu can soften up the opposing team to aid Arbok's endgame sweep.

Other Options

Shed Skin is an option to mitigate status, but Intimidate weakening physical attackers is generally more useful, and Shed Skin is unreliable. Substitute is another option for Coil Arbok to dodge status, though it hates having to give up one of its coverage moves or Sucker Punch. Arbok can act as a wallbreaker with Choice Band or speed control with Choice Scarf, though it's outclassed in both roles.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippopotas takes minimal damage even from boosted super effective attacks, has reliable recovery in Slack Off, and threatens Arbok with Earthquake or Whirlwind. Even after a Coil, Wormadam-G or Graveler can tank an Aqua Tail or Seed Bomb and threaten Arbok back with Earthquake.

**Steel-types**: Without Earthquake or Aqua Tail, Arbok struggles to hurt Steel-types like Lairon and Pawniard, which can easily overwhelm Arbok with their powerful attacks. Wormadam-S is another effective check, as it is not weak to any of Arbok's coverage moves and can hit back hard with Psychic or Hidden Power Ground.

**Solrock**: If Arbok lacks Aqua Tail or Seed Bomb, Solrock can easily switch in and threaten to burn Arbok with Will-O-Wisp, and it can stay healthy with Morning Sun. Even with super effective coverage and a Coil boost, Arbok cannot OHKO Solrock. However, Arbok has an easier time breaking through offensive Solrock sets, as they have a harder time tanking its attacks and can be removed by Sucker Punch.

**Water-types**: If Arbok lacks Seed Bomb, Frillish stonewalls it, while Whiscash can overwhelm it one-on-one. Even with Seed Bomb, Frillish can threaten to burn Arbok before it gets enough boosts to KO it.

**Faster Threats**: Choice Band Slaking can outspeed and OHKO even a boosted Arbok while taking minimal damage from its Sucker Punch. Naturally faster threats like Simisear and Emolga, alongside Choice Scarf users like Mr. Mime and Kingler, can outspeed Arbok, tank a boosted Sucker Punch, and revenge kill it. However, if they face Arbok at full health, they will likely lose one-on-one, and entry hazards can bring them into Sucker Punch range. Persian's Fake Out out-prioritizes Sucker Punch and is thus able to pick off a weakened Arbok.

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Great job as always, QC 1/2 when implemented

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name: Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Earthquake / Aqua Tail / Seed Bomb
move 4: Sucker Punch
item: Leftovers
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Coil makes Arbok a dangerous sweeper by boosting its Attack and Defense, while the accuracy boost makes Arbok's primary STAB, Gunk Shot, more reliable. Earthquake primarily targets Steel-types like Lairon and Pawniard, while having the added benefit of breaking through opposing Arbok, though this leaves Arbok struggling against Ground-types and Solrock. Alternatively, Aqua Tail still provides super effective coverage against Lairon and high damage to Pawniard, while also threatening Solrock, though this leaves Arbok lacking the means to break through Whiscash and Frillish before they can KO or cripple it back. Seed Bomb retains super effective damage against Solrock and Ground-types while also threatening Whiscash and Frillish, though now Arbok has no effective way to damage Steel-types. Sucker Punch lets Arbok pick off faster threats like Persian and Simisear, while also threatening Choice Scarf Psychic-types like Grumpig and Mr. Mime. Intimidate is used as it lets Arbok find more setup opportunities by weakening opposing physical attackers.

Arbok best fits on offensive teams looking for an effective win con that can set up on certain physical attackers such as Muk or Mienfoo. Answering Muk offensively is by far Arbok's biggest draw Based on its choice of coverage, Solrock, Steel-types, or Ground-types tend to have the ability to wall it. Thus, Water-types such as Staryu and Whiscash serve as effective checks to most Pokemon of these types. Grass-types such as Leafeon and Meganium can also handle Solrock and Ground-types, while Mienfoo and Hippopotas can handle Steel-types as well. These aformentioned Grass-types also help against Frillish and Whiscash if Arbok forgoes Seed Bomb. Stealth Rock support from setters such as Solrock and Lairon is essential for getting faster threats like Simisear and Mr. Mime into Sucker Punch range. While much harder to fit on teams, Spikes support from the likes of Pineco or Shelmet also greatly aid Arbok in these matchups. Entry hazards have the added benefit of preventing Persian from repeatedly switching in to wear Arbok down with Fake Out. On offensive teams, other offensive threats like Kingler and Raichu can soften up the opposing team to aid Arbok's endgame sweep.

Other Options

Shed Skin is an option to mitigate the effect status has on Arbok, but Intimidate weakening physical attackers is generally more useful, and Shed Skin's percent chance to activate makes it unreliable. Substitute is another option for Coil Arbok to doge status, though it hates having to give up one of its coverage moves or Sucker Punch. Arbok can act as a wallbreaker with Choice Band, or speed control with Choice Scarf, though it's outclassed in both roles.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Without Earthquake or Aqua Tail, Arbok struggles to hurt Steel-types like Lairon and Pawniard, who can easily overwhelm Arbok with their powerful attacks. Wormadam-T is another effective check, as it is not weak to any of Arbok's coverage and can hit back hard with Psychic or Hidden Power Ground.

**Ground-types**: Hippopotas takes minimal damage even from boosted super effective attacks, has reliable recovery in Slack Off, and threatens Arbok with Earthquake. Even after a Coil, Wormadam-S or Graveler can tank an Aqua Tail or Seed Bomb and threaten Arbok back with Earthquake. I think that Ground types should be featured over Steels as counters, but nbd

**Solrock**: If Arbok lacks Aqua Tail or Seed Bomb, Solrock can easily switch in and threaten to burn Arbok with Will-o-Wisp, and stay healthy with Morning Sun. Even with super effective coverage and a Coil boost, Arbok cannot OHKO Solrock. However, Arbok has an easier time breaking through offensive Solrock sets as they have a harder tanking its attacks and can be removed by Sucker Punch.

**Water-types**: If it lacks Seed Bomb, Frillish stonewalls Arbok, while Whiscash can overwhelm it in a 1v1. Even with Seed Bomb, Frillish can threaten to burn Arbok before it gets enough boosts to KO it.

**Faster threats**: Choice Band Slaking can outspeed and OHKO even a boosted Arbok while taking minimal damage from its Sucker Punch. Naturally faster threats like Simisear and Emolga alongside Choice Scarf users like Mr. Mime and Kingler can outspeed Arbok, tank a boosted Sucker Punch, and revenge kill it. However, they cannot KO Arbok before it KOs them back in a 1v1, and entry hazards can bring them into Sucker Punch range. Persian's Fake Out is capable of out-prioritizing Sucker Punch, and is able to pick off a weakened Arbok.

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Really good job, I just had one small comment overall.


name: Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Earthquake / Aqua Tail / Seed Bomb
move 4: Sucker Punch
item: Black Sludge
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Coil makes Arbok a dangerous sweeper by boosting its Attack and Defense, while the accuracy boost makes Arbok's primary STAB, Gunk Shot, more reliable. Earthquake primarily targets Steel-types like Lairon and Pawniard, while having the added benefit of breaking through opposing Arbok, though this leaves Arbok struggling against Ground-types and Solrock. Alternatively, Aqua Tail still provides super effective coverage against Lairon and high damage to Pawniard, while also threatening Solrock, though this leaves Arbok lacking the means to break through Whiscash and Frillish before they can KO or cripple it back. Seed Bomb retains super effective damage against Solrock and Ground-types while also threatening Whiscash and Frillish, though now Arbok has no effective way to damage Steel-types. Sucker Punch lets Arbok pick off faster threats like Persian and Simisear, while also threatening Choice Scarf Psychic-types like Grumpig and Mr. Mime. Intimidate is used as it lets Arbok find more setup opportunities by weakening opposing physical attackers.

Arbok best fits on offensive teams looking for an effective win con that can set up on certain important physical attackers such as Muk or Mienfoo. Based on its choice of coverage, Solrock, Steel-types, or Ground-types tend to have the ability to wall it. Thus, Water-types such as Staryu and Whiscash serve as effective checks to most Pokemon of these types. Grass-types such as Leafeon and Meganium can also handle Solrock and Ground-types, while Mienfoo and Hippopotas can handle Steel-types as well. These aformentioned Grass-types also help against Frillish and Whiscash if Arbok forgoes Seed Bomb. Stealth Rock support from setters such as Solrock and Lairon is essential for getting faster threats like Simisear and Mr. Mime into Sucker Punch range. While much harder to fit on teams, Spikes support from the likes of Pineco or Shelmet also greatly aid Arbok in these matchups. Entry hazards have the added benefit of preventing Persian from repeatedly switching in to wear Arbok down with Fake Out. On offensive teams, other offensive threats like Kingler and Raichu can soften up the opposing team to aid Arbok's endgame sweep.

Other Options

Shed Skin is an option to mitigate the effect status has on Arbok, but Intimidate weakening physical attackers is generally more useful, and Shed Skin's percent chance to activate makes it unreliable. Substitute is another option for Coil Arbok to doge status, though it hates having to give up one of its coverage moves or Sucker Punch. Arbok can act as a wallbreaker with Choice Band, or speed control with Choice Scarf, though it's outclassed in both roles.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippopotas takes minimal damage even from boosted super effective attacks, has reliable recovery in Slack Off, and threatens Arbok with Earthquake or Whirlwind. Even after a Coil, Wormadam-S or Graveler can tank an Aqua Tail or Seed Bomb and threaten Arbok back with Earthquake.

**Steel-types**: Without Earthquake or Aqua Tail, Arbok struggles to hurt Steel-types like Lairon and Pawniard, who can easily overwhelm Arbok with their powerful attacks. Wormadam-T is another effective check, as it is not weak to any of Arbok's coverage and can hit back hard with Psychic or Hidden Power Ground.

**Solrock**: If Arbok lacks Aqua Tail or Seed Bomb, Solrock can easily switch in and threaten to burn Arbok with Will-o-Wisp, and stay healthy with Morning Sun. Even with super effective coverage and a Coil boost, Arbok cannot OHKO Solrock. However, Arbok has an easier time breaking through offensive Solrock sets as they have a harder tanking its attacks and can be removed by Sucker Punch.

**Water-types**: If it lacks Seed Bomb, Frillish stonewalls Arbok, while Whiscash can overwhelm it in a 1v1. Even with Seed Bomb, Frillish can threaten to burn Arbok before it gets enough boosts to KO it.

**Faster threats**: Choice Band Slaking can outspeed and OHKO even a boosted Arbok while taking minimal damage from its Sucker Punch. Naturally faster threats like Simisear and Emolga alongside Choice Scarf users like Mr. Mime and Kingler can outspeed Arbok, tank a boosted Sucker Punch, and revenge kill it. However, they cannot KO Arbok before it KOs them back in a 1v1, and entry hazards can bring them into Sucker Punch range. Persian's Fake Out is capable of out-prioritizing Sucker Punch, and is able to pick off a weakened Arbok.

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AMGP! autumn

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name: Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Earthquake / Aqua Tail / Seed Bomb
move 4: Sucker Punch
item: Black Sludge
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Coil makes Arbok a dangerous sweeper by boosting its Attack and Defense, while its accuracy boost makes Arbok's primary STAB, Gunk Shot, more reliable. Earthquake primarily targets Steel-types like Lairon and Pawniard, while having the added benefit of breaking through opposing Arbok, though this leaves Arbok struggling against Ground-types and Solrock carrying Will-O-Wisp qc territory but its the only way solrock can consistently threaten arbok, no? if not then just ignore this. Alternatively, Aqua Tail still provides super effective coverage against most Rock- and Ground-types and also does while still doing high damage to Pawniard, though this leaves Arbok lacking the means to break through Whiscash and Frillish before they can KO or cripple it back. Seed Bomb retains super effective damage against Solrock and Ground-types while also threatening Whiscash and Frillish, though now Arbok has no effective way to damage Steel-types and Frillish can still threaten Arbok if not weakened prior talk this one through with qc, i know u already have it mentioned in c&c but it should also be mentioned here. Sucker Punch lets Arbok pick off faster threats like Persian and Simisear, while also threatening Choice Scarf Psychic-types like Grumpig and Mr. Mime. Intimidate is used as it lets Arbok find more setup opportunities by weakening opposing physical attackers.

Arbok best fits on offensive teams looking for an effective win con wincon that can set up on certain important physical attackers, (AC) such as Muk or Mienfoo. Based on its choice of coverage, Solrock, Steel-types, or Ground-types tend to have the ability to wall it. Thus, Water-types such as Staryu and Whiscash serve as effective checks to most Pokemon of these types., (RP, AC) while Grass-types such as Leafeon and Meganium can also handle Solrock and Ground-types, while and Mienfoo and Hippopotas can handle Steel-types as well optional, but probably worth doing since the whole role of them is the same as the water mons. These aformentioned Grass-types also help against Frillish and Whiscash if Arbok forgoes Seed Bomb. Stealth Rock support from setters such as Solrock and Lairon is essential for getting faster threats like Simisear and Mr. Mime into Sucker Punch range. While much harder to fit on teams, Spikes support from the likes of Pineco or Shelmet also greatly aid Arbok in these matchups., (RP, AC) Entry hazards have the added benefit of especially with preventing Persian from repeatedly switching in to wear Arbok down with Fake Out. Other offensive threats like Kingler and Raichu can soften up the opposing team to aid Arbok's endgame sweep.

Other Options

Shed Skin is an option to mitigate the effect status has on Arbok, but Intimidate weakening physical attackers is generally more useful, and Shed Skin's mere 30% chance to activate makes it unreliable again qc territory but possibly mention the potential usefulness vs frillish and willo solrock. Substitute is another option for Coil Arbok to dodge status, though it hates having to give up one of its coverage moves or Sucker Punch. Arbok can act as a wallbreaker with Choice Band, (RC) or speed control with Choice Scarf, though it's outclassed in both roles.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippopotas takes minimal damage even from boosted super effective attacks, has reliable recovery in Slack Off, and threatens Arbok with Earthquake or Whirlwind. Even after a Coil, Wormadam-S or Graveler can tank an Aqua Tail or Seed Bomb and threaten Arbok back with Earthquake.

**Steel-types**: Without Earthquake or Aqua Tail, Arbok struggles to hurt Steel-types like Lairon and Pawniard, which can easily overwhelm Arbok with their powerful attacks. Wormadam-T is another effective check, as it is not weak to any of Arbok's coverage and can hit back hard with Psychic or Hidden Power Ground.

**Solrock**: If Arbok lacks Aqua Tail or Seed Bomb, Solrock can easily switch in and threaten to burn Arbok with Will-O-Wisp, and stay healthy with Morning Sun. Even with super effective coverage and a Coil boost, Arbok cannot OHKO Solrock. However, Arbok has an easier time breaking through offensive Solrock sets as they have a harder tanking its attacks and can be removed by Sucker Punch.

**Water-types**: If it Arbok lacks Seed Bomb, Frillish stonewalls Arbok it switched around for clarity, (RC) while Whiscash can overwhelm it in a 1v1 one-on-one. Even with Seed Bomb, Frillish can threaten to burn Arbok before it gets enough boosts to KO it.

**Faster threats**: Choice Band Slaking can outspeed and OHKO even a boosted Arbok while taking minimal damage from its Sucker Punch. Naturally faster threats like Simisear and Emolga alongside Choice Scarf users like Mr. Mime and Kingler can outspeed Arbok, tank a boosted Sucker Punch, and revenge kill it. However, if they face Arbok at full health, they will likely lose the 1v1 one-on-one, and entry hazards can bring them into Sucker Punch range. Persian's Fake Out is capable of out-prioritizing Sucker Punch and is thus able to pick off a weakened Arbok.

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name: Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Earthquake / Aqua Tail / Seed Bomb
move 4: Sucker Punch
item: Black Sludge
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Coil makes Arbok a dangerous sweeper by boosting its Attack and Defense, while its accuracy boost makes Arbok's primary STAB, sweeper, and its accuracy boost makes Arbok's STAB move, Gunk Shot, more reliable. Earthquake primarily targets Steel-types like Lairon and Pawniard, while having and it has the added benefit of breaking through opposing Arbok, though this picking it leaves Arbok struggling against Ground-types and Solrock. Alternatively, Aqua Tail still provides super effective coverage against most Rock- and Ground-types while still doing high damage to Pawniard, though this it leaves Arbok lacking the means unable to break through Whiscash and Frillish before they can KO or cripple it back. Seed Bomb retains super effective damage against Solrock and Ground-types while also threatening Whiscash and Frillish, though now Arbok has no effective way to damage Steel-types, (AC) and Frillish can still threaten Arbok if not weakened prior. Sucker Punch lets Arbok pick off faster threats like Persian and Simisear, while also as well as threatening Choice Scarf Psychic-types like Grumpig and Mr. Mime. Intimidate is used as it lets Arbok find more setup opportunities by weakening opposing physical attackers.

Arbok best fits on offensive teams looking for an effective wincon that can set up on certain important physical attackers, such as Muk or Mienfoo. Based on its choice of coverage, Solrock, Steel-types, or Ground-types tend to have the ability be able to wall it. Thus, Water-types such as Staryu and Whiscash serve as effective checks to most Pokemon of these types, while Steel- and Ground-types, (if these also check solrock, i would include it too) Grass-types such as Leafeon and Meganium can also handle Solrock and Ground-types, (AC) and Mienfoo and Hippopotas can handle Steel-types as well. These aformentioned Grass-types also help against Frillish and Whiscash if Arbok forgoes Seed Bomb. Stealth Rock support from setters such as Solrock and Lairon is essential for getting faster threats like Simisear and Mr. Mime into Sucker Punch range. While much harder to fit on teams, Spikes support from the likes of Pineco or Shelmet also greatly aid aids Arbok in these matchups, (removed checker mark) especially with preventing Persian from repeatedly switching in to wear Arbok down with Fake Out. Other offensive threats like Kingler and Raichu can soften up the opposing team to aid Arbok's endgame sweep.

Other Options

Shed Skin is an option to mitigate the effect status has on Arbok, status, but Intimidate weakening physical attackers is generally more useful, and Shed Skin's mere 30% chance to activate makes it Skin is unreliable. Substitute is another option for Coil Arbok to dodge status, though it hates having to give up one of its coverage moves or Sucker Punch. Arbok can act as a wallbreaker with Choice Band or speed control with Choice Scarf, though it's outclassed in both roles.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippopotas takes minimal damage even from boosted super effective attacks, has reliable recovery in Slack Off, and threatens Arbok with Earthquake or Whirlwind. Even after a Coil, Wormadam-S Wormadam-G or Graveler can tank an Aqua Tail or Seed Bomb and threaten Arbok back with Earthquake.

**Steel-types**: Without Earthquake or Aqua Tail, Arbok struggles to hurt Steel-types like Lairon and Pawniard, which can easily overwhelm Arbok with their powerful attacks. Wormadam-T Wormadam-S is another effective check, as it is not weak to any of Arbok's coverage moves and can hit back hard with Psychic or Hidden Power Ground.

**Solrock**: If Arbok lacks Aqua Tail or Seed Bomb, Solrock can easily switch in and threaten to burn Arbok with Will-O-Wisp, and it can stay healthy with Morning Sun. Even with super effective coverage and a Coil boost, Arbok cannot OHKO Solrock. However, Arbok has an easier time breaking through offensive Solrock sets, (AC) as they have a harder time tanking its attacks and can be removed by Sucker Punch.

**Water-types**: If Arbok lacks Seed Bomb, Frillish stonewalls it, while Whiscash can overwhelm it in a one-on-one. Even with Seed Bomb, Frillish can threaten to burn Arbok before it gets enough boosts to KO it.

**Faster threats**: Threats**: Choice Band Slaking can outspeed and OHKO even a boosted Arbok while taking minimal damage from its Sucker Punch. Naturally faster threats like Simisear and Emolga, (AC) alongside Choice Scarf users like Mr. Mime and Kingler, (AC) can outspeed Arbok, tank a boosted Sucker Punch, and revenge kill it. However, if they face Arbok at full health, they will likely lose the one-on-one, and entry hazards can bring them into Sucker Punch range. Persian's Fake Out is capable of out-prioritizing out-prioritizes Sucker Punch and is thus able to pick off a weakened Arbok.

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things worked out nicely in that there's minimal changes from the wip version to this one

Water-types such as Staryu and Whiscash serve as effective checks to most Steel-types, Ground-types, and Solrock, Solrock and most Pokemon of these types, Grass-types such as Leafeon and Meganium can also handle Solrock and Ground-types,

this is mostly bringing the writing closer to what you had originally - some of the wip changes i made were with the context that solrock wasn't in the water-types part yet

However, Arbok has an easier time breaking through offensive Solrock sets, as they have a harder time tanking

also this

that's all. GP Team done !

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