SS OU Building around my Corsola

This team is based around Corsola being it's main tank. Other defensive options have been set-up to cover it's weaknesses.

Team 2.2.png

The Team



Corsola-Galar @ Eviolite

Ability: Cursed Body

EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD


- Will-o-Wisp

- Whirlpool

- Strength Sap

- Hex

Corsola-Galar is my main tank and the groundwork for this team. I’ve always been a fan of eviolite and this might be the best option for the item we’ve ever seen. With old Corsola already being difficult to punch through the eviolite just pushes it over the edge. Investing in special defense while Strength Sap and Will-o-Wisp are strongest against physical attackers really rounds out a beautiful composition. Whirlpool further strengthens the tanky aspects by adding crowd control and more chip damage. Hex is added to be a strong follow-up to the burn from Will-o-Wisp.


Grimmsnarl @ Assault Vest

Ability: Frisk

EVs: 224 HP / 252 Atk / 32 Spe


- Darkest Lariat

- Spirit Break

- Drain Punch

- Sucker Punch

After realising that Corsola won't be able to defend properly against Dragapult and Hydreigon I decided to add Grimmsnarl as the perfect switch-in against these Pokémon. Seeing as Hydreigon is SpA and Dragapult may go either way I decided to run Assault Vest on it. Darkest Lariat and Spirit Break are STAB moves that are super effective against the picks it's supposed to counter and Drain Punch adds some survivability to the moveset. Sucker Punch covers moments where Grimmsnarl can KO the opponent or is about te be sacrificed.


Corviknight @ Leftovers

Ability: Mirror Armor

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


- Bulk Up

- Roost

- Brave Bird

- Body Press

With Grimmsnarl as a SpD fighter I decided to go all-in on Def for Corviknight. These three picks cover a wide variety of strong switch-ins. The moveset further underscores the Def based playstyle with Bulk Up and Body Press. Offcourse Roost and Brave Bird are standard picks for this mon.


Darmanitan-Galar @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Gorilla Tactics

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Icicle Crash

- Flare Blitz

- Earthquake

- U-turn

Galarian Darmanitan is the wallbreaker in this team. Gorilla Tactics and Choice Scarf turn this pokémon in a high speed high burst pick. Flare Blitz and Earthquake help break appart Ferrothorn, Aegislash and Toxapex while Icicle Crash adds a strong STAB move to the set.


Dragapult @ Choice Specs

Ability: Infiltrator

EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Draco Meteor

- Shadow Ball

- Fire Blast

- Thunderbolt

With previous picks the team is already rounding out into quite some coverage in both bulk and dps. It's still missing SpA though. I decided to add Dragapult to the team running Choice Specs for some high dps against physically bulky opponents. Fire Blast helps to ensure it can kill some ice-types as long as it's the faster mon and Thunderbolt just adds some extra coverage the team didn't have yet.


Cinderace @ Heavy-Duty boots

Ability: Blaze (Libero once it's out)

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


- Pyro Ball

- Taunt

- U-turn

- Court Change

With the defensive and offensive options for the team rounded out I started thinking about what the team was missing. Hazzards. Both setting them up and removing them were not implemented yet so I decided to run Cinderace with Court Change. This way I only need 1 move to remove Hazzards and set-up the same hazzards. I decided to give it taunt to further accentuate the fact that this is my utility pick.


You might notice that there is still a popular tank out there which my Offensive picks have trouble handling. Snorlax is only weak to fighting-type. This is where Corviknight's Body Press and Grimmsnarl's Drain Punch come in.

All-in-all this team is built mostly from a defensive stand-point. Please tell me about any Pokémon that might give this team some serious trouble and what I can do to handle those picks.​


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Grimmsnarl is strong against Dark and Corsola and Corviknight are strong against fighting. Fire could be a problem though, thanks for the tip!
np I know corsola learns alot of water still maybe replace will o wisp with scald but I would only do that if you tend to be real lucky with RNG
np I know corsola learns alot of water still maybe replace will o wisp with scald but I would only do that if you tend to be real lucky with RNG

Offensively I have Earthquake on Darm and Excadrill. Both are weak against fire though so they'll have trouble if the opponent is faster so I might need to look into it.
Offensively I have Earthquake on Darm and Excadrill. Both are weak against fire though so they'll have trouble if the opponent is faster so I might need to look into it.
if you can get a speed boost from exadrill you should be good I forgot that gives speed boost and exadrills already quite the speedy boy
I'm thinking about switching Excadrill out for:

Cinderace @ Heavy-Duty Boots
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Pyro Ball
Court Change