Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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Baton Pass + Swords Dance + Accupressure is illegal, but according to the new baton pass clause this should be legal because


posting this here too:


Sleep counter gets reset in Adv if you use Sleep Talk and then switch, not sure if there are more situations to be tested, however

That's how Gen 3 sleep works, actually. Last week, someone who has evidently played Gen 3 competitively on cartridge reported that in-game, sleep turns are reset if you use Sleep Talk and then switch out. There are certainly crazier mechanics in Gen 3, so I figured this was worth testing.

Long story short, I researched the actual mechanic and then implemented it the same day. I described it as best I could in the commit summary, but feel free to PM me if any part of it is unclear (I think you more or less have it figured out based on the replay, though).
Sorry if this has already been reported.

Teambuilder is doing a horrible thing where when you save it, it doesn't save everything you've made, then you remake everything, and it only saves a tiny bit of what you just did, and you have to repeat the process a million times to finally complete your team. Hope others are having this problem, it just cut my team out halfway through :/

Been getting this a lot with movesets being deleted in specific.
Custap Berry is broken in DPP (or other tiers, I haven't tested it outside of Gen 4.)


Custap should have activated in this case, but it didn't. With big tours like World Cup going on this is definitely something that needs to be solved.
Um. That's a link to the actual battle which has expired, and not a replay.

EDIT: Also I think TI already fixed this, check previous page.
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Something about Cloud Nine screwed with the rain. It wouldn't stop displaying the rain for 5 turns or so after it should've ended. Strange thing though was it seemed to act as if the rain was gone (no water move boost or rain dish on heliolisk), but it was definitely still active as evident when it finally DID disappear later on.
rain doesn't disappear with cloud nine, just its effect are removed as long as an user of the ability is on the field
Yeah I've spoken to others and lots of people are having the problem where their last mon has only one move and no EVs, but this morning for me it was worse and my second last mon was incomplete and the last mon deleted completely
Been getting this a lot with movesets being deleted in specific.
I had this problem when I had around 500 total teams but I solved it completely by deleting around half of them and deleting cookies (after backing them up ofc)
rain doesn't disappear with cloud nine, just its effect are removed as long as an user of the ability is on the fieldI had this problem when I had around 500 total teams but I solved it completely by deleting around half of them and deleting cookies (after backing them up ofc)
I only have like 5 teams but I can try backing them up and deleting cookies and see what changes

Really not a big deal but An > A. If the format begins with a Vowel (Not counting UU or OU) then it will put 'A (format) single elimination tournament...' instead of 'An (format) single elimination tournament...' If the tour doesn't begin with a vowel, like Challenge Cup 1v1 then it's fine with 'A' but if it does then it should be 'An'

Also I've had the same issue with teams and I'm pretty sure there's nothing you can do other than what Galbia said
Flower gift should work on pokemon other than cherrim. /data says "If user is Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it and allies' Attack and Sp. Def are 1.5x", but Veekun disagrees.
"Unlike Forecast, Multitype, and Zen Mode, this ability is not tied to its Pokémon's form change; Cherrim will switch between its forms even if it loses this ability. As such, this ability also works if obtained by a Pokémon other than Cherrim."

http://veekun.com/dex/abilities/flower gift
so, this happened:

[07:23:33] SweepIt: I have a problem
[07:23:38] +imas234: yes?
[07:24:32] SweepIt: My barbaracle is set up with bulk up rest and earth quake but after using bulkup my other moves can't be used
[07:24:52] +imas234: what item does it have?
[07:25:54] SweepIt: Life Orb
[07:26:37] +imas234: odd
[07:27:22] +imas234: youok just to be clear
[07:27:25] SweepIt: Yea, just a thing I wanted to point out, there are other phsyical sweepers I can use
[07:27:25] +imas234: *ok
[07:27:29] SweepIt: and yes
[07:27:39] +imas234: you used it in a battle, clicked bulk up
[07:27:48] SweepIt: Yea
[07:27:50] +imas234: and then the rest of the moves became unusable?
[07:27:56] SweepIt: Yea
[07:28:03] +imas234: did a pokemon use encore on you?
[07:28:08] SweepIt: No
[07:28:23] +imas234: were you tricked a choice item?
[07:28:30] +imas234: a replay would be nice
[07:28:35] +imas234: when was this battle?
[07:28:56] SweepIt: I'm not a registered user, I tried. and it was my last batt;e
[07:29:01] SweepIt: spammer
[07:29:22] SweepIt: battle*
[07:29:35] +imas234: go back to the room
[07:29:40] +imas234: by pressing back space
[07:29:46] +imas234: and link it to me
[07:31:01] SweepIt: I don't know how to do so
[07:31:12] +imas234: I'm there i think

here's the replay:
So, there's no indication to show what item he was holding and he insisted that it was life orb. So, i figure i should post it here.

Anyway tl;dr He claims he had a barbaracle that locked itself into Bulk Up when it started using it without any choice item or encore.
Two Bug Reports

1st) This might not necessarily be a bug, but I can't really find a good place to post this. The action bar at the bottom of every battle (that will display text of moves taking place, buttons that allow for skipping turns, etc.) has been moved slightly upward and instead of having a transparent background takes up white space. This, notably, only affects Stylish skins for Showdown, but is still an eyesore and a half to look at.

The result: Before and After

I suspect this was the result of a battle screen size reduction, as there is a notable shift of buttons and text upwards. Unless there was a very good reason for this change, I would kindly suggest reverting it back to its previous setting, as many users do use Stylish and would thus be affected (unless this is only affecting me, which in that case is more confusing).

2nd) When initially receiving a Room Tournament notification that I have a battle waiting to be started (as in, to challenge or accept my opponent) while on a different tab at the time, the notification will rapidly and continuously pop-up over and over again and will not go away when trying to click the "x" button. It only stops when I enter the tab where the notification is coming from. I am using Chrome.
Two Bug Reports

1st) This might not necessarily be a bug, but I can't really find a good place to post this. The action bar at the bottom of every battle (that will display text of moves taking place, buttons that allow for skipping turns, etc.) has been moved slightly upward and instead of having a transparent background takes up white space. This, notably, only affects Stylish skins for Showdown, but is still an eyesore and a half to look at.

The result: Before and After

I suspect this was the result of a battle screen size reduction, as there is a notable shift of buttons and text upwards. Unless there was a very good reason for this change, I would kindly suggest reverting it back to its previous setting, as many users do use Stylish and would thus be affected (unless this is only affecting me, which in that case is more confusing).

  • ...make sure this bug exists on the official server, and with no custom styles enabled.

Custom styles (i.e. Stylish) are not necessarily supported. Report your issue with the author of the styles you are using.

2nd) When initially receiving a Room Tournament notification that I have a battle waiting to be started (as in, to challenge or accept my opponent) while on a different tab at the time, the notification will rapidly and continuously pop-up over and over again and will not go away when trying to click the "x" button. It only stops when I enter the tab where the notification is coming from. I am using Chrome.[/quote]

This shall be looked into.
Custom styles (i.e. Stylish) are not necessarily supported. Report your issue with the author of the styles you are using.
Understandable, but I would still like clarification as to whether or not a battle screen size reduction happened, as the creators of the styles would need to understand if that was the change that caused issues, so they could handle it appropriately.
User SOLIDJasonRK approached me about a battle bug they experienced.

Bug: Battle moves hitting the Pokemon while they are out of range in the middle of the battle move 'Fly'

Replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/1v1-249839882
Replay Log:

Turn 4:
The opposing Pidgeot used Fly!
The opposing Pidgeot flew up high!

Serperior used Leaf Storm!
A critical hit! It's not very effective... The opposing Pidgeot lost 64.2% of its health!
Serperior's Special Attack sharply rose!

The opposing Pidgeot fainted!

Was unable to reproduce the same effect, but user claims is has happened multiple times.

Edit: It turns out that the ability No Guard was on Mega Pidgeot, which caused the battle move to hit Pidgeot. If a move makes a Pokemon temporarily leave the arena (Dig/Fly/Dive), would that take precedence over an ability, or not?
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Flower gift should work on pokemon other than cherrim. /data says "If user is Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it and allies' Attack and Sp. Def are 1.5x", but Veekun disagrees.
"Unlike Forecast, Multitype, and Zen Mode, this ability is not tied to its Pokémon's form change; Cherrim will switch between its forms even if it loses this ability. As such, this ability also works if obtained by a Pokémon other than Cherrim."

http://veekun.com/dex/abilities/flower gift

^bumping cause I think it got buried

Also, shouldn't the simulator announce weather ability calls like drought by the user? ("Charizard's Drought!" rather than "the sunlight turned harsh!") Not entirely sure if that's considered a bug or a suggestion, could anyone clarify?
^bumping cause I think it got buried

Apart from that, Flower Gift is still broken even if the user is Cherrim.

As this replay shows, neither Cherrim nor Salamence are receiving the boosts from Flower Gift. Calcs in the spoiler:

Both Milotic and Ninetales were Bold 252 HP/252 Def, Cherrim and Salamence were Adamant and Naive respectively, both 252 Atk/252 Speed. Field is obviously set to Doubles in the calculator as well.

252 Atk Flower Gift Mega Salamence Helping Hand Rock Slide vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Milotic in Sun: 124-147 (31.5 - 37.4%) -- 86.8% chance to 3HKO
252 Atk Flower Gift Mega Salamence Helping Hand Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Ninetales in Sun: 256-302 (73.1 - 86.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Flower Gift Cherrim Seed Bomb vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Milotic in Sun: 218-260 (55.4 - 66.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 0 SpA Milotic Icy Wind vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Flower Gift Mega Salamence in Sun: 192-228 (58 - 68.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 0 SpA Milotic Icy Wind vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Flower Gift Cherrim in Sun: 98-116 (34.8 - 41.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
As you can see the damages in the replay are completely wrong. I hope this will be fixed soon!
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rain doesn't disappear with cloud nine, just its effect are removed as long as an user of the ability is on the fieldI had this problem when I had around 500 total teams but I solved it completely by deleting around half of them and deleting cookies (after backing them up ofc)
I was referring to it seeming like the rain effect was gone after 5 turns of rain, but it still displayed that it was raining. I'm well aware of Cloud Nine's effects and it worked properly at the time his golduck was brought in. It was after the rain had continued for its full length of 5 turns that it acted buggy and still displayed the rain without the effects of it.
shouldn't the simulator announce weather ability calls like drought by the user? ("Charizard's Drought!" rather than "the sunlight turned harsh!") Not entirely sure if that's considered a bug or a suggestion, could anyone clarify?
Interestingly it does if there's Harsh Sunlight, Heavy Rain or Strong Winds in effect. (It also updates the possible abilities in this case too.)
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