[Breedject Giveaway] HA Popplio/Rowlet + more! [CLOSED]

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Requested Pokemon: Jolly Male 6IV Buneary
Deposited: Lv 9 male Spearow
IGN: Doobzi
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thank you :)
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Requested: Mudbray (possibly the male one, with 5 ivs and 0 speed)
Deposited: Lv. 1 male Mudbray
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.
IGN: Engy

Thanks in advance :)
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Requested : buneary (hope its female)
Deposited : cutiefly lv.12
Message : i want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles
Ign : willy

Trainer Eric
Pokemon I deposited Smeargle
Level 1
Message please trade Pokemon with me
thanks in advance
Pokemon I want Marill Male
Thank you
Requested Pokemon: Mareanie, Male Regenerator
Deposite: Grubbin F Level 3
IGN: Edgar
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles
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Requested Pokemon: Mareanie (Regenerator)
Deposited: Cutiefly lvl 12 female
IGN: Drofriz
Message: Please trade pokemon with me

Thanks a lot!
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Requested: Mareanie w/ Regenerator
Deposited: level 9 F Cutiefly, level 1 Croagunk level 10 female Zubat
IGN: Edgar
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.

--I appreciate it, it got sniped 3 times :pirate:Hopefully cutiefly has a better chance--
Edit: sniped again, put another mon up. Lmao
Edit: surely no one wants this zubat.

Thanks! Benefit from sniping is I got a nearly perfect female with regenerator from this mess too, so I guess now it's my turn to breed.

Much appreciated
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Requested: Alolan Geodude
Deposited: Alolan Sandshrew, Male, Lv 1
IGN: LordSimaZhao
Message: I want to trade for a treasured Pokémon that has been raised from an Egg.

Thanks :)

Edit: Sniped, this time I put a Wishiwashi, Female, Lv 30. Sniped again, I put a Nosepass, Female, Lv 20

I give up, keep getting sniped.
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Requested: Buneary (6IV Male)
Deposited: Mudbray, male level 14
IGN: Chaotic
Message: I want to trade for a treasured Pokémon that has been raised from an Egg.

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Requested Pokemon: Wimpod (male)
Deposited: Cutiefly lvl 12 Male
IGN: Drofriz
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. thanks in advance!

Thanks a lot!
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Requested pokemon :
- Marill Male
- Buneary Female
Deposited :
Momantis lv 19 Male (for the Buneary).
IGN : Pacifis

Thanks :)
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can i please have the mudbray, male/female doesnt matter what you got as long as 0ivs in speed
ign: roydinho
depositing: lv 1 male magikarp in ultra ball
message: please trade pkmn with me thanks in advance
Requested Pokemon: Wimpod (male)
Deposited: Cutiefly lvl 10 female
IGN: Drofriz
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. thanks in advance!

Thanks a lot!
Wanted: Buneary (f)
Deposited: Lv 29 Torkoal (f)
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles
Requested Pokemon: Buneary (Female)
Deposited: Lv.1 male Pyukumuku
IGN: Teresa
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. thanks in advance!
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