
I really wish Braviary got Agility. I find in testing him that his biggest problem isn't setting up, he survives most hits. It's being too slow to make a difference once he gets that Bulk Up. With Agility that could be remedied easily, and his base Attack (perhaps with LO help) would still be great. No use theorymonning, but maybe it'll get retconned into his moveset down the line.
I'm still trying to find uses for Bulk Up Braviary, because I think it does have potential. He's already shown good results with Scarf, but I'm trying to determine if he can be more than a one trick pony. I'd been using max Attack and Speed EV's, but I'm starting to think with a bulkier spread he might be better. I also feel that, as much as being walled by Steels sucks, Rock Slide with Sheer Force is still worth it on him. Competitive Spirit still isn't released officially (for cartridge users) and it gives decent coverage while allowing not crippling his offense.

I'm this close to caving and trying Tailwind on him. I know, Tailwind is far from the ideal set-up move, but what Braviary needs is speed. Hot, nasty, badass speed. His bulk and power are fine, and Tailwind gives him that fix of speed, along with freedom to swap moves. And honestly, if he can survive for the three turns Tailwind lasts (aside from the setup turn) while dishing out the hurt, he has more than done his job. It just might work in late-game as a cleaner.
Most effective sets will probably be choiced, CB for wallbreaking, CS for revenge killing / surprisesecks. He does possess some nice coverage with BB / CC on choice sets, and overconfidence is always nifty.
Why didnt they name this thing Wargle? Braviary just sounds awful. Wargle was awesome

Braviary is so much better then wargle. Why? Because it doesn't sound like something a 2 year old would come up with. On top of that wargle sounds like gargle and yeah...that speaks for it's self....

I'm not seeing much of future for poor ol Braviary....offensively it's a little outclassed by staraptor and defensively it's out classed by togikiss....gamefreak needs to stop giving pokes 80 base speeds, seriously it's getting annoying-_-...
Green Thunder said:
I'm not seeing much of future for poor ol Braviary....offensively it's a little outclassed by staraptor and defensively it's out classed by togikiss....gamefreak needs to stop giving pokes 80 base speeds, seriously it's getting annoying-_-...
I think part of his appeal is that he takes a middle road to the opposite approaches of Togekiss and Staraptor. He is both bulky and offensive, and the key to letting him shine is to play up both of those strengths. It is a little difficult, a lot of mons end up as a "jack of all trades, master of none", but I think Braviary can pull it off. His boosting and Choice sets are still potent, it's just a matter of using them to their fullest potential and using the things that set him apart from the others, like Sheer Force and Competitive Spirit.
Because implying an American-themed eagle has something to do with war would just cause a giant shitstorm.
What are you talking about?
Clearly america is not full of whiny, freak out over every little thing, and would you look at me when I'm talking to you people!

*lives in houston Texas*

I think part of his appeal is that he takes a middle road to the opposite approaches of Togekiss and Staraptor. He is both bulky and offensive, and the key to letting him shine is to play up both of those strengths. It is a little difficult, a lot of mons end up as a "jack of all trades, master of none", but I think Braviary can pull it off. His boosting and Choice sets are still potent, it's just a matter of using them to their fullest potential and using the things that set him apart from the others, like Sheer Force and Competitive Spirit.
I agree completely, lets hope the third Version gives him some options.

(Agillity, maybe elemental punches, hell it'd be hilarious if he got shell break)
After using this guy even more, I am 100% confident in saying that the difference between him and Staraptor when the best sets possible (read: Choice Scarf for both) are used is insignificant. Like, I love this dude AND Staraptor. I've used both a ton. They both hit like a bus full of fat people and are excellent in early game scouting and mid-late game cleanup.

This is my comprehensive list of advantages and disadvantages for both. It's really just the facts, use it as you will.

Wargle has:

  • Slightly more attack (negligible, really)
  • An immunity to Intimidate (_don't_ use Encourage)
  • Solid defenses that allow him to not be felled by priority and the like
Staraptor has:

  • Intimidate, which cushions physical hits (yet you will often find yourself attracting special hits like a magnet and dying very quickly to revenge priority; also, please do not use Reckless as it will only make you die faster)
  • A speed tier that allows him to beat Scarf Genosect and tie with base 100 scarfers but the latter is really not important anymore (just IMO)
  • Close Combat over Superpower ensures that some steel / rock types are 2HKOed on the switch in, but this is situational

Both of them (when using the scarf set):

  • Are super fast, outspeeding the Base 130 crowd with ease
  • Are very strong, considering their 120+ base attack coupled with 120 base power moves
  • Need basic team support (wish or SR removal is really key, especially for Wargle)
  • Need to be played carefully as being locked into the wrong move after a misprediction is going to cost you. once again, good team support will fix this up
tl;dr use whichever one you want, you'll find places where you'll wish you were faster and you'll find places where you'll wish you did a tiny bit more damage or took a bit less equally often
Elemental punches? Are you serious? Braviary cannot punch lol.

I personally would like to see a Roost tutor when RS remakes or Gray get released.

I don't think Scarf is Staraptors best set either. A reckless LO set with Roost could work, or even a CB attacker. Base 100 speed actually does make a difference when compared to base 80.
Finally decided to use Choice Scarf Braviary. Wow.
This is, like everyone's been saying, probably his most effective set. His boosting sets, like Bulk Up, are decent (and much more useful in UU, or in-game), but Scarf is probably his best option for use in standard. He hits like a truck with lots of high power moves, and makes an excellent revenge killer. I used Retaliate/Brave Bird/Rock Slide/Superpower and have been pleased with the results. Like Yagami said, he is plenty useful and certainly not outclassed by 'Raptor.
Finally decided to use Choice Scarf Braviary. Wow.
This is, like everyone's been saying, probably his most effective set. His boosting sets, like Bulk Up, are decent (and much more useful in UU, or in-game), but Scarf is probably his best option for use in standard. He hits like a truck with lots of high power moves, and makes an excellent revenge killer. I used Retaliate/Brave Bird/Rock Slide/Superpower and have been pleased with the results. Like Yagami said, he is plenty useful and certainly not outclassed by 'Raptor.

i thought retaliate only got a pwer boost if one of ur mons died THat turn? am i wrong?
i thought retaliate only got a pwer boost if one of ur mons died THat turn? am i wrong?

You're right regarding retaliate. Crush claw is probably a better option if running sheer force, and return would be good with competitive spirit.

The extra power from thrash looks appealing but being locked into a normal move is the worst idea ever, so that's a no no if I ever use this thing over Staraptor.
May not be too bad an idea... tbh the only thing Outrage has over it is hitting Ghosts and Rock types neutrally. With team preview you can predict with Brave Bird / Superpower respectively and then clean up with a powerful Thrash. If Braviary lasts that long through residual damage that is.
i thought retaliate only got a pwer boost if one of ur mons died THat turn? am i wrong?
Oh, I suppose it does. OK. Swapped it for Return since it's a Choice set. He's undeniably a powerful Pokemon. I dislike that Superpower cripples him, but for a necessary revenge kill it's fine. Brave Bird really does a number to anything that doesn't resist it. In late game he can really cut loose and plow through the remnants of an opponents team with a little prediction.
Err how bulky are standard ferrothorns on the physical side? Because twice, i was able to 2HKO them on two separate teams with 0 attack holding life orb Brave bird? Possible calcs if possible
Competitive Spirit
-Brave Bird
-Super Power
-Rock Slide/U-Turn

Tailwind is there to remedy his low speed. Between Brave Bird and Superpower, not much is resisting you. (Rotom, Zapdos, Emonga) If Rock slide is chosen in the last slot, Your typing is unresisted. But if U-Turn is chosen, Braviary can set up a Tailwind and U-Turn out to someone else. Encourage is not entirely important here because it would only boost one move (Rock Slide). Competitive Sprit also makes him a bit more reliable in the attack department.
Competitive Spirit
-Brave Bird
-Super Power
-Rock Slide/U-Turn

Tailwind is there to remedy his low speed. Between Brave Bird and Superpower, not much is resisting you. (Rotom, Zapdos, Emonga) If Rock slide is chosen in the last slot, Your typing is unresisted. But if U-Turn is chosen, Braviary can set up a Tailwind and U-Turn out to someone else. Encourage is not entirely important here because it would only boost one move (Rock Slide). Competitive Sprit also makes him a bit more reliable in the attack department.

Return hits even rock-weaks harder than rock slide unless you have sheer force, and with 100% rather than 90% accuracy. Sheer force+rockslide hits all four resists (you missed boltolos) harder though (albeit at 90% accuracy). Rotom is immune to return, but he is rare, and is faster with Wow. Voltolos has poor defense, so it's whether or not you have zappy trouble for the most part. Zappy's not that common this gen anyway, is he?
To the people who are wondering how Braviary would ever get the Elemental Punches, It's pretty easy.

The same way Togekiss gets drain punch.
oh, he got a pre evo with arms i dont know about? does he? if he does i would love to see.
Truth. This is the reason Togekiss has Drain Punch.

That said, it isn't entirely outside the realm of possibility he could get the Elementals. They will inevitably be tutor moves, and there's always a (slight) chance he could pick them up. He doesn't have 'arms', but those burly talons are getting a lot of emphasis compared to other birds. He learns Strength and Slash and Crush Claw and whatnot, implying his claws pack a bit more of a punch then most creatures with his body plan. If GameFreak is feeling generous, maybe they'll throw him a bone and give him some solid new Sheer Force toys by allowing him to be tutored the punches. Don't hold your breath, but don't discount it entirely.
ghastly got a excuse: he is a freaking gas ball. he can make arms out of the fart he is made of. nothing to support wooper though.