Tournament BLT V: Semifinals

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Guess it doesn't really matter since we've already won, but we were meant to play 30 mins ago and mael hasn't shown up. I'd rather play though and I'll be free later tonight, but if not act I suppose.

OK, first thing first, activity win is being awarded here as much as the game does not influence the result of the round, the match is still being treated the same way regardless.

Onto the next more important point, as we have a tie for this round between the Poliwraths and the Weaviles, a tiebreaker must commence.

What is required from both Managers is a tier each to be played and then the 3rd tier is SM OU. Seeing as both Managers have made their choices i shall post them here

Weaviles: Monotype

Poliwraths: DOU

So Managers Zorro349 lightning1870 and Roseybear TheWall please send through to me via PM on here or discord, your lineups for this tiebreaker. The sooner you do this, the better but you do have until the end of this round to do so. At the time of posting this message, that grants over 12 hours.

Thank all and good luck.
I think I speak for the majority here that it would be appreciated if from now on (tie-breaker+finals) the players (or the managers) would post their scheduled times as soon as its possible, and obviously post their replays in the win post as well.
Good luck and have fun to everyone
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