Board Game Blind Date Diplomacy - GAME OVER (7-way draw)

Sunny I expected more ambition from you :mehowth:
Spring 1906 Moves
The daring Italian expedition to Greece has been suppressed by force, while Russia slips back into St. Pete in the midst of continued English turmoil! Speaking of England, the recapture of NTH is at least something for them to be happy about.

A Bud-Ser (successful)
A Bul S Alb-Gre (successful)
A Rom-Nap (bounced)
A Rum S Bul (successful)
A Sev H (successful)
A Tri S Vie-Tyr (successful)
A Vie-Tyr (successful)
F Alb-Gre (successful)

A Edi S Cly-Lvp (successful)
F Cly-Lvp (bounced)
F Lon-NTH (successful)
F Nwy S Lon-NTH (successful)
F Wal-ENG (successful)

A Bel S Hol (successful)
A Lvp S NTH-Edi (target did not accept support)
A Bur-Mar (successful)
A Pic S Bel (successful)
F ENG-Lon (successful)
F IRI S Lvp (successful)
F NAO S Lvp (successful)

A Ber S Kie-Mun (support cut)
A Kie-Mun (bounced)
A Hol-Den (invalid)
F NTH C Hol-Den (failed due to dislodgment)

A Gre-Nap (bounced)
A Tyr-Ven (successful)
F ION C Gre-Nap (successful)

A Mos-Stp (successful)
A Mun S Sil-Ber (support cut)
A Sil-Ber (bounced)

A Arm-Sev (bounced)
F Con-Bul (coast not specified)
F AEG S Con-Bul (coast not specified)

The following units have been dislodged:
German F NTH (retreat to Den, HEL, NWG, Ska, Yor or disband)
Italian A Gre (forced disband)

If your units are on the list of dislodgments, I need retreat orders from you in the next 4 hours; I will finish the update once that has happened.
Spring 1906 Retreats
This post could've been right under the first one for convenience, but sunny won't let us have nice things! Anyway here's the new look of the board:

F NTH retreats to Yor

It is now Fall 1906. Generals should submit orders to me by Wednesday, December 4th, at 9PM PST (GMT-8).

GM's Notes:

There is an ongoing poll in the Discord server about whether we should switch to 24-hour phases from 1907 onward. Most of the votes so far have come from Generals, so I also wanted to plug it here to make sure Diplomats are aware as well.
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NightEmerald lechen got mad at me in the discord server do you want to try kill austria apparently my defeatist attitude is why italy is losing
sure but im doing a finicky thing where i could get something this winter
the problem is that it takes 2 moves for me to get to austria but 1 for austria to defend themselves
ill try to help but its fucked up when all the people who border austria have been weakened
Per M2H this is now a General guessing game!

Sam / M2H / BD / AG
A - Sam
E - AG
F - M2H
G - pulsar
I - BD
R - LN
T - Lechen

I am very confident in G / R / T based on my gut imo. The other 4 I am a bit unsure about; just going off of vibes.