Bleach Discussion Thread

That is Aizen Motherfucking Sosuke. Though it is odd for him to sacrifice his body, it is nice to see that he can still use his Zanpakto and even manifested it back. And Hadou 99...this is by far the best chapter this year.
You know what that means? Aizen Bankai Hype! We have seen that Kyoka Suigetsu is pretty much a perfect counter to Yhwach's powers.
Well, at least Yhwach wasn't defeated by a random new power up like Final Getsuga Tenso. I enjoyed the first few paged with Aizen and Ichigo this chapter.
Disappointed that of all the things, we didn't get to see Aizen's Bankai. I mean fucking Kenpachi used his but one of the main antagonist of the series doesn't?
Well, only one chapter left and I doubt anything relevant will happen.
Well, at least Yhwach wasn't defeated by a random new power up like Final Getsuga Tenso. I enjoyed the first few paged with Aizen and Ichigo this chapter.
Disappointed that of all the things, we didn't get to see Aizen's Bankai. I mean fucking Kenpachi used his but one of the main antagonist of the series doesn't?
Well, only one chapter left and I doubt anything relevant will happen.

for all I know, aizen may not even have a Bankai, he must have used his shikai to make others believe he got a bankai xD
And yea, aizen went down too soon. Hope they don't kill ywach yet, I want Ichigo to use full powered hollow form, and possibily absorb still silver for more quincy power.

EDIT: Why doesnt anyone antagonist actually kill Ichigo when they have a chance? First, Aizen let Ichigo go and 'evolve', and got his ass kicked. Now ywach let Ichigo go. They should realize by now, Ulquoirra was the smartest enemy.
for all I know, aizen may not even have a Bankai, he must have used his shikai to make others believe he got a bankai xD
And yea, aizen went down too soon. Hope they don't kill ywach yet, I want Ichigo to use full powered hollow form, and possibily absorb still silver for more quincy power.

EDIT: Why doesnt anyone antagonist actually kill Ichigo when they have a chance? First, Aizen let Ichigo go and 'evolve', and got his ass kicked. Now ywach let Ichigo go. They should realize by now, Ulquoirra was the smartest enemy.

They're villains in a Shonen manga, they'll take turns juggling both the Idiot Ball and the Villain Ball.
for all I know, aizen may not even have a Bankai, he must have used his shikai to make others believe he got a bankai xD
And yea, aizen went down too soon. Hope they don't kill ywach yet, I want Ichigo to use full powered hollow form, and possibily absorb still silver for more quincy power.

EDIT: Why doesnt anyone antagonist actually kill Ichigo when they have a chance? First, Aizen let Ichigo go and 'evolve', and got his ass kicked. Now ywach let Ichigo go. They should realize by now, Ulquoirra was the smartest enemy.
Aizen not having a bankai would contradict everything he represents aka somebody who reached the boundaries of a shinigami.
I dunno, Aizen can still heel turn here if Bach is now finally defeated and fight Ichigo with his Bankai extend the manga for another dozen chapters if you really want it to...

So, makes you wonder how Ryuken's would know this silvery arrowhead would stop Bach's powers...also, Ichi has two swords, so why does he keep swinging just one and he doesn't stab him with the shorter one? Or did I miss them merge when he did his bankai I guess.
I will preface this: I'm completely lost in everything Bleach has become, I cannot keep anything straight to this point, and I'm pretty sure that Ichigo is not the main character anymore.

With that being said wasn't Aizen's shiki (or what the fuck ever, not Bankai) to change people's memories? If that's the case then his Bankai (once again, probably spelling it wrong) ability just further that and actually makes it so memories become reality. It's a lame theory but the writing in Bleach has been so shitty that it's probably right. Aizen has changed Bach's memory to "where he wins," actually to "where he loses," and Bach doesn't understand that or some shit. If I'm right I get Library mods for a year let's go vonFiedler
Sad to see Bleach end like this, feels like it was basically canceled or something.

Its One of only 2 Manga/Anime I've actually followed, the other being Tokyo Ghoul.
I stopped reading bleach after Ukitake's power hand got freaking shafted and all it did was make Bach stronger.

Have I missed anything this past year?
I stopped reading bleach after Ukitake's power hand got freaking shafted and all it did was make Bach stronger.

Have I missed anything this past year?

Aizen joined the fight, which was pretty cool. We also got to see Ishida's Epithet, which was kinda neat. Besides that, nah bro, you're good.
In spite of the way it's ending (surely it was canceled), Imma miss Bleach. It's what got me into manga in the first place and the premise of the story was great (even though now it's basically throwing darts at the storyboard wall).
Come on guys we totally need another 10-15 chapters of a last Ichigo/Aizen fight, same way Naruto had to fit in yet another fight with Sasuke after they defeated the even bigger baddie. Then a closing chapter. /sarcasm
This chapter sucks more ass than I thought it would LOL WHAT THE FUCK
NO YHACH or however the fuck u spell his name

This chapter is so fucking stupid it hurts. It's like there were 3 other chapters before this with fight resolution + telling us wtf happened and instead skipped all that and just went fuck it HERES THE EPILOGUE FOR SOUL SOCIETY WITH NO INFO ON OUR MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTERS.
So this isn't the last chapter after all...ok

The things I liked about this chapter:
- Rukia is finally Captain and how she acted
- Ikkaku becoming Vice Captain

Things I didn't like:
- Mayuri's new design
- Rukia needing 10 years to become captain while fucking Isane and Iba of all people became Captain
- Hisagi has mastered Bankai but was handled like Shinji the entire arc...
- Renji isn't Captain even though he probably outclasses majority of the current Captains in power
- Renji's ponytail

BTW, what was the special announment? I didn't found it on the last page for some fucking reason.
So yeah, figures Kubo would want to troll us readers with a major time skip in-between this chapter and the last that doesn't really explain shit. At least Naruto properly concluded the battle, then time skipped to a conclusion.
I'd almost be willing to bet we're going to see a continuation of bleach in some media form. Nevermind the glaring plot points that needed to be addressed, the fight between Yhwach and Ichigo, Aizen, or the immediate aftermath of the "final battle". This chapter literally sets up the continuation of this arc (somehow).

A decade later and this mysterious reiatsu similar to Yhwach appears out of nowhere? Smells like another 200 chapters of shitty, useless monologue and asspulls. I'm actually looking forward to it too sadly. Too many unanswered questions.

I really hope the announcement is that this arc is gonna be televised. It got shaky near the end, but like the entire first half of it is gonna look so cool animated.

people are speculating that the ooze in the first panel here has to do with yhwach

idk how kubo plans to tie up ~50ish plot holes in the next chapter but i suppose we'll find out

people are speculating that the ooze in the first panel here has to do with yhwach

idk how kubo plans to tie up ~50ish plot holes in the next chapter but i suppose we'll find out
doesn't the last page explicitly tell us that it was yhwach (or something with the same reiatsu)?