: Very good and strong, easy to fit onto teams and can almost always make progress throughout a match. Swords Dance is solid for breaking especially if there is no Clefable, Stealth Rocks provides solid team support on an offensively minded mon, and Scarf is nice speed control albeit a bit worse now than it was before. Helps teams play around tons of mons but can never risk actually taking too much damage else it falls into range of the myriad of attacks that can pick it off from decently high health. Loads of teams also carry tons of counterplay for it naturally so even if it makes progress versus something that checks it there will usually be other ways to deal with it.

: The best mon in the tier imo, easy to fit onto lots of teams and it provides so much utility through its movepool, typing, and abilities. Great combination of offense and defense which matches up well into so much of the tier and will almost certainly make progress throughout any given game. Mostly sticks to defensive sets but offensive sets are all so very strong, with the standard offensive Leftovers being solid and reliable, Power Herb being a nice lure for Waters, Specs being a fearsome breaker, and Scarf being hella underrated for its surprise factor and speed control capabilities. It's basically impossible to go wrong with Heatran in this tier.

: Very solid defensive piece for the tier who also doubles as a solid win condition that is very easy to slot onto teams. Checks a lot of stuff through typing, bulk, and Bullet Punch, and U-turn pivoting helps support many strong threats. Defog is kind of bad on Scizor but for some teams it's a necessary evil they have to accept. Offensive sets are also big threats when used right and can be hard to deal with once it checks are weakened, though they tend to be harder to fit onto teams.

: Does one thing and it does it well. Weavile is a great revenge killer that also possess great breaking power thanks to its great STAB combination in conjunction with Choice Band. Putting it just below the other S rank mons because Weavile often needs support to deal with some of its checks as well as good positioning and the right clicks. Also completely lacks any real defensive utility and you know exactly what it will do when you see one at team preview.

: Clefable, the ever-present cornerstone of many balance teams' defensive cores. Being able to check or play around big threats like the dragons, Weavile, and many setup sweepers thanks to Unaware in one slot is a very nice thing to have for many bulkier squads. Calm Mind makes it a great win condition with defensive utility throughout a game especially with the previously mentioned Unaware, but it also possesses other good forms of utility like Thunder Wave, Aromatherapy, even Wish which it normally relies on to heal itself. Magic Guard sets are also nice on occasion to limit hazards and status as a way of dealing with Clefable although I find them harder to justify running. Struggles
hard versus Heatran and other Steel and Poison types but is otherwise a great defensive piece for many teams.

: Good STAB combination which threatens large portions of the tier in conjunction with U-turn to keep up momentum versus the stuff that does take your STABs well and Mach Punch for priority. Will usually take loads of chip damage from recoil and hazards throughout the game but will also leave big dents in its wake. And while Choice Band is the standard set, sets like Choice Scarf, mixed, and even defensive are all viable which lends Infernape a surprising degree of versatility when slotting it in on teams. Not the most common thing compared to the rest of the higher tier stuff, but still plenty good.

: No denying this mon's power and impact in the builder but it's also hard to deny it's taken a hit in effectiveness in recent times. Defensive checks like Scizor, Clefable, Heatran, and Blissey are all good and common which gives Latias a tough time breaking through defensive cores while revenge killers like Weavile and Starmie are as good as ever. It pretty much needs to be paired with stuff that can break past its answers such as Heatran or Magnezone, both of whom are good, but that heavy reliance on teammates in order to deal with the stuff that checks you makes it hard to see Latias as worthy of the S ranks.

: Specs has revitalized offensive sets and SpDef has done the same but for bulky sets. Good glue mon which can help play around a lot of good stuff while also being annoying to actually switch into thanks to its STAB combo and Will-O-Wisp. The "old" sets of Scarf and PhysDef are still good and viable but the other two sets are better suited to the current metagame. Hard to go wrong using this really.

: Starmie can be your angle or yuor devil. Defensive sets are a great part of many teams' defensive cores since it helps keep hazards off so reliable will also being a solid check to a good amount of threats in the tier. Oftentimes Starmie is a key part of hazard stack teams' core strategy, considering it's the only truly viable Rapid Spin user in the tier, as well as the lack of Ghosts. Offensive sets on the other hand are a big threat which can blow through many common defensive cores in the tier currently thanks to Analytic Hydro Pump and boltbeam coverage. The lack of defensive utility beyond answering Heatran limits this set to primarily being a revenge killer or relying heavily on pivots, so the big damage does come at somewhat of a cost. Also we all know the pain of missing a Hydro Pump that would have secured the game and losing your Starmie. Good mon.

: Solid physical water breaker with nice defensive utility. Weaker than Crawdaunt but arguably gets more opportunities to attack thanks to its good typing giving it more chances to switch in. That typing and extra bulk also makes it easier for teams to account for some mons like Infernape, Weavile, and dragons without resorting to defensive pieces. Mostly used on stuff ranging from HO to BO so it isn't seen on the increasingly common balance squads popping up but can still be found a decent amount. Belly Drum sets are fun but inconsistent.

: Fat breaker supreme. Nothing aside from a select few mons actually ever want to switch directly in to a Crawdaunt. Adaptability Knock Off is great at making progress even against the few switch-ins it does have and whenever it comes in safely it is usually taking a KO. Frail and slow as all hell but its typing is just good enough to take a key hit in a pinch and Aqua Jet patches up the offense matchups it would otherwise struggle hard against. Choice Band is definitely best since it doesn't take any recoil from using attacks which gives it the ability to pressure teams as hard as possible throughout a game. Life Orb sets are good for luring Tangrowth and being able to mix up your moves but the recoil makes Crawdaunt easier to revenge kill from all the recoil and hazard chip it's taking.

: In my last post I said that using alternatives to Gliscor is easier than ever right now. I still stand by that statement, but Gliscor is still very much the standard and for good reason. Packs a ton of defensive utility in one slot and is a very solid defogger with its solid matchups into common hazard setters. Utility options like Knock Off and U-turn are always nice to have too especially with the former's smaller distribution in BDSP. Where Gliscor falls short however is its massive weakness to common Water types, its propensity to be setup fodder for lots of bulky setup sweepers, and its difficulty in consistently making progress into the bulkier squads which have become more common. Lastly, while I'm not personally a fan of Swords Dance sets, especially those lacking Taunt, Dunoks and Elfuseon both managed to put in some work with it during circuit playoffs, so I'll give it credit where credit is due.

: One of balance and stall's biggest staples in the tier, Tangrowth helps these teams play around so many threats while also making solid progress with Knock Off, Sleep Powder, and Leech Seed. Being one of the few Crawdaunt switch-ins in the tier makes it hard to justify
not using on balance and stall considering how much of a threat that mon is to those teams. Good Knock Off absorber in general especially since it doesn't often carry an item since Regenerator can at least make up the lack of Leftovers recovery. In general it can be deceptively good at sticking around for long periods of time if you're not aggressive enough it taking it down which makes it such a good mon.

: Doesn't see a crazy amount of usage but still very good in my eyes. Typing and bulk help it play around so many threats even if it doesn't hard counter a lot which helps contribute massively to some teams' defensive core which is nice on a primarily offensively minded mon. Nasty Plot can just bullshit its way past anything slower than it, Scarf is okay versus opposing offense but falls hard against fatter teams, and its movepool is deep enough to mess with some of its answers if it so desires. Priority can be annoying but most of its users can be played around easily enough for Togekiss.

Fuck man this is the last thing I'm writing, kind of tired of this now. Strong, fast, immunity to passive damage gives it a solid match up into more hazard heavy teams. Hates Scizor and Weavile being good and common and scarfers/priority also ruin its day. But being a special attacker who is good into Blissey is a good trait to have and it saw some use recently alongside Magnezone to patch up the Scizor issue somewhat. Hard to play properly and get the most out of it, but good when it's used right.

: The quintessential HO lead, gets rocks up early, prevents opposing rocks or defog, then boom-kills itself. Has more depth beyond that since it can also set up screens or even be used as an offensive threat itself on some HOs but for the most part when you see Azelf you think HO lead.

: Big fat special blob. Checks a lot of special attackers and even some physical attackers and provides good utility through Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Aromatherapy, and status absorption with Natural Cure. Good on balance and stall primarily but can maybe see use elsewhere. Could probably move it up to A rank but left it here in A- because using it outside of stall never
feels good ya get me?

: The rare dragon type with a workable Weavile matchup. Really good into teams without fairies but struggles hard into ones that do (which is a lot of them). Good at turning the tables against offense but it really only gets one shot to actually pull anything off since once Multiscale breaks it becomes a lot harder to set up and go, so it really only makes an appearance once the game is about to end. Choice Band is also solid but harder to fit and Dragonite needs solid hazard support to be at its best.

: Good win condition especially since it has STAB which mauls Clefable but is often so respected for its strength at sweeping that people keep their checks as healthy as possible which limits its potential. Limited defensive utility so it mainly fits on HOs and offense but it can still make use of its typing from time to time to set up against mons like Scizor or act as a one time switch-in to Weavile. Very straightforward mon.

: Really good STAB combination which makes switching into Mamoswine a tall task at times but held back a bit by its relatively slow speed and weakness to loads of common priority moves. Also a solid check to the dragons thanks to Ice Shard picking them off easily and having workable physical bulk. Awkward to fit on teams at times but great at doing what it does.

: Mew's main strength is its unpredictability so scouting is always necessary to some degree but the all out attacking set is the only one which actually takes advantage of the opponent's need to scout. Defensive sets do their job fine but ultimately are much easier to play around and have to remain as healthy as possible in order to handle the stuff its tasked with handling. There are a great number of Mew sets which also have their purpose but are seen far less due to being more specific or being outclassed by something else which occupies that same role.

: Can tear big holes through structures relying on Clefable and Steel types but needs good predicts to make the most of it on top of good positioning. Has very limited defensive utility and is outpaced by quite a few offensive threats so it can fall flat against offense but its strength versus balance and most stalls (when running Focus Punch) can be very much worth it.

: Best spiker in the tier, Roserade's rise to deal with defensive Starmie has helped make hazard stack more common and more viable especially when it pairs so well with Starmie itself. Good check to Waters and opposing Grass types as well as the Fairies, the offensive/defensive profile for such a support oriented mon is nice for many teams. Sleep Powder is good at shutting down common switch-ins like Scizor and Heatran, but once it procs sleep it becomes useless versus the many Steels in the tier. Also good at punishing Trick and absorbing status from Rotom formes which makes it a great answer to them.

: Solid as a lead on HO and good on stall as a defensive piece but has trouble fitting on other structures most of the time. Being one of two viable spikers is a great trait to have though and it answers a good amount of things defensively on top of being generally useful with phazing capabilities. Wishes it could consistently run leftovers instead of needing Shed Shell to not be instantly removed by Magnezone.

: Spore can be annoying and Technician Mach Punch is strong as hell but Breloom as a whole is kind of hard to justify worth using right now with the popularity of Grass type answers to it and fast Psychics who don't care too much about Mach Punch. It's lack of any defensive utility as a Grass type due to its frailty hurts it since it can't check Waters or Electrics as well as the other Grass types so it primarily ends up being used on offense which has taken a dip in popularity recently. Very good into bulky waters, especially Suicune, but generally not enough to justify using it over other water killers.

: The Scarf set which used to define Celebi took a massive hit once people realized how ineffective it was into the very common Steel types of the tier, and Celebi has had a lot of trouble finding its footing after that downfall. Has a lot of utility that other Grass types don't have access to like Stealth Rock, U-turn, and Recover, but in actual play it can be difficult to make meaningful use from said utility. Still a solid check to the myriad of waters in the tier but you'd be hard pressed to fit this onto teams a lot of the time.

: Team structures featuring Magnezone have seen a slight uptick in usage recently and honestly I think it's been overdue for a while now. While it did fall because of its inability to outright remove its primary target Scizor in one fell swoop, its mere presence on team preview means the Scizor player has to tread carefully to not get their Scizor trapped for big damage which makes the stuff Magnezone enables able to perform much better than they would otherwise. Still very good outside of trapping since its STAB combination threatens loads of common defensive pieces. Analytic is much more rare but it can be a massive threat when played right. Could probably have put it in A- but decided to leave it in B+ since its role is still primarily "the enabler" for other threats.

: Fat pure Water type which can blanket check a good portion of the tier thanks to its great mixed bulk and access to instant recovery. Fits nicely on balance teams and can shut down slow bulky set up sweepers with Haze, but doesn't actually do too much itself aside from sit there and click Scald hoping for burns or the occasional Ice Beam versus Dragons and Grasses. Also doesn't mind being burned too much because Marvel Scale is good and helps it blanket check physical attackers even harder (don't use Flame Orb Milotic though lmao). The Mirror Coat sets seen in playoffs were funny as hell but I wouldn't use them myself lmao.

: Fast, decently strong Electric type with access to Scald for Ground types? Pretty nice. Primarily fits on offense since it lacks a lot of defensive utility but its natural strength should somewhat make up for it. Specs is okay since it gives it the push it needs to really bust through stuff like Clefable, Gliscor, and Scizor immediately but it can be awkward to use and overly prediction reliant. Calm Mind is fine but usually needs a turn to actually do much and it usually can't afford to run Volt Switch on these sets so there goes any pivoting capabilities. I think my favourite set recently was Calm Mind with Shuca Berry which Boopi used a lot during summer seasonal as a means of not being instantly forced out by ground types.

: Hasn't been seen all that much recently but it's still pretty solid considering how much shit it answers or helps you play around. Regenerator gives it so many opportunities to come in an absorb a hit and either stay in and fish for a Scald burn or pivot back out to something which can handle the incoming attack without needing to worry too much about your health. Also very solid in terms of utility with access to Thunder Wave for speed control and Future Sight for supporting your team's breakers. Calm Mind is also solid since it can become a potent win condition and help you play around certain mons like Nidoking or Starmie after a boost. Slowbro has lots of moves it can run after the requisite Scald and Slack Off but it never feels like it's wanting for more than four moves in an actual game since it feels so good to play.

: Chances are you don't think about this mon when building your team, both in terms of using it and how you match up into it. You'll probably have a decent way of playing around it naturally, but despite that, it's still pretty good? Not many Flying resists in the tier like to actually deal with Staraptor so Brave Bird is a good move to click a lot of the time especially since it's so fucking strong (stronger than Rayquaza Dragon Ascent) so Staraptor can usually dent a team's defensive core pretty nicely for something else to benefit. Scarf is nice to increase the range of stuff it can threaten, while 3 attacks Roost helps it break past sturdier defensive cores by itself. Bird up.

: Suicune has the potential to choke out many games with its Sub+Protect shenanigans but it falls flat way too often now that people have come to terms with how to deal with it even if they don't pack strong Electric or Grass types in simply beating the hell out of it before it can get the chance to set up a bunch. This also doesn't include strategies such as PP stalling with super fat teams, phazing (albeit that's rather rare), or simply running Milotic. The reliance on Scald burns in order to check a lot of mons can also be a burden especially if they manage to knock Suicune into lower health ranges before it can proc a burn. The potential for Suicune
does exist but reaching that potential requires a lot of work. I think the Sub+Roar set used by AquaticCarlie in circuit playoffs might be a good next step for Suicune.

: Choice Band Sacred Fire can be a bitch to switch into at times which is complimented nicely by Crunch hitting Fire resists like Latias and Starmie for big damage and Extreme Speed for picking off faster weakened threats. Where Entei falls short is Sacred Fire being its only truly good move to click which sucks when it only has 8PP on top of fierce competition with Infernape which makes it hard to justify using on teams.

: Fat breaker supreme 2: electric boogaloo. Has no real defensive answers similar to Crawdaunt and higher speed means it can check some stuff that Crawdaunt otherwise couldn't like Magnezone, (slow) Rotom-Wash, Breloom, Shaymin, while also possessing better matchups into Grass types in general. Heracross thrives into stall and balance matchups, but it falls completely flat into HO and offense, mostly being relegated to a sac versus the fast paced teams that outpace Heracross easily. I was considering moving this up to B+ because of the popularity of balance recently, but ultimately decided to keep it in B since it simply isn't seen much and its poor matchups into lots of top offensive threats right now.

: Scarf sets are nice on offense as a check to the myriad of fast Psychics in the tier while also being the only viable spinblocker in tier as well as having access to Ghost STAB in a tier with somewhat shaky Ghost resists. Other sets like Specs and Nasty Plot could also work but are generally much harder to do so since Mismagius doesn't check the fast Psychics without the speed from Scarf. Also has to be wary of Crawdaunt since it can usually claim an easy KO versus Mismagius locked into Shadow Ball.

: Sidegrade to Clefable who handles Steel types better and has access to Toxic. SpDef Water Absorb is also cool as a means of blanking the myriad of bulky waters in the tier and some special attackers like Nidoking and Starmie but realistically none of them are staying in to get hit with Toxic.

: If I were to describe Salamence in one word, it would be ''but''. Salamence is a solid special attacking dragon
but Latias is faster and has a strong STAB move to hit fairies with. Salamence is a decent dragon dancer
but Dragonite is better thanks in part to Extreme Speed patching up the Weavile matchup. Salamence is okay as a scarfer
but Garchomp is faster and has a strong STAB EQ to make use of through the game. Did I mention Salamence is walled hard by fairies already? Because it is. Defensive sets are unironically where you'd be best off using Salamence since the other dragons don't gobble up its niche there.

: Slowbro but SpDef. Unlike the Bro however, Slowking is more of a fake answer to the stuff its meant to answer, often needing to hope they aren't carrying the right coverage move or that it doesn't get hit with it on the switch. Wants Calm Mind to deal with set up but also wants Thunder Wave to actually do something to them long-term, struggles to fit all the moves it wants unlike Slowbro who is usually is comfortable with whatever four it decides to bring.

: Alternative to Defog Gliscor that plays at a faster pace and has a better time into the tier's plethora of Water types, Scizor, as well as Flying types like Staraptor, Togekiss, and Skarmory. Both abilities are good, Static with contact punishing, and Pressure helps in longer games. Walled hard by Ground types but is often paired with stuff that takes advantage of them anyways so it's usually no big deal.

: Very awkward to fit onto teams and use since it's a Water type which doesn't answer the usually stuff a Water type would be tasked with answering. Also possesses the worst match up into Magnezone for any Steel type in BDSP which makes it really tough to justify slotting on teams. If the Steel nerf hadn't happened it would almost certainly be much better but as it stands it's a mediocre defensive piece.

: On paper Gatr is a big threat, in practice it's easy to stop it from getting opportunities to set up or even attack. Even when it acquires a boost stopping it isn't the hardest thing thanks to scarfers, offensive checks like Azumarill and Crawdaunt, or common defensive pieces like Clefable, Tangrowth, and Rotom-Wash. Theoretically you could use it as a midgame attacker to take advantage of the
threat of setup but in practice if you're doing that Crawdaunt and Azumarill are much better for that purpose. If you think this is a big threat I'm assuming you're either a newer player or someone who hasn't touched the tier since Celebi released.

: Quagsire but always SpDef and no Toxic. Sticky Hold is usually the standard to mess with Scarf Washtom but Storm Drain can work on occasion if you want it to handle Starmie better. If you want to see this thing be better than Quagsire then come play Ubers


: A few months from now we'll be saying Jirachi should drop another rank again lmao. Very passive and doesn't accomplish much, but can offer decent role compression if needed. Main reason to use this is for a Steel type Latias check that can't be trapped by Magnezone.

: Imo the scariest thing in the tier once it has fully set up, but it's manageable because it has big issues actually reaching that point due to needing two turns of set up. Also singlehandedly makes Rain somewhat worth using.

: Rotom-Wash but you want to do better into water types at the cost of your defensive utility. Really only viable with choiced sets.

: Slow and has an awkward typing which leaves it vulnerable to tons of offensive threats in the tier. The bulky 3 attacks rocker set is probably the easiest to fit and best overall but Choice Band is also cool on occasion. DDance and Scarf might be usable but would you really bring them to an important game? Probably not. Really the big appeal to Tyranitar is sand chip and the fact that it's the only Dark type in the tier that doesn't have non existent defensive stats.

: Big bulky thing which can wall a lot of shit but does a grand nothing in return. Lunar Dance is a hell of a drug though and it gives Trick Room some viability so there's that.

: Role compression beyond your wildest dreams but only really gets one opportunity to do anything on average.

: Feraligatr but much weaker and it has Taunt. Gets a few more opportunities to set up thanks to typing and Intimidate but the drop in power on top of losing a coverage move for Taunt
really hurts it. Mostly will do things if your opponent doesn't know what exactly it does.

: See
here and
here for the explanation I'm not writing this down for a third time lmao.

: Crawdaunt copium for stall. Weirdly checks like half the tier but still suffers from lack of utility, relying on RestTalk for recovery and not fitting anywhere outside of stall. Can be funny on rain on occasion.

: Tangrowth but bad. Struggles to make meaningful progress most of the time, doesn't actually answer that much stuff, and relying on Rest for recovery is a big momentum sink for a mon like Shaymin.


For when you feel like counter teaming me. Weather is a matchup fish of a team style that can work if your opponent is caught off guard. Rain's constant cascade of threats can make it overwhelming on occasion but for the most part it's a rather bad playstyle. Also blanks into Blissey.

: Fastest HO lead we've got but our hazard removal options tend to deal with it well so it struggles to keep up hazards and momentum.

: STAB Head Smash goes hard, very few things switch in safely and most responses will take massive chip damage at the very least. Horrible defensive typing and being slow as balls makes it easy to deal with though. Shoutout to the king

: Gatr-like but make it a special attacker. Theoretically this thing goes harder than Gatr/Gyara once set up but like the other two the issue is actually setting up in the first place. Also worse into Clefable because Calm Mind exists.

: Screens HO lead for when you expect your opponent to bring non-screens HO. Deleted by Weavile.

: Half-convinced someone looked at HJK calcs + saw that it got Ice Punch and decided it was viable without ever actually using it. Medicham rarely if ever actually contributes anything of note to a match from my experience playing against it. Also I know usage doesn't equate to viability but I can't remember the last time this was used in a serious tournament since maybe the first BDSPPL. Honestly considered putting it in the UR section but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now.


: Torkoal provides more direct utility than Volbeat but Sun as a whole is worse than Rain so down a rank it goes.

: Neutralizing Gas is an awesome ability stuck on a mon who sucks in OU otherwise. Really only viable on select stall teams and even there it struggles due to a lack of reliable recovery.

: Specs Tinted Lens goes hard but you're quad weak to rocks which makes it high risk, medium to high reward.
Drop to UR

: Weak to hazards, has difficulty finding opportunities to set up, is easy to deal with even after it has set up, fits on next to no teams aside from select HOs. This thing sucks, get it out of here.
Weather Abusers
These four aren't worthy of being ranked especially since they have no niche outside of their respective weathers but I wanted to briefly comment on them regardless.

: Rain abuser that can beat bulky waters with ease and not weak to electric either.

: Physical rain abuser with poison STAB to break past grasses and can trade with boom in a pinch.

: Chlorophyll sweeper but is walled by non-Heatran steels because of lack of coverage.

: Better than Venusaur because of access to Weather Ball but still bad.