Resource BDSP OU Sample Teams


This is my most successful team thus far. Skarmory is just for the shits and giggles because Garchomp is a massive pain in the ass and Clefable is to ensure that nothing can mindlessly click draco or outrage. I gave Clef ice beam because Gliscor is so annoying and twave is for the annoying Latis. Scizor is another one so Clef can't get overwhlemed and priority pick offs are always fun. Serves as a defogger if I really need to remove hazards. Breloom is just for the annoyances because this thing is annoying as shit. I just used a spread from the bw era so I have no idea how good this truly is. Alakazam is the main breaker as it rips thru everything and is faster than the likes of Starmie, Gengar and Latios. Scarf Chomp is the main cleaner as once steels and Clef goes down, spamming outrage is just so much fun

Heatran is rather annoying for the team to deal with but I haven't really run into it so I don't really care too much. I have Garchomp anyway
omg adam built stall and its not bad :v4:

:bw/poliwrath: :bw/blissey: :bw/clefable: :bw/skarmory: :bw/gliscor: :bw/vileplume:

This stall was originally built because i saw the wrath and i saw spikes and i put 2 and 2 together and shabam.

:skarmory: + :poliwrath:
BUresttalk wrath is broken with hazards so that + skarm, wrath checks stuff like the lobster and the alligator, skarm checks other stuff + spikes, ww + cthrow is doubke phasing so u make everything take 20 million.

:blissey: + :clefable:
bliss clef is our spdef defensive core in return, checking stuff like manaphy, latios, gengar, and clef is mixdef to handle garchomp better, and so is blissey for gengar. clef is rocks here because glisc has to be fog, and both fog + rocks on 1 mon is gross. copycat on blissey is specifically for opposing spin stack stalls, because they can easily outlast and out-pp our defogs and slowly whittle us down in the long run, so it lets u copycat their spin and makes life much, much more easier. tbolt is an option over it to make skill swap manaphy, and manaphy in general much easier, but i value copycat more.

+2 252 SpA Gengar Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 56 SpD Blissey: 386-456 (54 - 63.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252 SpA Gengar Focus Blast vs. +1 252 HP / 56 SpD Blissey: 258-304 (36.1 - 42.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

these evs let bliss always live a +2 focus into a +2 focus after a cm from plot gengar (assuming non orb), if it has lefties still, which means it always beats if rocks are off. this gives u at least some buffer vs np gar which would normally fry up nearly every stall.

252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Clefable: 156-184 (39.5 - 46.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

these let u always handle non life orb garchomp, regardless if rocks are up or not. the extra defense evs also help u handle life orb chomp once it has been seeded by plume

:vileplume: + :gliscor:

the two besties. glisc gives us a ground type + a check to heatran, infernape etc while also giving the team a knock offer and a defogger. vileplume is a key member of this team, and is used over tang here because: does much better vs breloom, specifically of the choice band variety, 2, takes much less from life orb fire blast chomp, meaning that it isnt immedietely forced out by it to give u the opportunity to leech it first, allowing ur clef to beat it much, much easier.

252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Clefable: 203-239 (51.5 - 60.6%) -- 10.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery and Leech Seed recovery

this alongside protect means that orb mixchomp can never break ur clef, and this makes a painful mu for stall much, much, more dealable since it can usually break stall easily

(no, quag is not a 1 shot option for chomp, draco or outrage variants bop it)

some other teams

:azelf: :latios: :forretress: :rotom-wash: :tyranitar: :garchomp:

psyspam ft godtar and azelf, azelf is rlly a pain in the ass but it makes latios a bigger pain in the ass because it lures scizor. forre tar basically make sure rocks go up like all the time, fog glisc is annoying for forre but that is a free latios, u can go fire blast > edge and lefties/yache > lum on chomp.

:empoleon: :garchomp: :latios: :magnezone: :weavile: :azumarill:

empo is a cool lead, and gives us an extra steel bc zone sole steel sucks, custap endure nukes a lot of shit, especially with torrent boosted pumps, orb 3a tios lures and removes tran and jirachi, zone traps other steels, weavile is a great breaker esp with rocks boosted assurances, and pressures steels more, also revenges opposing drags, azu gives u a draco immune and another cleaner, scarf chomp is another cleaner and is dual chomp for the zammers. U can use mystic water on Azu to better the stall MU, and Latios can be cm dew if u dont care about rachi (like me).

:empoleon: :latias: :rotom-mow: :mamoswine: :scizor: :crawdaunt:

rlly just breakerspam + pivot stuff, trickplot mowtom is broken and solos stall the moment u get rocks up, also nice to mess up more offensive structures, empo is custap again to fuck up faster teams, also guarantees rocks, hwish tias is also nice for an extra daunt or mamo, mamo subs on a lot that it forces out and is rlly annoying to deal with with metro and behind a sub, scizor is scizor.

:heatran: :weavile: :gliscor: :latias: :rotom-wash: :crawdaunt:

more breaker spam stuff, but this time more revised than the last and definitely one of my main choices if something were to pop into samples. daunt is orb 4a bc u fuck over tang for washtom, trickplot washtom does the same thing its brother did in fucking up stall, sd glisc can be facade can be fang, rlly solid wincon and a pain to kill + ground type + check to a lot of annoying mons, latias is a great defogger and loom check for the team, weavile appreciates heatran laying down hazards consistently (beats glisc always unless fast, and even with fast if it roosts and u r ballsy u can beam it when it roosts : 252 SpA Heatran Solar Beam vs. 244 HP / 144 SpD Gliscor: 280-330 (79.5 - 93.7%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock)m and tran luring stuff like mana and mie also make our water type breakers click water type moves easier, and make gliscor much more potent bc less stuff can actually revenge it now.

e2: this team is broken oml literally unlosanle

e3: adding this breaker spam as a submission as well

:scizor: :alakazam: :starmie: :infernape: :weavile: :garchomp:

tldr Set rocks lure stuff like opposing Garchomp, Rotom-W, Gliscor, Skarm, Sciz with Yache chomp, fuck up Weavile as well as soft checking opposing ape. The rest are self explanatory, Sciz is a bulky pivot that brings in ur other breakers, checks stuff like Lati, Vile, Mamo etc, SD can clean very easily once ur breakers break, Orb Zam + Infernape + Starmie + Weavile is really fucking hard to deal with offensive core, pressuring everyting for each other, with Assurance Vile breaking Sciz for Zam, Infernape pressuring WashTom for Starmie, Zam pressuring Bliss for Starmie, Starmie pressuring Latis for Infernape, and so on and so forth. Spin on Mie helps Infernape, Weavile, Zor come in much much more because the former 2 are extremely hard to deal with defensively, so making sure they get brought in and force pressure is key.

ily R8 for being so amazing and helping me iron the stall to where it is now, and all of my other teams, if the stall makes it please credit r8 as well ❤

Baloor thank u for being a test dummy on ladder and in the kickoff tour ur actually the BEST TEST DUMMY EVER oml win kickoff with these please

Lalaya and rest of room + ppl who helped me in the cord and the room with my teams u guys r cool, and specifically to lalaya for being test hamster no2 on the ladder

Eve u r so cool bestie… :3

Specs ty for providing me replays <3

edit: these r all sample submissions btw @ besties

e1: i got a ton of replays of them being used in the current kickoff tour, both r1, r2, and r3 (and winning nearly all of them vs formidable opponents), and hopefully are enough to justify at least some of them be made samples. (personally wouldnt make this stall a sample though, since R8 and Critical Failure ’s stalls function much better, but it wld be nice to have a good stall sample :] )
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:sm/azelf: :sm/breloom: :sm/lucario: :sm/gengar: :sm/latias: :sm/manaphy:
Azelf Hyper Offensive
:azelf: Azelf - Your suicide lead with Stealth rocks, Flamethrower, Taunt, and Explosion. Pretty self-explanatory, Set rocks and often times go boom. Keeping rocks in the field is extremely important especially in :Dragonite: and :breloom: matchups as well as preventing the opposing team from setting any on your side as breloom is sashed.
:Breloom: Breloom - Sash breloom is excellent in this meta alongside scarfed :latias: as your fast support with defog and healing wish allowing you to effectively remove hazards and get breloom safely on the field without breaking its sash, ultimately allowing it to sweep late game. Additionally healing wish can also be used on gengar since it will most likely be worn down vs stall matchups due to life orb.
:lucario:Lucario - Your main wallbreaker, swords dance set with cc, bp, and espeed. Meteor mash is unnecessary since you can easily deal with clefable with Gengar and :manaphy: if its magic guard. Bullet punch allows you to effectively utilize lucario's offensive capabilities without hindering its sweeping ability by forcing you to switch out against gengar.
:Gengar: Gengar - I chose to go with taunt + 3 attacks instead of nasty plot, although its always an option. Taunt allows you to cripple stall and still effectively dish out damage and chip down the opposing team.
:latias: Latias - Scarfed Latias is excellent in this meta and is a perfect fit for this team. It's pretty self-explanatory, defog allows you to clear hazards off the field and safely bring breloom in without breaking its sash. often times you will be using healing wish for breloom and gengar, although it's completely dependent on the situation.
:manaphy: Manaphy - Standard tail glow + 3 attacks: Surf, ice beam, energy ball.


Replays: vs Hyper Offensive

SkarmBliss Stall
:sm/tangrowth: :sm/blissey: :sm/skarmory: :sm/clefable: :sm/quagsire: :sm/gliscor:

A classic stall that has arguably been around for ages.

:Tangrowth: Tangrowth - serves as your physical tank to the wall most of the physical threats in meta excluding infernape. Knock-off is great utility to have in the team especially against balance or bulky offensive teams with :scizor: switching in and pivoting out afterward into :nidoking: or :magnezone: or :heatran: for example which also is primarily the reason to have Earthquake. Sludge bomb helps you deal with opposing :tangrowth: and :clefable:. Going with a specially defensive set is pointless as :manaphy: inevitably kills it after a tail glow. However, Yache berry with leaf storm is an option.
:Blissey: Blissey - Pretty standard set as opposed to using calm mind. Although it has its benefits when dealing manaphy and gengars in general. I chose to go with the T-Wave set to cripple switch ins especially scizor defogging hazards and :manaphy:; however it's pointless if they are running rain dance. The rest of the sets are pretty self explanatory, rocks on :blissey: over :skarmory: in order to free up a slot for whirlwind.
:Skarmory: Skarmory - Again, a Standard set with whirlwind, roost, brave bird, and spikes. Spikes has always been excellent and is an absolute necessity to have in Stall teams in BDSP OU. Especially without HDB, the meta has returned to its original state prior to gen 8's release except with the removal of a few moves. It extremely helps in stall vs stall matchups unless the opposing stall team has 2 deffogers then you're obviously at a disadvantage. Furthermore, another option is to remove brave bird for defog for another deffoger or free to up a slot for :gliscor: to have swords dance eventually resulting to creating a win con for the most part. You will however have to change the set to 244 hp 88 spdef 176 speed to outspeed nidoking, heatrans, adamant lucarios and such; However it makes you prone to nasty plot gengar when it comes in chipped. Shed shell skarmory, again pretty self explanatory, it helps you deal with magnezone and gives you a free opportunity to proc Toxic orb on :gliscor:.
:Clefable: Clefable - Standard unaware set with wish protect calm mind and moonblast. It's extremely vital especially with the usage of :garchomps:, :breloom:, and manaphy. :Clefable: single handedly deals with :manaphy: unless it has Skill swap which is found from time to time. Other than that it's pretty self-explanatory.
:Quagsire: Quagsire - Quagsire is an excellent piece to have in this stall or rather in any stall teams in BDSP OU. With :lucario: and swords dance adamant :scizor: without counter on :skarmory: in this meta, it is extremely vital to have in order to wall those following threats.
:Gliscor: Gliscor - I chose to go with 244 hp 208 spdef and 56 speed which arguably is a spread used for bisharps back then. This set helps you deal with nasty plot :gengars:. A couple options that you can take as previously mentioned above: You can choose to go with 244 hp 88 spdef 176 speed spread if you put defog on :skarmory: instead of brave bird, in order to free up a slot for swords dance and ultimately going for facade eq roost sd. Ultimately, it makes you less prone to magma storm :heatrans: unless its balloon, which regardless is not a threat as you have :quagsire: as a backup unless its power herb set with solar beam.

Manaphy: Normally manaphy is not a threat, however if it has skill swap then it's pretty much over for the team unless you're able to parahax it with blissey as it goes for the first tail glow and directly switch to clefable and wish or set up for a calm mind afterwards. However will be pointless after the usage of skill swap.
Taunt hyper offensive skarmory suicide lead: As it fully sets its hazards it will be extremely hard to get rid of them afterwards especially since your gliscor is careful specially defensive set.

Highest peak recorded while getting reqs for latios.
View attachment 390311
Normally would have a gotten a much higher gxe if I only used the Stall team but I ended up using both in the process to test the hyper offensive team.

Enjoy :)
Your v2 stall team looks good. I would replace Calm Mind with Heal Bell/Aromatheraphy (unless neither move is available for some reason) on Clefable for two reasons 1) full stall requires a healing move, and 2) you already got a win-con in Gliscor.

Also been trying out some Sheddy stall to some degree of success, been using a very similar team but SkarmBliss over Snorlax/Tran. I opted to slightly dodge the passivity of Blissey by running Seismic Toss + Shadow Ball as a hard stop for Gengar while still having SToss to provide real damage output to other switch-ins, and just opting for Skarm for Spikes stacking, phazing, and a better answer to certain breakers like Staraptor. Your team looks rly good tho. Only thing I don't like is I've been using Protect > Shadow Claw on Sheddy, got a ton of milage stalling burn damage to get something into Sneak range, forcing choice users to lock themselves into SE moves with no threat of reading the switch, or scouting for unusual SE moves on mons since the meta is new and has high moveset variance. I've definitely also played games where Shadow Claw would've helped, but Protect is worth consideration.
Slowbro spikes balance/offense
Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Slack Off
- Future Sight
Roserade @ Black Sludge
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 28 HP / 252 SpA / 228 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rest
- Spikes
- Sludge Bomb
- Toxic Spikes / Giga Drain
Tyranitar @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 124 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 128 Spe
Brave Nature
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Crunch
- Stealth Rock
Alakazam @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Recover / Encore
Scizor @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 216 HP / 252 Atk / 40 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
Raikou @ Magnet
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt
I think this would be a good sample team because it is representative of the meta, but also fairly meta-independent. For example I use a Tyranitar set that has been described by the DPP analysis as "OU's most defining set".

Slowbro is very good, specifically it is the only reliable mamoswine and infernape check, and this set is very tricky to deal with. Future sight and scald mean you don't have to set up to be useful, as you can burn or damage a future switch in.

Roserade is a solid breloom check, and I tend to use double spikes because the ability to chose is important, and giga drain is often not as useful. It also works well with slowbro, preventing opponents from pivoting too much and allowing slowbro to get kills with weak scalds. Notably it also checks rotoms semi-reliably.

Tyranitar has the best set in this team, I choose shuca over passho because otherwise you can't really do anything with ice beam to things like gliscor, and either way you aren't touching water types. Most of them don't ohko ttar anyway, but garchomp does. The ev spread outspeeds scizor. With max spA you can use flamethrower instead of fireblast, which is more reliable and has more pp. As you can see slowbro, ttar, and roserade form a nice balance core.

Alakazam is there to clean up after spikes have wittled down the team. It's also a good stallbreaker. I tend to prefer recovery over taunt, encore, knock off etc, because it can be useful to get back to sash health.

Scizor is a solid partner-sweeper with alakazam and raikou, and I find the bulkier set so be very meta-representative, as its movepool isn't suited to offensive sets, and you need to check latis.

Lastly raikou forms a nice volt-turn core with scizor, my set is unusual though because I only ev'd it to outspeed manaphy since that's its primary role. But modest with magnet hits fairly hard, and makes the calm mind set a bit less easy to check. If for some reason you need to check faster things, go for a timid shadow ball set.


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I like playing hyper offense a lot and made this team that I'm pretty proud of. It's built around Manaphy and DD Dragonite because they're in my opinion the best set up sweepers in the tier because they can eat hits pretty well. Got some easy recks with it and is a fun team to use.

=The Don=
Here just for rocks. Thats it. Can use rapid spin over knock if you want or just scrap it for something completely different tried it with custcap skarm which has spikes which is useful because a lot of these mons force switches, Azelf and aero and they all do well against opposing offense. Most replaceable mon use whatever you please.

LO Sub NP really destroys stall especially that popular one going around skarm, bliss, quag, tang, glisc, and clef. A great wallbreaker that baits Gliscor and Scizor and chips them for Dragonite. Never fun mon.

Banded has few switch ins in this meta and I think isn't as used as it should be. Only thing that's annoying is Cres but u-turn is there to chip and pivot to gar and LO shadow ball isn't something it likes to eat. Breaks Gliscor for Dragonite and gar. Also breaks clef for Dragonite. Only downside is that it gets worn down quickly because of blitz but it's ho, you don't need it for long.

Great dd sweeper that's good against offense and balanced teams. Outrage eats up anything not named clef or a steel type and e speed destroys offense. Great cleaner just have to break any annoying clef or skarms in the way.

A sweeper/breaker that can eat up hits is so useful in HO. I see this mon as basically a free kill plus chip on another mon. Wacan berry is so good for opposing offense for example a scarf gar or Lati trying to revenge kill it. It's broken.

Here for glue. It's cool because it's like a pivot because it can take some hits and has u turn and healing wish if you really need it. Can flinch mons down with serene grace zen headbutts. A lot more useful mon than I thought it would be.

Hope you enjoy. :)


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Sticky Hold Gastrodon Stall:

This is a pretty run-of-the-mill stall team, built around what I consider to be a super underappreciated 'mon in the current metagame: Sticky Hold Gastrodon.

Set Explanation:

Skarmory @ Shed Shell
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Brave Bird
- Whirlwind
- Spikes
- Roost

Pretty standard Skarmory. I used to run Drill Peck, but it misses out on some important calcs, such as the possibility to 2HKO Offensive Starmie and the guaranteed OHKO on Infernape. Shed Shell is necessary, as otherwise the DragMag matchup becomes extremely difficult to play.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 HP / 152 Def / 112 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Defog
- Roost

This team's defogger and Ape check. I chose to run Physically Defensive Gliscor since Gastrodon already handles all our Tran related problems, and Gliscor needs all the defense it can get to properly check BandApe. 112 Speed EVs are run to outspeed Modest Tran and everything below it. An alternative spread of 244 HP / 4+ Def / 148 SpD / 112 Spe can also be run to avoid the 2HKO from Max SpAtk Life Orb Infernape's Overheat, but I preferred the added physical bulk.

Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Knock Off
- Leech Seed

Itemless Tangrowth is here to deal with some very important weaknesses this team would otherwise have, namely Crawdaunt and Breloom. Leech Seed was chosen over Sleep Powder as this team is too passive to fully take advantage of the free turns granted by Sleep, meaning that the chip and recovery of Leech Seed is more consistently beneficial.

Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss
- Stealth Rock
- Aromatherapy
- Soft-Boiled

This was an interesting pick, considering the popularity of CM Blissey on stalls right now, however, I opted to go with the Stealth Rock + Aromatherapy set for a variety of reasons. First, the Pokemon which CM Blissey would normally be required to check, those being Manaphy and SubPlot Gengar, are covered by Unaware Clefable and Gastrodon, respectively. Second, because Gliscor is our fogger, we are in need of a rocker, and Blissey is just the most convenient 'mon for the job, and third, Aromatherapy is extremely helpful as Gastrodon will often become burnt by Rotom-Wash, which hinders it's ability to check Gengar.

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 248 HP / 248 Def / 12 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
- Protect
- Wish

Our obligatory Unaware 'mon, win condition, Dragon immunity, and Manaphy check . The 12 Speed EVs are to outspeed other Clefables, as well as the odd 0 speed Tyranitar. Other than that, the set is pretty standard, so let's move on the the final member of the team.

Gastrodon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sticky Hold
EVs: 248 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Sassy Nature
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake
- Recover

Sticky Hold Gastrodon is, in many ways, the glue that holds this team together. Not only is it a godsend in the otherwise difficult Trick Rotom matchup, Gastrodon is also one of the few Pokemon who can switch into and defensively check the terrifying SubPlot Gengar. Furthurmore, Gastrodon hard walls every Heatran set bar the relatively rare Power Herb Solar Beam Heatran. I chose to run Ice Beam over Clear Smog here because of the multitude of Ice weak Pokemon in the current metagame, namely Latios, Garchomp, and Gliscor. EQuake is run over Earth Power to secure the OHKO on Gengar.


SD Chomp + Doom Desire Jirachi: This matchup is difficult as our main check to SD Chomp, Clefable, takes a whopping 64-76% from an uninvested Jirachi's Doom Desire, which renders it unable to properly check Jirachi's partner, Garchomp. The best way to play around this is to bring in Skarmory as Jirachi uses Doom Desire, and then click use Whirlwind to try to drag out something that can be walled by Blissey, Gastrodon, or Skarmory all of which can fairly easily tank a Doom Desire.

Infernape + Scizor: This matchup is difficult because this team lacks the necessary offensive pressure to punish pivot strategies, especially those focussing around the move U-Turn, which, unlike Volt Switch, cannot simply be absorbed by Gastrodon. The best way to play around this is to attempt to wear down the users of U-Turn with Skarmory's Spikes and Blissey's Stealth Rock. Make sure to take advantage of Scizor using Roost to get up Spikes or Rocks, and remember that Spikes/Rocks have more PP than Defog, meaning that in a situation where Skarmory is facing a Defog Scizor, you will always manage to at least get 1 layer of Spikes up before they can switch.

Power Herb Heatran: While rare, Power Herb Timid Heatran poses a significant threat to this team, as it can lure and remove Gastrodon. The best way to play around this is to try to scout the opponent's Heatran set with entry hazards: If they do not reveal Leftovers, there's a good chance they might be Power Herb Heatran.

Sludge Bomb Life Orb Crawdaunt: Again, this is a fairly rare set, but Sludge Bomb Life Orb Crawdaunt absolutely destroys this team. If you come across this Daunt set, your best bet is to resign and hope that your next opponent does not have Sludge Bomb Life Orb Crawdaunt on their team.

This team aims to overload checks for each other early game, such that Weavile can clean up late game. It seems solid atm.

Standard HO so not much to explain

Since many more HOs are being built by fellow players, let me explain what makes this team unique.

:Azelf: - Screen Setter. Fast Taunt. Perfect Lead. This one, however has U-turn instead of Explosion, so that it can set up Screens multiple times instead of a 1-time nuke (Beta Screens Koko).

:Gengar: - Gengar retains Nasty Plot, which can let it shred slower stuff after set up. Ghost resists are far and few, and none of them like Focus Blast. Sludge Wave helps with the Unaware Clef MU

:Garchomp: - With Lando out of the picture and Gliscor being an HO misfit, Chomp is the primary ground type a.ka. the lord of role compression on HOs. Here, it is a rocker as well as wincon with Salac Berry (No Scale Shot :( ). While no Yache means it can be RKed by Ice Shard from Mamo or Weavile, Salac Chomp with Rocks exerts a lot of pressure on opponents such that they have to choose whether to kill the Chomp, or to clear rocks that benefit the other sweepers.

:Cloyster: - Cloyster simply clicks Shell Smash and sweeps, as simple as that. Since it shares checks with Weavile like Steels etc., they form a great Ice Spam core. Razor Shell helps with Unaware Quagsire MU coz Defense Drops.

:Weavile: - Though a Shadow of its SS OU self (bye Knock Off and Triple Axel :( ), Weavile can still act as a menacing speed control option, a Ghost and Psychic punisher (improves Gengar and Scarf Lati MU) and a deadly late game cleaner after an SD boost.

:Togekiss: - Mon chosen to punish the resurgent Dragons in the tier, Togekiss additionally provides speed control with TWave, as well as a Steel lure with Flamethrower. And as we all are well aware of, anything it doesn't 2HKO, it ParaFliches to death.

Replays : - Weavile Cleans Late Game

Sick team but could you explain to me the togekiss repart and why black sludge over LO on gengar ?
:bw/krabby::bw/krabby: FERROTHORN AND TOXAPEX ARE GONE :bw/krabby::bw/krabby:

Nawh this ain't a Kingler team, don't get your hopes up I was trying to imitate Crab rave
It's no myth that a lot of our defensive counter play to Water-type offensive pokemon is very limited, hence the ban of Drizzle and the prominence of Water-types in the format.... How can we abuse this?

In an attempt to provide an up-to-date Offensive screens team sample: I've put this team together to help out those who are new with the metagame or just don't wanna go with the effort of making one.
That being said, let's start with our pokémon: I will be going over each one, why I am using them, why I am using a particular set etc.

Let's start with our screener!

Azelf @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Explosion
- Taunt

Can't make a screens team without the screener! This set is quite straight forward, Azelf's great speed tier allows it to get its job done very well as its bulk is quite passable under screens, making up for its lack of a Focus sash. Taunt denies Defog, Hazards, Spore, Setup attempts etc.
The reason I am using Azelf in particular is the lack of a need to beat Aerodactlyl as a lead, and for the sake of simpilicty for newcomers but Espeon is a nice option if you wanna outspeed Weavile and beat Aerodactyl.

Onto the abusers:

Feraligatr @ Life Orb

Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Ice Punch
- Dragon Dance

Gatorsdaily is such a good twitter account, and Feraligatr is such a good Pokémon at the moment! It really shows how limited our counterplay is to Water types: With a strong Sheer-force boosted Waterfall backed up by Ice punch hitting the dangerous Latios, Latias, Breloom, Tangrowth, Garchomp and Dragonite and Crunch to hit Rotom-Wash, Starmie, Latias again, Latios again, Empoleon, Slowbro and general water resists! This lets it hit nearly the entire meta neutrally, and with it resisting Aqua jet and Bullet punch it isn't so vulnerable to priority especially under Screens.
Feraligatr's job is mainly to punch a hole in the enemy's defenses, A lot of the time it'll clean up on its own! Buuut, what if you can't oneshot something? Like a Rotom-Wash?
This brings us to our next Pokémon


Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Waterfall
- Aqua Jet
- Belly Drum

Enter Azumarill! The evolution of the powerful Pikablu-- Means it gotta be very strong yeah? Well, I think it is: Possessing the rare Fairy type, paired up with an amazing Water typing, Azumarill is potent defensively checking Dragon types, Weavile etc. It's also very beefy under screens in general!
This means that Azumarill can pull off Belly drum consistently, with strong stabs you won't be needing much coverage as it's so powerful it even OHKOs Tangrowth! Aqua jet offers insanely strong priority that can save you in a pinch as it's quite slow. With Huge power, Azumarill also functions very well vs Stall as it can overwhelm Unaware pokémon with its unboosted hits and it oneshots Tangrowth after Belly drum (Which is easy to get off vs Stall)

We've established our Screener, and our offensive core; the next step is to plan around the core's shortcomings and one glaring weakness is those cheeky Electric types, Rotom-Wash and Magnezone (Sometimes Raikou!) can be tough to switch into, even though they aren't safe defensively.
I've contacted Cynthia, she told me the solution was:


Garchomp @ Haban Berry
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Stealth Rock / Fire blast
- Swords Dance

A behemoth with only a stupid pink blob to stand in its way. Garchomp has established itself as an almighty powerful yet somehow not overwhelming offensive presence. With its good typing of Ground/Dragon, it is a ground type that is not weak to water making it a decent Rotom-Wash switchin under screens as long as you don't get wisped, as for other Electrics who are choiced it can be very handy defensively for this core.
Stealth rock is something that's always awkward to fit on screens: Thankfully Garchomp doesn't exactly need its 4th moveslot so we can slot it here! Discouraging defoggers like Gliscor and Scizor as its boosted Outrage and Earthquake can hinder them significantly defensively (You'll see why this is important with our last two members!). Haban berry makes for an oh so excellent lure as the Lati twins will constantly try to revenge it shrugging off Draco meteors like it's absolutely nothing and OHKOing back, which can be VERY useful for setting up an Azumarill clean-up.

252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Draco Meteor vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Haban Berry Garchomp through Light Screen: 181-213 (50.7 - 59.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Latios Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Garchomp through Light Screen: 294-346 (82.3 - 96.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

What a beast!


Lucario @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Meteor Mash
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance

A very scary pokémon with quite useful defensive utility to the team; Lucario deters Weavile from clicking dark moves allowing you to get a +1 attack boost. With its excellent stabs hitting most of the tier atleast neutrally and the broken Extreme speed only having Gengar immune to it, this pokemon can be a headache to plan around for offensive teams as they struggle to Revenge kill it properly without it awkwardly forcing chip on them. It makes you really fear what the dog is truly doin'.

And lastly!


Alakazam @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Nasty Plot

In the original DPP, this pokemon was UU... However this is truly one of the biggest differences between the tier that makes BDSP so unique. As the stars align for it, it bcame an arguably broken Pokémon packing perfect coverage for EVERYTHING: Psychic as a main stab hitting most of the tier neturally, A strong Focus blast allowing you to hit Weavile, Tyranitar, Blissey and other stuff and a surprisingly strong Shadow ball hitting pokémon like Jirachi that otherwise give it trouble! While this Pokémon is amazing offensively, no argument against that, it's also great defensively! Yeah you heard me, allow me to elaborate: Focus Sash Alakazam makes for an excellent failsafe on HO teams allowing it to retaliate vs dangerous set-up sweepers that you would otherwise lose to, with your own combination of priority: This team gives you a good matchup vs opposing offense. Not much else to be said, it's an Alakazam that's guaranteed to live a hit thanks to Magic guard maintaining your Focus sash, use it wisely!

Replays (Finding good games was insanely difficult to manage):
Importable paste:
I hope you enjoyed this little post, I always try to make them entertaining and also still educate on what point I want to get at.
I hope that this will make it into the Samples and I hope it'll also do some work for those who decide to use it. If you think there's room for improvement please do let me know!
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Ok so probably not the most innovative team and by no means am I good at competitive but heres my take on a Screens Offense team that Ive been using so far.



Azelf @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Explosion
- Taunt

Azelf is obviously the dedicated lead due to its speed tier plus access to both screens. Since I have 2 setup sweepers on this team, screens help facilitate the setup. Taunt is to deny setting up things like spikes, rocks or even their own screens. Taunt is pretty standard on lead Azelf imo but the lack of focus sash pretty much makes this mandatory. Explosion to give a free switch in to a teammate plus may get a KO which is never a bad thing.


Infernape @ Life Orb
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 168 Atk / 88 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Fire Blast
- Close Combat
- Thunder Punch
- U-turn

Honestly this is one of my favorite Pokemon from the original DPP era and I'm so glad that its a solid mon in this meta too. I tried to make the Physical MixApe in this meta and I'm finding that its pretty good. Fire Blast is used here as the STAB over Overheat since there's no SpA drop which makes it much more of a presence and less inclined to switch out afterwards. Close Combat is the best Physical Fighting STAB that it gets. Thunder Punch is here to answer all of the Water types (Flying too but that's A LOT less common I'm finding) that Close Combat and Fire Blast dont answer plus its also pretty good neutral coverage getting boosted by Iron Fist. U-Turn is to pivot away to a teammate which is always good.


Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Extreme Speed
- Earthquake

Dragon Dance Dragonite is honestly really good and is used as one of the primary Wallbreakers on this team. Overall pretty standard, set up Dragon Dance and just go to town. Lum Berry either heals the Outrage confusion or any status that would be used to cripple Dragonite. Outrage is the main STAB and also does A LOT of damage coming off of Dragonite. Fairy types like Azumarill can get free switch ins due to being locked into Outrage, but its still one of the best moves Dragonite has in its arsenal. Extreme Speed is for finishing off weakened opponents which is great. Earthquake is just a generally good move.


Mamoswine @ Focus Sash
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge

Mamoswine overall is still very basic in its approach; Setup rocks or break holes in an opponents team. Thick Fat gives Mamoswine an artificial Fire and Ice resistance which actually is really nice because its more survivability. Ice Shard deals with Dragons such as Garchomp and Dragonite while also being a priority move. Earthquake is overall really good STAB (Do I really need to explain how good Earthquake is?). Stone Edge is more coverage, although I think Icicle Crash or Rock Slide can work fine here too.


Starmie @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
- Recover
- Ice Beam

Standard bulky spinner. Water types in this meta are powerful and Starmie is no exception even uninvested. Also at this point I think Starmie is the best rapid spinner in the format especially with Rapid Spins buff giving it more power and a speed boost when used. Scald is used instead or Hydro Pump or Surf here as the burn chance is almost too good to pass up. Ice beam is just in general a nice move to have in the back pocket. Recover is to keep Starmie healthy as it may need to come in again.


Scizor @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Swords Dance
- Roost

I know a lot of people have been using bulky Scizor sets but the Swords Dance set is still strong and possibly a little underrated right now. Scizors steel typing gives it a lot of defensive utility and its natural bulk is still pretty good. Bullet Punch is the bread and butter of this set due to the boost it recieves from technician. U-turn is great bringing in a teammate with no loss of momentum and creates a Pivot Core with Infernape. Roost keeps it healthy throughout the match.
Sick team but could you explain to me the togekiss repart and why black sludge over LO on gengar ?
Togekiss lures steels and damages/eliminates them with Flamethrower, which Weavile and Cloyster appreciate a lot, while also providing Speed Control with TWave. Not to mention, ParaFlinch for itself.

Gengar is holding Sludge here to ease setup opportunities, though you can definitely go for Life Orb if you like.
Hello. This is my first time posting on the smogon forum and I want to share a team that I have been using recently on the bdsp ou ladder.

I love gen 5 and one of my favorite team comps to use in gen 5 ou was dragmag, and I decided to essentially bring it back, albeit with some changes.

Here is the pokepaste:

The whole point of dragmag was to have a magnezone + a whole lotta dragons, as well as jirachi. In gen 5, you had you latios, kyurem-b, garchomp, and usually dragonite to round out your ragtag group of ferocious and powerful dragons. Unfortunately, K-B is not in bdsp ou (he probably would've been ubers anyway, but regardless), and some of the dragon types available, excluding latios, latias, chomp, salamence, and d-nite, aren't as powerful in this gen/meta (I love flygon, kingdra, and altaria, but they ain't gonna help this team much).

For this team, I used three dragons- latios, chomp, and d-nite- as the powerhouses of the team. Obviously, magnezone is here, or this wouldn't be dragmag. For the last couple of slots, I used clefable and rotom-wash.

Let's start with magnezone.

Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder Wave / Sleep Talk
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Volt Switch

This set originally had leftovers because I thought magnezone should live longer but I realized that I want to actually murder some of the steel types that I see often. Since magnezone doesn't have access to hidden power, we gotta stick with his good ol' stab moves. Thunderbolt, flash cannon, and volt switch are his attacks, and then the third slot depends on you, the player! You can use thunder wave to catch speedy mons off guard (some of these mons like lucario, weavile, alakazam, and gengar are not going to switch into magnezone most of the time because they will get clapped if they are not sash, so keep that in mind) or use sleep talk to counter opposing sleep moves from mons like tangrowth or breloom. I'm using max speed to outspeed the steel types the magnezone traps, such as sr empoleon, most scizor variants, and defensive heatran. Obviously, popular water types like feraligatr and manaphy will perish if they don't get a chance to set up. Weavile is an interesting case since sometimes they run brick break, so be careful around weavile if you run into one.

Next, latios.

Latios (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball / Defog

Latios is one of the fastest mons in the tier, but with mons like gengar, alakazam, scarf infernape, and opposing lati twins, he's not gonna be the fastest mon on the field everytime. So I gave him a choice scarf so that he can outspeed them. Some common latios sets run soul dew or specs. With scarf, opposing non scarf base 110 speed mons and alakazam will get hit before they realize it. Besides, latios already has decent special attack, so I thought it better to outspeed some speedy offensive threats in turn for the extra power. The original dragmag latios set had two dragon moves, surf, and trick, but drizzle is banned, having dual dragon moves isn't as optimal, and trick isn't a tutor move. Draco meteor and psychic for powerful stabs, and then boltbeam for the coverage (can it a lot of ground, dragon, water, and flying types); you can also replace bolt with shadow ball to hit alakazam harder, or defog to remove hazards.


Garchomp @ Salac Berry
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
- Outrage
- Earthquake

This is one of the sets that hasn't changed from gen 5. Set up sub for one hit protection, set up a free swords dance, and have a field day. If your sub is taken down, you can set up another one, and repeat until you get to around quarter health where the salac berry activates and now you have 490+ speed. Earthquake is a given for attacks, but for your dragon stab, you can choose between outrage for raw power, dragon claw for consistency, and dual chop to break sub. Be careful of ice types, lati twins, manaphy, and feraligatr if you want to succeed with chomp.

Last dragon, dragonite.

Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Extreme Speed

This is the other set that didn't change from gen 5. Set up with dragon dance put fear into your foes. Outrage for the raw dragon stab, earthquake to hit steel types, and extreme speed for that sweet +3 priority (go to hell weavile and mamoswine). We also have lum berry as a potential buffer from opposing status moves and a means of breaking confusion from outrage. Stealth rock can hurt d-nite since it breaks multiscale so having defog on latios can alleviate that. But if you want the heavy offense over defog, then you'll have to hold the rocks.

Onto clefable.

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 208 Def / 48 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Wish
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower

Clefable is the teams buffer, the hazards setter, and wish support. Set up rocks to chip the opposition, use wish to heal clefable or your teammates, use moonblast on dragon, fighting, and dark type mons, and flamethrower to threaten and steels that decide to try their hand at hurting the fairy. Originally, I had jirachi over this, but I didn't have much success with jirachi, and when I started using clefable, I did much better (albeit I did not use doom desire on the jirachi and used meteor mash instead but we don't talk about that). Just a useful support mon for the team.

Lastly, rotom-wash.

Rotom-Wash @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Trick
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch

I ran into an unaware cosmic power clefable one day and realized that I couldn't do much. Then I thought about rotom, trick, and choice scarf, and now we're here. Trick choice scarf onto opposing bulky mons, burn physical threats or other mons for chip, hydro pump for the stab and volt switch for pivoting. You can always choose when to trick, so pick your spots well.

That's pretty much it for the team. You can try it out and if you have any suggestions, let me know. Anyways, have a great evening and have fun on the ladder!
Posting a few teams I have found very very powerful:

:Roserade: :Gyarados: :Raikou: :Gliscor: :Heatran: :Weavile:

:Roserade: : Does tspikes support, also pressures breloom.
:Gyarados: : A cheap intimidate user that can also use ddance to threaten a sweep.
:Raikou: : Subtect to utilize tspikes, tbolt and scald beats most hazard removers you can think of.
:Gliscor: : Another Subtect user, useful due to it not losing any hp while doing subtect. Can use fling instead of knock off to get extra poison on stuff like rotoms.
:Heatran: : Breaker that can catch stuff like Blissey with Toxic Spikes support. Max hp is ran to bulk it up.
:Weavile: : Checks otherwise extremely annoying threats such as Alakazam and Gengar, easy to use in general.

:Espeon: :Dragonite: :Feraligatr: :Azumarill: :Staraptor: :Heatran:

:Espeon: : Screens setter that beats defoggers
:Dragonite: : Standard screens Espeon teammate to sweep.
:Feraligatr: & :Azumarill: : Strong water attackers that can attempt to overwhelm stuff like Clefable and Rotom-w, and seek for a chance to sweep / let dnite sweep.
:Staraptor: : Extremely efficient scarfer that can further chip rotom-w as well as 2HKO clefable. Adamant is chosen over Jolly because theres nothing in between the speed tier.
:Heatran: : Another way to heavily chip / KO opposing water resists as well as serving as a good clefable counter. Also annoys Scizor that tries to spam ut against espeon.

:Shedinja: :Starmie: :Clefable: :Snorlax: :Heatran: :Gliscor:

:Shedinja: : Does Shedinja job.
:Starmie: : Best rapid spinner in game.
:Clefable: : Standard stealth rock user that can also check a lot of physical attackers.
:Snorlax: : Special tank that can setup using curse.
:Heatran: : Very efficient stallbreaker. 4 attacks help it maximize its kill potential.
:Gliscor: : Defogger, taunt for extra hazard control.

If those turns out to be helpful to you all I'll keep it updated :)

side note: Heatran overall feels very powerful in this meta, often being able to dismantle defensive cores by itself as well as serving as a good defensive backbone.
Physical Only team
Press a button and it dies
Beat Up Weavile

It's a brain death team to reach ELO 1400. The team has 5 choice band users and 1 expert belt Stealth Rock User bc rocks. Not much thought went into this team besides enabling hard hitting beat up. Choice band on almost all mons as this is a fully physical team so it needs that additional power to break through walls. As this team is pretty much hit button except for the Mamoswine on Expert belt for Rocks, there is not much need for chance besides maybe Scizors EVS and potentially replace Azelf (is there for explosion aswel as handy levitate).

Beat up does really hyper offensive as nothing besides bulky resist mons like Scizor can safely switch in and the move hits for more than 50% on non resists and squishy resist mons (see calc). Combined with weaviles speed it can break many offensive teams. The whole team is fast or has priority and if you facing physical wall you have 2 options to explode on them it with Metagross and/or Azelf
(Beat up power per hit value = 17.6666666666667 rounded up to 18 gives these calcs (smogon calc only shows 1 hit of beat-up):
252 Atk Choice Band Weavile Beat Up vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Breloom: 25-30 (9.5 - 11.4%) -- possible 9HKO meaning 60% if full team 2 hit KO

252 Atk Choice Band Weavile Beat Up vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Infernape: 27-33 (9.2 - 11.2%) -- possible 9HKO
meaning 60% if full team 2 hit KO

252 Atk Choice Band Weavile Beat Up vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Scizor (Sdef variant): 42-51 (12.2 - 14.8%) -- possible 7HKO meaning 60% if full team 2 hit KO

For the EZ 1450 climb


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First post on here and I've been lurking for a longtime (since ORAS) . Here's a team I've been using for a while now and it's a relatively solid team that gets me around the 1500's-1600's range on the bdsp ou ladder. Peaked around 1689 on the ladder

Staraptor (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Reckless
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat
- Double-Edge
- U-turn

Set Explanation:
Adamant Nature allows Staraptor to gain some extra damage and still outspeed Rotom-Wash in particular, it's a pretty good lead and can outspeed +1 Feraligatr for example and threaten some defensive mons that try to switch in like Clefable and Toxic Orb Gliscor by 2HKOing them. It's a good revenge killer against some notable metagame threats like Latios and Gengar for example. It'll struggle against Steel-Flying types like Skarmory and Jirachi who is neutral to CC but Staraptor has plenty of partners to choose from that can cover these. It may also spend a bit of time pivoting around as well to switch into better matchups

Sample Calcs
252+ Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gliscor: 151-178 (42.6 - 50.2%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Poison Heal, it should be noted most gliscors do not run max defense investment since they want some speed or SpDef investment
252+ Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latios: 294-346 (97.6 - 114.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Reckless Staraptor Double-Edge vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Rotom-Wash: 229-271 (75.3 - 89.1%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Feraligatr: 244-288 (78.2 - 92.3%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 214-253 (54.3 - 64.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Lucario: 325-384 (115.6 - 136.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Scizor: 243-286 (70.8 - 83.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 302-356 (74.7 - 88.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Garchomp (M) @ Yache Berry
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Outrage

SR Setter and can put pressure on some mons like Heatran and SD allows it to punch holes in the opposing team. Yache berry is to catch Starmies off guard trying to ice beam the rocks it set before spinning it away or hurt Ice Shard Mamoswine heavily. Rough skin means it can punish Scizor u-turning and pivoting along with breaking sash brelooms trying to mach punch things. It won't sweep teams but it's mostly there to force switches, also it can kill Dragonite's outright and breakthrough Multiscale. However Togekiss does end up switching in on it freely which can be an issue. Its main job is to get rocks up and punish u-turns on scizor after doing some eq chip so Latios can be in position to finish it off at points.

Latios (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Surf

Self-explanatory, it outspeeds the majority of the metagame naturally and can put a dent in teams with draco and psychic stab on specs. Tbolt is for the likes of Manaphy gatr, Azumarill. Surf is to kill Gliscor and either kill or put a dent on Heatran. Both tbolt and surf gives Latios a chance to finish off a weakened scizor that has taken a beating throughout the match from constantly switching in if it comes to that. Its typing also allows it to survive an SD Breloom Mach Punch since the team struggles to deal with Priority Mach Punch reliably. Just a great special nuker.

Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Ability: Magnet Pull
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Flash Cannon
- Tri Attack

Traps steel types that Staraptor and Latios may struggle against. Namely Skarmory if it doesn't run shed shell and the more important one: Scizor. Volt switch deals around 45-70 depending on what kind of scizor set is run. (45-55~ if it's SpDef, closer to 70-80 if it's an offensive set). TBolt cripples scizor alot and forces it to pivot out. It also outspeeds donphan and if it's sturdy has been broken, it can kill with Flash cannon. Magnezone also notably outspeeds Azumarill at 219 which enables it to revenge kill. Ground types are obviously an issue although if predicting correctly it can OHKO Mamoswine via flash cannon, deal lots of damage to Garchomp. Magnezone's main job at the end of the day is to trap steel types as part of the classic dragmag core.

Scizor (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Defog
- Roost
- U-turn

The main pivot that holds this team together defensively, it's there to check Lati which is everywhere and aims to check weavile's using ice shard or icicle crash and hurting it with Bullet Punch. It also is there to clear rocks so that Staraptor can avoid taking unneeded SR damage. Roost is to ensure longevity. U-Turn basically is to switch away and retain momentum for Lati, Raptor or Feraligatr to go ham

Feraligatr (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
IVs: 0 SpA
- Dragon Dance
- Crunch/Earthquake
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch

The main setup sweeper of this team although it can actually work as a physical wallbreaker too if the situation calls for it. Sheer Force means it packs an extra punch. Waterfall is STAB since Liquidation isn't available currently but it'll rip through stuff with ease, Ice Punch is there to guarantee kills on Gliscor and also hit Breloom. Adamant nature allows it to outspeed everything at +1 barring Weavile. Crunch is my preferred additional coverage move to deal with Starmie, Cress and Slowbro in particular and also to deal some damage to Rotom-Wash although EQ can work if you want to hit Crawdaunt and Azumarill instead. It's basically there to clean out the lategame or switch in on defensive scizor or bulky Heatran for example to setup. The main thing it'll struggle against is Tangrowth since Gatr at +1 doesn't come close to OHKOing physically defensive Tang. Scarfers are the other thing Gatr wants to look out for. I would only run Jolly if you need to outspeed scarf Breloom.
Physical Only team
Press a button and it dies
Beat Up Weavile

It's a brain death team to reach ELO 1400. The team has 5 choice band users and 1 expert belt Stealth Rock User bc rocks. Not much thought went into this team besides enabling hard hitting beat up. Choice band on almost all mons as this is a fully physical team so it needs that additional power to break through walls. As this team is pretty much hit button except for the Mamoswine on Expert belt for Rocks, there is not much need for chance besides maybe Scizors EVS and potentially replace Azelf (is there for explosion aswel as handy levitate).

Beat up does really hyper offensive as nothing besides bulky resist mons like Scizor can safely switch in and the move hits for more than 50% on non resists and squishy resist mons (see calc). Combined with weaviles speed it can break many offensive teams. The whole team is fast or has priority and if you facing physical wall you have 2 options to explode on them it with Metagross and/or Azelf
(Beat up power per hit value = 17.6666666666667 rounded up to 18 gives these calcs (smogon calc only shows 1 hit of beat-up):
252 Atk Choice Band Weavile Beat Up vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Breloom: 25-30 (9.5 - 11.4%) -- possible 9HKO meaning 60% if full team 2 hit KO

252 Atk Choice Band Weavile Beat Up vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Infernape: 27-33 (9.2 - 11.2%) -- possible 9HKO
meaning 60% if full team 2 hit KO

252 Atk Choice Band Weavile Beat Up vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Scizor (Sdef variant): 42-51 (12.2 - 14.8%) -- possible 7HKO meaning 60% if full team 2 hit KO

For the EZ 1450 climb
View attachment 392928
I struggle a lot against infernape with your team
Slowbro spikes balance/offense
View attachment 390783Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Slack Off
- Future Sight
View attachment 390784Roserade @ Black Sludge
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 28 HP / 252 SpA / 228 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rest
- Spikes
- Sludge Bomb
- Toxic Spikes / Giga Drain
View attachment 390782Tyranitar @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 124 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 128 Spe
Brave Nature
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Crunch
- Stealth Rock
View attachment 390789Alakazam @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Recover / Encore
View attachment 390785Scizor @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 216 HP / 252 Atk / 40 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
View attachment 390786Raikou @ Magnet
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt
I think this would be a good sample team because it is representative of the meta, but also fairly meta-independent. For example I use a Tyranitar set that has been described by the DPP analysis as "OU's most defining set".

Slowbro is very good, specifically it is the only reliable mamoswine and infernape check, and this set is very tricky to deal with. Future sight and scald mean you don't have to set up to be useful, as you can burn or damage a future switch in.

Roserade is a solid breloom check, and I tend to use double spikes because the ability to chose is important, and giga drain is often not as useful. It also works well with slowbro, preventing opponents from pivoting too much and allowing slowbro to get kills with weak scalds. Notably it also checks rotoms semi-reliably.

Tyranitar has the best set in this team, I choose shuca over passho because otherwise you can't really do anything with ice beam to things like gliscor, and either way you aren't touching water types. Most of them don't ohko ttar anyway, but garchomp does. The ev spread outspeeds scizor. With max spA you can use flamethrower instead of fireblast, which is more reliable and has more pp. As you can see slowbro, ttar, and roserade form a nice balance core.

Alakazam is there to clean up after spikes have wittled down the team. It's also a good stallbreaker. I tend to prefer recovery over taunt, encore, knock off etc, because it can be useful to get back to sash health.

Scizor is a solid partner-sweeper with alakazam and raikou, and I find the bulkier set so be very meta-representative, as its movepool isn't suited to offensive sets, and you need to check latis.

Lastly raikou forms a nice volt-turn core with scizor, my set is unusual though because I only ev'd it to outspeed manaphy since that's its primary role. But modest with magnet hits fairly hard, and makes the calm mind set a bit less easy to check. If for some reason you need to check faster things, go for a timid shadow ball set.
My team has not aged perfectly well, I would not use it. Roserade is not physically bulky enough to deal with the more creative breloom sets people are using now, like force palm and rock tomb. It should be replaced with overcoat forretress and replace zam with gengar to have a better breloom answer, and replace scizor with breloom for a better manaphy and rotom-w matchup. Alakazam's moves are not even optimal. Personally i would use psych up over encore so you can copy manaphy's tail glow and counter-sweep. This is just to counter balance's main threat which is manaphy, but if you want a better stall matchup psyshock and psychic on the same set is common now. The slowbro set is usually better with some move other than future sight, like psychic or ice beam to hit roserade, breloom, and dragons directly without giving a free switch in. Future sight just isn't as helpful on slower paced bulky teams.

The scizor set is still good even though people prefer spdef these days, ttar set is still good, and raikou is still underrated.
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This team is, I believe, a team solid enough to be a sample team. It went through countless improvements, and is now a very polished product working pretty well at least on the ladder : i was able to reach ~top 50 with it without much troubles (although i dropped pretty hard because i tried out sun right after- which, turns out, sucks lol), and got reqs pretty easily with it. Tuthur and Kyotoshi both also got reqs with this team, and each of them only lost once using that team during their suspect run. This stall actually has very few unwinnable matchups, and has ways out even against Pokemon known to be problematic for stall such as Crawdaunt, Gengar, Manaphy or Alakazam (yes, even Alakazam! That 6 might look very weak to it, but i'll explain later why it can actually struggle to break this team).

Like the fellow stall user that posted right before me, i noticed that very few stalls were posted here, which is a shame since stall is pretty good in this metagame (although, i believe, slightly overrated), so i decided to give a shot too.

:tangrowth: :blissey: :gliscor: :quagsire: :skarmory: :starmie:

This stall has rather a proactive approach, and is able to actively force progress in lot of MUs (and even has a pretty good MU against opposing stalls, which is something i believe is essential for an effective stall team in this meta) through hazard stacking and a wide range of annoying-to-switch-into moves. I won't go through the teambuilding process because that team went through a lot, so instead i'll explain the role of each Pokemon of this team one by one.

:tangrowth:: Tangrowth is a very solid defensive Pokemon on stall, able to take on otherwise very problematic threats such as Crawdaunt, Breloom, and even Rotom-Wash despite its terrible special bulk (Usually, if Tangrowth only needs to check Rotom-Wash and is played well, the washing machine will need very favorable, if not unrealistic, scenarios to eventually break through, even if it is the infamous trick plot set.), and is capable to be very annoying to switch into thanks to the combination of Sludge Bomb + Knock Off + Leech Seed. Leech Seed and Giga Drain also provide some additionnal recovery, making it not too reliant on Regenerator. The EV spread is a standard max-max, with 8 EVs in speed to creep opposing Tangrowth and hitting them first with a Sludge Bomb

:blissey:: CM Blissey is easily one of the best mons on stall atm, since it's one of the best answers to top threats such as Latios, Manaphy, Gengar and the rare but existent Psychic Alakazam (There is actually a reason to run psychic over psyshock, which is something i will explain a bit later in this post.). Being a status absorber and a potential win condition are also nice traits to have on a Pokemon on stall, even though it can struggle to actually sweep because of its lack of Physdef investment. Full spdef investment is very useful and actually needed to take on Gengar and non Psyshock Alakazam as reliably as possible (They otherwise have some odds to break through you with boosted Focus Blasts), and helps against Manaphy since you're going to need to click Soft-Boiled less against it, which means they have way less opportunities to fish for a crit against you.
Options: Moving 76 EVs from HP to SpA allows you to OHKO Chomp and Glisc after rocks at +1 with Ice Beam, and have good chances to 2HKO non leftovers Manaphy at +1 with Thunderbolt. However, those scenarios are quite specific, but i guess it's still quite worth the investment, since Blissey won't lose much special bulk doing this, even if it really appreciates having as much special bulk as possible against the mentionned threats, and also taking less chip from repeated Volt-Switches. You can also try to move some HPs' EVs to Defense to improve its physical bulk, and thus hopefully make it a better win condition, but again cutting into its special bulk is sometimes not really ideal.
You can even go full physdef and full hp to be a much more threatening win condition while not taking 50% against opposing U-Turns, but again, cutting into your ability to check Gengar and Psychic Alakazam sucks in my opinion (Focus blast from Alakazam overpowers you easily if you are physdef.).

:gliscor:: Gliscor is here to absorb status, check some annoying stuff like Heatran, set rocks, being a volt blocker, and is able to force decent progress thanks to the combination of Knock Off and Earthquake. It also improves the stall MU thanks to Poison Heal, greatly slowing down the progress made by the opposing team. It also is one of the reason why Alakazam doesn't win on the spot: +2 Psyshock doesn't kill it, and is almost guaranteed to OHKO back with Knock Off:
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Alakazam Psyshock vs. 244 HP / 0 Def Gliscor: 289-341 (82.1 - 96.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal
(Rocks don't matter since they are basically cancelled by PHeal, even if they psyshock on the switch.)
That is probably one of the reasons why Psychic Alakazam is seen, in my opinion: it is able to immediately dispatch Gliscor with a guaranteed OHKO even against variants with 244 SpD. Fortunately, we still don't lose to Psychic Zam, thanks to our specially defensive CM Blissey! So unless the opponent is somehow able to force chip on Gliscor (The most likely scenario is rocks being up before PHeal is activated, assuming Alakazam is LO, but then it still needs some luck (aka hitting focus blasts) to get through Quagsire that can "revenge kill" it.), Alakazam is going to take at most one soul, barring haxx. The spread outspeeds Timid Heatran and Adamant Lucario.

:quagsire: Quagsire is quite a disruptive force, since Toxic (Which is quite a rare move, so if you manage to fit it on a stall it's always a nice plus)+ Earthquake + Scald is painful to switch into for a lot of structures, and also difficult to break for lot of HOs. It's mostly here to check certain physical setup sweepers like Cloyster, Dragonite, Garchomp, and SD Scizor (Notice that Skarm can't beat SD Scizor if it is the last mon in the opposing team, since it can't be phazed) and can also be a safety net against some random bullshit you could see on the ladder. Like Gliscor, it can also attempt to block Volt-Switch, which can be useful if Glisc needs to stay healthy or can't switch into the Volt user (Like if it is Rotom - even though hpump from offensive 2hkoes, and wisp from defensive can be annoying). Ofc, being a fire resist helps against Infernape.

:skarmory: Spikes are INSANE, and are a very powerful tool to force progress in this metagame. Spikes also greatly limit certain teams, especially if their win condition against you is something that lacks longevity (like Infernape). They are also a great way to immediately punish Gliscor attempting to take avantage of the passivity of certain of your mons, and usually is how you eventually win against Gliscor structures. Being a dragon resist is of course extremely important in this metagame : for example, the combination of Tangrowth + Skarmory is usually enough to take on banded Dragons, Tangrowth being able to scout their move thanks to Regenerator and Skamory eating Outrages. Shed Shell is important because Zone is good, and there aren't much things around that Skarm wants to check that can Knock it. Taunt ease the Stall MU, annoys some slower stuff like Scizor, and 8 EVs in speed allows it to outspeed and Taunt opposing skarms.
Options: Drill Peck over Taunt helps Skarm to be less passive, and improve its MU against defensive Starmie, chipping it a bit on the switch and eventually forcing it to click Recover a bit more. If you enjoy losing against Magnezone you can run Leftovers, thus making it harder to chip, but i strongly recommand keeping Shed Shell. In my opinion Brave Bird sucks, because you are chipping yourself with it, and there are MUs where you just can't click it because you might be in 2HKO range from something later. It however should mentionned that it displays much more power than Drill Peck, which can be useful to pressure certains threats such as defensive zor and Bulk Up Breloom better.

:starmie: This mon beautifully completes that team, providing in that last slot everything the team wanted: it soft checks lot of stuff like Garchomp, Infernape, Mamoswine, and choice locked Weavile, is a secondary Heatran check, and is the hazard removal. Being a spinner secures the stall MU really well, because you are able to stack hazards with Skarm and Gliscor, pp stall opposing Defogs while keeping your side of the field clear and not being pp stalled itself thanks to rapid spin having 64 PPs, and also fucks otherwise potentially very annoying suicide leads like Skarm, and somewhat Azelf. Of course, having one more status absorber is always nice, even though it's a bit situational. Spread outspeeds base 110s and infernape, and leftovers EVs are dumped into HP and physical defense.


I wanted to thanks all the people that gave me their opinion about this team, helping me spotting its flaws and improving it. Special thanks to Kyotoshi who playtested the team and suggested some clever respreadings, which are still part of this team, and Tuthur for the quite extensive feedback on certain aspects of that team, even though we don't agree at all on them :]

Thank a lot for this amazing team R8 :D. Got No.1 on ladder by using your team.
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