Reflect protects Sivanandi's team! 6a.

Water/Poison | Intimidate
HP: 7/80 | EN: 26
4 / 4 / 3 / 3 / 85 | 1 / 1
Status: OK

Grass/Poison | Chlorophyll
HP: 21/80 | EN: 21
4 / 3 / 5 / 2 / 47 | 2 / 1
Status: OK
Action 1
Quants used Double Team (2 clones)! -8 EN, 18 left.
Quants created two clones!
Weepinbell used Seed Bomb! -5 EN, 16 left.
100% accuracy. Roll 23/100: hits Quants.
[(8 + 3) * 1] = 11 damage to Quants, -4 HP left.
Quants fainted!


Too bad, challenger! Your run ends here.Looks like you "barked" up the wrong "tree"
You may return whenever you'd like!
Mowtom +2 TC | +2 RC | -12 JC
Sivanandi +6 JC
Quants used Double Team (2 clones)! -8 EN, 18 left.
Quants created two clones!
Weepinbell used Seed Bomb! -5 EN, 16 left.
100% accuracy. Roll 23/100: hits Quants.
[(8 + 3) * 1] = 11 damage to Quants, -4 HP left.
Quants fainted!


Too bad, challenger! Your run ends here.
You may return whenever you'd like!
Mowtom +2 TC | +2 RC | -12 JC
Sivanandi +6 JC
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