Battle Tree Discussion and Records

My first team that got me 51 wins I believe. Note that this team does not use a Mega, so it is slightly harder and more punishing to use especially after the 40+ mark.

Krookodile @ Groundium Z
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 100
EVs: 252 HP / 196 Spe / 56 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Rock Slide
- Protect

Empoleon @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
Level: 100
EVs: 252 HP / 196 Def / 56 SpD
Naive Nature
- Scald
- Flash Cannon
- Toxic
- Protect

Scrafty @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 100
EVs: 252 HP / 20 Atk / 164 Def / 4 SpA / 68 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Fake Out
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Snarl

Swalot (M) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Sticky Hold
Level: 100
EVs: 252 HP / 196 Def / 56 SpD
Bold Nature
- Toxic
- Pain Split
- Protect
- Sludge Wave

If you want to lead with Scrafty for the Fake Out that's fine. The two openings that I used most often were Scrafty + Krook and go for the Tectonic OHKO, or Swallot and Empoleon and spam Sludge Waves. Its really preference. Swallot + Krook is also doable, with both spamming their aoe moves while the other protects.

I haven't gotten into Super Doubles yet (still advancing my Super Singles run and I made the 200 milestone WOOT! Big post coming within the week), but looking at the team, I am confused by the choice of Empoleon and it's set. In doubles I am not sure if Leftovers is a big game changer and Toxic on a non Poison type post bank doesn't seem worth it. In general if you needed a Water type in that slot wouldn't something like Mega Blastoise be better? It has better stats and can get Water Spout through the right breeding.

I also wonder about the choice of Swalot as Poison isn't the most spammable offensive type and with is low speed he'll be getting sped a lot and have to eat some nasty Earthquakes provided you didn't Intimidate well. Swalot doesn't hit particularly hard either. Aside from the lower Special attack and lack of Sticky Hold (which also doesn't seem like a gamchanger) I feel it's largely outclassed by Alola Muk who has better stats, cooler abilities, and Dark typing to help it against Psychic Trick Roomers. There's also Amoongus who has Rage Powder, Grass typing for Water and Electric types, Spore, Regenerator, Clear Smog, Giga Drain, and better offensive stats (and heck, better stats period).
We have a bit of a mystery going on here: an intrepid Trainer on the Discord channel was helping me add entries to the Q.R.T.O.O. found what looks to be a very solid Tree Singles "Battle Facility Singles All-Stars" team:

This may have been made by someone on these forums--if you see this and are the creator, would you stand up so that I can credit you and decide whether to add this to the Q.R.T.O.O. or QR3?

The former and the S.R.C. have been updated, BTW.

EDIT: Nvm, PikaCuber was kind enough to point out some important info regarding this. Thx, Cuber!

'Durant and Pals' has been added to the QR3. Send SadisticMystic some love when using it!
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Going back to the leaderboard team and challenge the peak of battle tree again. Using the infamous: Mega Salamence/Aegislash/Chansey team at

I think I sort of understand how to use the switch stalling techniques now, got my first 100 battles in the first try and ongoing at the moment. Credit to all the people who made the team and especially GG Unit.

Yea, I can see why this team can be so safe that you can really stall your way out almost in any situation.

I will probably continue until at least 200 for the berry, and if I can keep going I will try.

But after this I'm switching over to doubles.
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Just got beaten by a mega-mawile because I misplayed and prob waited for too long when playing the mind game with aegislash.
Here is the losing video: PVFW-WWWW-WWW9-6RXP
and the streak is: 121
Let me tell you how I just wasted a week doing nothing except getting a horrible team to 50. I thought I could adapt Jumpman's Kangliscune to the Battle Tree to pull off a large streak. The problem was that Kangaskhan's nerfs made it a bad choice. So I tried to find the missing lead that would solve Gliscune for battle tree. I theorymonned a lot, trying out theoretical sets for Scarf Latios, Mega Blaziken, Charti Minior, and some other things I forgot but entertained the idea of using. I thought all of these had fatal flaws (not beating a certain threat that gliscune is afraid of). I thought I found the missing lead for Battle Tree Gliscune. Let me tell you what I had in mind.

Hidden Power Rock Sash Pheromosa.

In retrospect, this is a terrible idea. I didn't have one myself, so I asked the Tree discord to catch me a HP Rock Phero. Josh C., being the nice fellow he is, obliged. However, he gave up upon finding out the odds of getting HP Rock legends (13/4000, for those who are curious). So I took it upon myself to catch this elusive Pokemon. However, I hadn't even touched my copy of Moon ever since someone gifted it to me. So I played through the entire game as fast as possible with only a Toucannon, did the E4 + Champion fights with a single underlevelled Lunala, caught Nihilego, and spent a day soft-resetting for HP Rock Pheromosa. Then I trained it up to level 100, transferred up my Suicune and Gliscor from Alpha Sapphire, and the team was complete. Now all I have to do is get it to 500 for an easy streak, right? Well, the team actually worked.

Like shit.

Gliscune teams tend to have slow matches, and Pheromosa exacerbates this flaw even more. It can't sweep teams on its own. It has to be constantly babied so that it doesn't lose its sash. It has no switch-in opportunities. It can't even take advantage of a foe being PP stalled dry like everything else can. Just getting to 20 felt like an ordeal, and that's saying something coming from a battler that usually does 40 per day.
Nevertheless, I got this team up to 50, very painfully. And I didn't even get to smash a Charizard with HP Rock like I thought I would. Let my horrible experience serve as a lesson to all you thread-goers to never try this, since I've already tried it for you.

Here's the team in case there's someone masochistic enough to actually do this. No set comments since I'm tired already.
Focus Sash (Pheromosa) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 124 Atk / 132 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Low Kick
- Protect
- Hidden Power [Rock]
- U-turn

Gliscor (F) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Level: 50
EVs: 236 HP / 4 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SpD / 12 Spe
Careful Nature
IVs: 15 SpA
- Earthquake
- Substitute
- Protect
- Toxic

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Level: 50
EVs: 196 HP / 252 Def / 60 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Rest

==failed ideas below here==

Life Orb (Pheromosa) @ Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 124 Atk / 132 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
IVs: 12 Def / 16 SpD / 12 Spe
- Low Kick
- Bug Buzz
- Hidden Power [Rock]
- U-turn

Latios (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 92 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 156 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Dragon Pulse
- Energy Ball
- Trick

Spoiler for my ongoing streak. Are you sure you want to see it?
Here you are!
Ability: SPOILER
Well why did you open this hide tag, you dummy?
I wasn't asking you. Now away with you.
Smuckem can add this to his Stamp Run if he wants to. To be honest I don't really care at this point.
Would those odds be the same for Marshadow? Well, at least were it possible to lock the nature, which it sadly isn't.

I'd gotten two codes and originally toyed with resetting for Hasty/Naive HP Ice but quickly learned that Synchronize has no success rate for Mystery Gift. For that matter it took probably two dozen resets just to get a Jolly one, so I gave up on HP and kept that. The other code is unused.

However, I am curious on those odds still. How hopeless is it?
Well the streak is over at 228 wins. (In actuality I had gotten 230 wins but alas, I once again fell asleep with the game on and didn't realize my 3DS wasn't connected to the power. Well, I guess that WOULD be how my streak would end after all those attempts with the Toxapex/Chansey/Salamence team ending similarly. Really makes you wish hyper offense was viable in Singles. Oh well. I made my 200 streak goal and at least I didn't lose to in game hax!)

Disclaimer: I actually didn't start with the team but rather used it to build on 14 streak from my other Battle Tree team. However that was more because I was done with that team at that point and I felt 14 battles wasn't worth starting over to prove this teams worth. So it's basically irrelevant.


But anyway, one to the team! 2 of the Pokemon used were the GG Unit 's famous Durant and Mimikyu combo (Aside from Durant being female because I couldn't care enough about Nidoking to get a Male and I'd have an all male team.). For the most part carbon-copied them when breeding and EV training. I am sure most of you are familiar with how they work. If you want more information on their builds he discusses them fabulously here:

Now here is what sets the team apart from his:


Smeargle (Male) @ Leftovers
Ability: Moody
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Att / 252 Speed
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
-Power Trip
-Spiky Shield

Smeargle has always been one of my favorite Pokemon. I just love its design and its ability to learn 99.9% of the moves in the game always made it stand out to me, even with its awful stats. Shame it gets gimped by rulesets and its average speed but hey. Anyways, the moment I learned about Power Trip, I just knew I wanted to make a team with this latent monster work. But I always had a hard to time thinking of a way to always safely set Smeargle up. I thought of a Whimsicott but I realized that with Dark types being immune to Prankster moves, it'd run into to many roadblocks. (Would be a good 4th mon if they allowed that many though.) Then I realized that GG Unit's Durant and Mimikyu should be perfectly capable of setting up Smeargle as well as Glalie and my run proved me right!

Now of all the Pokemon that get Moody this gen, I personally believe that Smeargle is the one other Pokemon besides Glalie that can pull it off against pretty much the entire Battle Tree, and it's all thanks to Power Trip. Copied from a Krookidile, Moody is basically a physical Dark type Stored Power. For each time a stat rises, the base power rises from 20 by another 20. With all 7 stats beefed out, you get a max base power of 860. Not even Smeargle's pathetic base attack can hold that back. With max attack and +6 attack, anything not called Scrafty just dies in one hit provided it's not boosted. And even if gets defensive boosts, you should always be able to wittle down on the Traunt turns. It does take a while for it to boost up enough to a good power since each stat can only give 6 boosts, but once you're set up it general kills way harder than Glalie's Frost Breath ever could thanks to the base power and Dark typing meaning that nothing is immune and few bulky mons resist. Only major downside is that it's a contact move which leaves a little potential for hax but generally not a major issue.

Now what makes this Smeargle even more special is the choice of 4th move: Coil! (I knew that crappy Island Scan Serperior would be good for something.) This move is what really sets Smeargle apart from Glalie. By forgoing Taunt and Spore, status moves and non-lead Pokemon do become a little more threatening. But the upside is that with this move, Smeargle gets to do something Glalie can't: bend the RNG in its favor. Here's a little known Moody fact: Moody will not boost stats if they're already maxed out. This makes so that you don't have to worry about it constantly boosting the one stat you have maxed out, statistically unlikely as it is. But more importantly, it's what makes Coil so deadly. Coil boosts Attack, Defense, and accurracy 1 stage. Not only does this ensure that Smeargle will always be at +4 or higher when you need to sweep, but it also allows him to abuse Moody more effeciently. With Attack, Defense, and accuracy getting maxed faster, you're more. likely to get those lovely Speed and Evasion boosts that let you sweep and stall without wasting Spiky Shield PP. With enough luck, you could be set to go in around 12 turns of stalling. (Expect to need to stall for about 20+ though).

The Gameplan

Now the basic idea is just like with Glalie where you Entertainment turn 1 with Durant to gimp the lead and then immediately switch to Smeargle. 90% of the time you then have Smeargle use Spiky Shield immediately to safely get up a Substitute in the Traunt turn. Spiky Shield is cool here as if the foe makes contact, they get chipped for an 1/8 of their health. This can limit your setup time though so you do have to occasionally let your sub get hit to stall for longer. Once the sub is up, you generally alternate between Coil and Spiky Shield until you're good to go. I generally advise not going for game until Smeargle is +5/6 in Attack and +3 in Speed with sufficent defensive and evasive boosts to act as a fallback in case something bad happens after you beat the lead. Also try to only KO on a Traunt turn to cut hax out of the equation. You don't always have to but it makes things safer.

Now there's things that can throw initial steps out of whack:

  • Durant gets OHKO'd after Entertainment: Durant is the bulkiest mon on the Special side and Fire moves are pretty much OHKO moves. If Durant gets bopped turn 1, Substitute immediately with Smeargle
  • Opponent Mega Evolves: Something I found out on my run is that if the foe Mega Evolves, they get Traunted immediately. Therefore, you must leave Durant in a turn and THEN switch to Smeargle.
  • Unviable lead: Many Pokemon just are things you just don't want to risk Durant trying to set up on. In those cases switch to Mimikyu for hopefully a better lead and then try to cripple it with the moeves

GG Unit detail threats well and in my experience the 2 teams seem to share the same set of lead threats since the same Durant is on both. Generally, you go Mimikyu on Pokemon you can Entertainment, can kill BEFORE you get it off, or Pokemon that could technically be Entertain'd but have moves or quirks that make the deadly/unviable to try and setup on later such as Mismagius4 having Perish Song. That said, since Smeargle doesn't have Taunt, there are couple more things you should be wary of. If you are early on, switch if you see Weezing in the lead as Weezing1 has Explosion and Haze. You may also have to switch if the lead has Roar or Whirlwind. This didn't come up in my run but it's something to keep in mind. Also keep an eye on foes with Psych Up as this means you're forced to attack on Traunt turns and may need multiple strikes. Z-Moves are also a bigger problem for Smeargle since his bulk is far worse than Glalie. I once had a close call with a Haxorus's Devestating Drake that was inches away from getting me out of Substitute range and would have KO'd with a crit. Against such foes, I try to scout their set. If they don't have a threatening Z, I switch. If not, I try to let Durant eat it so that Smeargle can Substitute to negate the threat of Z-moves. I also switch if it's something like Vikavolt that Smeargle can outspeed since I can Substitute in its face, burn the Z-move, and then sub again. Otherwise, it's probably best to switch to Mimikyu. You also need to pivot on certain Ghost types like Spiritomb3 because they can't touch a Smeargle behind a sub and will switch out before you can setup.

Also when setting up on the lead, be wary of foes with Protect, U-Turn, Taunt, Volt Switch, Encore, and Sound moves as these can either get the mon out or prevent you from stalling. Also be weary of High Jump Kick/Jump Kick Pokemon as they can end up killing themselves too soon. Tsareena is especially egregious here as it has U-Turn and Choice Scarf too.

I do however want to give my take on non-lead threats

These are the threats you face once you start sweeping:

1. Quick Claw: Even with sufficient Speed boosts, a bad Quick Claw could still give you trouble. The major 2 culprits are Steelix and Drampa. The former can have Sturdy to guarantee it lives an attack and get a chance to crit with a Quick Claw boost while the latter could kill you outright with a crit Hyper Voice that goes through sub. Always make sure you have sufficient evasion boosts to help in this situations.

2. Priority: The AI rarely goes for priority once you start sweeping since you should be very boosted and be behind a sub. But stuff like Sucker Punch and Prankster can open the door for hax. Again, make sure your boosts are balanced and you have a sub up.

3. Contact Abilities/Items: The main fault of Power Trip over Frost Breath is that it's a contact move which means it can activity abilities and items like Rocky Helmet and Flame Body. The biggest offender is likely Effect Spore since it has 10% chance to put you to sleep. All the more reason to make sure you generally have good boosts to wither the storm should such hax occur. Fortunately, by the time such stuff does occur, 2 of the foes mons are usually dead.

4. Sashes and Sturdy: These guarentee that mon lives a hit and can give them a chance to bust the sub and leave you open to something. Fortunately, Spiky Shield and Moody boosts can mitigate this.

5. Infiltrator: This isn't as big an issue as with Glalie since no Infiltrator Pokemon can really handle Smeargle's wrath but still something to be wary of.

6. Red Card: If you don't OHKO, this baby forces you out. Thankfully nothing with Sturdy or a 4x resist gets it so just make sure you've boosted up well.

7. Evasion: I minor issue compared to Glalie thanks to Coil, but I did have one instance where I didn't notice that my accuracy was down 2 stages despite being well boosted otherwise and missed a move. So just keep a sharp eye on that monitor.

8. Whimsicott3: Not a big deal but can be annoying. If it has Prankster, it can potentially get +3 Defense with Cotton Guard and tank a Power Trip. And with Leftovers and Sub might have chance to hold out long enough to break the sub but a properly boosted Smeargle should be able to handle it.

9. Scrafty: Scrafty is to Smeargle as Heatran is Glalie though not to the same extent. It's super bulky and almost never goes down in one hit thanks its typing. And if Power Trip doesn't do enough damage, it can potentially get a sub on you and screw you around with SubPunch and Fightinium Z or drag things out with Drain Punch, Bulk Up, and Leftovers. I really feel that the Scrafty matchup is where Spiky Shield really shines as all of Scrafty's moves are contact based and 1/8 damage SS does can make for vital chip. Scrafty is also slow and Focus Punch and HJK can be played around.

While I unfortunatley can't provide a replay of the loss since the opponent that beat me was exhaustion from hauling my siblings around and work and not properly inserting the cable, I did get a lot replays throughout my run to demonstrate how the team works and close calls you can have. Forgive the animations but I kept them on to help me realize what's going on because I can't watch this team nonstop. Just too slow.

Battle 15: 7XDW-WWWW-WWW9-76A5
My first battle with the team!

Battle 20: 75AG-WWWW-WWW9-76BK
Due to inexperience I screwed up in taking out Milotic before getting sufficient speed on a non Traunt turn and having to stare down Togekiss without a sub. But Moody is able to show just how insane it can be by letting my hax it out.

Battle 22: 5N8G-WWWW-WWW9-76CD
My first battle against a bad lead.

Battle 45: JVXG-WWWW-WWW9-76CV
I failed to realize that both the potential Ribombee variants had Baton Pass so I tried setting up. Once I realized my mistake, I switched right out to Mimikyu and Ribombee had B-Passed to Crobat. Ribombee came back out but fortunately I get the para and Taunt on it and am able to finish it off with Durant's Iron Head, go back to Mimikyu on Accelgor and TWave it. I then finally get the Traunt off and setup to win. Thankfully it was early on so the mistake wasn't as punishing.

Battle 55: 4J8G-WWWW-WWW9-76GH
The game that made me realize what a headache Protect/Detect can be. Leafeon protected so I switch to Mimikyu who brought in Glaceon. With Taunt I had just enough time Traunt it. Unfortunately the AI made an unprecedented switch to Jolteon before I was well set up, forcing me to stall for a speed boost.

Battle 70: 2KCG-WWWW-WWW9-76YM
THIS GAME. Game's like this are what make people think counterteaming is a thing. Sina got the worst possible lead in Drampa3 so I had to go Mimikyu. In came Mega Abomasnow which of course had Protect. This forced me the Taunt and its Blizzard hurt Mimikyu enough that it could be picked off with Ice Shard. But I get Traunt off with Durant barely living with like 16 HP and get Smeargle. But at some point the AI just switches right back into Drampa. This made butterflies pop in my stomach as I didn't have the stats to one shot it. I had little speed and attack but an usual amount of Sp. Def boosts. I was praying the whole time for it not to crit with Hyper Voice before I boosted enough to kill. I was able to exploit Roost however to by me time and take it out. But Abomasnow cames right back out. Knowing it had Ice Shard, I just try to KO it but live with a SLIVER of health and breaks the sub with Hail preventing Lefties. I do manage to kill and am greated by Glaceon. I Power Trip it but of course it's the Sash variant, allowing it to beat Smeargle. Thus it was all up to Durant who managed to get me the win with one last Iron Head. That was probably the most unlucky game I had in the whole tree and it's all because of the AI making an unprecedented switch. I would love to know what instigated that.

Battle 100: G93G-WWWW-WWW9-76NQ
My battle 100 with Kiawe. Nothing special.

Battle 114: LPKG-WWWW-WWW9-76Z5
This battle demonstrates how scary lead Darmanitan can be. It really feels like a catch 22 with this thing. Since it can have Zen Mode AND OHKO Durant, you ALWAYS have to switch to Mimikyu on this thing. If it has Zen Mode, then you have to gamble with something else. But if it DOESN'T have Zen Mode, but you not only threw away a setup opportunity but you basically have kiss Mimikyu and Durant goodbye because Sheer Force negates Red Card and that boi's Flare Blitz nukes Mimikyu and Durant in one hit. It also does recoil to its self to cut your setup time and has U-Turn and Choice Scarf to keep you from relaxing. A painful lead indeed.

Battle 130: H8LW-WWWW-WWW9-76SA
Another showdown with Drampa. Mimikyu brings Mandibuzz who I cripple to get in Durant.

Battle 145: L9AG-WWWW-WWW9-76UX
SMEARGLE IS THE GOAT. I really should not have won this game after the blunders and hax but Smeargle really came through. I get lead Suicune with Protect, forcing me to Mimikyu. I unfortunately get Thunderus. I Taunt to see if it's Defiant and I get Wild Charged, showing it to be the physical one with U-Turn. In hindsight, I should have gone Durant immediately since it could take the hit and if it U-Turn I could just sack Mimikyu to what comes in after Taunting. But I let Thunderus bop Mimikyu for a free Durant switch. And just as I Traunt it, it U-Turned into Zapdos which baffled me as I resisted it. Zapdos one shots Durant leaving Smeargle all alone against beast that sped it. My only hopes were an evasion or speed boost. And wouldn't you know it, I get the turn 1 speed boost and am able to bring all the way back. Smeargle really saved me there and I would have been so disheartened to not get to 200 on this run after that godly clutch.

Have more replays, but that's all I can upload right now since there's a 10 replay limit and you can take them off a day for some dumb reason.

I wanted to crack top 10 with this team but I am more than happy with how far I got on the first try with it and I am convinced that barring unreal hax and unprecedented AI behavior (like switch in a damn Quick Claw Drampa with Hyper Voice after it was forced out), it can go very far. The margin of error is smaller than with Glalie but Smeargle getting to bend Moody to its will really makes it interesting alternative. I think I'll attempt another streak at a much later date, possibly alternating with Salamence-Pex-Chansey team. I probably won't attempt an ambitious singles run until I get my own place them because my family wears me out and I am done losing streaks to passing out. Time for me to move on to doubles which should be much quicker paced.

And here's the team:

I called it Battle Tree Smashers: The Dragon and the Artist. I included old my team as bonus.

PS: With all the experience I got with all the Pokemon post 50, I can say that it really does feel like the devs wanted to encourage players to use setup balance in Super Singles versus Hyper Offense. Protect, Focus Sash, Sturdy, Evasion hax, and myriad of other garbage are all over the tree. And yet only a single Pokemon has Clear Smog, a single set has Haze, no Pokemon that get Unaware are in the Tree, Red Card is only on 4 Pokemon, and Slaking is included in the sets to keep the AI from seeing Traunt as a problem. Super Singles truly does seem to favor teams that can buy time until a Pokemon is able to set up and win.

PSS: Will I still get my items even though the game turned off by accident?
Would those odds be the same for Marshadow? Well, at least were it possible to lock the nature, which it sadly isn't.

I'd gotten two codes and originally toyed with resetting for Hasty/Naive HP Ice but quickly learned that Synchronize has no success rate for Mystery Gift. For that matter it took probably two dozen resets just to get a Jolly one, so I gave up on HP and kept that. The other code is unused.

However, I am curious on those odds still. How hopeless is it?

I got a Jolly HP Ice after about a hundred resets for the first Marshadow. A friend got Naive HP Ice within a couple of hundred I think. That's what I'll be going for next. HP Ice ~10% to get from memory from work I saw looking at it, so not the most difficult one to get.
The reason the odds for HP rock are that low is because it's 3 even 3 odd IVs, but with legendaryes having 3 locked 31s, it means the other 3 have all to be odd and in whatever order it is important to.

So yes, it's same odds for Marshadow.
Not just that, but there's only one combination of 3 even 3 odd that works for HP Rock(Defense, SpD, and Speed). While HP Fire also has 3 even 3 odd, there are 2 combos of 3 even 3 odd that get you HP Fire (Defense, SpA and Speed or Attack, SpA and Speed). HP Ice should be much easier to SR for since you could also go for Speed being the only even IV.
Had a very ugly battle on my way to 200, still won but it was complete torture.


Salamence-Mega @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Return
- Earthquake
- Roost

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Ball
- Shadow Sneak
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword

Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Soft-Boiled
- Seismic Toss
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock

Really just some BSS sets that I used for my team.
I actually fluked a Naive HP Ice Marshadow on my second soft-reset. Was rather pleased with that...

I can clone and would be happy to trade to those that wanted one, but I’ve never successfully internet traded in S/M (not sure why as I do have a good internet connection and I never had trouble Gen VI - just seems to be flaky in Gen VII)...
Every now and then I'll get absurdly long bouts of patience, and I've got a medical procedure as well as a lengthy plane trip by the end of this month. Methinks I'll try using the second code to SR for that Naive one.
Battle 70: 2KCG-WWWW-WWW9-76YM
THIS GAME. Game's like this are what make people think counterteaming is a thing. Sina got the worst possible lead in Drampa3 so I had to go Mimikyu. In came Mega Abomasnow which of course had Protect. This forced me the Taunt and its Blizzard hurt Mimikyu enough that it could be picked off with Ice Shard. But I get Traunt off with Durant barely living with like 16 HP and get Smeargle. But at some point the AI just switches right back into Drampa. This made butterflies pop in my stomach as I didn't have the stats to one shot it. I had little speed and attack but an usual amount of Sp. Def boosts. I was praying the whole time for it not to crit with Hyper Voice before I boosted enough to kill. I was able to exploit Roost however to by me time and take it out. But Abomasnow cames right back out. Knowing it had Ice Shard, I just try to KO it but live with a SLIVER of health and breaks the sub with Hail preventing Lefties. I do manage to kill and am greated by Glaceon. I Power Trip it but of course it's the Sash variant, allowing it to beat Smeargle. Thus it was all up to Durant who managed to get me the win with one last Iron Head. That was probably the most unlucky game I had in the whole tree and it's all because of the AI making an unprecedented switch. I would love to know what instigated that.

Don't have my game on hand at the moment but I'd guess that it was the first time Abomasnow attacked into Spiky Shield and the AI, treating it as a damaging Grass-type attack, switched in Sap Sipper Drampa. Good work with the team though, it definitely seems like Smeargle is viable for super-long streaks as well!
How does Aegimence deal with Hydreigon3? Just lost a streak to this thing because of a burn on Mence + Malamar4 waiting in the back.
How does Aegimence deal with Hydreigon3? Just lost a streak to this thing because of a burn on Mence + Malamar4 waiting in the back.

It is a special attacker and as such cannot do meaningful damage to Chansey. Stall it out of Taunt and set up Mence to +6. If Salamence happens to get burned in the process, you can make it even easier on yourself by holding off on attacking until Hydreigon is out of Flamethrower and getting a free hit on the switch-in, but in your case a +6 burned Return would still have OHKOed Malamar.

More specifically,

Switch to Aegislash -> King's Shield -> switch to Chansey -> attempt Soft-Boiled/Minimize until Taunted -> back to Aegislash

repeat that until Hydreigon is out of Draco Meteor, and then you can start switching in Salamence (Mega Evolve to outspeed and Sub/Roost if necessary) if Chansey is getting Taunted every time and can't recover HP.
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Reporting a streak of 121 wins in Super Doubles.
Video of loss: WC2W-WWWW-WWW9-7SDZ

Tapu Lele @ Choice Scarf
Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 Def, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Hidden Power (Fire)

A pretty standard Scarf Lele, sets up psychic terrain and kills stuff, T-bolt and HP are mostly filler but do have niche value.

Metagross @ Metagrossite
Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 Spe
Zen Headbutt
Meteor Mash
Bullet Punch

Mega Missgross with EQ to take out Heatran/Magnezone and damage your other mon :D BP is kinda silly with Lele but it's still nice for a chance to OHKO Aero or pick off weakened Rotoms. Iron Head is probably a better choice but I already had this handy and Meteor Mash was the one move that actually hit in my loss.

Garchomp @ Groundium Z
Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 Spe
Dragon Claw
Rock Slide
Poison Jab

Heavily inspired by Josh C.'s Team Sharkanine, a really nice backup nuke to deal with any fire types that get past Lele+Gross.

Salamence @ Leftovers
EVs: 148 HP, 4 Def, 244 SpA, 12 SpD, 100 Spe
Dragon Pulse

Another mon inspired by Josh C.'s Sharkanine, but since I didn't want to double up on ground weaknesses without a resist or go with a 3rd physical attacker my choices of intimidate support were kinda limited. Has enough natural bulk and resistances to survive most neutral attacks, Dragon Pulse is good spammable STAB, Flamethrower kills steels, and Toxic+Roost can in theory stall out bulky annoyers like Zapdos2/Cress.
Eeveelution team, starts out with Glaceon(3) and Jolteon(?), both have the potential to annoy but neither one is a major threat, I OHKO Jolteon with Psychic and bring Glaceon down to its sash with Meteor Mash while Glaceon uses Hail and doesn't heal, revealing the annoying Snow Cloak. Vaporeon(3) switches in to replace its fallen comrade.
Turn 2 and Lele goes for the KO on Glaceon and misses -_-, Metagross Zen Headbutts Vaporeon and also misses -__- while Vaporeon wastes a turn setting up Aqua Ring and Glaceon uses Blizzard, Freezing Metagross -_______-
Turn 3 features yet another Psychic miss from Lele as Metagross remains frozen, Vaporeon uses Muddy Water which hits both of my mons because 85% acc > 90% and 100%, Glaceon Blizzards again and KOs Lele as Metagross dies from hail damage.
By turn 4 I've basically given up, but switch in my 4x ice weak dragons in hopes of either critting my way to victory or having the AI forget what the "I" stands for and doing something stupid, I have Garchomp use EQ to FINALLY get rid of Glaceon and hopefully damage Vaporeon enough for Mence to KO, while Mence targets Glaceon with Dragon Pulse just in case. Glaceon evades both moves while Vaporeon takes ~49% from the EQ and ends the battle with its own Blizzard
The team did better than I expected and should probably have lost before given Metagross' lack of accuracy, but I'm still salty about the amount of hax involved with that loss, the battle video reveals the 4th Eeveelution was the non-threatening Leafeon, so if any of my attacks from turns 2/3 had hit I would have been able to win.
Welcome to the missagross club :D I believe Smuckem also had made it to a similar winstreak with my Missagross lele team.

I need to try that again sometime...
Reporting a streak of 121 wins in Super Doubles.
Video of loss: WC2W-WWWW-WWW9-7SDZ

Tapu Lele @ Choice Scarf
Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 Def, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Hidden Power (Fire)

A pretty standard Scarf Lele, sets up psychic terrain and kills stuff, T-bolt and HP are mostly filler but do have niche value.

Metagross @ Metagrossite
Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 Spe
Zen Headbutt
Meteor Mash
Bullet Punch

Mega Missgross with EQ to take out Heatran/Magnezone and damage your other mon :D BP is kinda silly with Lele but it's still nice for a chance to OHKO Aero or pick off weakened Rotoms. Iron Head is probably a better choice but I already had this handy and Meteor Mash was the one move that actually hit in my loss.

Garchomp @ Groundium Z
Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 Spe
Dragon Claw
Rock Slide
Poison Jab

Heavily inspired by Josh C.'s Team Sharkanine, a really nice backup nuke to deal with any fire types that get past Lele+Gross.

Salamence @ Leftovers
EVs: 148 HP, 4 Def, 244 SpA, 12 SpD, 100 Spe
Dragon Pulse

Another mon inspired by Josh C.'s Sharkanine, but since I didn't want to double up on ground weaknesses without a resist or go with a 3rd physical attacker my choices of intimidate support were kinda limited. Has enough natural bulk and resistances to survive most neutral attacks, Dragon Pulse is good spammable STAB, Flamethrower kills steels, and Toxic+Roost can in theory stall out bulky annoyers like Zapdos2/Cress.
Eeveelution team, starts out with Glaceon(3) and Jolteon(?), both have the potential to annoy but neither one is a major threat, I OHKO Jolteon with Psychic and bring Glaceon down to its sash with Meteor Mash while Glaceon uses Hail and doesn't heal, revealing the annoying Snow Cloak. Vaporeon(3) switches in to replace its fallen comrade.
Turn 2 and Lele goes for the KO on Glaceon and misses -_-, Metagross Zen Headbutts Vaporeon and also misses -__- while Vaporeon wastes a turn setting up Aqua Ring and Glaceon uses Blizzard, Freezing Metagross -_______-
Turn 3 features yet another Psychic miss from Lele as Metagross remains frozen, Vaporeon uses Muddy Water which hits both of my mons because 85% acc > 90% and 100%, Glaceon Blizzards again and KOs Lele as Metagross dies from hail damage.
By turn 4 I've basically given up, but switch in my 4x ice weak dragons in hopes of either critting my way to victory or having the AI forget what the "I" stands for and doing something stupid, I have Garchomp use EQ to FINALLY get rid of Glaceon and hopefully damage Vaporeon enough for Mence to KO, while Mence targets Glaceon with Dragon Pulse just in case. Glaceon evades both moves while Vaporeon takes ~49% from the EQ and ends the battle with its own Blizzard
The team did better than I expected and should probably have lost before given Metagross' lack of accuracy, but I'm still salty about the amount of hax involved with that loss, the battle video reveals the 4th Eeveelution was the non-threatening Leafeon, so if any of my attacks from turns 2/3 had hit I would have been able to win.

oh man I love the intimidate support. Its pretty cool that you actually went for special salamence. Scarf Lele is always really good as well.
Welcome to the missagross club :D I believe Smuckem also had made it to a similar winstreak with my Missagross lele team.

I need to try that again sometime...

My first team to beat a supers mode also had Missagross. Didn't have access to breeding in gen 6 at that stage and had a bulky Sub Metagross in the back with Garchomp and Comfey/Gyarados lead. Reached 76 with that team, eventually succumbing when Metagross switched into an Ice Beam aimed at Garchomp and promptly froze until it got KOd. Comfey was actually pretty amazing, with Leftovers, Bold nature and Calm Mind alongside Intimidate Comfey was super tough to KO. +6 Comfey swept alot of teams with Priority Draining Kiss (Calm Mind, Draining Kiss, Synthesis, Floral Healing). Probably the first time I had really thought about defensive switching when team building, having never really done anything post-game in 20 years of playing Pokémon, enjoyed that team a lot.
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I highly disagree.

Without Scarf, Lele's speed tier is mediocre at best, and even at Timid, without Tailwind, does get outsped and 1hkod by far too many threats, on top of posing risk of flinches and crit KOs.

To mention some:
252+ Atk Tough Claws Aerodactyl-Mega Iron Head vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Tapu Lele: 170-200 (116.4 - 136.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Gengar-Mega Sludge Bomb vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Tapu Lele: 168-200 (115 - 136.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Adaptability Beedrill-Mega Poison Jab vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Tapu Lele: 256-304 (175.3 - 208.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Aerilate Salamence-Mega Double-Edge vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Tapu Lele: 169-199 (115.7 - 136.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Salazzle Sludge Wave vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Tapu Lele: 144-170 (98.6 - 116.4%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

...list continues.

By using non scarf lele and basically giving up any sort of Fake Out support, you are asking for beign RNGd to death.

Unfortunately, Scarf Lele lacks the kind of power needed to OHKO everyday threats, like, say, "Ursaring", and more importantly, the billion Rotoms. I find it underwhelming.

I used Specs Lele for a while but realized that while fantastic, it struggles against (1) faster Sashers, like Salazzle and (2) after killing something with Psychic, 2nd Pokemon that are immune to Psychic and that can set up on you, like Mega Gyarados and, lol, Liepard. I still prefers Specs to Psychium-Z though, because it has lasting power.