Data Battle Tower MkII (For all your Match-Seeking Needs!) [SEE POST #6786]

Hey Cofaiclus
Welcome to ASB!

This is Battle Tower... This is the one of the few places and the most basic place where people come to fight...
To learn how battling learns, you have to battle... So lets get started...

I challenge you to a Battle Cofaiclus !!!

If you accept my challenge, just post a "I accept" in this thread and we shall wait for some helpful referee who will be judging our battle :)

Here are the rules Cofaiclus

B3P1 [Bring 3 Pokemon maximum and send out 1 of those 3 Pokemon to fight]
48 Hour DQ, 1 Warning, 48 Hours for Referee [You would have a maximum of 48 hours to send your order each turn... If you fail once, you will be given a warning... If you fail twice, you are disqualified]
Items: Training Items [The 3 items you hold are all Training Items]
Substitutions: 2 [These are the maximum number of substitutions that you can have in a battle... You can see how they work by looking in other matches... Or else you'll learn as we keep fighting...]
2 Recovery / 5 Chills [You can only use maximum of 2 recovery moves in a match, ex. Rest, Recover, etc... You can use 5 Chills... Chills give you 12 Energy when you are low on energy...]
Turn Order: Cofaiclus sends out first [You will send your Pokemon first... Don't worry, I'll try to go easy on you... But not too easy ;) ]
Arena: ASB Tournament Arena

Referee is appreciated to help the newcomer... So if the referee is not interested to post helpful hints and tips, please don't accept...

VirajVora vs Canis Majoris (1v1 FE) (Unaccepted) (Ref: epicdrill)
VirajVora vs Cofaiclus (B3P1 Singles) (Unaccepted)
Hey Cofaiclus
Welcome to ASB!

This is Battle Tower... This is the one of the few places and the most basic place where people come to fight...
To learn how battling learns, you have to battle... So lets get started...

I challenge you to a Battle Cofaiclus !!!

If you accept my challenge, just post a "I accept" in this thread and we shall wait for some helpful referee who will be judging our battle :)

Here are the rules Cofaiclus

B3P1 [Bring 3 Pokemon maximum and send out 1 of those 3 Pokemon to fight]
48 Hour DQ, 1 Warning, 48 Hours for Referee [You would have a maximum of 48 hours to send your order each turn... If you fail once, you will be given a warning... If you fail twice, you are disqualified]
Items: Training Items [The 3 items you hold are all Training Items]
Substitutions: 2 [These are the maximum number of substitutions that you can have in a battle... You can see how they work by looking in other matches... Or else you'll learn as we keep fighting...]
2 Recovery / 5 Chills [You can only use maximum of 2 recovery moves in a match, ex. Rest, Recover, etc... You can use 5 Chills... Chills give you 12 Energy when you are low on energy...]
Turn Order: Cofaiclus sends out first [You will send your Pokemon first... Don't worry, I'll try to go easy on you... But not too easy ;) ]
Arena: ASB Tournament Arena

Referee is appreciated to help the newcomer... So if the referee is not interested to post helpful hints and tips, please don't accept...

VirajVora vs Canis Majoris (1v1 FE) (Unaccepted) (Ref: epicdrill)
VirajVora vs Cofaiclus (B3P1 Singles) (Unaccepted)
I accept
Hey bub, remember to post and update the queue so ppl know to take your battle and etc. =)

Doing another one of these, too.

Open challenge yay!
2v2 Training Singles
24h DQ
Training items
Challenger picks FE/Babysitters
Standard standard

VirajVora vs Canis Majoris (1v1 FE) (Unaccepted) (Ref: epicdrill)
VirajVora vs Cofaiclus (B3P1 Singles)
YellowAdminSilver vs ??? (2v2 Training Singles)
VirajVora Cofaiclus send in your mons, I'll ref that.

VirajVora vs Canis Majoris (1v1 FE) (Unaccepted) (Ref: epicdrill)
YellowAdminSilver vs ??? (2v2 Training Singles)
Doing another one of these, too.

Open challenge yay!
2v2 Training Singles
24h DQ
Training items
Challenger picks FE/Babysitters
Standard standard

fite me in babysitters

VirajVora vs Canis Majoris (1v1 FE) (Unaccepted) (Ref: epicdrill)
VirajVora vs Cofaiclus (B3P1 Singles)
YellowAdminSilver vs Earth Traveler (2v2 Training Singles)[/QUOTE]
Cereal battle ends, another one begins

Format: 4v4 2APR Doubles OR 4v4 Singles, Challenger's choice
DQ: 48 hours, 1 Warnings
Free-Edit: i dont care if you dont care
Substitutions: 3 per Pokemon
Switch: OK
Abilities: All
Items: On
Mega Evolutions: Challenger's Choice
Z-Moves: Challenger's Choice
Recoveries / Chills: 2 / Infinite per Pokemon
Arena: ASB Arena
Turn Order: Coin Flip

VirajVora vs Canis Majoris (1v1 FE) (Unaccepted) (Ref: epicdrill)
VirajVora vs Cofaiclus (B3P1 Singles)
YellowAdminSilver vs Earth Traveler (2v2 Training Singles)
Toon vs ??? (Cereal Battle)
Pink Rookie Red Captain Soldier White Grey YellowAdminSilver Black Commander
So how time more left to finish your Earth Traveler ?
Send em

Taking back my challenge...

VirajVora vs Canis Majoris (1v1 FE) (Unaccepted) (Ref: epicdrill)
YellowAdminSilver vs Earth Traveler (2v2 Training Singles)

Toon vs ??? (Cereal Battle)
VirajVora + Birkal VS JJayyFeather + Elevator Music
Tag Team Battle

Battle Rules
Format: B4P3 + B4P3 Vs B4P3 + B4P3
Actions Per Round: 2
72 Hour DQ, 3 2 Warning - 72 Hours for refs
Abilities: All
Items: All
Switch: OK
Subsitutions: 3
Megas: 1
Z-Moves: 1
2 Recovery / 5 Chills
Turn Order:
Coin Flip
Arena: ASB Tournament Arena

Birkal JJayyFeather Elevator Music
Referee is expected to flavor...

Toon vs ??? [Cereal Battle]
VirajVora + Birkal (unaccepted) VS JJayyFeather (unaccepted) + Elevator Music (unaccepted) [Tag Team Battle]
Format: 4v4 2APR Doubles
DQ: 48 hours, 1 Warnings
Free-Edit: i dont care if you dont care
Substitutions: 3 per Pokemon
Switch: OK
Abilities: All
Items: On
Mega Evolutions: 1
Z-Moves: 1
Recoveries / Chills: 2 / Infinite per Pokemon
Arena: ASB Arena
Turn Order: Coin Flip
I never do dubs and eventually need practice, so let's do it I guess

Toon vs Yoshiblaze [4v4 Dubs Cereal Battle]
VirajVora + Birkal (unaccepted) VS JJayyFeather (unaccepted) + Elevator Music (unaccepted) [Tag Team Battle]
Guess who.

Open challenge yay!
2v2 FE Training Singles
24h DQ
Training items
3 subs
Standard standard

DISCLAIMER: I'm trying to get moves on mons whose movepools are already decently large, so not exactly weakmons. Also no Yveltal =)

YellowAdminSilver vs ??? (2v2 FE Singles)
Reffing the above.

VirajVora + Birkal (unaccepted) VS JJayyFeather (unaccepted) + Elevator Music (unaccepted) [Tag Team Battle]
YellowAdminSilver vs ??? (2v2 FE Singles) [Ref: TMan87]
Seeking out a tandem battle!
4v4 FE Doubles
4 Players, 2 Teams (each player sends 2)
ASB Arena
3 Day DQ
2 apr/mon, 3 subs per mon

VirajVora + Birkal (unaccepted) VS JJayyFeather (unaccepted) + Elevator Music (unaccepted) [Tag Team Battle]
YellowAdminSilver vs ??? (2v2 FE Singles) [Ref: TMan87]
Complications + _____ vs. _____ + _____ (4v4 FE Doubles) [Ref: ???]
Seeking out a tandem battle!
4v4 FE Doubles
4 Players, 2 Teams (each player sends 2)
ASB Arena
3 Day DQ
2 apr/mon, 3 subs per mon

fite me

i mean, me and 2 other people

VirajVora + Birkal (unaccepted) VS JJayyFeather (unaccepted) + Elevator Music (unaccepted) [Tag Team Battle]
YellowAdminSilver vs ??? (2v2 FE Singles) [Ref: TMan87]
Complications + _____ vs. Earth Traveler + _____ (4v4 FE Doubles) [Ref: ???][/QUOTE]
fite me

i mean, me and 2 other people
I'll take a piece of that action. Whichever team is fine tho

VirajVora + Birkal (unaccepted) VS JJayyFeather (unaccepted) + Elevator Music (unaccepted) [Tag Team Battle]
YellowAdminSilver vs ??? (2v2 FE Singles) [Ref: TMan87]
Complications + _____ vs. Earth Traveler + _____ (4v4 FE Doubles) also YAS is involved here [Ref: ???]
VirajVora Birkal Elevator Music JJayyFeather send

Taking the above to ref

[2:09 PM] Toon.: @ Complications @ ducky_momo @ Earth Traveler if ya want, I can take it and rng your teams
[2:10 PM] Complications: sure
[2:12 PM] Complications: ^ @ Toon

Complications + _____ vs. Earth Traveler + _____ (4v4 FE Doubles) also YAS is involved here [Ref: Toon]
>needs doubles practice

Let's make it two doubles battles

Complications + _____ vs. Earth Traveler + _____ (4v4 FE Doubles) also YAS and YB are involved here (teams undecided) [Ref: Toon]