Battle Subway

I've been playing with KokoaKiwi's team, and i'm not having nearly the same success. It's either bullshit hax, or...well it's usually bullshit hax. One difference is that all of my Pokemon are Male, and Chandelure has nearly no attack IV, which means Flame Charge does damn minimal damage (Flame Charge followed by Fire Blast has been just shy of a couple key KOs)

Attract Thunder Wave Blissey are just outright annoying pricks. Even more than a Psych Up Spiritomb or a Double Team Attract Meganium.
I've been playing with KokoaKiwi's team, and i'm not having nearly the same success. It's either bullshit hax, or...well it's usually bullshit hax. One difference is that all of my Pokemon are Male, and Chandelure has nearly no attack IV, which means Flame Charge does damn minimal damage (Flame Charge followed by Fire Blast has been just shy of a couple key KOs)

Attract Thunder Wave Blissey are just outright annoying pricks. Even more than a Psych Up Spiritomb or a Double Team Attract Meganium.

Why use a (lol) Flame Charge Shanderaa over a Specs Shanderaa?
I've been playing with KokoaKiwi's team, and i'm not having nearly the same success. It's either bullshit hax, or...well it's usually bullshit hax. One difference is that all of my Pokemon are Male, and Chandelure has nearly no attack IV, which means Flame Charge does damn minimal damage (Flame Charge followed by Fire Blast has been just shy of a couple key KOs)

It is bullshit hax.
Just a question: is the BS conkeldurr bulk up set different from the competitive bulk up conkeldurr? I have 2 adamant timburr with drain punch and mach punch, so i could Ev both of them.
It's a hell of a lot easier to set up with Bulk Up in the Battle Subway than versus human players. Although you have to beware of bullshit hax crits wiping out your Conkeldurr (happens more often than not :/ ). And I recommend a Female Conkeldurr, just to teach those Attract Blisseys a lesson.
Try a Modest, Flame Charge + Sash set, works pretty well and OHKO´s alot.Specs Shandy seems a bit slow for the subway
Indeed, after a single Flame Charge it outspeeds almost the entire Battle Subway, and with a modest nature it packs enough power to OHKO a lot of the subway as well.

Thats the number of times a sodding yanmega flinched my chansey in a 'row'.
If it wasn't for the occasional detect, I would have never been able to wish and live. Each and every air slash flinched, EVERY ONE OF THEM!

Then I finally fire off a toxic and the dragonfly of doom has a lum berry! Aargh!

After another series of flinching, my next toxic misses. I swear to...
At least it died in the end.

Thats the number of times a sodding yanmega flinched my chansey in a 'row'.
If it wasn't for the occasional detect, I would have never been able to wish and live. Each and every air slash flinched, EVERY ONE OF THEM!

Then I finally fire off a toxic and the dragonfly of doom has a lum berry! Aargh!

After another series of flinching, my next toxic misses. I swear to...
At least it died in the end.

That's why I put armor on my DS. There's no way it wouldn't get flung against a hard surface by the 15th flinch. Glad to see you overcame it in the end.
If this isn't cheating by the subway I don't know what is:

Flygon #687(timid/white herb) outsped my jolly garchomp that has 31 speed and 252 speed evs. I looked up flygon, and even with a beneficial nature, it has only 167 speed, while my garchomp has 169. After 1hko'ing, my hydreigon outsped then proceeded to 1hko this flygon, which makes this even more boggling. Anyone have an explanation to how this occurred?

No, trick room was not in effect, flygon was the lead there.
I know there is a list of all the Subway Pokémon, but is there some sort of list for actual threats in singles? I'm trying to figure out what I need to prepare for in my Drapion team, and if anyone would like to work with me on that, help is accepted and wanted. Also, what's the difference between super and regular? If we make a leaderboard for Subway like the Frontier generation 4 leaderboard, will super or regular be recorded?
If this isn't cheating by the subway I don't know what is:

Flygon #687(timid/white herb) outsped my jolly garchomp that has 31 speed and 252 speed evs. I looked up flygon, and even with a beneficial nature, it has only 167 speed, while my garchomp has 169. After 1hko'ing, my hydreigon outsped then proceeded to 1hko this flygon, which makes this even more boggling. Anyone have an explanation to how this occurred?

No, trick room was not in effect, flygon was the lead there.
Obviously, the Train you were riding on slowed temporarily, causing a small shift in forces that allowed Flygon to be about 1% faster and your Garchomp to be 1% slower. Afterwards, the Train resumed normal speed and you outsped.
P.S. Flygon has wings so it flies. Flying is faster than running. Even Pokemon uses physics sometimes.
New approach:
Speed boost swords dance blaziken
Eviolite chansey
Max defense psycho shift Sigilyph

Wonder how they'll do :p

We're up to 35 in super singles now. I realise this isn't much considering the streaks people here get, but I'm pretty excited nonetheless. Hopefully I can take it up to 49 :)

Sigilyph is mostly my 'meh' pokemon. At times it performs beautifully, sometimes it's supposed physical bulk is a real letdown. Still, it's there to shrug off weather, leech seed, can burn what chansey can't poison (bar heatran but that one gets face kicked by blaziken anyway).

I'm finally raking up the BP, so I can afford a good new hold item for blaziken ('cause it's holding a razor claw out of sheer lack of stuff).
Life orb seems to be the obvious choice, but I'm not sure about it for the battle subway. At first I thought about focus sash, but that's too unreliable anyway. Maybe wide lens to help with hi jump kick and blaze kick?
Not that I've missed much, but still any miss means dead chicken :(

Then again, I hardly every get the chance to Sword dance, so maybe life orb is the best choice anyway...

Has anyone else noticed how the AI seems to have an Earthquake fetish?
I mean it's obvious against blaziken, but in my previous runs when I used quagsire, each and every pokemon that has earthquake used it against me, even if they had stronger stab. It's really odd, but appreciated for sigilyph. :p

Obviously I lose the very next battle, 3KO's from it's lead, a Braviary of all things. Bulked up on my protect, killed sigilyph with a critical thrash on the switch, killed chansey with a critical thrash, then blaziken hadn't got it in him to KO...
whats the BP item priority for buying . focus sash was a sure thing first buy, but im not sure what to get next. maybe life orb for 2nd. also tm's, smack down sounds useful due to the opponent never switching, the abuse there is making me think it should be pretty high on the list.
I'm currently using a team of:

Jolly 252atk/252spd
Fake out
Rock slide
Hi jump kick

Hydreigon@expert belt (for lack of a better item)
Modest 252sp.atk/252spd
Draco meteor
Dark pulse

Chandelure@ghost gem (also for lack of better item)
Modest 252sp.atk/252spd
Flame charge
Fire blast
Shadow ball
Energy ball

My team is incredibly Weavile weak as I discovered, especially to lead variants with focus sash and fake out, ice punc, and night slash. It also struggles with fast flying types such as Aerodactyl that outspeed my entire team and is just a nuisance in general. I'm thinking some form of priority would be very appreciated.

That being said, I'm very open to team member suggestions, moveset changes, item changes, etc. I'm thinking of leading with Chandy once I get a focus sash but I've decided I need either a bulky steel type or maybe a more sturdy fighting type? I'm considering metagross, scizor, machamp, or Conkeldurr but don't know which one or what set.