FFS, streaks in the 100s? I'm seriously gonna have to bite off some of your teams to get those BP! XD I'm still happy with my measly personal record of ~44 or so in super doubles as it's the first time I've felt I've had true synergy in the maison. Definitely was not expecting the sudden legendaries though, and even then, it was a long and drawn out battle. I'll post my team and stories anyway just to get general feedback and such cause I feel they can at least get to beating the chatelaine, and from there I'll probably start looking at some of the popular suggestions here. Take no stock in the move order though. I tend to organize my moves in the fashion of Setup/Status, Status/Coverage, Type 1 Stab, Type 2 Stab, give and take a variation here and there.
Mawile @ Mawilite
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate/Huge Power
IVs: 31/31/31/27/31/31
EVs: 252
HP 252
Atk 4
Swords Dance
Sucker Punch
Brick Break
Play Rough
Milotic @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
Ability: Marvel Scale
IVs: 31/7/31/31/31/31
EVs: 248
HP 252
Def 8
Ice Beam
Landorus-T @ Lum Berry
Nature: Naive
Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/30
EVs: 248
HP / 172
Def / 88
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge
Hidden Power Ice
Razor Wing
Skarmory @ Rocky Helmet
Nature: Impish
Ability: Sturdy
IVs: 31/31/31/23/31/31
EVs: 252
HP / 4
Def / 252
Brave Bird
It's actually 4/6 of my singles team, but since I tend to do more multi battles than singles, they're built to handle a bit of both. Based on past experiences, one thing I definitely wanted to do was avoid pairings that would lead to one attack doing double damage on both mons. The lead pair is Mawile and Milotic and the 2nd string is Lando and Skarm.
The synergy that Mawile and Milotic have has been nothing short of amazing. They're both respectably bulky and compliment each others' strengths very well. Mawile's intimidate really helps soften up all the countless Earthquakes that get thrown at her from which Milotic takes a pittance from. Meanwhile, very few of the things that can beat Milotic like taking any of Mawile's attacks, especially on the rare instance that I get a swords dance off. Speaking of Swords Dance, I've found that I rarely if ever need it, at least against a lot of the things that had been thrown at them so far. Generally, only the really bulky normal types are what I'll need it for, but it works out that I don't use it much. A lot of defiant users get thrown at them, so Milotic's haze has been a potent tool to keep stat boosts from getting out of hand. Haze has actually been a new thing I've tried out this gen, since the fairies ruined dragon tail. It's been pretty much a vast improvement. Setup sweepers and defense boosters get completely shut down and tend to end up dead at Mawile's hand without really going anything.
I don't know what it is with my particular Milotic, but she's amazing with inflicting status. It feels that 8 times out of 10 scald WILL burn the opposing attacker, which as been a god send for further shutting down physical attackers. She also seems to have a high chance of getting freeze hax from her ice beams as well. She once got three consecutive freezes in a doubles once, which definitely went into the archives. Additionally, replacing Iron Head with Brick Break has been one of the best decisions I've made, just because a LOT of things are weak to fighting, and destroying enemy screens is a huge plus. They can't handle everything though, and that's where the 2nd string comes in.
Lando and Skarm each have 2 immunities, and they just happen to be types that get thrown at the first string a whole lot. Mawile in particular seems to be extreme earthquake bait, so a lot of times, I've been able to no sell them by switching Skarm or Lando in. Lando gives the added bonus of dropping their attack further so Milotic's taking even less. Skarm also likes to absord all the poision attacks that get thrown at Milotic and Lando eats all the electric and ground attacks that get throw at the first string. Lando in general has been a great thing to send in after Mawile as he destroys most of the things that she attracts. He also works well with Skarmory because Skarm's ground immunity lets him fire off earthquakes with impunity. Skarm himself doesn't have much attack power, but he's a mighty fine wall, as that monster defense, plus the rocky helmet and recovery make him really hard to break. The brave bird comes in handy for picking off the grass types that Milotic attracts that she can't handle herself (which is generally when there's two of them)
Speaking of items, Lum Berry has got to be THE best item for Lando. Par the course for the Maison, hax get thrown around all day, and the ability to absord one gives him something of a free reign when attacking as well as absorbing things for the others. Swagger hacks turn into sweeps and all the status that gets thrown around is a sign to stop sucker punching and start brick breaking.
There's so much to say about how well things worked out in my small in comparison run, but I think it'd been tl;dr already. I'm still very satisfied with how it turned out, even after seeing the stuff in this thread and again feel that they can at least get to the chatelaine. What ended my streak was really the sheer surprise factor of suddenly facing a Zapdos/Heatran/Cobalion/Entei team. I beat the two fire guys, but Zapdos, in addition to being too bulky for Milotic and Skarm to break through, was carrying a bright powder and double teaming all over the place. Cobalion was slowly killing himself by punching Skarmory, but they managed to slowly whittle Milotic down to charge beam, after which Zapdos Heat Wave'd skarm to death.