battle etiquette

I would never give up against a set-up Pokemon or stuff like that. That can be overcome easily.

The only time I quit before its over is when its a stall war that I know I cannot win. Why sit there for 30 mins when you know the outcome?
I don't get it...why do people need to tell you they're going to leave? Does it make you lose your concentration? Why can't I just leave without telling you? It does not affect you what so ever.

Also who keeps an Infernape into a zard anyways.
I don't get it...why do people need to tell you they're going to leave? Does it make you lose your concentration? Why can't I just leave without telling you? It does not affect you what so ever.

I would guess it makes them feel as if they are losing with dignity, instead of just leaving without saying anything.
Why would I care about sportsmanship on an Internet battle simulator that's basically ripping off a pay product? Simply: It puts me at an unnecessary disadvantage if I fight him again to show my whole team when I haven't seen his whole team.

Sure, you may not forfeit a football match, but after you've passed the no win point, your offensive coordinator isn't going to call all sorts of fancy surprise shit. He'll just call bombs down the field and slants and crosses to the outside of the field and save the tricky stuff for another game. And you're certainly not going to blow all your fancy blitz packages.
If i'm getting swept I'll pretty much always stay, since most likely my opponent earned it. I only leave if the scenario is like three weak special attackers versus blissey or something like that, which is pretty much impossible to win without spending half an hour.

If I'm not on my main shoddy account then I'll occaisonally leave if i just start getting bored or something, but I never feel bad about that because I end up boosting the other persons ranking.
I hate it when people leave for random made up clauses and bullshit. "Blissey is for noobs *forfeit*" I leave when there is so much hax, that even opponents see it (i.e. CH Ice Beam Freeze)
I don't get it...why do people need to tell you they're going to leave? Does it make you lose your concentration? Why can't I just leave without telling you? It does not affect you what so ever.

You're right, it doesn't affect either person whatsoever but we're talking about etiquette. You're free to do as you please, even more so over the internet. But if you leave during a sporting event because you know you're about to lose, it's at least common courtesy to admit defeat before you do so. Even for small scale stuff like a chess match, if you're in an extremely bad position, you wouldn't just walk away without saying anything. It's polite to admit you've lost and then leave.

As you say, there's no one to force you to do it and the result is the same whether you stay and lose or you walk away but the difference is how others perceive you. For some people, that matters because they enjoy socializing as well as battling and it's hard to socialize when everyone thinks you're a douchebag. For others, they just come on to battle, then log off and don't care what others think.

In general, leaving is fine as long as you say something that doesn't make you look like a moron beforehand. Like "I don't have anything to kill X anymore, gg" or "I have to go out now".
That is perhaps the 4th most 'wrong' comparison ever. For one thing, you are to be kept in sporting events cause one, that is your JOB. Being a professional in any sport is being in a JOB, a CAREER, a PROFESSION, meaning you WILL GET FIRED IF YOU WALKED OUT. Therefore, that is an entirely -bad- comparison as it doesn't make any sense at all.

Further more, for this particular game, how one percieves you would be how much you win or how you win. What else is there? What socializing is there to do? Do you realize that any of us could be the next 42 year old sexual predator online? The only difference is that when we 'socialize' it's over Pokemon. So if someone quits, but pulls off an amazing unlikely pre-evo mono fire team but then decides that he got hacked, what are you going to tell your Poke e-friends "did you see how he jsut left, what a douche" or would you say "sucks for him, that was an amazing and totally random focus sash there" and so on?

And another thing, how's one to decide how a person is a douche. If I just rated lets say for example, 90 straight teams and was suggestive and kind and encouraging, then left a random battle cause I just felt like it, what's one to say? Dilemma? Mixed emotions? lol right.
Chess players resign with dignity.

Why shouldn't Pokemon players do the same thing?
That's hardly a wrong comparison. I didn't say competitive sports where that's your job did I? I mention casual stuff like chess games where it's more of a hobby than anything else. Much like playing online pokemon is a hobby.

I don't know about you but I personally don't judge people based on their winning ratio. They can be the #1 ladder player or the best player in the world, if I play them and they just leave without a sound after I kill 1 of their pokemon, then they've lost my respect no matter how good they are.

And to answer your question, being kind and helpful and being polite are two different things. You can be great at helping others become better at chess, spending hours of your time coaching them but if you leave during a match, you're still perceived as rude by your opponent. Not to mention that the person you just left against is not gonna know or care you've rated 90 teams or spent hours helping others. All they know is that you left without saying anything. How one decides whether or not you're a douche is based solely on your actions during the battle unless they already know you outside of it.
However, you did say sporting event. It is not an 'event' unless it is official. And if it's a 'causal' event, then in sports, there's ALWAYS a way to win, as opposed to Pokemon where that "if I freeze 8 times right here I can win" doesn't hold true. So as previously mention, when it comes to sport, whats to say you've already lost, so there is no point in leaving that.

And as for chess, that's a face to face thing, which totally changes the dynamics of how you would leave. Cause for one thing, people can do something about it if it was face to face, whereas online Pokemon battling does nothing to you. Unless we are now talking about online chess, in which case anyone could still leave without saying a thing.

And the point is, being kind and polite might not be the same, but it interchanges when it's online. If one person is helpful and was not a douche, since this is all online, then if they leave, does that make them a douche all of a sudden?
Actually even if it's face to face, I can still leave if I feel like it. It may not be as easy as just clicking the X and hiding behind a computer screen but still no one is going to stop me and no one is going to care after I'm gone other than to say "what a sore loser". What's the guy gonna do about it? Beat me up and force me to play on rather than accept his win? Of course not.

What we're talking about here is not whether leaving is allowed and how it impacts on you and your opponent, but whether it's good etiquette to do so. If people begin perceiving you negatively because you leave, then it's clearly bad etiquette whether or not it has affected the game in question. Admittedly, in real life, if you get branded with this, your social standing suffers. But online there aren't any huge consequences so many people may not care what others think. After all, they just come on to play pokemon and even if you are hated, you click find match and you're still going to get into a battle.

And yes, they are still a douche in the eyes of the person they just left against. As I said, you can't expect the other person to know all the good things you've done beforehand even if everything is online. All they know is that you left against them and that makes you a douche.
I rarely allow anything to set up for a sweep, but when I do I generally have Pokemon that can survive at least one hit from most sweepers to hit back reasonably hard. In the rare situations where I am completely outpredicted and someone manages to setup something that can sweep my full team, they deserve it and I acknowledge this with a 'gg' after the end of the battle. I also often comment on the battle so I find it annoying if my opponent leaves immediately (when I lose). I generally stick around at least until my opponent has said anything or left themself. I also generally let them say the first 'gg', whether I win or lose, as it usually indicates they want the same in return and are hopefully considering the literal meaning of the acronym.

I do get annoyed by critical hits that matter a large amount (eg Nasty Plot Fire Blast off Infernape CHing Psychic Cresselia) and I will make a dry comment about this too or somehow show my frustration, but I will still stick around for the whole sweep and in most cases say 'gg' (although I may be more inclined to leave as soon as they say gg most of the time in cases such as this).

I really don't mind if others leave, they are just helping me build my rating faster.
If it goes down to a pp stall war you cant win then by all means say "its really not worth an hour of my time" and then leave, but otherwise...
With me when someone leaves without warning during the battle, my first impression is that there bad sports who can't take a loss. I find it very annoying, unless they state why they leave or whatever. And gg should be compulsory IMO. And Luck is part of pokemon, just because you've had some bad critical hits or freezes at a bad time, doesn't mean you need to get in a cry about it and leave or make a bad comment. Its part of the game and some days you'll be lucky and others you won't
Any half-decent casual online chess game has a 'Resign' button. It's not a question of face-to-face. Why shouldn't there be one for Pokemon as well? You're saying 'I admit you win', for Christ's sake. How is a player who admits that you're the winner a douche?
When I played Shoddy and when I clearly lost, I just tell them "Well, I got nothing left" and say gg and leave after they respond.

Most competitive games and competitive players actually follow this practice in an effort to "save the other guy's time".

In Pro starcraft leagues into this, when a player decides that he cannot come back, they say gg and leave. In fact, when they broadcast the league games on TV, the announcers use "gg" as the end of the game. The other player don't want to waste the other guy's time. The player signals that he has lost, and quits the game (surrenders)

In another competitive game, Puyo Puyo, most competitive players kill themselves when they know they lost assuming they're not on some major event.
Even the winning player, when they see the other player has lost, will refrain from triggering their chain to save time

Another example is Chess, as X-Act brought up, has the option of resigning and surrendering.

Now unless I'm mistaken, the match isn't over until 6 pokes have fainted, correct? Why are there so many people that play and leave as soon as it's clear the battle's not going their way? Am I the only one who thinks this is quite bad sportsmanship, or do others get annoyed by it?
I guess some people prioritize the event of the game itself (So that they get the "full satisfaction of finishing them off") so they must see all 6 pokemon die and some people just prioritize their time (so they surrender and leave to save time) and resign and leave.

Sadly discussing Etiquette is rather redundant since the people who discuss it are the people who follow it anyway and "douches" don't normally bother reading through this kind of stuff.

Of course if you're implying people who decides that they cannot win, signals that they have lost and leaves, is a douche, it's another issue.
The amount of times I've seen people leave after their Salalmence lead gets OHKOed by HP Ice is staggering.

Usually, if I'm getting fairly well-owned, then I'll just stick it out, unless it's against something that's just going to drag on forever (non-Toxic/CM Blissey vs Recover Starmie agogo!) in which case I'll just gg and then leave.

The only thing that tends to piss me off enough to just leave entirely is missing Scarfchomp locked Outrage with Weavile's Ice Shard because of sand. Gliscor, too, but that's a lesser issue.
If I've clearly lost I give a gg, ask for some advice and quit.

I don't mind when other people quit against me either, even if it's first move and without a word, free win for me.
Chess players resign with dignity.

Why shouldn't Pokemon players do the same thing?

Go Players do as well. :-)

But really, when master Chess players resign, I still go wtf... they resign in very strange positions, sometimes without losing pieces >_>
I only leave if I'm entering a stall war that I'll know I will lose because stalls are boring, and even then I ask first or just sacrifice it. It's a hell of a lot better to Explode your last poke then to DC.
Im guilty of having left without saying anything, but its always when I see no logical way of winning (only wall/support left that are walled to no end by a Blissey for example).

I only do that if Im angry for some reason though, at which point I shouldn't play Shoddy anyway.

I make a point of saying GG, and usually some comment if Im giving up, stating why I do so. I don't really hold it against you if you give up, unless its Salamence lead + HP Ice...
I'll only quit if I foresee a long stallwar ahead of me with no victory in sight, because frankly it's a waste of my time and a waste of my opponent's time. I can't stand people who quit just because things aren't going their way.