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Balanced Team.

This is my first RMT do criticism is welcome and changes will be made.

I made this team focusing on a non weather. Since every team is likely to be just that. Seeing sand,rain and sun ruins my mood. so I made this to support and to an extent abuse Multiscale and Shed Skin.


Dragonite(M) @Choice Band Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 252 Att / 4 Hp / 252 Speed
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
-Fire Punch

I decided to chose this power house as my pokemon to be built around. With Multiscale being a fantastic ability I find it reliable lead if played well. This is set is mainly to catch a few leads and switches off guard and a late-game sweeper while also being a wall breaker. It checks skarmory after stealth rocks,weakened latias and latios and anything that doesn't resist it's locked in move.


Espeon (M) @ Light Clay Trait: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def/ 252 Speed
Timid Nature (+Speed, -Atk)
-Light Screen
-Hidden Power(Fire)

Stealth rocks and Will o' Wisp hinder Dragonite of it's potential so pressuring my oppenent with espeon's magic bounce seemed valuable. While also setting up screens to cover the rest of my team mainly Scrafty due to it's heavy invest in special defense Evs. After screens are up it can possibly take out scizor with Hp fire and terrakion with psychic. Frail pokemon including itself always enjoy screens. Jirachi provides para status to add frustration to my opponent while clay maximizes the duration and set up turns for scrafty.


Jirachi ( ) @ Leftovers Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 32 Speed / 224 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Speed)
-Iron Head
-Body Slam
-Stealth Rock

Jirachi is my main Special wall. Having great bulk and covering Dragonites weakness fairly well and crippling my oppenents pokemon then continuing to set up stealth rocks and passing wishes to mainly Dragonite and Espeon to continue a cycle of Multiscale,Screens, and Wishes. It walls Latios Draco meteor, Tornadus&RainNite's Hurricane. Rotom-W does meager damage.


Scrafty (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Shed Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 8 Atk / 242SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Speed)
-Drain Punch
-Bulk Up

Having my full offense attacker I decided a bulky set was in order. Coming in on Jellicent giving Jirachi trouble or T-tars munching on Espeon if locked into crunch or pursuit. Having great coverage it's easy to set up after screens are up. Rest allows it to take a status and sleep off. so coming in on scalds isn't a problem.


Tentacruel (F) @ Black Sludge Trait: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 202 HP / 104 SpA / 202 Def
Bold Nature (+Def,-Atk)
-Ice beam
-Hidden Power(Fire)
-Rapid Spin

Tentaruel is possible the best fighting type counter(if not carrying a terrakion with earthquake). It can follow then to scald the target or the switch inflicting a burn. Espeon wasn't enough and too frail so a rapid spinner was a must. Everything else is said about Tentacruel. Support. The Evs are set there for latias as it can wall Tentacruel rather nicely. Jirachi attracts alot of ferrothorns with leech seed I found this to be a suitable switch in. Hidden power fire allows me to hit ferrothorn forretress and scizor. The injunction of scald and body slam don't work in my favor and seeing as most of the meta is metal or levitated I decided to take off toxic spikes. Scizor is walled unless it is a night slash variant or has gotten greedy with SD. Forretress won't be able to set up fearing being damaged same for ferrothorn.


Gengar (F) @ Life Orb Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 Hp / 252 Speed
Timid Nature (+Speed, -Atk)
-Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

Seeing as I had no prominent special attack to break physical walls I decided to throw in this notorious set to round out coverage of nearly every physical wall. Scrafty being immune to psychic and resistant to ghost seemed favorable as a dual partner with it. it also allows me to retain my hazards from spinners as many of them are defensive and don't like a shadow ball to the face. Sub/Disable allow me to break any remaining wall Dragonite failed to do so.

This is my team. I'll fix anything that I might have done wrong writing this.
Finally! No more exams! As promised in the PM, I will now get to the rate.

First of all, I love that your using Scrafty, the guy is just a very underrated threat. However, you're missing random EVs on it for some reason, and the Nature is extremely inefficient. Just go with the regular 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD EV spread with a Careful Nature and call it a day. You want as much Special Defense as possible because after a Bulk Up or two, nothing can break you except a boosted Fighting move, and really, only Conkeldurr can do this reliably, since Terrakion/ Lucario/ Tyranitar/ other common carriers of Fighting moves risk eating a Drain Punch.

Tentacruel really doesn't add much for your team other than Rapid Spin support. You just don't have the Pokemon to abuse Toxic Spikes. As well, Tentacruel is far from "the best fighting type counter". Most Fighting types are Physically oriented, and Tentacruel's weak Physical bulk means it will have trouble taking the coverage move. The best fighting counter in the game is Slowbro, but I digress. Rapid Spin support is nice and all, but this really isn't necessary. Yes, Dragonite doesn't like Stealth Rock. But you've taken more than enough precautions to keep Multi Scale in tact. First of all, Espeon is great for keeping entry hazards off the field. Even if SR does get onto the field, Jirachi can activate it with a Wish Pass. CB Dragonite doesn't even need Multi Scale to function properly tbh, as it can just come in, Extremespeed or whatever, and then get back out until its ready to spam Outrage. If you really need a Rapid Spinner, I think Starmie would be a much better option. Currently, your team is weak to Landorus and Terrakion who could easily rampage through your entire team. Starmie will help to an extent as it can revenge kill them, although it really shouldn't be switching in. Unlike Tentacruel, Starmie can actually beat Jellicent, the most common spinblocker. Starmie also gives you a weapon against Rain teams, which brings me to my next point.

Your team is just plain weak to Rain teams. Period. Tentacruel is a terrible rain check as it cannot take the Thunders that are flying around everywhere. Gengar really isn't adding much to your team, as you don't have Spikes support to abuse the switches generated by Sub+Disable. While Offensively, Gengar is better when paired with an sweeper heavy team so it can weaken walls and facilitate a sweep. Your Offense currently consists of CB Dragonite and BU Scrafty, neither which are Speed demons. I suggest replacing Gengar with a Ferrothorn. Currently, Dragon types such as Haxorus and opposing Dragonite give you some problems, and Ferrothorn can deal with them. With 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD and an Impish Nature, Ferro can survive a +1 Haxorus Earthquake and retaliate with Thunder Wave. Thunder Wave will also help your team synergy. As Dragonite is quite slow, it would appreciate the T-Wave support to be able to pummel its opponents. Ferro can also take out troublesome rain threats such as Starmie with Power Whip. I also gives your team Spikes support, which is always helpful. However, losing Gengar means you do lose out on a valuable Fighting/ Ground immunity.

In Summary:
New EV spread/ Nature for Scrafty
pros: better bulk, more efficient EVs
cons: none

pros: more Offensive presence, much better for spinning since it beats Jellicent, helps revenge kill rain threats/ lando/ Terrak
cons: lose Toxic Spikes support, although you didn't really have anybody to abuse it

Ferrothorn>SubDisable Gengar
pros: helps against Rain teams, helps vs Dragons, gives Thunder Wave and Spikes support
cons: lose out on a valuable Fighting/ Ground immunity, lose out on Gengar's Offensive presence


Scrafty @ Leftovers
Trait: Shed Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature (+SpD, -SpA)
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Rest

Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Recover

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Thunder Wave
- Power Whip
Finally! No more exams! As promised in the PM, I will now get to the rate.

First of all, I love that your using Scrafty, the guy is just a very underrated threat. However, you're missing random EVs on it for some reason, and the Nature is extremely inefficient. Just go with the regular 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD EV spread with a Careful Nature and call it a day. You want as much Special Defense as possible because after a Bulk Up or two, nothing can break you except a boosted Fighting move, and really, only Conkeldurr can do this reliably, since Terrakion/ Lucario/ Tyranitar/ other common carriers of Fighting moves risk eating a Drain Punch.

Tentacruel really doesn't add much for your team other than Rapid Spin support. You just don't have the Pokemon to abuse Toxic Spikes. As well, Tentacruel is far from "the best fighting type counter". Most Fighting types are Physically oriented, and Tentacruel's weak Physical bulk means it will have trouble taking the coverage move. The best fighting counter in the game is Slowbro, but I digress. Rapid Spin support is nice and all, but this really isn't necessary. Yes, Dragonite doesn't like Stealth Rock. But you've taken more than enough precautions to keep Multi Scale in tact. First of all, Espeon is great for keeping entry hazards off the field. Even if SR does get onto the field, Jirachi can activate it with a Wish Pass. CB Dragonite doesn't even need Multi Scale to function properly tbh, as it can just come in, Extremespeed or whatever, and then get back out until its ready to spam Outrage. If you really need a Rapid Spinner, I think Starmie would be a much better option. Currently, your team is weak to Landorus and Terrakion who could easily rampage through your entire team. Starmie will help to an extent as it can revenge kill them, although it really shouldn't be switching in. Unlike Tentacruel, Starmie can actually beat Jellicent, the most common spinblocker. Starmie also gives you a weapon against Rain teams, which brings me to my next point.

Your team is just plain weak to Rain teams. Period. Tentacruel is a terrible rain check as it cannot take the Thunders that are flying around everywhere. Gengar really isn't adding much to your team, as you don't have Spikes support to abuse the switches generated by Sub+Disable. While Offensively, Gengar is better when paired with an sweeper heavy team so it can weaken walls and facilitate a sweep. Your Offense currently consists of CB Dragonite and BU Scrafty, neither which are Speed demons. I suggest replacing Gengar with a Ferrothorn. Currently, Dragon types such as Haxorus and opposing Dragonite give you some problems, and Ferrothorn can deal with them. With 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD and an Impish Nature, Ferro can survive a +1 Haxorus Earthquake and retaliate with Thunder Wave. Thunder Wave will also help your team synergy. As Dragonite is quite slow, it would appreciate the T-Wave support to be able to pummel its opponents. Ferro can also take out troublesome rain threats such as Starmie with Power Whip. I also gives your team Spikes support, which is always helpful. However, losing Gengar means you do lose out on a valuable Fighting/ Ground immunity.

In Summary:
New EV spread/ Nature for Scrafty
pros: better bulk, more efficient EVs
cons: none

pros: more Offensive presence, much better for spinning since it beats Jellicent, helps revenge kill rain threats/ lando/ Terrak
cons: lose Toxic Spikes support, although you didn't really have anybody to abuse it

Ferrothorn>SubDisable Gengar
pros: helps against Rain teams, helps vs Dragons, gives Thunder Wave and Spikes support
cons: lose out on a valuable Fighting/ Ground immunity, lose out on Gengar's Offensive presence


Scrafty @ Leftovers
Trait: Shed Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature (+SpD, -SpA)
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Rest

Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Recover

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Thunder Wave
- Power Whip

Thank you for your rate. I will switch my scrafty nature. I didn't notice that. I must of thought of the wrong thing obviously. As for Starmie I found that and Ferrothorn would make my team scizor bait and set fodder. As most of the them run a Special bulk with roost that Ferrothorn eventually gets OHKO by bug bite. In contrast tentrcruel can come in on bullet punch bug bite u-turn brick break. Though not naturally a physical wall it does resist fighting and bug that most fighting type tend to carry, so with all them being physical they won't enjoy a burn. I will test your changes as I don't want your rate to go to waste :)