BH Balanced Hackmons

I have so many weird sets running through my mind right now

Necrozma-Dusk-Mane @ Leftovers
Ability: Sword of Ruin
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Wicked Blow
- Gigaton Hammer
- Strength Sap
- Tidy Up
We can finally use steel types better than Kingambit for once

Kyogre-Primal @ Leftovers
Ability: Liquid Voice
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Torch Song
- Mortal Spin
- Strength Sap
Hey, we have a use for Gigaton Hammer now!

:necrozma-dusk mane:

Necrozma-Dusk-Mane @ Leftovers
Ability: Steelworker
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
- Gigaton Hammer
- Collision Course
- Victory Dance
- Strength Sap

The general idea of this set is to victory dance then Gigaton hammer everything that moves. Strength Sap is a great option in between Gigaton Hammer recharges in order to heal up and prevent counter attacks.

I went with Victory Dance and Collision Course over V-Create and Tidy Up mostly for Imposter proofing. Having an option that's supereffective against steels but neutral against you instead of supereffective is vital, and having a boosting move that raises defense will prevent revenge kill attempts.
here are some day one thoughts:

Gengar-Mega @ Choice Specs
Ability: Beads of Ruin
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Astral Barrage
- Sludge Bomb
- Fleur Cannon
- Volt Switch

the big guy on the block and very unlikely to last much longer. this thing simply lacks consistent answers thanks to its immense damage output and poison STAB making would-be checks like mega audino ineffective. sludge bomb is used over wave here as the poison is immensely useful at chipping away at non-cloak pogre and ting-lu, the latter of which fleur cannon pretty much drops. timid is used over modest here to blank the threat of +spe ice scales arceus, which otherwise gets the jump on you. most of the things people are using to check this (pogre, groundceus, ting-lu) also share a common weakness:

Sceptile-Mega @ Choice Specs
Ability: Beads of Ruin
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dragon Energy
- Leaf Storm
- Armor Cannon
- Volt Switch

boasts both grass STAB and 145 base speed to dually act as a great mgar partner and as something to scare out the fast mons like the mega mewtwos. there really isn't a ton to say here other than it's a fast specs attacker with a useful stab typing; i tried mglo a little but the immediate damage drops off too much for my liking given the mon's intended purpose.

Diancie-Mega @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Boomburst
- Revelation Dance
- Precipice Blades
- Volt Switch

mdiancie is VERY scary even with the relative absence of magic guard; pixilate alone is enough for this to be a major threat. it has two main modes with specs and life orb/plate mixed; specs has higher raw damage and gets to just spam past a good amount of structures a lot of the time, whereas mixed gives it the jump on would-be checks like pogre, av mlix, scales arc-fairy, and the like. blades on this specs set is realistically something i never click so it can honestly be whatever; just something for steels.

Mewtwo-Mega-Y @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lumina Crash
- Moonblast
- Chloroblast
- Strength Sap

this thing's mere existence forces cloak on so much stuff it's not even funny; i can definitely see this being banned in the near future. the biggest issue is that, because of mdiancie (and the fact this can just slap on hjk or axe kick), people are scared to run spdef darks, meaning this has basically free reign to just spam. magic guard is great here since you can throw yourself in front of a toxic and now, barring egregious magical torque rng, you now just PP stall scales arc-fairy which is dumb. there's still room for experimentation with this thing which will only add to how difficult it is to handle.

overall, enjoying the meta so far. there's a lot of stuff that can work here even if dealing with some of the scary breakers is a little restricting.
Greetings. In this post I will once again advertise Magic Guard. Several events have happened since my last post including the ban of tera, substitute, several abilities and mons but now that we have received an influx of old mons, a variety of new and powerful options have become available. I would like to discuss the Substitute ban briefly because most of MG's power is similar to Substitute. Although the best ability substitute has was to complement setup sweepers due to the protection it provides against imposters, it also was useful against annoying DoT effects like poison, salt cure and leech seed. It was also good against knock off and phasing moves. The point I will raise is that Magic Guard lets you ignore those annoying dots completely. Sure it's not as good as having a perma Substitute up because you can still get knocked, paralysed or phased, it's still incredibly useful nonetheless. Now I also want to discuss the item choice. Life Orb is clearly the best choice. Magic Guard lets you ignore hazard and recoil. This is something that Substitute does not provide. You can also run Magic Guard on knock immune mons such as Dialga, Palkia and Arceus if they hold their signature items. Those mons have access to good STAB moves which complement MG such as Dragon Energy, Water Spout and Steel Beam.

To summarise, MG is good defensively because you are immune to annoying stall moves and hazard. It's good offensively because you can run LO and recoil moves.

With that out of the way let's get into the new sets.


Ho-Oh @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Mortal Spin / Precipice Blades / Taunt
- Strength Sap

MG Ho-oh was one of my favourite mons to use in gen 7. It has great bulk, offensive power and typing. It can wall Diancie without rock coverage and win 1v1 against some MMY, MMX, MGengar and DeoA depending on coverage. Ho-oh always 2HKO and most of them can't 2HKO. However, the primary purpose of MG is to bully passive walls. Opponent has a steel type? You can switch this in with no fear and spam free Flare Blitz. Imagine this scenario. Your opponent has a MDiancie out on your low hp MMY. Your opponent is most likely going to go for espeed/fake out. You switch into your ho-oh. Now your opponent is in a rough spot because they don't have a wall that can do much other than click uturn which gives you 2 free moves to chunk that wall whoch they need for your other mons. The best case scenario is if you do ~40 with your LO stab which forced them to recover. Your stabs have 24 PP each so you easily outstall. If they have Strength Sap then you can poison them or switch to a sap blocker after the first move. This scenario is what makes MG so good. You are an offensive mon with good defensive potential that invalidates most walls. I was arguing with someone earlier who like to run setup on MG but I think that's a terrible idea. If you find success with it then don't let me change your mind but I personally would not recommend it. For the last slot you can run a utility move. Mortal Spin because no one wants to switch in a steel type into this mon or taunt to prevent strength sap.


Yveltal @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Brave Bird
- Sucker Punch
- Strength Sap

The next set is MG Yveltal. This mon is one of the best checks to fast and fraul ghost/psychic types since gen 7 due to its bulk and stab Knock Off. By running LO, you will always OHKO both mewtwos and MGar. You can tank a neutral move and a moonblast and OHKO back. If they don't predict and use a psychic move, that's amazing. Just by virtue of having this mon, you can outplay the opponent because clicking lumina crash/ghost judgment/astral just became so risky. Once you safely bring this mon in, you can click knock. Once again I would like you to imagine what mon you would bring in which can scare this out.


Lugia @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Quiet Nature
- Brave Bird
- Psystrike
- Lumina Crash / Toxic / Taunt
- Strength Sap

I am certain the first two sets are good. These next two are more experimental and I cannot guarantee their effectiveness. I present to you MG Lugia. This is somewhat a cheese set but the main purpose is to lure MGar and OHKO it with psystrike.

252+ SpA Life Orb Lugia Psystrike vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Gengar-Mega: 330-393 (101.8 - 121.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

With the power of LO, this weak mon can 2HKO mons like the mewtwos as well. Thanks to Lumina Crash (insane move btw) you can even weaken walls for your other special threats. You also chunk other special threats with brave bird:

252 Atk Life Orb Lugia Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Kyogre-Primal: 168-199 (41.5 - 49.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Anyways I hope this set actually works if you do try it out. It is a fantastic check to mewtwo x at least. At the moment it's -speed because you still outspeed base 90s but you could go something else.


Aerodactyl-Mega @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Head Smash
- High Jump Kick / Taunt
- Strength Sap

The last and other theory set is MG mega aero. This is a very fast mon so you can outspeed and OHKO the threats I mentioned previously before they attack you. You're just bulky enough to take 1 hit thanks to EVs. LO head smash is no joke unless you miss. I will mention that you do not OHKO though. This mon needs at 2 rocks chip to reliably OHKO mewtwo and 1 for Gengar. Fortunately MMX is a guaranteed OHKO With brave bird from full.
Meta observations from my extremely limited playing and some spectating:
Reminder that resources are updated! Be sure to check out the preliminary Viability List and Role Compendium if this meta feels alien (highly likely).

The offensive power in this meta is diverse enough, which when combined with the vast mixed offense options we have, means that a standard FurScales (FS) core is not going to be nearly enough to cover threats. This is further amplified by the speed tiers of fastest breakers, meaning if your team lacks speed control it better have a sturdy enough defensive core. Generally, at least one midground mon is necessary to alleviate pressure from the FS core (typically the SpD needs more help from my experiences), Regen mons are great here, but other stuff like Prank and naturally fat mixed pivots can work. Imposter also serves as a valuable scouter against the varied movesets of the Mewtwos, but won't provide much against Gengar or Deoxys.

I think the most standout thing in the meta is Gengar. Pretty much impossible to check between its Specs sets and Judg sets that can run a variety of abilities. If every team is forced to run SpD Kyogre or some niche mon like Normceus to ensure it doesn't lose to "random coverage". Scales Kyogre isn't even consistent since 2 Volt Switches puts it into 2HKO range.
MMY is probably broken but I have ran into/seen lower numbers and haven't really seen the good sets used so. It does seem very matchup fish with its coverage options though, with the fish in favour of the MMY user due to the vast amount of coverage options.
MMX and Deo-A are slightly more tame, with lower speed tier / paper defenses requiring accurate play and more accurate moveset.

:spooky-plate: Ghostceus feels ok, decently customizable mon but the addition of the faster mons that can actually threaten it is cool, making it far more punishable.
:earth-plate: Groundceus feels awkward when MG is reasonably common and Chloroblast is near stable on those. As a SpD blocking Volt Switch it carves out a useful purpose though.
:dialga-origin: Dialga-O feels a bit high, its a Steel but doesn't resist Fairy while also being weak to the Ground and Fighting coverages mixed attackers often pack. SpD wise it isn't high enough to tank hits from Specs breakers. RegenVest seems like the best set but there are a lot of competition in that slot in mons that have useful resist typings.
:diancie-mega: Diancie seems alright, Extreme Speed is a useful form of speed control. Unfortunately MGar resists it. Coverage is a little awkward when V-create is inferior coverage but Ground moves don't have the sheer power of V-create being able to OHKO stuff.
:kyogre-primal: Kyogre is exactly what you would expect. I find the AV set better because a Scales mon thats weak to Volt Switch in 8 PP recovery meta feels very awkward to use.
:ting-lu: Ting-Lu is not great when you are weak to everything while MGar has enough power to blast through with Fleur.

:gardevoir-mega: Gardevoir is a pretty cool mon. Compared to Diancie you are stronger and also get to run Modest since you aren't outspeeding any Arceus. STAB Psystrike is a very useful secondary STAB compared to Rock that smacks the RegenVests as well as any Chanseys.
I've been using Boomburst | Psystrike | Volt Switch | Astral Barrage with Astral used for hitting the Steel/Psychics. Armor Cannon is better but I needed to improof
:ho-oh: Ho-Oh feels mid? Your set of useful resistances is undermined by weaknesses and poor physical bulk. The former prevents you from reliably checking Fairies while latter means you can't check stuff like MMX. As a mixed wall you don't resist Psychic and are weak to Electric leaving its purpose unknown.
:lunala: People have been using other SNR Ghosts such as Lunala which is definitely cool, especially with Lunala's high HP stat potentially enabling Final Gambit strategies, provided there is no Ting-Lu. Defensively wise Lunala's potential as a mixed wall is undermined by the Astrals and Wickeds being thrown around, which is unfortunate as otherwise Lunala can be a wall that is hard to exploit from Imposter either through Judgment or Infernal.
:miraidon: Miraidon feels really good as a fast support. Thunder Cage is an incredible move and 135 speed tier is like as fast as you need it to be. Typing is also really great by absorbing paralysis and resisting types such as Fire. Don't run offensive abilities on this, breaking positions are done better by other mons, run utility/defensive abilities.
:solgaleo: Solgaleo is the best of the Steel/Psychics. Notably higher bulk while having a passable speed tier lets it fulfill a midground position pretty well. Its high HP also can let it slot Final Gambit as a constant threat. Metagross can be used if the Diancie speed tie and Kartana outspeed is valued for notably lower SpD and a fatter Imposter.
I have played around with a Scarf Regen set, since not a lot non-STAB moves can threaten an OHKO (needs to be around Life Orb Diancie V-create) while the 97 speed tier lets you run neutral nature while still creeping Deoxys by 1 point(!). Meanwhile the fast speed acts as pseudo speed control and lets you pivot out after scouting stuff.
:swampert-mega: I have not seen Mega Swampert. Theoretically it can do some fat Water stuff while eating Electro Drifts and preventing free Volt Switches but its bulk looks lacklustre.
:yveltal: Yveltal is pretty decent. Never run this as the sole SpD because Volt Switch and Fairy weakness etc but this is a solid check to the Ghosts and provides one of the more reliable answers to No Retreat. Forced into Boots is pretty annoying though you will get Sludge Poisoned in a long game.

Some of the "Low" tier mons look very interesting and worth trying to build a team with. Notably, the fat Psychics (Mega Latias, Lugia, Victini) seem like decent Psychic checks with good mixed bulk, interesting typings, and solid speed tiers. We should consider freeing Calyrex-S he checks everything in "Top".

Aerodactyl-Mega @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Head Smash
- High Jump Kick / Taunt
- Strength Sap

The last and other theory set is MG mega aero. This is a very fast mon so you can outspeed and OHKO the threats I mentioned previously before they attack you. You're just bulky enough to take 1 hit thanks to EVs. LO head smash is no joke unless you miss. I will mention that you do not OHKO though. This mon needs at 2 rocks chip to reliably OHKO mewtwo and 1 for Gengar. Fortunately MMX is a guaranteed OHKO With brave bird from full.
I was looking at this mon when considering mons for Viability and ran some calcs and concluded that if you are running MG you should run Chloroblast (yes off of the whopping 70 SpA). With Life Orb boost and a neutral nature, you can almost 2HKO Waterceus while comfortably dealing with Dondozo and Slowbro, as well as any Grounds.
252 SpA Life Orb Aerodactyl-Mega Chloroblast vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Arceus-Water: 198-234 (44.5 - 52.7%) -- 22.3% chance to 2HKO
Is removing Species Clause/changing to Forme Clause on the table with the higher level of power in the meta?
No (Arceus exists). We weren't allowed to use a separate Arceus clause like NDBH could (Arceus clause + Forme clause is what they use), and we are never planning to free Arceus spam.

also here's some teams: reasonably successful mdia mmy pivotspam, only really struggles into phys attacking mmy and opposing scales cloak pogre this team sorta exists because lunala's back for SNR stuff, but in practice, it's really hard to gambit on target and revolving your whole strategy on it isn't consistent (especially given they see that you have two ghosts that can run SNR at preview) gengar is broken so here's a team with a guy that breaks gengar more by smashing opposing pogre and groundceus (also mscept chases out mewtwos which is cool). arc-fairy can also spiral if you trap imp and they don't have prank haze physspam with moldy mmx. ash-gren really isn't that good relative to its competitors outside of specifically nuking fc waters, which it's here to do, with mmx as the main breaker and phero as an additional u-turn bot and something to actually pressure opposing mewtwos with

yes i do like scales pogre how could you tell. regenvest is bad because everything 2hkoes you
Last edited: - First team for the new meta, pretty standard build around specs diancie. Was running ghostceus + scales ting lu, but ting lu kept getting deleted by special attackers anyway so I switch to darkceus and Lunala. The 4x weakness is pretty rough though so definitely considered going dozo there. - Gigaton Kartana + 5 defensive core. Was talking with Akira about how the meta made me feel like I needed 5 defensive pokemon and having that many meant I couldn't actually win against bad mus before they won, which lead to them suggesting Mold Breaker Kartana improofed by Miraidon, and then here we are. Has an unconventional furscales core, but backs it up with prank, regenvest, and imp so it's not too bad there. I think ghostceus is in theory the better fur coat but with how everyone and their dog are running wicked blow and astral it might be worth running a different arc for at least the moment, like FC groundceus or smth. this was the day 1 team, utilizing mixed Diancie w/ headlong rush. i went back and forth on explosion and volt switch, and still haven't completely decided. pixie plate > specs because being able to extreme speed anything you miss the ohko on can prove really useful. Poison Arc was initially just an improvised diancie improof (headlong only does ~25%), but I found it a very solid fur coat mon. earth plate > the usual icicle plate because ground hits the more relevant dialga-o, gengar, and opposing diancie.. yveltal is a relatively normal tough claws set, v-create is honestly kind of a dumb move. type:null was an experimental pick that ultimately proved uniquely useful on the team. it's a special wall that, unlike chansey, can also act as an emergency check to physical attackers. transform is a bit of a gimmick, but it keeps null from being too passive. i went back and forth between this and heal bell. palkia-o and mewtwo-x are relatively standard sets, you could go mewtwo-y over x, but I chose X to take as much advantage of arceus' improofing abilities as possible.

not the biggest fan of this team, it's matchup against deoxys-a and mewtwo-y is shaky at best, but i'm not unhappy with it either.
Day 1 team Straight forward mixed Diancie team. Try to break through defensive cores with toxic and strength sap denial in form of Tyranitar (really bad pokemon to use mbounce on but nobody expects it). Toxic immune pokemon such as steels, poison and mguard mons take a lot of damage from Groudon and Ho-Oh stabs. Diancie is improofed by Ho-Oh, Ho-Oh is improofed by Tyranitar, Tyranitar is improofed by itself and Groudon and lastly Groudon is improofed by Ho-Oh (you dont want imposter to come in on groudon when they are low since they can heal up with sap vs Ho-Oh otherwise). Try to toxic imposter early on and deny healing.
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Imma post one Pokemon I think that everyone has overlooked
Greninja-Ash @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability / Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Water Spout
- Steam Eruption / Origin Pulse
- Fiery Wrath
- Volt Switch / Trick
This thing got kicked out of ND this gen, so I'm happy I can finally use this. Anyway this has multiple sets but this one is one of the more niche ones. This is a standard set with not much to it, Water Spout for big damage, Origin Pulse or Steam Eruption on low HP, Fiery Wrath as Dark STAB and Volt Switch for pivoting, But Trick can be used to cripple walls.
Greninja-Ash @ Choice Band / Life Orb
Ability: Tough Claws / Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Surging Strikes
- Wicked Blow
- Sucker Punch
- U-turn / High Horsepower
This next set is physically based but due to the loss of Fishious Rend isn't as good anymore so it has fallen off a little hard. But still, this set is quite good and can be used as well.
Greninja-Ash @ Life Orb / Choice Band
Ability: Tough Claws / Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Naive / Jolly Nature
- Surging Strikes
- Wicked Blow
- Glacial Lance / Electro Drift
- Strength Sap / Electro Drift / U-turn
This is probably the worst set due to it's reliance on surprise, but this set can catch opponents off guard with Tough Claws Grass Knot against physical walls and even Strength Sap against Pokemon like Groudon
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I'd like to get in on this team dropping!

I built this team quite quickly around mglo MMX and scarf Mega-Gengar as speed control for mmy. The drop in power of mega-gengar isn't too bad, b/c generally you won't be 2hkoing ice scales pokemon, and I have knock off for regenvesters, so it does the job pretty well (It'll ohko most pokemon weak to ghost / chipped a bit anywhase).

This mglo MMX is absolutely insane btw, it's able to easily kill so many pokemon, with only a few niche checks. I've found fc Yveltal to be really good as well, b/c it's neutral vs. physical fighting, and resists chloroblast. However, I bet eventually it'll get owned by a volt tackle.

I feel like this defensive core of fc Yveltal, Audino-mega, regenvest Pogre, and Imposter is quite good though tbh, as it's able to keep I think almost all mixed mglo sets at bay. The mono mortal spin hazard removal and no way to set hazards is kinda sad though.

Here's the team!
There's a bug in the teambuilder. All Gmax forms are marked as "Illegal" when you add them, but they still pass the validator.
This isn't a BH-specific issue; every format where G-Max formes are unobtainable has the same thing happen. This is because, while the G-Max formes are themselves unobtainable (hence the Illegal mark), the builder essentially just reads "Rillaboom-Gmax" as "Rillaboom that has Gmax factor", which just leads to a normal Rillaboom with an extra bit of data that means nothing for actual gameplay (in these cases where Gmax is impossible / banned). Fixing this would probably be something for the suggestions thread or bug reports thread.
imma also get on this team dropping (still pretty new so no bullying nerds)
anyways dont use regen pogre become a ice scales guy :pray:

Yo, this team is super solid! I think it shows a lot about the offensive power on the special attacking side of the meta! I feel like ice scales + regenvest is pretty much mandatory at this point ngl.

My one thing though is that I feel like the broken aspect of mmy comes from being able to be mixed + lumina crash to break through spdef walls! Also, I feel like you are kind of able to just let imposter in for free against your own mmy, with no great way to chip either because you have no hazards - and it also looks like you'll have trouble breaking through other spdef walls w/ covert cloak / regenvesters you can't hit super effectively. I think I have a few recomendations in general that might help shore up that match up / give you more winpaths (and make mmy win more). I recommend going stone axe > gambit on solgaleo (but gambit is pretty sick so I'm sure it might come in handy sometimes). This means that when imp comes in on mmy it will get chipped a bit more since it can't heal too much vs. your imposter (which I assume is the improof).

But, I feel like your mmy can become even more dangerous if you make solgaleo your improof, and give it volt tackle! This means that you're able to break through the popular ice scales covert cloak primal-Kyogre, and imposter can't heal on you either. Solgaleo become your improof, which also means you get a better "flow" when playing. Because you don't let your opponent make progress on you, since you heal w/ regenerator, and if they predict the improof coming in, you still have a pokemon that's no so passive that can take advantage.

Yeah, in general I think mglo MMY and MMX sets are rediculously good right now. (probably deo-a as well)

Mewtwo-Mega-X @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Chloroblast
- Lumina Crash
- Wicked Blow / Astral Barrage

Mewtwo-Mega-Y @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Lumina Crash
- Chloroblast
- High Jump Kick / Flair Blitz
- Volt Tackle / Knock Off

I feel like when mixed + Lumina Crash, there really is no great way to wall either of these two. I think they're better without strength sap as well, because then imposter can't heal vs. them, and I feel like when they do come in, you should in general be trying to pick pokemon off, and not healing.
Probably not to too many people's surprise...

Mega Gengar is banned from Balanced Hackmons!
///Tea GuzzleraugustakiraTTTechquojovaChessking345
Mega GengarBanBanBanAbstainBan

Mega Gengar came out of the gates swinging as one of the biggest damage threats. 8 PP recovery, Beads of Ruin, and the lack of Zygarde-C and Spectral Thief definitely kick this into overdrive compared to its Gen 7 incarnation, as only a very limited amount of things are capable of walling it, let alone finding safe opportunities to scare it out. Choice Specs, Nasty Plot, and Normalize are all options that have seen use and have different ways to mess with counters; Choice Specs aims to simply power through anything that isn't a specially defensive Primal Kyogre or Arceus-Ground, Nasty Plot aims to do so but with more PP and a self-Imposter-proof via Judgment, and Normalize can just completely nullify teams lacking safe Revelation Dance options. We don't think that having these very specific special walls forced on almost all teams for any amount of security against this is healthy.

The next big thing on our watchlist is Mega Mewtwo Y - Lumina Crash has a similarly centralizing effect of forcing Covert Cloak on everything, and it has a monumental amount of different options that can mess with counters; most notable in this regard is its Magic Guard set. However, it lacks the instant damage output that Mega Gengar has, and many sets are far more susceptible to Imposter, which have (so far) kept it in reasonable check. We'll also be keeping an eye on Deoxys-Attack and Mega Mewtwo X, although those don't seem as bad yet.

Tagging Kris to implement.
I haven't seen anyone post any sets for Deoxys-Attack yet, which I think is a shame even if MMY and MMX are kinda broken (and probably better). Played around on ladder and this set felt pretty "unwallable" given you play it well so I thought I might as well post it here and maybe it's worth something.


Deoxys-Attack @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- V-create
- Lumina Crash
- Volt Tackle
- High Jump Kick

Physically oriented Deo-A with Lumina Crash for Fur Coat mons is a beast with conditions™ It loves coming on specially defensive mons and offensive mons it threatens out to force switches or just blow the specially defensive mons up because people just stay in for some reason? Main issue is that Lumina Crash can't immediately threaten Fur Coat mons and of course you die to anything that touches you so you need to get the prediction game going but otherwise everything dies if you just get good. My Improof for this was Fur Coat Mega Slowbro with Covert Cloak to stop Lumina Crash from trolling. Most games this thing went hard but found it annoying to break through Fur Coat mons and sometimes killed itself too quickly with Volt Tackle. FREE BOLT STRIKE.

Deoxys-Attack @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Lumina Crash
- Astral Barrage
- Electro Drift

I haven't used this but it might be better. HJK can still troll most Scales mon that want to switch in and its special coverage can hit them quite hard anyway but this seems a bit annoying to immediately threaten out stuff like Primal Ogre. Interesting interaction Chessking talked about was that Shell Side Arm does indeed recognise Fur Coat and Ice Scales so it could be offbrand Photon Geyser, although doesn't recognise Assault Vest for some reason...? This one is a pain in the ass to improof and I ended up resorting to Ice Scales Mega Sableye as bad as it sounds. Volt Absorb Yveltal which Chessking recommended is a fake improof considering it dies to 2 HJK.


Team I used to ladder, in review, probably should run a Scales Arceus that doesn't get its ass blown apart by the Chloroblast that MMY seems to run fairly commonly. Pretty fun meta so far, although RIP NDBH so sad. I believe in NDOM perma-ladders... Some other extra notes I found when playing on ladder. Impostor Pikachu after it copied my Mega Diancie very nearly tore me a new one and I only won after winning an ESpeed tie, so yeah that's a funny thing. Mewtwo forms are a pain in the ass and I have to super cope with Impostor. God forbid people run MMY/MMX like this Deoxys-Attack and try to just blow shit up primarily with all the coverage it wants and maybe Knock to troll Covert Cloak as an answer to Lumina spam. Oh yeah and if they have like a Kartana or mixed Deso FireCeus the plan is to win faster, gamble with Impostor or click X (you could always replace Impostor but I'm too lazy to optimise this team I made in 5 minutes)
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Ah go to hell. I'm not even sure how this is going to make it easier for me to build in the long run.
I started this team by copying the same 3 mons core I used in Gen 7 and that actually worked for once, by understanding the meta and the best types that could hit it supereffectively.
Dragons, Fairies, Steels and Ghosts/Psychics are still omnipresent this gen as well.
So, Fairy+Ice, Poison+Steel, Ground+Fire and Ghost (+Dark, kind of) are the best attacking types.
Pixilate MDiancie is a classic. Fairy hits every dragon super hard, then V-Create (Or Precipe Blades) are there to bop steels.
MMY is my SFLO user (my favourite ability+item combination). Naty Plot because both Tail Glow and Quiver Dance are unusable and Ground+Ice+Poison picks the first three most used types and kills them.
Scarf Adapt MGengar is/was used to outspeed the heck out of everything and hit other ghosts supereffectively + TBH anything for a heck ton of damage. Trick to cripple walls, Volt Switch to pivot out.
The other three mons were put together in like 5 minutes to imposterproof the first three mons.
Ting-Lu does not care about any of Gengar's moves and is also used to deploy hazards and my special "wall". It works, kind of, to be something thrown in 5 minutes on the first BH team of the gen.
Toxapex is a generic physical mon and stops my Diancie. Chilling Water + Foul Play do not go well together, it should be probably be toxic (for POgre, a problem for this team).
RegenVest POgre is the secondary special wall. I much prefer built in HP Regen tbh. Torch Song is there because I didn't know what to put in that place and at least hits steels that try to block spin + +1 Spatk every time can be useful. Spin is hazard removal, Dance is STAB, U-turn is obvious.
I should probably have put Bolt Strike (Or whatever is free now) on something to hit POgre since it's a thorn in the side, but now I will have to scrap this crap entirely probably, to find another decent ghost.
Oh well, it happens, I hope the meta becomes better with this change, that's the most important thing!
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A Comprehensive Guide on Building a Balance Team w/ Imposter

Noticing a good influx of new players in the meta but also think that this could be useful for not-new players too regarding teambuilding.
Tea did a more general, simplified guide on teambuilding that is 6+ months old but is still useful, so be sure to check it out too.

This guide provides a general structure and teambuilding process for what I believe to be the most consistent and beginner friendly archetype in BH, being standard Balance. Imposter is included in this structure despite it not being super beginner friendly because A. Imposter is broken into defensive mons and incredibly good blanket check right now and B. using Imposter more on your teams is good practice and can help with learning how to use it.

Throughout the guide I'll be using one of my more recent teams as an example. I don't think this team is amazing or anything but its been solid so far and works out as an example. Here is the full team paste for following along. I'll also refer to parts of my other teams as examples that I have tested (and not just theorymon).

0. The Structure

The structure that this guide will focus on is a standard Balance structure with a small degree of variation. This structure generally features 2 offensive Pokemon, 3 defensive Pokemon, and 1 Imposter user. The main differences will be in how much defensive utility the offensive Pokemon have: more offensive sets generally mean less defensive utility. Little defensive utility borders on the edge of Bulky Offense, decent defensive utility is a more standard Balance, and higher defensive utility leans towards bulky Balance and Semi-Stall.

In terms of the specific type of Balance, it generally comes down to the team concept (aka what the team is built around). Some concepts naturally lend towards a more offensive Balance build while others are more defensive.

Side note, this is what I usually mean when I say stuff like 2-3-1 Balance or 1.5-3.5-1 Balance.

0.1 Why Balance

I think Balance is the easiest structure to build and use for most players. Compared to Bulky Offense, Balance's stronger defensive backbone provides more leeway and consistency, and the games tend to last a bit longer for players to experience more stuff such as hazards game and pivot game. Compared to (Semi-)Stall the games don't get drawn out too long, which should appeal to the general player more; I also am not a Stall player so I cannot provide a guide on it!

1. Starting off - Team concept

Every team needs something to be built around. This can be a specific set, a core, or a general wincon idea. Just deciding that you are going to build a "Balance" or a "Stall" won't give you any specific direction and you won't get anywhere.

For this Balance structure, most often the team concept will be some offensive set/core, since these are the most common concepts. That is not to say that other concepts are not possible; one of my first teams in this new meta was built around Scarf Regen Solgaleo because it seemed like an interesting set, while the more recently I've been memeing around with Power Construct.

It is highly recommended that the team concept is something that is appealing to you. Building around a set that you don't find interesting or are comfortable using can get you a solid team in the end, but there is no point if you won't enjoy playing the team. Also, while there aren't really any limitations on the viability of the concept, it should be reasonable. Trying to make your favourite LC mon work is probably not going to give you a solid team, while something like using an interesting UR mon that seems like it has a niche might actually give you a team to play around with.

Team Example:
I wanted to build around Pain Split Mega Diancie because Diancie has base 50 HP and can get chipped down, and this also allows me to use Life Orb well. Precipice Blades over V-create to hit stuff like Arceus-Fire and Ice Scales Dialga-O harder, though I could change it if needed later on.

2. Next step - Support

Tea also made a post on providing support for wallbreakers, the meta has changed but the key concepts have not, check it out.

The next step in teambuilding is to provide support to the team concept. Support can come as so many ways that vary in importance depending on the team concept that it is not very realistic to cover everything in specific, but in essence support is to just assist and complement the team concept. And yes non-offensive team concepts do require support too.
This part is the most important part of the teambuilding process and also spans all the remaining processes. Even when filling out the defensive core it is important to keep in mind how those defensive mons can support the team concept.

It is important at this stage to consider what your team concept does in specific, which is also why an interesting team concept will be easier to build around because you probably have thought about it for more and are more engaged. Important things to consider are:
- What does it do well? What is the idea behind the set/core? In other words, the strengths and objectives.
- What does it not do well against? For offensive concepts, consider defensive answers and faster offensive threats. For defensive concepts, consider offensive threats that can break through and defensive mons that will be annoying. For all concepts, consider Imposter.

From here, consider what support would be useful. Common types of support including complementary offense + defense, hazards + removal, status + absorption, Knock Off + absorption, speed control, slow pivoting, etc.

2.1 Complementary Offense

I'll discuss complementary defense in the later section, so I'll focus on complementary offense here.

Make sure your secondary offensive Pokemon that you are using as support is actually supporting the team concept.

This is a pretty common mistake and I think is one of the differences BH has with other tiers. Every defensive mon in BH has reliable recovery and high sustain, and in this meta are pretty specialized too. Thus, a basic idea of "physical wallbreaker + special wallbreaker is good because they beat each other's walls" sounds good but is actually not, because the walls for both are highly likely to be independent. If the opposing team has two distinct walls for the two wallbreakers then you are not breaking through with this idea.

Example: Specs Psysurge MMY + Band Kartana: RegenVest Solgaleo + any Ice Scales + Miraidon walls, and MMY is not helping Kartana break Miraidon nor is Kartana helping MMY with the RegenVest + Scales core.

It is important to note however, that this doesn't mean physical + special wallbreaking cores don't exist. If one of the wallbreakers is extremely difficult to wall, then the ideal support would be creating opportunities for it to come in as many times as possible. In these situations, the opposite spectrum breaker would do an excellent job of that. Personally I find this works worse with special wallbreakers as the focus, because RegenVest can be effective at slowing/resetting progress.

What you should be looking for in the complementary offense mon is generally to help the team concept break its checks, but it can also be reversed. It is completely fine and common to share a check provided that the overloading can be effective at breaking through (e.g. trying to overload a RegenVest mon is going to be harder than for a Scales mon). Other approaches include taking advantage of the overloaded role rather than the mon, such as exploiting teams generally running one Fur Coat to run two physical wallbreakers that do not share checks.

2.2 Other support methods

One of the most common support options is Knock Off. Removing key items like Covert Cloak, Assault Vest, and Imposter's Eviolite can be instrumental for a wincon. Some wincons have the moveslot to run Knock Off themself but most rely on Knock Off teammates.

Entry hazards are also important, particularly for wallbreakers that require a bit of chip onto walls to hit the 2HKOs. Some wallbreakers will depends less on this if they already have sufficient power, but hazards are never bad to try to fit. For highly dependent wallbreakers, consider having strong spinblocking as well.

Slow pivoting is crucial for many wallbreakers since even if they have sufficient bulk to take hits, they generally hate status and Knock Off. Some wallbreakers need this more than others, such as Deoxys-A, while others have a lot more opportunities to hard switch in, such as Arceus-Ghost.

Lastly, it is important to realize that this step in the teambuilding process isn't strictly ordered, in other words, its normal to have some good support options in mind but not decide on one and instead start continuing on and revisiting it later. This happens more frequently with more self-sufficient or generic sets. But keep in mind of providing support throughout teambuilding.

Team Example:
SNR Ghostceus complements Diancie by helping against chipping Steel-types effectively while Diancie destroys Yveltal and heavily pressures/drains recovery PP from Ice Scales mons.

3. Filling out the team - Defensive Core

In the current meta, I think there are practically limitless viable defensive cores, but obviously in practice there are few that would fit the team well. Defensive cores do exist, consisting of pairs of Pokemon that have strong defensive synergy, but you shouldn't be reusing a full defensive core onto a team without considering the synergies with the team concept.

Important to note that you do not need to fill out the movesets for the defensive core until you are basically done. There is a good chance you might swap stuff around and the most important aspects of a defensive mon is the mon itself and the ability anyways. The moves are flexible.

For finding suitable mons, sorting by BST in the teambuilder + any filters necessary or going through VR/your memory are generally good ways.

3.0 Basic core elements

The current meta is mixed/specially oriented, with a lot more diverse special offense that dictates more specially defensive cores. Thus it is generally agreed that the best basic defensive structure is Fur Coat + Ice Scales + RegenVest. The RegenVest can be swapped for another Ice Scales, but generally Regenerator provides more utility with moves and acts as an excellent scouter and loses less momentum. Sometimes a different defensive pivot/midground can be considered too, but those are very specific and more niche.

For simplicity this guide will mostly assume that this core is being used. There are obviously many possible deviations, particularly with hybrid concepts (offensive sets that offer good defensive utility). Particularly Magic Bounce is a luxurious addition that can be very helpful with improofing and sapblocking if you have the room to fit it.

3.1 Starting off

There are several possibilities to start building the defensive core, depending on the team concept.

a. The team concept is a defensive concept

This just means that you are building around a defensive set, and so your build process will be around supplementing that and providing complementary wincons that can maybe be improofed/supported by the defensive concept.

Example: I added Ice Scales Darkceus to supplement RegenScarf Solgaleo because it was vulnerable to MGar.

b. Improof of existing offensive mons

You begin by adding Improofs (could be multiple) to your offensive sets. Generally this is a priority if the offensive set is hard to improof. For more standard sets with multiple viable Improofs you can delay this step until you have a better idea of which one of the possible Improofs to use. For self-improof offensive sets skip.

The strength of the Improof depends on the mon. If a offensive set is prone to being soft checked by Imposter then the Improof should be sturdy to repeatedly come in against Imposter. Meanwhile if the offensive set is threatening to Imposter enough (e.g. Specs MGar before ban, Deoxys-A) you can opt for a softer Improof. Do not use unviable Improofs that serve little purpose outside of improofing. If you find this to be necessary, consider changing the offensive set. Akira is making a video on Imposter so I won't go into these too in detail.

I had a MG Deoxys-A that I chose to improof with Ice Scales Miraidon because it would be a sufficient Improof for the few times I need it while providing chip damage against special walls to further push them into 2HKO range.
I had a Specs Pixilate Mega Gardevoir that I chose to improof with AV Mega Steelix. Worth mentioning that I chose Gardevoir's 4th slot coverage as Astral Barrage over say Armor Cannon because of the Improof.
Improofing Blacephalon with Imposter Guzzlord is ok because Imposter Guzzlord is still a decent mon that can put in work and not deadweight outside of improof.
Improofing some crazy coverage Deoxys-A with Mega Sableye is generally not a good idea because Mega Sableye will do nothing.

Team Example:
I have a pretty standard Mega Diancie set with a few interesting improofing options, so I keep those in mind and add it later.

c. Defensive support for the team concept

You already added a defensive set when considering support for the team concept (that isn't just an Improof). Now you can build upon that.

Team Example:
I have a Mega Diancie that is walled by Ho-Oh. Fur Coat Miraidon serves as a great check to Ho-Oh and can pressure specially defensive cores consisting of Ho-Oh.

3.2 Continuing

Once you already have an element in the defensive core, it's time to supplement it. As mentioned, the important part is filling out the mons + abilities first.

If the existing defensive set is a Fur Coat user, think about common physical offensive mons that can break past with ease. Consider adding a mostly specially defensive mon that can help check those sets by virtue of typing and bulk. This is typically the RegenVest user, and it should supplement the Fur Coat and Imposter.

If the existing defensive set is a SpD role, think about common special offensive mons that can break past with ease. Consider adding the other SpD role as something that helps checks those.

Afterwards, just apply these thinkings again. e.g. If there anything mixed breakers that the SpD core cannot handle, consider that for the FC mon.

Also consider improofing, covered more in detail in 3.4. Before filling out the moves, do a basic checklist regarding the threatlists and typings.

Team Example:
After adding Miraidon I needed a Regen + Scales core. Mega Scizor seems like an interesting Steel-type that can do a RegenVest role and also improof Mega Diancie. Scizor can be effectively improofed by a Fire-type, which would also resist any Fire-type coverage thrown at Scizor, so Ice Scales Ho-Oh rounds the team off, while also being improofed by Miraidon.

3.3 Movesets

Once the mons are set, it is time to fill out the moveslots. It is important to not just throw on random utility moves onto defensive mons.

The most important role for a defensive mon is to actually beat the offensive threats it is meant to check and improof. Having an Ice Scales mon be setup fodder for Calm Mind Arceus-forme is not going to be very useful, nor is the MG MMX check that cannot significantly damage or cripple it.

The exact moves are going to vary widely between teams, but generally ways to cripple offensive mons include status (beware of Jungle Healing), Knock Off (reduces damage output), anti-setup (basically just Strength Sap and Haze), your own setup (Calm Mind on Scales mon for example), SE moves (generally needs to be STAB, more specific), and slow pivoting + revenge-killer (Imposter can work a lot of times too).

For recovery move choices, standard recovery is almost never wrong to give. Strength Sap can be strong on Fur Coat mons since it helps compress efficient healing and setup control. Jungle Healing is more of an utility move alongside another recovery move, usually Strength Sap. Sun healing moves can be used, but ideally those should be able to deter Primordial Sea Pokemon from blocking recovery.

Any remaining moveslots can be used for basically any utility move. Play around with what the team needs. Typical options include STAB, hazards, removal, status, Knock.

Team Example:
Miraidon uses a standard moveset with Calm Mind to act as a tertiary wincon. Scizor U-turn and First Impression are obvious, and Knock + Rapid Spin are with the Improof in mind (Knock + spin absorber is Ghostceus). Ho-Oh's moveset lets Miraidon improof, originally it was Glare over Haze but that would lose to both Ghostceus variants.

3.4 Improofing

When adding mons and filling out movesets, consider improofing. For every defensive mon you will need a way to prevent Imposter from overexploiting them. This at minimum means forcing Imposter out and not allowing it to just sit there for 20 turns PP stalling. When adding mons consider if their typing allows them to improof teammates.

For moves make sure that the utility moves cannot threaten your Improof. This means improofing Knock Off users with Knock Off immune teammates or ones that don't mind item loss that much. Improofing hazard setters with mons that have spin capability (Tidy Up resets both progress). Trying to improofing spin mons with spinblockers. Offensive improofing is also possible for pivots by having a teammate have the capability to deal huge damage to Imposter if it tries to stay in, though remember to have a backup Improof for situations where you cannot guarantee a safe switch for the teammate.

For mons/sets that seem too difficult to Improof, consider Spirit Shackle.

For offensive wallbreakers that matchup poorly into Imposter and requires chipping it down, make sure Imposter cannot recover for free on your defensive mons. Some ways of doing so include Knocking the Eviolite, statusing the Imposter, and sap blocking / weather healing blocking.

Team Example:
Miraidon is more or less selfproof by trapping Imposter and poisoning it, and Scizor can block spin and pivot into Chansey, threatening to trap.
Scizor is improofed by Ghostceus and Ho-Oh if you get a free switch. It Knocks Imposter to allow Diancie to break easier. Ghostceus in particular blocks Spin and absorbs Knock.
Ho-Oh is improofed by Miraidon, who can spin away hazards set.

4. Completing the team - Finalizing

If there are any remaining parts of the team that are unfinished, usually supporting offense that haven't been decided, you can add them any time between parts 2 and 3. Pick something that you feel would work well and can fit into the team without making any major changes if the defensive core is already finished. If it does require major changes though, then see if you can change up the defensive core to accommodate while not compromising matchups.

Team Example:
Ghostceus is the last member. My Arceus slot was available and it would be useful as a Knock absorber to improof Scizor. Ghost fits well, and I went with the SNR set to provide more firepower (see part 2). It is pretty much selfproof so I don't have to make any changes.

5. Imposter

As the last thing to do to complete the team, add Imposter. This is almost always Eviolite Chansey in the current meta because the bulk is immensely useful against powerful threats, but Cloak Blissey can be useable on more bulkier teams as a potential wincon against fatter teams. Obviously if you needed Guzzlord for improofing purposes you would've added it already.

It is important to realize the improofing capabilities of Imposter Chansey. By retaining a massive special bulk, decent physical bulk, and a movepool that can be specifically catered towards improofing (since it doesn't need actually good movesets), it can be a reliable Improof to your special attackers and select mixed breakers. Imposter also can sapblock effectively.
Minor note, maximize the SpA EVs on Imposter, you never know when you might play against Future Sight and it will make it deal a bit more damage.

6. Reviewing

After completing the team, do a check through to see if there are any major threats the team is ill-equipped to handle or any important utilities that the team is missing.

After that and when you feel the team is satisfactory, play with it! If you notice anything while playing you can always go back to the teambuilder and make adjustments. Its relatively common to forget something until you actually run into it on the ladder or you just randomly remembering it.
For example, I didn't consider the Ghostceus matchup for this team until I ran into SNR Lunala (Knock weak unlike Ghostceus) which made me adjust the moveset on Ho-Oh.

7. Stuff you generally want on a team

- Always pack Normalize and SNR Ghostceus checks, these have the capability to just 6-0 you if you don't have any sort of counterplay. NP Ghostceus can be checked by pivoting into special revenge-killer, but otherwise also consider that.
- Some degree of speed control. Having fastest mon Arceus isn't abysmal but having a fast mon can help with some matchups and gain initiative.
- Reliable hazard removal. This generally means two removal options between the spins and Tidy Up. Make sure that you don't have two incredibly easy to spinblock spinners either.
- Knock Off. At least one Knock Off user should be present to attempt to remove crucial items.
- A Steel-type. Mortal Spin is a crazy move and is pretty much 100+% usage on every team. Having a Steel-type makes players think twice about clicking it and prevents hazards going off for free. Also Steel-type is generally useful defensively.
- Arceus. No-Arc teams are possible and can be viable, but generally there is no reason to not use an Arceus-forme on your team. Excellent bulk, great speed tier, customizable, and is the easiest unknockable mon to fit.

8. Common mistakes I find in newer teams

- Too many offensive mons. Building offense is completely fine (despite generally being less consistent). It wouldn't be an issue if not for...
- No synergy between offensive mons. Just tossing on what looks to be the most powerful wallbreakers isn't necessarily going to be better. As mentioned, if wallbreakers are targeting completely disjoint sets of defensive mons then they aren't going to be doing much.
- Not improofing defensive mons well enough. Especially a problem if an offensive mon is checked by Imp. A particularly bad example is Heal Bell on mons, allowing Imposter to fully reset any status progress.

9. Ending Notes

This structure, despite being pretty formulaic and basic, is highly customizable and can generate completely different looking teams depending on the selected team concept. After being more familiar with teambuilding and the meta, you can easily branch out into different team structures such as more offensive teams, more defensive teams, teams without Imposter, and more (or stay with whatever you are comfortable with).

This is a long read, thanks if you read through all of it. There are so many different things to do for different teambuilding concepts that I could only be quite general so if you have questions regarding teambuilding or help with a team just ping me on OM cord or Smog cord OM Rates channel.