Dragongroudon9 said:i was paypal'd $45 to throw by ducky
lol why $45? 50 seems like a more practical and less random number
Dragongroudon9 said:i was paypal'd $45 to throw by ducky
presumably bc youre almost brokelol why $45? 50 seems like a more practical and less random number
If I was broke i wouldn't be paying ppl $45 to throw a Pokemon battle loljrm115 said:presumably bc you're almost broke
thats why i said almost brokeIf I was broke i wouldn't be paying ppl $45 to throw a Pokemon battle lol
Magikingdra said:I encourage you all to let Morogrim and Duckymomo Senior fight. Make BH great again.
Who ever predicted that result has insane human knowledge.
I had a good laugh seeing the 2-2 , 2-2.
Well I thought of claiming activity, but i think its dishonorable winning of an activity post.
Any "Sub me out" initiative from either of us would have looked like a withdraw.
For those who expected a rematch, i feel sorry to disappoint you.
I had my match with RNG at 1:30 am Sunday. After that it was his turn to make the timing favor.
Sometimes my Internet is unstable too, but rather than relaying on mercy from my opponent
i blame myself for not finding a solution.
When i was younger i believed an athlete performance is the most impressive aspect of sport,
later i learned that the stuff around them is more significant.