B -> B+ | Gigas has always been a ladder stomper mon, except I've found it to be good at getting hazards and progressing that way. Spikes PH Gigas makes consistent progress in my games.
B -> B+ | Dialga doesn't have the same defenses as most Steel-types, but is amazing with paraspam. Both defensively (Nuzzle) and offensively (Doom Desire). Paraspam has been rising in both generations of BH.
B- -> B+/A- | Triage Celesteela can win games rather easily against those who are unprepared and is self-improof.
B- -> B/B+ | Solgaleo is underrated. It is annoying as FUCK for most ladder players to beat. Short of V-create, RegenVest Solgaleo dies to damn near nothing and can spread paralysis. It can force out an enormous catalog of mons and gain momentum easily. It is incredibly easy to get progress with.
C -> A-/A | Why is this in C. Seriously. This is the single most underrated mon in the meta, significantly more so than Solgaleo. It requires a fair amount of support, and it's true that most mons that outspeed it can beat it, but there is absolutely nothing that can wall it with Tinted Lens. Anything it 2HKOes runs min speed which Mega Blaziken conveniently outspeeds at -1 (Base 90s and lower). While it isn't terribly bulky, that's not to say it can't take a hit and OHKO in return. I feel like people expect too much from Blaziken and that lead to its current reputation, but when you get any momentum with it, it
will get a KO, end of story. In a metagame with a lot of paralysis and a lack of Primordial Sea/Flash Fire, it's also significantly scarier. But it doesn't even
need paralysis to be a wincon as it can eliminate walls with ease. It utterly shreds stall and balance which warrants its A rank.
C -> B-/B | Triage isn't as niche in this current metagame. MCY is actually quite decent against all but HO teams.
UR -> D | Makes a decent MCY improof. I tried it based on someone's recommendation and it surprisingly wasn't
C -> B- | Surprisingly decent FC wall. Not much else to it.
D -> C/B- | Not really gimmicky. One of the teams I used to peak ladder had Arc-Steel. It has a surprisingly strong Corkscrew Crash (Z-Doom Desire), is self-improof, beats normgar, and beats a healthy amount of setup. It can fulfill some other niches should Doom Desire or Spectral Thief not be appealing, like Defogging or setting hazards.
A+ -> A/A- | Pdon is overrated. I'm well aware this is going to be super unpopular, but I said it. Groudon is damn near unwallable, except it gets very few opportunities to sweep most teams. It's a mon that looks easy to use until the enemy has a Giratina or Imposter. Then Groudon suddenly becomes useless. That isn't an exaggeration, it straight up contributes nothing to the battle. It's not great at setting hazards in my experience. It's oddly passive when you try to spread status with it. The Anchor/V-create/Bolt Strike/Morning Sun set is just mediocre overall, despite being self-improofed. Setup Groudon risks being reverse-swept since it's impossible to improof.
Yet Groudon sucks at improofing
anything else so it hardly synergizes with most teams. Most Fairy-types do too much damage or need to carry Ground-type coverage. Most MMX sets deal too much damage to Groudon as well. Groudon can't run Ground STAB if it wants Primal Kyogre to improof. You could improof a Nuzzle user, but that Nuzzle user would have to be passive as Groudon doesn't like getting hit by Core Enforcer or really any passive coverage, meanwhile RegenVest users gain momentum off you if they don't run Volt Switch. Either you have to sacrifice Groudon's moveset to not autolose to Imposter, or you end up running dogshit sets that have zero synergy with the team overall like PrimSea Celesteela to use Groudon. You could of course use Shedinja to try and Improof Groudon, but most players rather
wouldn't since you need hazards clear before even bringing in Groudon.
I would probably suggest it be ranked lower, but I know other players would definitely not approve of that. I say this all as someone who was known to be reliant on Groudon for most of Generation 7 and made a few sets like Smash Ptrip don. Groudon is just not as good any more, and I find myself more often regretting using it in place of something else.
A+ -> A | Don't think the current meta is friendly to Shed, more teams are running hazards due to Sash Smashers being common. It's not significantly worse, but I wouldn't rate it "A+" currently. It's a solid A, maybe A- worst case scenario.
B+ -> B/B- | Idk, I just found Mega Garchomp to be considerably mediocre enough that it struggles to find a place in the current meta. Even despite parahax being common. It sits in an awkward speed tier, yet it isn't particularly great offensively. It has a god-tier STAB combo, except most of the problems people accuse Blaziken of having, Mchomp actually struggles with. Its STAB attacks are way weaker than V-create from Blaziken. While Mega Garchomp hits a ton of stuff super-effectively, I found it too difficult and awkward to use. Being a Dragon-type, it has a lot more weaknesses than Blaziken. I keep comparing Mchomp to Blaziken because both serve nearly identical roles. Except Blaziken is better in almost everything but pure stats. Precipice Blades is unreliable, so it needs to run dual Ground STAB to reliably get KOes. It can force switches rather easily, except it fares about as well as red orb Groudon when it comes to being walled. It just gets shit on by Xerneas, especially if it runs recovery. Mchomp dislikes going up against
anything that outspeeds it. Except in a faster metagame, it's very alienated. It made sense to use in a slower metagame with multiple various bulky Dragons and Steels on a stereotypical balance team. Especially when most of the remaining mons it can't even consistently OHKO without Precipice Blades.
B+ -> B/B- | I haven't seen a single person who
likes Registeel recently. Once a formidable wall, it seems to be perceived as a passive momentum sink these days. It makes a decent Prankster, except if there's a good reason to use any other Pokemon in its place, that is usually a good idea over using Registeel.
B -> B- | I feel like Mega Aerodactyl was a cool mon when MAMP first brought it up, but using it lately, it has just been consistently disappointing. It beats MMY, non-Smash MMX, and MGengar, except it either struggles against bulky Dragons or is hard to improof should you carry coverage for them. Mega Slowbro is an option.. but then you're using
two offbeat pokemon. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's a heavy commitment to using Mega Aerodactyl which I'm not exactly keen on these days.
B -> B- | Ho-Oh is extremely rare on ladder, and I just don't see much use for it. It isn't particularly strong compared to other Fire-types. As a Magic Bouncer, it's gimmicky vs alternatives like Giratina. It's not great at spreading status, and often loses momentum. It feels like a mon that only really exists for being a not-terrible improof to certain sets.
(Not Imp)
B- -> C/D | Using it, now I understand why cityscapes talked shit on this mon on discord. Useless momentum sink. The ladder has advanced past using passive improofs for most of their mons.
C -> D | There is almost no reason to use Deoxys-A. At all. There is nothing Deoxys can do that Mewtwo can't already do. The fact that it isn't even used in a meta with a ton of setup should speak volumes of how useful it is. I would nom it for UR except I'm sure some people will find a reason to keep it on the VR.
C -> UR | Ferrothorn is a fucking turd. End of story. It doesn't belong on the VR due to it being the single most passive Steel-type. It's somehow even worse than Registeel in that regard. It is exclusively used for improofing very specific mons, except it isn't even good at that. If Ferrothorn is your answer to improofing Red Orb Groudon, pick a different mon. Ferrothorn is a mon that often had so much role compression on it that it ended up losing momentum every single time it came in, since it rarely ran a pivoting move unlike Registeel. Even if it did, it'd still largely be worse than Registeel. On top of this, it just isn't used on ladder outside of ladder teams from 2018 or so. It hasn't been used since ladder stopped using passive improofs for their mons.
C -> D | It's not awful... but it's completely unused, and even in 2020 it was a stretch to say it had much usage. It made for a niche improof, except it often just exists in games... It barely contributes to much in games that I see it used.
D -> UR | Magg sounds like a theorymon these days. Not even joking. Arceus-Steel is similar but straight up better, and Mega Steelix actually has a niche unlike it. I struggle to see a reason to even use Mega Aggron for any reason.
D -> UR | A mon that struggles to get KOes and is 4x weak to U-turn. Hoopa-Unbound was considered a shitmon for years, and its reputation eventually came back to haunt it. Now ladder has completely forgotten about it. It isn't even good at setup since it's worse than both Mewtwo and Yveltal respectively.
D -> UR | Luke is a mon that just never caught on. Last it was even mentioned in OM Discord, besides some theorymonning, was a Choice Band Steelworker set from MRay meta, which evidently wasn't terribly good since it just ended up being a worse Kartana for most.
D -> UR | Legends say that among the catalog of Generation 7 BH Pokemon, Mega Sceptile was once one of its ranks. However, I am unable to verify this, and it is currently a myth as it stands. Mega Sceptile doesn't consistently beat most of the Pokemon it outspeeds which makes it very suspect. But it self-improofs!! Yeah this mon feels pointless. It can set up, except it loses to most priority and isn't the strongest of pokemon. Any RegenVest will usually invalidate that set up. And any form of setup makes it crumble in return. Why use it over Mega Beedrill or Aerodactyl if you need something that outspeeds Mega Mewtwo Y. Setup isn't exactly appealing on a frail mon that's weak to U-turn. It also just doesn't exist anywhere on ladder outside of low ladder meme teams.
D -> UR | This is a nom I'm slightly unsure with, but FF Mega Venusaur does sound and play like a relic of the past. It barely feels better than Ferrothorn, but I feel like its Poison typing could serve a niche over Ferro.