Azumarill (Analysis)

A couple notes:

- Slash Toxic on Ice Punch, as it's the only way Azumarill can threaten Burungeru, and it also catches a couple walls willing to switch into Azumarill's attacks, like Vaporeon.
- No to slashing Focus Punch next to Superpower. You NEED NEED NEED the ability to hit Nattorei straight up, as many players will keep it in on Azumarill, and Superpower OHKOs it.
- No to a BP/TR set- those are kinda "self-explanatory" in the metagame, and also not very good.
Changes made:

- Removing Return from the main options on the CB set. It only hits Starmie, Gyarados and Slowbro harder than any other moves Azumarill has, and I've found myself hardly using it. The fact that Gyarados and Slowbro both dislike Toxic also is a factor.

- Ice Punch and Waterfall are the options for the 4th slot on the CB set, and on the LO/Muscle Band set.

- Minor errors fixed.

- EV spread for the CB set changed to provide maximum bulk.

- Removed many mentions of Trick Room and Baton Pass. They are still mentioned [Such as mentioning Azumarills utility on a TR team due to Aqua Jet], but not to the degree that they were before. Baton Pass still gets a mention in Team Options, because Gliscor is a great pokemon to both abuse the boosts itself, and pass them to Azumarill.

- Politoad mention is moved from Dream World to Team Options.

Also, SDS, I disagree with Trick Room not being good. The current metagame is dominated by Swift Swim and Sand throw and fast things such as Garchomp. Trick Room destroys this, just look at all the nominations for Rankurusu, partly due to his TR set...
Waterfall lacks coverage. Dragons are a common switch-in to Azumarill due to it's primary attacks being Aqua Jet and Superpower. Ice Punch is Azumarill's best bet to hit Dragons, with the exceptions of Kingdra, Ononokusu, Krimgan [Like you're gonna see him in OU] and Sazandora.

Due to the nessessity of Toxic to cripple switch-ins Azumarill can't beat, to provide support to the team, Ice Punch and Waterfall have to fight it out for the last slot, and, in playtesting, I've hardly ever used Waterfall, while I've caught many a dragon off-guard with Ice Punch.
Waterfall lacks coverage. Dragons are a common switch-in to Azumarill due to it's primary attacks being Aqua Jet and Superpower. Ice Punch is Azumarill's best bet to hit Dragons, with the exceptions of Kingdra, Ononokusu, Krimgan [Like you're gonna see him in OU] and Sazandora.

Due to the nessessity of Toxic to cripple switch-ins Azumarill can't beat, to provide support to the team, Ice Punch and Waterfall have to fight it out for the last slot, and, in playtesting, I've hardly ever used Waterfall, while I've caught many a dragon off-guard with Ice Punch.
With that in mind, is there a reason why Waterfall is the first option?
Since Burunguru isn't nearly as prevalent as it used to be, Toxic is unneeded, as Azumarill really benefits from the extra coverage (or STAB) move. Bloo and I talked it over and decided that the CB set should look like this.

-Aqua Jet
-Ice Punch / Return

With Double Edge and Toxic mentioned in the AC. We also decided that the non-CB set isn't really viable since it just doesn't hit hard enough. Delete the second set and make the above moveset change, and it's QC Approved (1/3)
Delta and I discussed this on IRC and decided on the changes he outlined in his post. Make the changes and you have my approval!

You should include a SubPunch set or perhaps even a Cheer Up set, as an Azu who can boost its attack is pretty frightening. At the very least Azumarill needs other sets besides those same 4 moves with a slightly different item
Obligatory mention of Belly Drum? Sure, it's not that great, since no AJ, but +6 Huge Power STAB Water attacks are something to be feared.

Mention that you can run more speed on the CB set and less on the LO set, cuz you can.

OC mention of Jolly to outspeed...stuff.

Also, control+f "Azumarril," you missed four of 'em.

<p>Burungeru is an absolute stop to Azumarill. It is immune to Return, Aqua Jet, Waterfall and Superpower, while it can wall Ice Punch all day long. Unfortunetly, there is nothing Azumarill can do about this, unless it is carrying Toxic, although it would have suceeded in making the foe switch out, loseing any boosts they may have attained. Gyarados is also a potent counter, due to Intimidate, and resistances to Aqua Jet and Superpower. Other physically bulky waters, such as Swampert, can also defeat Azumarril. Skarmory can also roost off anything Azumarill throws at it, although Superpower will deal heavy damage on the switch-in.</p>

About Burungeru, you need to clarify. Burungeru doesn't boost, so you're talking about the pokemon who switched out, into Burungeru.

Also, Burungeru isn't an absolute stop to Azu, because it has Toxic. >_> Should probably make the word choice less...absolute.

Skarmory takes the same damage from Waterfall as Superpower, on the switch-in, at least.

Also, Swampert doesn't resist Water, so it probably can't take CB Waterfalls.

In TO, speed boost Sharpedo is released.

<p>As a Choice Bander, Azumarill will also be switching a lot, and, as a result, some form of hazard prevention is a good idea. Magic Mirror Espeon, Mischevious Heart leads with Taunt, and even Rapid Spinners are all helpful for prolonging Azumarill's life.</p>

Should probably explain why Herbivore is inferior to Huge Power, like, because Huge Power gives you more...power. It's also more reliable.

Maybe OC mention of Scarf set?
SubPunch should be included or at least mentioned:

name: SubPunch
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Focus Punch
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Waterfall / Ice Punch / Toxic
item: Leftovers
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Ability: Huge Power
Edited as the QC team suggested.

Subpunch will be added if I get some more support on it, and someone with evidence that it is viable. Subpunch dosen't really fit on my current team, so I can't effectivly test it.

@ Darkamber: Scarf isn't viable. Azumarill will be using Priority 90% of the time, and needs the power from CB to 2HKO physically defensive Nattorei. Even with a Scarf, Azumarill is still rather slow, and loses out on what makes it so useful, the raw power combined with priority. It's kind of like Scarf Scizor syndrome.

Belly Drum... could be mildly useful due to the switches Azumarill forces, but loss of Aqua Jet renders it completely unviable, as Azumarill will just bite the dust before doing anything.

Jellicent, even if it is Toxiced, has still stopped Azumarill. Azumarill can't do a thing, it's locked on Toxic. It has stopped it, and forced it out... unless you're going to stay in and keep Toxicing.
I'm joining the group in support of a SubPunch set. The one Void showed should definitely be at least mentioned as a set. Many different pokemon switch out upon seeing Azumarill, and that alone makes a subpunch set viable with its huge attack stat.

The only qualm I have with Void's set is the mention of waterfall as an option in the last slot. Yes, it is STAB, but it offers nothing as far as coverage goes. I think the last move slot should list Toxic as the primary option since it gives Azumarill a way to deal with Ghosts, namely Jellicent. The secondary options should be ice punch for flyers or dragons, and my personal favorite, Knock Off.

I've been using a Subpunch set with knock off and it has been ruining many teams. While it isn't as effective as Toxic for some things, it never fails at permanently hurting and sometimes crippling opposing pokemon. Toxic can't say that because of Poison types as well as prior status conditions or Natural Cure (I'm looking at you, Celebi), which can make Toxic a wasted attack.

I'll try to send you some gamelogs showing a SubPunch set's effectiveness. It'll probably be a couple days since I'm gonna be busy, but I'll get them to you sometime soon.

Also, I apologize for the low post count. I've been lurking here for quite a while.
name: Cheer Up
move 1: Cheer Up
move 2: Aqua Jet
move 3: Waterfall
move 4: Superpower / Ice Punch
item: Life Orb
nature: Adamant
evs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
Ability: Huge Power

Try this on a rain team and watch fireworks. +1 Life Orb Rain Boosted Aqua Jet cuts through offensive teams like butter. Waterfall does something like 85%ish to Skarm in the rain at +1 ouch, and Superpower is obvious OHKO for Natty. You still can't do anything against Buru :(. Also, paralyze the dragons, because Waterfall does over 80% to Latias as well in the rain.
Is it just me, or is return not worth a slot. I mean all water can't hit is grass, dragon and, other water types. 2 of those are delt with by ice punch, and only water is left, and don't use usually just superpower them anyway? Honestly if you are worried about water types, then go with double edge, since its going to hit more reliably then return. And this thing usually does fine with HP loss.

And I second the mention, or atleast more reasearch, of arumarill with rain dance support.
add/change, remove, comment


<p>Azumarill, While initially overlooked in Generation 2 and 3, at first, Azumarill has been improving with each passing generation. It gained Huge Power, doubling it's attack stat, in the 3rd Generation ADV, and the 4th Generation DPP gave it the all important Aqua Jet, making Azumarill a formidable physical attacker in UU. a STAB priority move, which, combined with a Choice Band and Huge Power, decimated anything which did not resist it, or had considerable bulk. Unfortunately, the fifth generation has not given Azumarill itself anything as groundbreaking as the 3rd and 4th Generations, but it has brought with it a metagame almost perfectly tailored to the Aquarabbit. In the OU metagame, Azumarill finds itself able to revenge kill the likes of Speed Boost Blaziken Heatran [or just something else since blaziken is banned], Sand Throw Excadrill, and Volcarona, something which not even Scizor and Conkeldurr can boast.</p>

(hmm there needs to be something about Azumarill's downfalls)

name: Choice Band
move 1: Aqua Jet
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Waterfall
move 4: Ice Punch / Return
item: Choice Band
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Def / 12 SpD
Ability: Huge Power


<p>With Huge Power and a Choice Band, Azumarill hits a massive 654 Attack stat, making the otherwise weak Aqua Jet powerful enough to decimate almost anything that dosen't resist it. However, many of BW's Generation 5's top offensive threats. are weak to Aqua Jet. Blaziken, For example, Volcarona and Excadrill are all either cleanly OHKOed by Aqua Jet, (or in Excadrill's case, takes a minimum of 99% damage on their its standard offensive sets). Other threats Aqua Jet covers includes Landorus and Terrakion, as well as frailer Pokemon such as Gengar and Zoroark.</p>

<p>However, Azumarill's Aqua Jet on one of these aforementioned threats is about as predictable as Scizor using Bullet Punching on a Salamance (should be replaced by something that wasn't banned :p) was in Gen 4 DPP, so it is likely that the foe will switch out their intended Aqua Jet target. This is already in your favor, as you have removed any boosts they have gotten. It is also likely that the foe will switch to a Pokemon who is resistant to Water-type attacks. In this case, prediction can not only force out the opponents sweeper, but also easily score you a possible KO. Dragon-types and most Grass-types can be handled by Ice Punch, and most other Pokemon who can switch into Aqua Jet will not take kindly to Superpower, especially Ferrothorn, who, on a 252/Impish spread will take between 286 and 337 damage, which will 2HKO it, while a Specially Defensive Nattorei will be cleanly OHKO'ed is OHKOed unless it runs a load of Defense EVs. Waterfall is Azumarill's strongest attack, and with Water having excellent neutral coverage, is a good option if you are unsure of what is switching in. The choice of Return or Ice Punch is dependant on what you want to deal more damage to; Ice Punch is the better option if you find you're troubled by Dragon- or Grass-types switching in a lot, but otherwise, Return is the better coverage move due to its higher base power.</p>


<p>The choice of EVs is to allow Azumarill to take hits better on both sides, while being able to dish out as much damage as possible. As Since a lot of them time Azumarill will be using priority attacks or hitting switch-ins, Azumarill does not need the Speed investment. As a Choice Band user, Azumarill will be switching a lot, meaning residual damage will add up very quickly. In order to counteract this, Rapid Spin support from Pokemon like Forretress can be valuable, as Azumarill can simultaneously use its Fire-type weakness as an opportunity to switch in and hit hard.</p>

(need a paragraph about teammates)

[Other Options]

<p>Azumarill doesn't have much else useful to offer. Toxic is a choice if you are worried about to surprise Slowbro and Jellicent who otherwise completely wall Azumarill. Double-Edge is a more powerful alternative to Return, but chips away at Azumarill's health.</p>

(there's some of other stuff to mention like life orb and subpunch)

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Jellicent is an absolute stop to Azumarill; it is immune to Return, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, and Superpower, while it and can wall Ice Punch all day long. Unfortunately, there is nothing Azumarill can do about this, unless it is carrying Toxic, although it would have succeeded in making the foe switch out, loseing any boosts they may have attained (I don't understand what this last part is trying to say). Gyarados is also a potent solid counter, due to Intimidate, and resistances to Aqua Jet and Superpower. Other physically bulky Water-types such as Suicune, can also defeat Azumarill, barring critical hit Superpowers or Returns. Skarmory can also Roost off anything Azumarill throws at it, although Superpower a Choice Band-boosted Waterfall will deal heavy damage on the switch-in. Aside from the aformentioned Water-types, however, Azumarill has very few hard counters. Most Pokemon are at risk of being 2HKOed by Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, or Superpower. Dusclops also makes a good counter to Azumarill, being bulky enough to shrug off anything it can throw any of its attacks and threaten a burn with Will-O-Wisp, which will reduce make Azumarill almost useless to worthlessness. Azumarill is also vulnerable to all forms of entry hazards, and will typically be Choice-locked locked into an attack and forced to switch a lot. Spikes are preferable more dangerous due to their adding up very fast ability to stack, but Stealth Rock is also solid a problem. Toxic Spikes are also an issue for Azumarill, slowly whittling down its health. will usually only manage one or two turn's worth of damage, so one layer is preferable to two.</p>

(this should probably be split into two paragraphs, makes it look a lot nicer on-site)

[Dream World]

<p>Azumarill gains Herbivore in Dream World, granting it an immunity to Grass-type attacks, and a +1 to Attack boost when it switches in on one. However, this ability is easily inferior to Huge Power, due to the fact that most Grass-types resist Aqua Jet still cause trouble for Azumarill, and Huge Power automatically provides what is equivalent to a +2 Attack boost.</p>

There were mainly just a lot of minor spelling and capitalization errors. I ended up making more nitpicks than I thought I would though so take whichever suggestions you want :p
I know his check was some time ago but stamping Erebyssial's check because it's good.


GP 1/2
Changes Made, my apologies for the delays, been somewhat busy.

I don't think I need to change the Salamence thing. Salamence was OU for about 95% of Gen 4, and, to be honest, the few Mances in Ubers get BP'ed too.
Mention how Azu completely DESPISES Sun, which cuts the power of its STAB in half and prevents it from revenge killing certain threats under Sun. Volcarona suddenly gains the ability to Morning Sun off anything Azu tries, for example.