90/6/5/5/5/fast. at least your recoil moves give you penalty-proof when you hit a 2 defense lucky egg guy. not clear what exactly this guys supposed to do besides handily lose to fighting-types

85/4/5/7/5/fast. on cart you can just sticky web and die and chill but here that doesn't really work, this guy is basically a moonblast clicker with sleep, which puts you in about the same place as sylveon (who was also posted in here!) except sylveon has actual stats. screens qd are
okay but you need to get to level 4 just for that which is done better by other stuff anyway (everyone is good with screens). abilities do nothing for it. gets a bunch of weird shit like fake tears and bestow but just use togekiss

kinda like ribombee except instead of every trick you have a few tricks and decent stats. not terrible in doubles cause you get support moves and all that (still competes with alcremie) but just a very uninspiring and passive mon with truly confounding moves such as aromatic mist. at least you have moonblast.

bulk and spa stats are equal to ribombee. again sticky web aside this guy is made for clicking electric moves every turn and we made like 5 caps for that exact purpose. this guy isnt very good

if you want a fast water move clicking guy that has 9 attack and absolutely nothing else then this is your dude. i think this loses to impish tyranitar despite having close combat. also extremely uninteresting and unappealing due to the complete lack of tricks (it still wouldnt be great with tricks but would be at least ok)

i got the horses in the back. 85/7/5/6/6/fast and the idea is youre immune to hazards and cant be trapped. or in galarian rapidash's case the idea is also that you're immune to poison (?). galarian rapidash is the type of mon to trade off against conkeldurr if you count allowing mach combo on your next guy as "trading off". kanto rapidash at least has ff and wisp so you can beat shit like metagross, but is still hardly inspirational. these also suffer from horn drill being easily the worst ohko move.

so many moves and for what? even in doubles these are hard to justify because the 6 spa really starts to hurt you and you don't have night shade or psywave. (keen eye doesnt help for this because your coverage moves are strictly 8 power at most, a problem i see in a lot of keen eye users.) assuming youre able to play a successful supporting role by spamming helping hand or whatever (still not actually a good setup), you still have 85/6/6 bulk and need to watch out for taunt. meowstic-m gets prankster and meowstic-f gets competitive but neither really do much for them. gothitelle also effortlessly outclasses both.

this is a good example of what i was talking about with the keen eye thing. you have exactly 2 nonstab moves worth clicking (knock off and ice beam). anyway this guy is kinda like pelipper except you need to supply the rain manually (with your tears)

hates the drum nerf obviously, but even beyond that not a very good drummer even factoring in espeed. i always see drummers boosting their speed in this (trailblaze ursaluna, flame charge zard), or just having priority (azu, hariyama, iron hands) and the espeed idea is pretty unremarkable in comparison. the abilities (pickup, gluttony, quick feet) are also just a bit awkward and it feels like they don't work together very well.

hey look its the guy that can only boost his attack with drum after drum became 2 turn duration lol. how you doin man

part of me wants to get this and bring them to things cause new hustle + regen is pretty much the perfect ability combo but then i have to first send corsola (if i second send it i probably die in the space of 2 rounds). the mon doesn't really have a lot for very strong attacks, struggles to do damage even with hustle, and 85 hp is right in the sour spot between cool w/ pomeg and usable w/ lucky egg.

85/6/6 is too low to be a screens supporter, 6 spa means you struggle to win favorable type matchups, you get hit super effectively always, subseed is very far from game-breaking in this, no strength sap and no sleep powder. you know the drill.

spikes are enough to make anything at least okay but this guy doesnt have a lot else. offensive mon with one of the worst offensive type combinations. even cacturne gets stab knock off and in general has almost twice as many moves, and that's cacturne, who isn't close to being good.