My Best Videos from the Friendly
Ill probably go over the thread soon and pick up some more movies to record.
ill put up a playlist when I'm done I suppose :P
Here's a few I thought were pretty epic, if you need anymore.
1. 27-32199-77575, Kira (Texas, US) vs. Jeremy (Washington, US)
I was totally demolished thanks to a creative Ambipom + Virizion duo. (Excuse my terrible play in this match)
2. 70-86330-67034, Kira vs. Tommy (California, US)
Scariest moment ever - it all came down to my LAST Hydro Pump on a Choiced Rotom. If it missed, I would've lost struggling to death. (Oh why did I forget to use PP Ups?!)
3. 81-97441-78644, Kira vs. Gary (Lombardy, Italy)
How I even won this one is nothing short of a miracle; how a Scizor and Hitmontop took down a Drought team of 4 still blows my mind.
4. 19-79576-83899, Kira vs. C-Bizzz (None)
Totally forgot to bring along my anti-TR leads. But once again, I pulled through by the skin of my teeth. case you were interested. ;)