Gen 4 Attacking Lead Deoxys-S [Done]

name: Attacking Lead
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Signal Beam / Superpower
move 3: Hidden Power Fire / Psycho Boost / Shadow Ball
move 4: Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash / Lum Berry / Colbur Berry
ability: Pressure
nature: Rash
EVs: 76 Atk / 252 SpA / 180 Spe

Offensive Deoxys-S is capable of doubling as both a suicide entry hazard lead and as an anti-lead that beats opposing Deoxys-S. After its obligatory hazard, Spikes, Signal Beam gives Deoxys-S the greatest coverage in the lead position, as it hits all of Darkrai, Tyranitar, and opposing Deoxys-S super effectively. Hidden Power Fire lets Deoxys-S deal with Forretress, whereas Psycho Boost is a powerful STAB move that additionally threatens Tentacruel. Alternatively, Superpower threatens Tyranitar more significantly while hitting Steel-types in the lead position. If using Superpower, then Shadow Ball should be used to pair it with Deoxys-S's best move to hit opposing Deoxys-S. Extreme Speed's priority is valuable to KO opposing leads when brought down to their Focus Sash.

Set Details
With maximum Special Attack EVs and a Rash nature, Deoxys-S's special attacks will hit as hard as possible, which is important to deal as much damage as possible to opposing Deoxys-S leads with Signal Beam or Shadow Ball. It also lets Deoxys-S's Psycho Boost OHKO opposing lead Tentacruel, Focus Sash aside. A Rash nature is chosen to not diminish the power of Deoxys-S's Extreme Speed or Superpower. With 176 Speed EVs, Deoxys-S successfully outspeeds Deoxys-A's Extreme Speed with Extreme Speed of its own. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack to make its Superpower and Extreme Speed as powerful as possible. Focus Sash guarantees that Deoxys-S will get a turn in the lead position to use an attacking move or set up a layer of Spikes. Lum Berry allows Deoxys-S to absorb Dark Void from Darkrai or Thunder Wave from opposing Deoxys-S, while Colbur Berry weakens Payback from Tyranitar and allows Deoxys-S to survive the attack plus the sandstorm damage after.

Usage Tips
Attacking lead Deoxys-S is very similar to attacking lead Deoxys-A but with lower offenses made up for with its higher Speed. As a result, the two play very similarly. Deoxys-S's higher Speed lets it always beat opposing Deoxys-A, and opponents who lead Tentacruel may be caught off guard by its powerful Psycho Boost. However, Deoxys-A's better offenses make it the superior attacking lead and suicide Spiker hybrid into all other leads.

When encountering an opposing Deoxys-S in the lead position, Deoxys-S's first objective is to eliminate it by using its super effective coverage to weaken it into range of Extreme Speed. However, Deoxys-S will still concede two layers of hazards against opposing Deoxys-S leads with significant special bulk. After eliminating the opposing Deoxys-S lead, or if the opponent didn't have a lead Deoxys-S, its second objective is to set up Spikes for its team. This is the best course of action against opposing anti-leads like Rayquaza and Giratina-O. After being brought down to its Focus Sash (if it has it), Extreme Speed lets it damage the opposing anti-lead before it gets KOed by their priority attack. It also can switch out so that Deoxys-S can be used as a sacrifice later in the game.

Team Options
The offensive teams that this more offensive Deoxys-S fits on appreciate its ability to both function as an anti-lead against opposing offensive teams and stack Spikes against opposing bulky teams. Giratina-O, as always, is a fantastic partner for it, as it protects Deoxys-S's hazards from spinners while enjoying the fact that Spikes dig into Giratina-O's checks. Common Stealth Rock setters that fit well on these offensive teams include Dialga, Bronzong, and Groudon, which finds a natural point of entry if Deoxys-S gets KOed by a lead Tyranitar. Lead Choice Scarf Darkrai is very annoying for this set if not using a Lum Berry, so a teammate that effectively absorbs sleep is appreciated; Sleep Talk Dialga is a teammate that does as such. Apart from the aforementioned teammates, nearly every attacker in Ubers, from Kyogre to Garchomp to Mewtwo to Palkia, appreciates both having Spikes on the opposing side while not having to deal with multiple layers of hazards on its side.

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1/1 GP Team done
name: Attacking Lead
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Signal Beam / Superpower
move 3: Hidden Power Fire / Psycho Boost / Shadow Ball
move 4: Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash / Lum Berry / Colbur Berry
ability: Pressure
nature: Rash
EVs: 76 Atk / 252 SpA / 180 Spe

Offensive Deoxys-S is capable of doubling as both a suicide entry hazard lead and as an anti-lead that beats opposing Deoxys-S. After its obligatory hazard, Spikes, Signal Beam gives Deoxys-S the greatest coverage in the lead position, as it hits all of Darkrai, Tyranitar, and opposing Deoxys-S super effectively. Hidden Power Fire lets Deoxys-S deal with Forretress, whereas Psycho Boost is a powerful STAB move that additionally threatens Tentacruel. Alternatively, Superpower threatens Tyranitar more significantly more while hitting Steel-types in the lead position. If using Superpower, then Shadow Ball should be used to pair Superpower it with Deoxys-S's best move to hit opposing Deoxys-S. Extreme Speed's priority is valuable to KO opposing leads when brought down to their Focus Sash.

Set Details
With maximum Special Attack EVs and a Rash nature, Deoxys-S's special attacks will hit as hard as possible, which is important to deal as much damage as possible to opposing Deoxys-S leads with Signal Beam or Shadow Ball. It also lets Deoxys-S's Psycho Boost OHKO opposing lead Tentacruel, Focus Sash aside. A Rash nature is chosen here to not diminish the power of Deoxys-S's Extreme Speed or Superpower. With 176 Speed EVs, Deoxys-S outspeeds Deoxys-A, letting Deoxys-S successfully outspeed outspeeds Deoxys-A's Extreme Speed with Extreme Speed of its own. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack to make its Superpower and Extreme Speed as powerful as possible. Focus Sash guarantees that Deoxys-S will get a turn in the lead position to use an attacking move or set up a layer of Spikes. Lum Berry allows Deoxys-S to absorb Dark Void from Darkrai or Thunder Wave from opposing Deoxys-S, while Colbur Berry weakens Payback from Tyranitar and allows Deoxys-S to survive the attack plus the sandstorm damage after.

Usage Tips
Attacking lead Deoxys-S is very similar to attacking lead Deoxys-A but with lower offenses made up for with its higher Speed. As a result, the two play very similarly. Deoxys-S's higher Speed lets it always beat opposing Deoxys-A, and opponents who lead Tentacruel may be caught off guard by its powerful Psycho Boost. However, Deoxys-A's better offenses make it the superior attacking lead and suicide Spiker hybrid into all other leads.

When encountering an opposing Deoxys-S in the lead position, Deoxys-S's first objective is to eliminate it by using its super effective coverage to weaken it into range of Extreme Speed. However, Deoxys-S will still concede two layers of hazards against opposing Deoxys-S leads with significant special bulk. After eliminating the opposing Deoxys-S lead, or if the opponent didn't have a lead Deoxys-S, its second objective is to get down set up Spikes for its team. This is the best course of action against opposing antileads anti-leads like Rayquaza or and Giratina-O. After being brought down to its Focus Sash (if it has it), Extreme Speed lets it damage the opposing antilead anti-lead before it gets KOed by their priority attack. It also can switch out so that Deoxys-S can be used as a sacrifice later in the game.

Team Options
The offensive teams that this more offensive Deoxys-S fits on appreciate its ability to both function as an antilead anti-lead against opposing offensive teams and stack Spikes against opposing bulky teams. Giratina-O, as always, is a fantastic partner for it, as it protects Deoxys-S's hazards from spinners while enjoying the fact that Spikes dig into Giratina-O's checks. Common Stealth Rock setters that fit well on these offensive teams include Dialga, Bronzong, and Groudon, which finds a natural point of entry if Deoxys-S gets KOed by a lead Tyranitar. Lead Choice Scarf Darkrai is very annoying for this set if not using a Lum Berry, so a teammate that effectively absorbs sleep is appreciated for this set; Sleep Talk Dialga is a teammate that does as such. Apart from them the aforementioned teammates, nearly every attacker in Ubers, from Kyogre to Garchomp to Mewtwo to Palkia, appreciates both having Spikes on the opposing side while not having to deal with multiple layers of hazards on its side.

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