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In that case, it's only mathematically possible. Obviously you first have to roll six Pokémon of the same type. For Water type, which as I recall is the most common type, I think that's already only a 0.00143% chance. Then you have to roll a further 20% chance for each Pokémon after the first two... although if you fail one of those, you can still recover by rolling a seventh Water type...

I believe this is inaccurate. Gen 8 Random Battles allow 1 Pokemon of each type combination at most, and 2 sharing a type per team.
What you could actually get are 6 Pokemon of the same tier. Once you rolled a Pokemon of a certain tier, lets say OU, your chances of getting a second OU Pokemon are 20% if rolled, based on this formula P(x)=1/(5^x) where x is the number of mons you already have of the tier. For example, if the code gives you a first OU mon, 1/(5^0)=1 so the mon is rolled. If a second OU mon is given by the code, it has 1/(5^1)=0.2 chances of getting rolled. A third one has 0.04 and a fourth one 0.008. You can see the pattern here and why I said you could get 6 pokemon of the same tier, although taking on account this doesnt include that you can get a pokemon of a different tier that would get rolled at first sight, the chances are astronomically low.
But ye, Monotype teams are impossible and tiers are very balanced with a certain Random chance of devalancing, sumwun
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In that case, it's only mathematically possible. Obviously you first have to roll six Pokémon of the same type. For Water type, which as I recall is the most common type, I think that's already only a 0.00143% chance. Then you have to roll a further 20% chance for each Pokémon after the first two... although if you fail one of those, you can still recover by rolling a seventh Water type...
I believe this is inaccurate. Gen 8 Random Battles allow 1 Pokemon of each type combination at most, and 2 sharing a type per team.

Monotype teams are impossible and tiers are very balanced with a certain Random chance of devalancing, sumwun
Can either of you show me the code that proves your answer is correct?
Can either of you show me the code that proves your answer is correct? lines 1527 to 1545 state:
            // Limit one Pokemon per tier, two for Monotype
            if ((tierCount[tier] >= (isMonotype ? 2 : 1)) && !this.randomChance(1, Math.pow(5, tierCount[tier]))) {

            if (!isMonotype) {
                // Limit two of any type
                let skip = false;
                for (const typeName of types) {
                    if (typeCount[typeName] > 1) {
                        skip = true;
                if (skip) continue;

            // Limit one of any type combination, two in Monotype
            if (typeComboCount[typeCombo] >= (isMonotype ? 2 : 1)) continue;
Unable to backup teams


  • buggedbackup.PNG
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I imported an ADV Hariyama set to the damage calculator. The set has Hidden Power Bug, but the IVs are 30 SpDef and Speed instead of the default 30 Atk Def SpDef. The set clearly states "IVs: 30 SpD / 30 Spe" in the teambuilder import/export function but in the damage calculator the IVs revert to the default spread for Hidden Power Bug and the stats reflect that of the default IV spreads. Is this normal and is there a way to fix it?
Pressure was not working this game. Starting turn 11, dragapult and corviknight to at it for a long time, but dragapult's pp is completely unaffected by pressure. What gives?
Seems fine to me. Any multi-turn attack that Dragapult started after Corviknight had switched in had 2 PP deducted instead of 1. Additional turns of multi-turn attacks consume no PP at all. Self-targeting moves generally aren't affected by pressure at all of course.
Seems fine to me. Any multi-turn attack that Dragapult started after Corviknight had switched in had 2 PP deducted instead of 1. Additional turns of multi-turn attacks consume no PP at all. Self-targeting moves generally aren't affected by pressure at all of course.

I didn't know that only damaging moves affect Pressure. It's not in any smogon/showdown description and IIRC it affects stealth rock spikes too. Very confusing. Yet still, his phantom force only uses 1 pp instead of two. Something is wrong.
I didn't know that only damaging moves affect Pressure. It's not in any smogon/showdown description and IIRC it affects stealth rock spikes too. Very confusing.
Answering this part because I didnt check the game for the phantom force stuff.

"target of an opposing Pokemon's move" is pretty clear about what kind of moves get affected by it in general.

Here you can check more thorougly its effects, but most attacks that affect the field get affected by it aswell, like hazards except sticky web
is it possible to upload and share a downloaded replay to the replay page? I accidentally downloaded a replay instead of uploading it and closed the tab
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On the above replay, on turn 9, (a) why did my Urshifu's Aqua Jet (which has priority +1) go after the opponent Comfey's Draining Kiss (which has priority 0)? And (b) why did it miss when it has 100% accuracy and there are no effects in play that would affect accuracy or evasion?

Turn 9

The opposing Comfey used Draining Kiss!
It's super effective!
(Urshifu lost 99% of its health!)
Urshifu had its energy drained!

Urshifu used Aqua Jet!
The opposing Comfey avoided the attack!

The opposing Comfey was hurt by poison!
  • Haha
Reactions: Ivy
Is there a tour rules command that would allow a specific Pokemon + Move combination, where the move is not something that it can learn normally?
As an example, say that I want to run a tour where Gyarados + Brave Bird is unbanned, but it is otherwise normal Gen 8 OU. However, doing /tour rules + Gyarados + Brave Bird does not work because Gyarados cannot learn Brave Bird normally, so the team will not validate properly. It seems like the only option is to do +Obtainable Moves, which removes restrictions on all moves and is too broad for what I am looking for.
Is it possible to use older cries for Gen 1-5 formats instead of the new ones?
No, but its been suggested.
Is there a tour rules command that would allow a specific Pokemon + Move combination, where the move is not something that it can learn normally?
As an example, say that I want to run a tour where Gyarados + Brave Bird is unbanned, but it is otherwise normal Gen 8 OU. However, doing /tour rules + Gyarados + Brave Bird does not work because Gyarados cannot learn Brave Bird normally, so the team will not validate properly. It seems like the only option is to do +Obtainable Moves, which removes restrictions on all moves and is too broad for what I am looking for.
Also suggested, but it may take a while if it would be implemented.
What does "proc" stand for, if anything? Like when people say "proc a berry". I know it means to activate or use the item, but where does it come from? I've used the word for years but can't figure this out.