Why do I have to roll a further 20% chance?Then you have to roll a further 20% chance for each Pokémon after the first two... although if you fail one of those, you can still recover by rolling a seventh Water type...
Why do I have to roll a further 20% chance?Then you have to roll a further 20% chance for each Pokémon after the first two... although if you fail one of those, you can still recover by rolling a seventh Water type...
Standard Random Battles really doesn't want to give you a Monotype team if it can help it, so it makes type duplication even more unlikely than would normally happen by random chance.Why do I have to roll a further 20% chance?
In that case, it's only mathematically possible. Obviously you first have to roll six Pokémon of the same type. For Water type, which as I recall is the most common type, I think that's already only a 0.00143% chance. Then you have to roll a further 20% chance for each Pokémon after the first two... although if you fail one of those, you can still recover by rolling a seventh Water type...
In that case, it's only mathematically possible. Obviously you first have to roll six Pokémon of the same type. For Water type, which as I recall is the most common type, I think that's already only a 0.00143% chance. Then you have to roll a further 20% chance for each Pokémon after the first two... although if you fail one of those, you can still recover by rolling a seventh Water type...
Can either of you show me the code that proves your answer is correct?I believe this is inaccurate. Gen 8 Random Battles allow 1 Pokemon of each type combination at most, and 2 sharing a type per team.
Monotype teams are impossible and tiers are very balanced with a certain Random chance of devalancing, sumwun
https://github.com/smogon/pokemon-showdown/blob/master/data/random-teams.ts lines 1527 to 1545 state:Can either of you show me the code that proves your answer is correct?
// Limit one Pokemon per tier, two for Monotype
if ((tierCount[tier] >= (isMonotype ? 2 : 1)) && !this.randomChance(1, Math.pow(5, tierCount[tier]))) {
if (!isMonotype) {
// Limit two of any type
let skip = false;
for (const typeName of types) {
if (typeCount[typeName] > 1) {
skip = true;
if (skip) continue;
// Limit one of any type combination, two in Monotype
if (typeComboCount[typeCombo] >= (isMonotype ? 2 : 1)) continue;
My bad; this got changed last March and I hadn't noticed.I believe this is inaccurate. Gen 8 Random Battles allow 1 Pokemon of each type combination at most, and 2 sharing a type per team.
Why is it removed ?Sleep clause is removed in Hackmons Cup
if you have a bunch of teams it'll compress them like that, they should copy/paste just fineUnable to backup teams
I see but is there a way to make it work in Pokepast?if you have a bunch of teams it'll compress them like that, they should copy/paste just fine
Seems fine to me. Any multi-turn attack that Dragapult started after Corviknight had switched in had 2 PP deducted instead of 1. Additional turns of multi-turn attacks consume no PP at all. Self-targeting moves generally aren't affected by pressure at all of course.Pressure was not working this game. Starting turn 11, dragapult and corviknight to at it for a long time, but dragapult's pp is completely unaffected by pressure. What gives?
Seems fine to me. Any multi-turn attack that Dragapult started after Corviknight had switched in had 2 PP deducted instead of 1. Additional turns of multi-turn attacks consume no PP at all. Self-targeting moves generally aren't affected by pressure at all of course.
Answering this part because I didnt check the game for the phantom force stuff.I didn't know that only damaging moves affect Pressure. It's not in any smogon/showdown description and IIRC it affects stealth rock spikes too. Very confusing.
No, but its been suggested.Is it possible to use older cries for Gen 1-5 formats instead of the new ones?
Also suggested, but it may take a while if it would be implemented.Is there a tour rules command that would allow a specific Pokemon + Move combination, where the move is not something that it can learn normally?
As an example, say that I want to run a tour where Gyarados + Brave Bird is unbanned, but it is otherwise normal Gen 8 OU. However, doing /tour rules + Gyarados + Brave Bird does not work because Gyarados cannot learn Brave Bird normally, so the team will not validate properly. It seems like the only option is to do +Obtainable Moves, which removes restrictions on all moves and is too broad for what I am looking for.