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Dusclops with evolite would work.
Gengar was a good option, why did you get rid of it? It even has levitate. Just don't use disable on it.
I don't really like Gengar that much, he was more a placeholder at the time as I wanted/needed that ghost typing in my party and sub disable turned out nice.

How successful could a gimmicky recycle Driflblim work in a lower tier? Get a useful berry or such item, recycle, continue gaining speed boosts from unburden, ???, profit? (No I'm not considering this for my team ATM, just something I was wondering for drifloon personally)

Also, what could I do to improve this set if it is needed? Better moveslot or something? ;

Ferrothorn (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 76 HP / 252 Atk / 180 Def
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Power Whip
- Gyro Ball

This is my physical wall of the party, so he needs that physical bulk. And I already have a separate stealth rock layer, so spikes are the hazard for ferro. Just wondering if I could change anything up to make it better.

Prankster Sableye is an option. He has loads of support options like priority Taunt, Trick, Recover and Will-o-Wisp.
Ooh, that looks promising, I'll give it a look over. I'm assuming the Dream World prankster is released since you're recommending? (I don't play the Dream world tier)
I might keep her, I'm just wondering if there's a better ghost that can fit for her. (not gengar :P) She's kind of weak, and aside from getting sub/hail up and being against something weak to ice, she can't do much besides Destiny Bond. I use weather ball with her, after setting hail up it's nice to KO any dragon with 150 ice attack. And being purposed for dealing with weather (hence hail), her weather ball is a 150 bp water or fire attack in rain or sun respectively, which is nice. I'm not getting rid of her unless/until she isnt useful anymore, which might not happen thanks to destiny bond being able to get rid of ANY threat.
You could use a Rotom-H as a lure for TTar and get an unexpected 2hko with HP fighting. In D\P sub-charge Rotom was a quite solid set with charge beam and hp fighting. Dunno how viable it is in the current meta though.

Another option would be to use Rotom-F on a hail team with blizzard\thunderbolt\hp fighting\filler as fight\electric\ice hits every type for at least neutral damage. Again it could be a good lure for TTar.

HP fighting also hits Ferrothorn for SE damage but given that Ferro usually runs sassy and max SpD you won't even 2hko so it may not be a great idea.
Rotom F seemed like a good idea.
I now noticed my Rotom has Pain Split too.
It's quite an exclusive move, so I wouldn't like to get rid of it.
Is a Timid Rotom F with Thunderbolt, Pain Split, Hidden Power Fighting and Blizzard viable then?
I'm assuming the Dream World prankster is released since you're recommending? (I don't play the Dream world tier)

Actually, Sableye has not been released as of yet, so it's not an option if you don't play Dreamworld. Honestly, in my mind, Stall Sableye being released while Prankster Sableye isn't seems more trollish on Gamefreak's part than Overcoat Reuniclus.
It's three total from both parents that are inherited (AKA 3 from one/none from the other or 2 from one/1 from the other). The rest are randomly generated.

oh... crap. well that makes my idea useless...

would this work?

Parent 1 has perfect Ivs

P1(power anklet)+P2=C1
P1(power lens)+C1(power anklet)=C2

so child 2 has perfect special Attack and speed, a special sweeper set
oh... crap. well that makes my idea useless...

would this work?

Parent 1 has perfect Ivs

P1(power anklet)+P2=C1
P1(power lens)+C1(power anklet)=C2

so child 2 has perfect special Attack and speed, a special sweeper set

Bulbapedia said:
In HeartGold and SoulSilver, the baby will inherit three IVs, each from a different stat and from a random parent. In addition, a new mechanic was added to breeding, where if either or both parents holds an EV item, instead, the baby will receive the IV of the corresponding stat from one of those parents and the baby will then inherit two other different random IVs, each from a random parent. For example, if a parent is holding the Power Anklet, the baby will inherit a Speed IV from that parent, and it will also inherit two other different IVs from its parents, for example, Attack and Special Defense. As another example, if one parent holds a Power Anklet and the other parent holds a Power Weight, the baby will inherit either a Speed IV from the first parent or an HP IV from the second parent, and it will also inherit two different IVs from its parents other than Speed or HP.

Inheriting IVs in Generation V is determined in the same way as in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Basically, you'd be assured either perfect Special Attack or Speed and have to get lucky on the other one. However, the better the IV's of the parents you use, the better the chance that you'll get what you're looking for.

Edit: I also have a question now. If I'm reading it correctly, it would appear that UU just voted to ban Wobbuffet, a Pokemon used twice as much there as in RU where it has a lot of trouble dealing with the guys at the top. So, what will happen to Wobbuffet regarding RU? Will it be banned entirely, removed from the tier do to usage in UU last month when the tiers update in August, or continue to be allowed down in RU?

Go to the power button thingy at the top right(or was it left? one of the corners) and then go and press it, click the left one, then click the left option for the following 2 screens, and your Shinx should be ready to be sent to Entralink. Wake up your Pokemon, then end of story.[/QUOTE

you do know i already know how to do it thanks anyways lol i SUCK at mini games another questionn does gligar changes from immunity to poison heal when he evolves right?

Go to the power button thingy at the top right(or was it left? one of the corners) and then go and press it, click the left one, then click the left option for the following 2 screens, and your Shinx should be ready to be sent to Entralink. Wake up your Pokemon, then end of story.

Go to the power button thingy at the top right(or was it left? one of the corners) and then go and press it, click the left one, then click the left option for the following 2 screens, and your Shinx should be ready to be sent to Entralink. Wake up your Pokemon, then end of story.[/QUOTE

you do know i already know how to do it thanks anyways lol i SUCK at mini games another questionn does gligar changes from immunity to poison heal when he evolves right?
Don't repost, edit your previous post. And don't ever double post anyway, if you have new information that you want to post and nobody else has posted, edit that into your first post
Are Steel Types immune to the Poison status or just Poison type moves? For example, IF there was a move that Poisoned the target but the move was not Poison type, would it work on a Steel type? Also, do Toxic Orbs work on Steel types?
Are Steel Types immune to the Poison status or just Poison type moves? For example, IF there was a move that Poisoned the target but the move was not Poison type, would it work on a Steel type? Also, do Toxic Orbs work on Steel types?

no Toxic, Toxic Spikes Poison Jab or any type that causes pioson will NOT affect steel types the toxic orb also does not affect steel types
Don't repost, edit your previous post. And don't ever double post anyway, if you have new information that you want to post and nobody else has posted, edit that into your first post

ok thanks that was KINDA of a mistake my computer is slow as hell s ;) but thanks anyway
Are Steel Types immune to the Poison status or just Poison type moves? For example, IF there was a move that Poisoned the target but the move was not Poison type, would it work on a Steel type? Also, do Toxic Orbs work on Steel types?

Elaborating: Twinneedle and Synchronize can't poison Steel-types
why is giga impact suddenly viable on slaking? did his ability, the recharge effect change?

it´s because no matter what you do you still need to recharge after each turn so it makes it viable

EDIT:Ninja´d i agree with aura sphere the truant recharge is canceled by the Giga Impact so you cannot switch out
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