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I have this Mewtwo that I'm trying to put up for trade on GTS: level 50, Docile nature, knows Psych Up/Ice Beam/Psychic/Psycho Cut, and has Pokerus. I had transferred it from my Pearl game so it arrived from Sinnoh. But when I try to offer it the game tells me "That Pokemon may not be offered from trade (13267)!" Why would it be ineligible for trade?
... How do you have a level 50 Mewtwo? I want you to think about this question and then try to work out for yourself why you can't trade it.
... How do you have a level 50 Mewtwo? I want you to think about this question and then try to work out for yourself why you can't trade it.
Makes sense when you put it that way >_>

Well if he went through the trouble to hack a level 50 Mewtwo, why didn't he give it a better nature and actual moves? Kids these days don't even know how to cheat properly...
Would a Venusaur with Outrage be an appropriate dragon counter? It learns it Gen IV, and would likely be it's only physical attack(with a neutral nature, no investment and leftovers so no outside boost), but it's for a mono-grass team with no ice attacks, so my only other way to handle dragons so far is just rocks everywhere, as most of them fly.

My other option would be Tropius, who is just a train wreck, but I could really, REALLY use a good flying-type attack on my team, and don't have many other options I've noticed - but the best I can come up with for him is a Lum/Rest harvest build, or a Sunny Day/Growth/Outrage/AirSlash build, that could totally work, provided I get an extremely unlikely chance to set up BOTH sun and growth. Otherwise, I feel like his "bulk" just isn't enough to pull through for me, and I'm very dismayed that GameFreak finds it okay to nurf EVERY grass-type's speed by justifying it with Chlorophyll, as if Grass didn't have enough problems to begin with (grass types don't even have any good Fire moves available to them to use in Sunny Day).
Would a Venusaur with Outrage be an appropriate dragon counter? It learns it Gen IV, and would likely be it's only physical attack(with a neutral nature, no investment and leftovers so no outside boost), but it's for a mono-grass team with no ice attacks, so my only other way to handle dragons so far is just rocks everywhere, as most of them fly.

My other option would be Tropius, who is just a train wreck, but I could really, REALLY use a good flying-type attack on my team, and don't have many other options I've noticed - but the best I can come up with for him is a Lum/Rest harvest build, or a Sunny Day/Growth/Outrage/AirSlash build, that could totally work, provided I get an extremely unlikely chance to set up BOTH sun and growth. Otherwise, I feel like his "bulk" just isn't enough to pull through for me, and I'm very dismayed that GameFreak finds it okay to nurf EVERY grass-type's speed by justifying it with Chlorophyll, as if Grass didn't have enough problems to begin with (grass types don't even have any good Fire moves available to them to use in Sunny Day).

No. Venasaur has a subpar base 80 speed...meaning a max 284 speed with all the goodies. OU's slowest dragon is dragonite...who is 2HKOed by a max attack venusaur...even with adamant. After the hit, in the case venusaur is jolly, dnite will be able to get up 1 dragon dance and then outspeed venasaur and OHKO with outrage the very next turn.

For a dragon counter for mono grass, you're best option is ferrothorn, which sadly must fear fire moves like hp fire, fire punch, and fire blast in addition to EQ, one of which all dragons will more than likely carry :/
I don't know the build, but I've had a bulky Vileplume build survive a Dragon Dance Outrage from Dnite (with like, 8 HP), and Venusaur has compairable bulk, so a defensive build would be able to get 2 outrage hits on Dragonite, even if it left it with next to no HP - but I take it, that because of the defense investments, I wouldn't have the attack to 2HKO, so I guess that is out the window. How on earth would ferrothorn be a good dragon counter? He might resist dragon, but it's not like he has anything to threaten them, besides switching in while they're stuck outraging (that same Dragonite my Vileplume survived got in 2 toxics - one for lum berry - and then I switched in ferrothorn and between poison and barbs+helmet it was KO'd before it could switch out, during which I set up rocks. Not relevant, but it was the best Dnite KO I've ever gotten).
Thank you for the info though. I really didn't account for how low venusaur's attack really was, versus the bulk of most dragons. I wish I could get Ice Beam on something besides Ludicolo
I want to make myself a mixed Venusaur for the Battle Tower/Battle Subway (so no online competitive play, just in-game stuff). I do NOT want it to have Chlorophyll, instead I would like Overgrow. For the moveset it will be Power Whip, Sludge Bomb, Growth, and Sleep Powder. The nature I'm most likely going to go with a neutral one to keep things from getting confusing. Item will simply be a Life Orb.

Aside from putting 252 EVs into SPE, what amount do I need to put in ATK and SPA so that both Power Whip and Sludge Bomb do the same amount of damage (such as on a neutral Pokemon with even HP/DEF/SPD)?

I'd really appreciate any help I can get on this! :)

EDIT: Because the BT/BS is no-holds bar when it comes to Pokemon and moves, I don't know what to expect which is why I want both attacks to do the same amount of damage, except one is physical and the other is special. I know Venusaur's SPA is higher than his ATK but Power Whip does more damage than Sludge Bomb but I don't know how to calculate the outcome.
Aside from putting 252 EVs into SPE, what amount do I need to put in ATK and SPA so that both Power Whip and Sludge Bomb do the same amount of damage (such as on a neutral Pokemon with even HP/DEF/SPD)?

Naughty 4 Atk 240 SpA 252 Spe 8 HP
Naive 56 Atk 196 SpA 252 Spe

I used to be just like that too
Can someone explain Meloettas forms to me. Someone just told me in order to get Meloeeta P you have to use a certain move. If thats the case why am I seeing Meloetta Ps with 4 moves.
Can someone explain Meloettas forms to me. Someone just told me in order to get Meloeeta P you have to use a certain move. If thats the case why am I seeing Meloetta Ps with 4 moves.

Whenever meloetta uses the attack known as relic song, it changes from its standard forme into its piroette form...a more physically oriented meloetta that replaces its psychic typing with fighting type.
Whenever meloetta uses the attack known as relic song, it changes from its standard forme into its piroette form...a more physically oriented meloetta that replaces its psychic typing with fighting type.
but then that would take up a Move Slot, so how come its able to have four moves?
Either they are abusing a PO glitch, or (more likely) the move Relic Song stays after transformation and Relic Song is one of the four moves.
Hi I have both Pokemon Black and White game cartridges and I used to play Black on my DSL and White on DSXL.
Now I want to play both games on my DSL only, however, I received some Mystery gifts in my White using DSXL to connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi.
If I connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi from White using DSL, would I lose all the Mystery gifts that I have received so far?
Hi I have both Pokemon Black and White game cartridges and I used to play Black on my DSL and White on DSXL.
Now I want to play both games on my DSL only, however, I received some Mystery gifts in my White using DSXL to connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi.
If I connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi from White using DSL, would I lose all the Mystery gifts that I have received so far?

Iirc no. Mystery cards are saved on your games, so changing systems shouldn't be a problem. I think the only thing it resets is are your FCs.
Can we ask questions non-related?

If no, could someone send me to the right thread where I can ask these kind of questions?

If yes, then can someone explain to me how some users can have bigger size avatars, and if I could also change my pic to that size?
There's really nowhere else to ask that kind of questions, so might as well ask here.

Anyway, I believe only badged users can have larger avatars and signatures. To be able to change your avatar size, you'd need to get a badge. Getting these generally involves helping out around the community, being good at rating people's teams, etc. If you have a flair for art, go to Smeargle's Studio, and if enough people like your work you just might get an Artist's Badge!
In theory: Yes! It rarely matters in competitive battle since most Sturdy- Pokemon are sturdy enough not to be OHKOed anyway, but it definitely works; like Rampardos fireblasting Forretres into oblivion.

I've tried Kyurem out on PO, and it works well on my team. People are often surprised at getting outsped and immediately think its a ScarfKyurem. Mine is actually Specs, and does a good job at bluffing the scarf.

Anyway, would Expert Belt Kyurem be a good idea? If Kyurem can bluff a scarf, maybe it can bluff a choice item in general and get some good surprise KO's. But is the drop in power from Specs to EB noticable?
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