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I asked this a while ago but it seems as thought nobody due to lack of responce. I'll ask it again incase people missed it. Does Lunar Dance or Healing Wish also restore a lost item? Like if you had an item lost due to Knock Off or Trick?
Does anyone know if a pokemon with technician uses pursuit on an opponent switching out does the pursuit doubling boost go first and null technician or does technician go first and then pursuit gets doubled? So basicly does it have 120BP or 80BP on the switch?
They can be found on berry patches, like any other berry. However, like other berries, they randomly sprout, so you'll have to wait a while
The Berry Master (D/P) gives them EV-reducing berries out too, though he will sometimes also give out one of five HP-restoring berries (the ones that cause confusion).

EDIT: Berry master is on a house west of Hearthome, just outside the city limits. (Don't wanna add new post.)
what is fear? Or FEAR or whatever it is

F.E.A.R is a video game where a team called F.E.A.R. is called to contain a powerful supernatural phenomenom in the form of a little girl

It is given to unevolved pokemon who become menances to the other team. Of course, it is a dumb name, but then again.....................
F.E.A.R is a video game where a team called F.E.A.R. is called to contain a powerful supernatural phenomenom in the form of a little girl

It is given to unevolved pokemon who become menances to the other team. Of course, it is a dumb name, but then again.....................

Fear the game as garbage -.-


Focus sash
Quick Attack
CoupleOFWords said:
Can a max happiness Pokemon lose happiness? I don't want my CB Snorlax to lose happiness, because it has Return.

I'm sure it's possible to lose happiness if you let it faint anywhere outside of a BT / Wi-Fi Battle

And as for fear, you're better off using Smeargle or Phanpy
"FEAR" stands for, well lots of people have different acronym translations. I perfer Fucking Evil Awesome Rodent/Ratata. It is a Ratata that has the moveset endeavor/qick attack/something/something else @ Focus Sash. The ratata takes the hit, hangs on with sash, endeavors on that same turn, bringing the opponent to 1 HP, and then quick attacks to kill them off. Other varients include a Smeargle with Endeavor/Spore/Endure/Seismic Toss (or other set damage move) @ Salac Berry. You endure a KO hit, spore, endavor, (set damage move) to kill something. Rinse and Repeat. Usually, this leaves the opponent with one dead pokemon, one sleeping pokemon, and one pokemon at one HP. The last variant is ratata again, but it is level one, and endavors people to low health (a level one ratata has like 10 HP) so they die to sandstream.
I got a question. Just now I used two Pomeg Berries on my LV72 Giratina with full HP EVs. But its HP stat dropped by 30 from 348 to 318. Anyone knows why? I thought they only lower 10 EVs each, or is it 100?
I got a question. Just now I used two Pomeg Berries on my LV72 Giratina with full HP EVs. But its HP stat dropped by 30 from 348 to 318. Anyone knows why? I thought they only lower 10 EVs each, or is it 100?

In DP, any EV reducing Berries used on a Poke while they have more than 110 in the reduced stat reduces the EV's to 100.

In other words, Giratina's EV's went from 252 to 100 in 1 Berry, then to 90 on the 2nd.
Excuse my slight retardation for asking, but...

Does the attack power drain from a burn affect Belly Drum at all? I'm asking because I was fighting a Snorlax that used the move--to counteract it, I burned it, but it was still basically a one man wrecking crew, even on 4x resists like rock/steel types with max defense. I figured afterwards that maybe burns might not affect Belly Drum, but I wasn't sure so I decided to ask here. Thanks for your time.
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