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I see, but what do you think prevents a lv 100 Pokemon from achieving the same thing? I wish there would be a way for lv 100 Pokemon to change their stats in the Pokemon Black and White.

Once you reduce their EVs, there is no way to gain EVs again since it requires gaining experience, something level 100s no longer do. You can reduce the EVs of a level 100 and put it in the box to get stat reductions, but I'm not sure you'd want to do that. :P
Once you reduce their EVs, there is no way to gain EVs again since it requires gaining experience, something level 100s no longer do. You can reduce the EVs of a level 100 and put it in the box to get stat reductions, but I'm not sure you'd want to do that. :P
Oh yeah, now I remember that was the reason that prevents lv 100 from getting EV. I have another question though. What about the vitamins? Will it still affect the lv 100 Pokemon?
Is Confusion duration 2-5 turns randomly, or does the game check for snapping each turn untill 5 turns have passed?

When confused, your Pokemon has a 25% chance of successfully pulling off a move, 25% chance of snapping out of confusion, and a 50% chance of hitting yourself in confusion every turn.
Hello everyone. Usually i'm a decently solid team builder, but I'm running into a wall right now. I am basing my team for setting up a Kingdra sweep, and Kingdra hates toxic spikes. I'm looking for a grounded Poison type that would do something to help the sweep. So far everything I've tried has just been deadweight that absorbs toxic spikes. What should I try and why would it help a Kingdra sweep? Thanks!
Roserade would be the obvious choice, giving you your own Toxic Spikes to help against bulky waters and Celebi. Alternatively you could just use a LO Starmie to spin, which has the same end result.
Hello everyone. Usually i'm a decently solid team builder, but I'm running into a wall right now. I am basing my team for setting up a Kingdra sweep, and Kingdra hates toxic spikes. I'm looking for a grounded Poison type that would do something to help the sweep. So far everything I've tried has just been deadweight that absorbs toxic spikes. What should I try and why would it help a Kingdra sweep? Thanks!
It really depends. I would suggest Breloom, if it's a defensive, semi-stall, or stall, use sub-seed, if it's any type of offense, take your pick between spore puncher or CB.
Hello everyone. Usually i'm a decently solid team builder, but I'm running into a wall right now. I am basing my team for setting up a Kingdra sweep, and Kingdra hates toxic spikes. I'm looking for a grounded Poison type that would do something to help the sweep. So far everything I've tried has just been deadweight that absorbs toxic spikes. What should I try and why would it help a Kingdra sweep? Thanks!
I wold suggest Tentacruel. Roserade is almost completely useless in my opinion.Tentacruel can Haze, Rapid Spin, and Toxic Spikes.
I've been using a bulky Roserade, which is weird because Roserades don't usually do that, and it has had horrible results. I haven't been running toxic spikes though...

IDK where Despotar was going with that one, but it's all good.

And Kingdra doesn't really mind SR too much, he doesn't need a definate spinner. Tentacruel could work, I just don't know which set would be most effective for the team. like I said, I want most of the focus going to setting up a late game Kingdra sweep, whether it be by damaging walls or killing steels or what.
It works on either parent as of HG/SS. Someone brought it up in the research thread a while back.
Thanks, Mewtwo. I owe you a coke.
Sorry I seriously don't know where to put a question like this so please bare with me. Sorry mods I searched everywhere to find a place to put a question like this.

I have a Lucario and with its EV's his speed is 279. How much will it increase if I had agility on it? How do you calculate that? Is their a website where I can calculate things like that and see what it outspeeds and things like that?

Same with 350 ATK with a +1 ATK boost from DD, like how much does it increase?

Every boosting stage is a equals a 50% increase on the initial stat.
Agility raises speed by 2 stages, so that's +100% increase, or 2x279 (=558)

+1 ATK is a 50% boost, so 1.5x350 (=525)

If you're curious about the math, it's x/y, where both x and y start at 2. Stat increases raise x's value, while stat drops increase y's value. I'd say more on that, but I'm typing on my phone.
How do stat boosts work? The first one is 1.5x the actual stat and then the 2nd is 2x? So it's .5x each?

Also, how does Huge Power figure into this?
What's the best spread for a Bold Giratina if it can only have 4 perfect IVs and one at 30? I'm asking because the RNG Reporter can't generate a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Bold Giratina.

Just because RNG Reporter can't find it doesn't mean it isn't possible. You can get a 31/14/31/31/31/31 Bold Giratina from Monster seed AED67D02, Initial seed 810B042F, on frame 14 for a method 1 Giratina (like the event Giratina in HGSS) or frame 3, 5, 7 or 9 for a method J Giratina (like the Giratina in Turnback Cave; that seed can't hit Giratina in the Distortion World because the frame ends up negative after allowing for the monster frame). Probably the reason RNG Reporter didn't find it is because it requires an unusually high delay of 1061. (I used this tool to find the spread; in general, it's a lot faster than RNG Reporter for specific requests like "quint-flawless Bold Giratina", although a lot slower for vague ones like ("modest Synchronizer".)
Can someone explain how the breeding works in Soul Silver. I know if you give a pokemon a power item then that IV will be passed down if it's selected and what not, but how does that work breeding with a ditto? If I have lightingfusions ditto and I want to pass down the modest nature and 31 Sp. Atk IV can I give it the power lens and will it act as an everstone too or does the only way the nature trick works is with the everstone?
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