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Does the ability return to normal if you switch out after a Skillswap/Role Play/Worry Seed? Or does it keep the new ability for the rest of the game?
How come Rotom Formes aren't getting Pain Split on Shoddy? The original Rotom form does, but its Formes doesn't? Does anyone know or care to explain the reason behind this?
Would it be a good idea to invest more SpA on Mixed DD Lapras?
Also, is Lapras generally considered good by UU standards? Is Water/Ice good typing offensive and/or defensively?
Should Psychic be used on NP Jynx, or any Jynx for that matter?
hey guys, i did some brief (brief) internet searching and it seems i can only get a petaya berrybytrading over a jirachi from coliseum. i don't have the bonus disc, so no jirachi for me. can someone trade me a poke holding a petaya berry? i don't care who'sholding it, i just want the berry.

if i'm wrong and youcan obtain them somewhere in game, then could you please point me in the right direction? help would be much appreciated!
How come Rotom Formes aren't getting Pain Split on Shoddy? The original Rotom form does, but its Formes doesn't? Does anyone know or care to explain the reason behind this?

It was a mistake, the Rotom forms were simply forgotten when adding HGSS moves. No clue if this will be fixed.

hey guys, i did some brief (brief) internet searching and it seems i can only get a petaya berrybytrading over a jirachi from coliseum. i don't have the bonus disc, so no jirachi for me. can someone trade me a poke holding a petaya berry? i don't care who'sholding it, i just want the berry.

if i'm wrong and youcan obtain them somewhere in game, then could you please point me in the right direction? help would be much appreciated!

You can also get a Pataya Berry by buying it at Mt. Battle in XD and Colleseum, and it can be purchased in Battle Revolution, if you have any of those 3 games. If not, you can ask in the simple requests thread of the wi-fi forrum I belive.
It was a mistake, the Rotom forms were simply forgotten when adding HGSS moves. No clue if this will be fixed.

Aha! I was on the right track after all. No matter, I and the other few shall greatly abuse it to the extreme prejudice...once the silly mods get the time to go over this minute issue. :pirate:
If I use NP Jynx, should I use NP/Lovely Kiss/Ice Beam/Focus Blast?
Also, is Psychic generally poor typing?
I'd say go with Psychic/Nasty Plot/Ice Beam/Focus Blast if you already have a sleeper. Lovely Kiss only has 75% accuracy, but then that's still better than Hypnosis. The move-set is really optional still. Yours is fine, and the standard is fine. Just decide which one will help your team the most.

Psychic is generally known to have poor type coverage, but it's still pretty nifty for the STAB. I'd like to mention that it does make quick work of those UU Fighters while relying on Focus Blast with its 70% accuracy is...a bit pessimistic.
I'm whipping up a timid "flawless" froslass tomorrow as a "speedy sweeper counter" to most of my hail teams type weaknesses because it "seems" to have the moveset to do so. Also this is for a VGC DOUBLES Team, not for singles! So it doesn't necissarily have to 1HKO anything, it can get help from it's partner to at least take out 1 threat you know.

However, I'm torn between 2 movesets...
1)Blizzard / HP (Ground 70) / Psychic / Water Pulse
Blizzard is because it's on an auto-hail team
HP Ground hit's fire, rock, steel (unles they're flying or levitating), and Water Pulse hits Fire and Rock even if they happen to be levitating.
Psychic hits fighting.

2)Blizzard / HP (Fire 70) / Psychic / Water Pulse
Blizzard (duh)
HP Fire hit's Steel regardless (unless it's a weirdfireproof zong?Q!)
Pulse hits fire and rock pretty reliably
Psychic hits fighting.

Any suggestions?
I'm whipping up a timid "flawless" froslass tomorrow as a "speedy sweeper counter" to most of my hail teams type weaknesses because it "seems" to have the moveset to do so. Also this is for a VGC DOUBLES Team, not for singles! So it doesn't necissarily have to 1HKO anything, it can get help from it's partner to at least take out 1 threat you know.

However, I'm torn between 2 movesets...
1)Blizzard / HP (Ground 70) / Psychic / Water Pulse
Blizzard is because it's on an auto-hail team
HP Ground hit's fire, rock, steel (unles they're flying or levitating), and Water Pulse hits Fire and Rock even if they happen to be levitating.
Psychic hits fighting.

2)Blizzard / HP (Fire 70) / Psychic / Water Pulse
Blizzard (duh)
HP Fire hit's Steel regardless (unless it's a weirdfireproof zong?Q!)
Pulse hits fire and rock pretty reliably
Psychic hits fighting.

Any suggestions?

Your other lead is Abomasnow, right? What HP are you going to give it, assuming you do? Ground would help with your fire weakness, and most Steels are going to be hit by it anyway. For 'Zong (which almost always has Levitate), give Abomasnow HP Fire, if you decide to go with one on it.

edit: Matt, have the rules for next year's VGC been released already?
Your other lead is Abomasnow, right? What HP are you going to give it, assuming you do? Ground would help with your fire weakness, and most Steels are going to be hit by it anyway. For 'Zong (which almost always has Levitate), give Abomasnow HP Fire, if you decide to go with one on it.

edit: Matt, have the rules for next year's VGC been released already?

So very good to hear from you kind Doctor! :D

Excelent advice! Unfortunatley, I already have a timid flawless Aboma that has something stupid like HP Ice or something, but I might just redo it just to get a useful HP.

Nah, no "official" announcement as of yet for the US. All we have to go off of for now is Mike's Word that he'd "fight to not have uubers next year".
This seems like the best place for the following questions.

I am making a team to challenge the Battle Tower, which consists of these two Pokémon:

Staraptor @ Choice Band
Naîve Nature (-Sp.Def, +Speed)
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
~ Brave Bird
~ Return
~ Close Combat
~ U-Turn

Machamp @ Lum Berry/Leftovers (Unsure about the item)
No Guard
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -Sp.Atk)
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
~ Dynamic Punch
~ Stone Edge
~ Bullet Punch
~ Bulk Up

Firstly, do those seem like decent sets? I thought about their weaknesses and my lack of a Special Attacker, and came to the conclusion that Magnezone would round out this team nicely, probably a Scarfed one with Explosion as one of its moves.

Now, before I mention anything further, I am well-aware that the Tower should be taken quite seriously if I want to do well. However, my main goal is to get the colored emblem by using a fun team. With this in mind, the Staraptor is shiny. In addition, I have four shiny Magnemite, and I need help deciding which one would be best to complete the team. I know their Hidden Power types, but not the base power, so bear with me. Here are their stats (I do not have many Rare Candies or Wi-Fi access):

Magnemite #1: Mild (Magnet Pull; Quick Ball): 24 - 26 / 25 - 27 / 5 - 7 / 26 - 28 / 29 / 3 - 4
HP Grass

Magnemite #2: Timid (Magnet Pull; Premier Ball): 25 - 28 / 31 / 25 - 27 / 18 - 20 / 5 - 7 / 18 - 20
HP Electric

Magnemite #3: Docile (Magnet Pull; Luxury Ball): 8 - 10 / 9 - 12 / 7 - 9 / 7 - 9 / 8 - 11 / 19
HP Ice

Magnemite #4: Modest (Magnet Pull; Premier Ball): 22 - 24 / 9 - 12 / 18 - 20 / 21 - 24 / 8 - 11 / 30
HP Electric

Thank you all in advance for your help. Multiple opinions are appreciated.
Even though Member Card is not being distributed over WFC Mystery Gift any longer, if I have a friend who has it, can they send it to me by the "Get from a Friend" option? Or is it "Get via Wireless" option?
Does Shadow Tag remain in play when Wobbuffet switches out? i.e. The opposing Pokemon can never switch out if it has once been in the effects of Shadow Tag.

Because according to serebii, that is the case.
This seems like the best place for the following questions.

I am making a team to challenge the Battle Tower, which consists of these two Pokémon:

Staraptor @ Choice Band
Naîve Nature (-Sp.Def, +Speed)
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
~ Brave Bird
~ Return
~ Close Combat
~ U-Turn

Machamp @ Lum Berry/Leftovers (Unsure about the item)
No Guard
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -Sp.Atk)
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
~ Dynamic Punch
~ Stone Edge
~ Bullet Punch
~ Bulk Up

Firstly, do those seem like decent sets? I thought about their weaknesses and my lack of a Special Attacker, and came to the conclusion that Magnezone would round out this team nicely, probably a Scarfed one with Explosion as one of its moves.

Now, before I mention anything further, I am well-aware that the Tower should be taken quite seriously if I want to do well. However, my main goal is to get the colored emblem by using a fun team. With this in mind, the Staraptor is shiny. In addition, I have four shiny Magnemite, and I need help deciding which one would be best to complete the team. I know their Hidden Power types, but not the base power, so bear with me. Here are their stats (I do not have many Rare Candies or Wi-Fi access):

Magnemite #1: Mild (Magnet Pull; Quick Ball): 24 - 26 / 25 - 27 / 5 - 7 / 26 - 28 / 29 / 3 - 4
HP Grass

Magnemite #2: Timid (Magnet Pull; Premier Ball): 25 - 28 / 31 / 25 - 27 / 18 - 20 / 5 - 7 / 18 - 20
HP Electric

Magnemite #3: Docile (Magnet Pull; Luxury Ball): 8 - 10 / 9 - 12 / 7 - 9 / 7 - 9 / 8 - 11 / 19
HP Ice

Magnemite #4: Modest (Magnet Pull; Premier Ball): 22 - 24 / 9 - 12 / 18 - 20 / 21 - 24 / 8 - 11 / 30
HP Electric

Thank you all in advance for your help. Multiple opinions are appreciated.

Your Staraptor is fine in most ways, except for it's slight downside on nature. Machamp maybe you want more coverage with 1 STAB move, try including Fire/Ice/Thunder/Sucker punch? If you're going into later stages of the Battle Tower you can leave bulk up out. Leftovers should do but since you din't put any EV's into speed Lum Berry is optional should any faster Pokemon knock a stat condition to him/her.

As for your Magnemite either #1 or #4, well it's really up to you and well you spread their EV's and design movepool. #4 has a STAB HP so it's kind of a waste since HP is for coverage and there are far better STAB moves than HP (and the power might be lacking), so I'd probably go with #1.

Overall you've got yourself not bad of a team, good job
Hi guys,

This is more of a request,

Could someone with AR please deduce my SID using a code? I'm really excited about RNGing but I am having trouble finding my correct IV"s due to shoddy calculators.


- I tried to use MetalKids but it never gave me a straight answer, always, say, 17-18. :\
does the battle hall chick battle 'replace' one of the 10 battles or is it counted in the ten? if u need 170 to win then wouldnt 2 of the rank battles be missed and u wudnt beat all types up to rank 10?
Whenever I add my 8 chained shinies' IV's into the "chain to shiny" function, I never get a result.

Also, the Poke'mon I am using, Togepi, has a male rate of 87.5, but the only options on the RNG reporter are

Male (Male 12.5%, Female 87.5%)


Female (Male 12.5%, Female 87.5%)

There is no Male 87.5%, am I missing something here? :S
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