Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 16

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When EV Training with a Power item, does the +4 EVs from the Power item add to the EVs you earn before or after PokéRus?

As in, is it:

A. EVs * 2 + 4

B. EVs + 4 * 2
C. EVs (2+4)
Does Dragon Dance multiply the speed and attack by 1.5?
Sorry, if this has been answered already, and Thank You in advance.
Can someone teach me how to multi-quote?

I'm not sure what to do after I click the button....

You click the Multi Quote button beside the normal Quote button. Then, on the LAST post you want to quote, click the normal Quote button.

Hope that helped.
How do I get the ability to post in policy review?

sometimes I have something I really wish I could say but can't
Is Shaymin-S uber, OU, or suspect?

Since you weren't given a definitive answer, I'll throw this out there. Shaymin-S is uber. After we finish the Latios test (which will follow the Latias test), Shaymin-S will be retested because the votes were massively whack.
I know this question has already been asked, but it's not been answered yet:

How do you get to post in Policy Review?
How do I get the Explosion TM ingame? I was under the impression that it involved matching three 7's at the slots, but I got a horizontal line and a diagonal line of 7's and neither of them gave me anything =\

@Erazor and Latios: prove yourself a smart user with relevant things to say. If you have friends with PR access, have them post it for you.

@1059860: Anything with a solid physical defense like Claydol or Steelix (yes, Steelix doesn't take very much from Brick Break.)
Has the U-turn->Choice item user with U-turn bug been fixed? If I understand correctly, ingame, when a pokemon U-turns to a Choice item'd poke, that poke with a choice item is free to select any move. On Shoddy the poke switched in is forced to U-turn.

Celebi U-turns to CB Scizor
Scizor is forced to use U-turn. Scizor can't switch moves.
In game Scizor should be free to Bullet Punch, Superpower, whatever
How do I get the Explosion TM ingame? I was under the impression that it involved matching three 7's at the slots, but I got a horizontal line and a diagonal line of 7's and neither of them gave me anything =\

Taken from the TM/HM List on GameFAQs.

Platinum Sonic 10 said:
First, you must get the Coin Case. This is located in the house to the LEFT
of the Slot Game place. Talk to the clown and choose either option.

This is not easy. And I freaking mean that. I spent around five hours the
first time just getting it (I was the first one on GameFAQs, to my knowledge,
that tested this theory out, presented by Nelvins). If you are able, it is
better to just ask somebody for the TM, but hey, if you want to try your
luck, go right ahead.

In order to get it, you have to last in "Clefairy Yayness" for at least ten
rounds. There are various techniques you can try, depending on which Clefairy
you get. I am not going to go in-depth about them, but it does often matter
what you do when the Clefairy is glowing red in the moon and/or making
sounds. It is possible, but you need a lot of luck and patience to pull it
off. Do not spend your entire life trying to figure it out, though; if you
are able, just ask somebody for the TM.


Has the U-turn->Choice item user with U-turn bug been fixed? If I understand correctly, ingame, when a pokemon U-turns to a Choice item'd poke, that poke with a choice item is free to select any move. On Shoddy the poke switched in is forced to U-turn.

Celebi U-turns to CB Scizor
Scizor is forced to use U-turn. Scizor can't switch moves.
In game Scizor should be free to Bullet Punch, Superpower, whatever

Actually, that's the way the game worked before. In D/P, when you U-Turn'd to a Choice user with U-turn, you had to pick U-turn. However, this has been fixed in Platinum. And no, it has not been fixed on Shoddy to my knowledge.
Anyone know of a good Platinum Sprite resource? I can't pull the pics off serebii, and pe2k doesn't have them last time I checked.
Anyone know of a good Platinum Sprite resource? I can't pull the pics off serebii, and pe2k doesn't have them last time I checked.

It does have them. Choose the "second frame" option.

If you need proof, compare.

EDIT @ ipl: I don't play the slots, but I hope this helps.

Taken from an FAQ/Walkthrough on GameFAQs.

CAHowell said:
There are three modes in general: Normal Mode, Clefairy Mode, and Bonus

Normal Mode is the first mode, and the one you start out with. You are most
likely to have Pikachu and Moonstones to be matched. During this time,
Pokeballs will roll out at the bottom at random. They appear in a random
order, although which Pokeball it is will determine what Clefairy comes
out. Here are the types of clefairy's that come out, and what they do:

|Ball Type......|Clefairy Type........|...........Effect...... |
|Premier Ball ..|Ditto Clefairy........|.Bonus mode has a.|
|Poke Ball |....|..........................|less likely chance....|
|Great Ball ....|..........................|.of continuing........|
|Great Ball .....|Normal Clefairy.....|Bonus mode has a..|
|Safari Ball ....| .........................|normal chance of ..|
| .................|..........................|continuing............|
|Ultra Ball......|Shiny Clefairy .......|Bonus mode has a..|
|Safari Ball ....|......................... |high chance of .....|
|................. |......................... |continuing............|

Note that the Clefairy can also pop out of other balls, although these are
the particular balls I have seen them most likely come out of. Ditto
Clefairy looks like Clefairy with a plain face, Normal Clefairy has brown
ears, and Shiny Clefairy has green ears. Each of them pop up at random, and
can pop out of a Pokeball onscreen at any time, reguardless of what you get
on the slots.

The next mode is Clefairy Mode, and that is activated when you do get a
Clefairy to pop out. During this mode, 7s and Galactic symbols are more
likely to line up reguardless of what you do on the reels. Its good to note
that each type of clefairy has the same chances of making 7 or Gs line up,
so don't worry if you got a Ditto Clefairy. Once you do line them up, it
will take you to the Bonus Round.

The bonus round is sort of interesting. On the bottom screen, the clefairy
you got will signal to the left, right, and middle. What you are supposed
to do is match up Clefairy's movements. For example:

-If it signals to the left, press Y
-If it signals to the middle, press B
-If it signals to the right, press A

What this does is match up the reels to get a Replay. When it does, it will
give you 15 coins. Each round consists of 15 turns, meaning you have the
potential to make 225 Coins a round, if you do not miss a beat.

There are two things to watch out for: The Red Moon and the White Moon.
If a weird sound is made and the moon in the background changes to a red
color, DO NOT FOLLOW CLEFAIRY! It will lower your chances of the round
continuing. IF a white moon shows up, it is sort of a freebie and allows
you to continue, even if the clefairy is called back to its Pokeball. You
know you got a white moon when the same sound from the red moon plays, yet
the moon does not turn red.

The chances of it repeating seem to depend on how fast you follow
Clefairy's movements, if you missed any moves, if you followed its moves
on a red moon, what Clefairy type you have, and if you got a white moon
or not. Even if you do all the moves correctly, there is still a chance
it will be called back. With ditto clefairy, the max I ever got was 6,
Normal Clefairy got 7, and the max I ever got for a Shiny Clefairy is 10.
Keep in mind that it is all random, so you still have a chance of getting
a perfect 10 even if you have a Ditto Clefairy.

Once you do get 10 in a row, go up to the front counter where you got your
coins from, and you will get the TM for explosion. Keep in mind that the
slots are far easier to win at when compared to previous generations, so
you may want to spend a little time trying your luck instead of spending
all your hard earned money on coins to get the prizes.

I hope you understand this. You should since you're playing the slots.

EDIT2: Sorry, the table is rough. I had to fix it myself and it doesn't quite even up, but it should suffice.
"My friend" doesn't know how to turn off Javascript. How might he go about doing that? Not that I care...

Edit: nvm, figured it out, thanks!
Hey R2 if you're on can we trade? I've been trying to contact you for a while now :pirate:.

Alakapimp, if you're on I also need to trade with you. Tomorrow is going to be a very unpredictable day so I don't even know if I'm going to be home :nerd:
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