Ask a simple question, get a simple answer (CAP Edition)

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This is a reminder to observe the rules posted in the OP of this thread, this one in particular:

SQSA OP said:
Do not ask "When is <X> going to start?" or any other questions related to future project planning. The CAP project does not follow any set timelines, so don't ask questions that imply the existence of a project calendar. If you are asking about the overall future project direction, the answer is in the stickies, or it isn't a simple question. Either way, don't ask that stuff here.

Also, do not answer questions that are in violation of the OP rules, or your posts might be moderated as well.
Is there a leaderboard for CAP where I can check rankings?

I'm sorry if it was clearly obvious elsewhere but I can't seem to find it. That is if there is one. I'm curious as people have like #1 on CAP in their sigs.
Is there a leaderboard for CAP where I can check rankings?

I'm sorry if it was clearly obvious elsewhere but I can't seem to find it. That is if there is one. I'm curious as people have like #1 on CAP in their sigs.

Server FAQ.
7) How do I get a leaderboard from the modbot?

HAL is programmed to give leaderboards to all users that send it a PM command of "leaderboard". Also, you can specify the exact ladder name (e.g. "leaderboard cap"), and the bot will answer with a longer leaderboard for that ladder. Do not ask HAL for leaderboards repeatedly in a short period of time. If you do so, the bot will interpret it as a spam attack, and it will kick or ban you.
It's my understanding that Metagross commonly carries Zen Headbutt on CAP. Is it just for Arghonaut, or is the CAP meta that different?
It's my understanding that Metagross commonly carries Zen Headbutt on CAP. Is it just for Arghonaut, or is the CAP meta that different?

Agilitygross carries Zen Headbutt for Arghonaut, Revenankh, and Rotom-A, all of which it can 2HKO without a boost iirc. Meteor Mash is slightly more powerful and less reliable, but it doesn't offer any more coverage than Zen Headbutt does in my opinion.
I had the sickest idea for a new possible item (one with the intent of improving the metagame), and I was wondering if it would be appropriate if I made a topic about it here, or if someone would tell me where a good place to discuss my idea would be.
Once Shoddy Battle 2 is completed, will the CAP project also extend to creating Pokemon designed for the doubles metagame? Or is this project purely for single battles?
Once Shoddy Battle 2 is completed, will the CAP project also extend to creating Pokemon designed for the doubles metagame? Or is this project purely for single battles?

Possibly, people may be focused on making concepts based on team work, but I think the CAP project will want to focus more on singles.
I was wondering, if a pokemon was found particularly underwhelming, is there any chance it could get a movepool/stat boosts? (or in sycleant's case could it just get unnerfed?
When do the leaders of this project think this CAP function will end?
And also,
Not to imply that it's being slow, but what factors may slow down the starting of a new cap in between each CAP session?

Guh, im not asking when it's going to start. my question did not want an answer involving when it was going to start. in the past, the threads have sometimes been mired by things which were never capitalized on, i'm wondering what those factors are. I have no interest at all about the newer cap considering i stopped participating in them a while ago.
When do the leaders of this project think this CAP function end?
And also,
Not to imply that it's being slow, but what factors may slow down the starting of a new cap in between each CAP session?

It has been stressed in this thread more than enough that you shouldn't ask when the next CAP project will start.

But to answer your question, "soon".
When do the leaders of this project think this CAP function end?
And also,
Not to imply that it's being slow, but what factors may slow down the starting of a new cap in between each CAP session?

To answer your second question, there are a couple of things that slow down the starting of a new cap.

There's a two week playtesting period where we playtest the newly made CAP.

There are multiple Policy Review threads that people discuss when the CAP is over.

There are Policy Committee, Topic Leader sign-up, and Topic Leader voting threads that take place during the time when CAP is about to start.

All in all, just be patient.
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