
I really think that Lv.2 Probopass does this better since it can run Leftovers so it can actually switch into Stealth Rock or 1 layer of Spikes and heal off the damage. It also has Magic Coat to reflect back Burn and Leech Seed and Pain Split works against Ghosts.
I really think that Lv.2 Probopass does this better since it can run Leftovers so it can actually switch into Stealth Rock or 1 layer of Spikes and heal off the damage. It also has Magic Coat to reflect back Burn and Leech Seed and Pain Split works against Ghosts.
But it doesn't get endeavor. How would it work?
lv.2 Probopass is more of a gimmick "wall" than it is a "sweeper", but it can still deplete most of the opponent's health, and most importantly, it can switch out and come back to cripple another poke later on.
I'm pretty sure Aggron can do the same thing at level one also; in fact, I know so because someone posted that they'd tested it in the Aggron thread. :0
Aggron can't be level one...
Unless Smogon suddenly allows the Pomeg glitch for incorrectly level evolutions.
Pain Split.

this doesn't work though, as you only get your opponent down to half HP... you run out of PS before you kill something

That's why you make sure you hit them with Toxic/Will-O-Wisp and have Sandstorm up.

With all this discussion about staying true to the games, I wonder if it might merit reconsideration.

I thought Smogon already allowed the use of Pomeg Glitch to get things like Lv. 5 Zigzagoon with Belly Drum and Extremespeed for Little Cup. It wouldn't allow you to get Lv. 1 Pokemon that you wouldn't normally be able to get, since Eggs hatch at Lv. 5 in Emerald, and you wouldn't be able to do it with an Ice Shard Donphan because Ice Shard is only available as and Egg move in DPPt, where the Pomeg Glitch doesn't work.
While individual factors do stop it, if you really based a team of of it I think it could do stuff. A previous post mentioned a good team based off of this set, it sounded pretty solid (well, as solid as a gimmick team could be).
I thought Smogon already allowed the use of Pomeg Glitch to get things like Lv. 5 Zigzagoon with Belly Drum and Extremespeed for Little Cup. It wouldn't allow you to get Lv. 1 Pokemon that you wouldn't normally be able to get, since Eggs hatch at Lv. 5 in Emerald, and you wouldn't be able to do it with an Ice Shard Donphan because Ice Shard is only available as and Egg move in DPPt, where the Pomeg Glitch doesn't work.
It doesn't? Are you sure? According to Bulbepedia, it does work in DPPt. Or does it not work for that purpose?
I used Donphan, mostly same as the Aron.
Tyranitar can kill ghost and bring sandstream. It helps a lot.
I have mentioned this strategy in a thread discussing sturdy month ago.
It doesn't? Are you sure? According to Bulbepedia, it does work in DPPt. Or does it not work for that purpose?

Afaik you can't battle with an egg in Gen 4 therefore you can't get lvl 1 evolved pokemon and donphan/phanpy learns endeavor only in gen 4 so even a lvl 5 version is not possible.
It doesn't? Are you sure? According to Bulbepedia, it does work in DPPt. Or does it not work for that purpose?

I checked Bulbapedia, and it looks like it does work in Gen 4, you just have to do it a little differently. I originally thought you used the Pomeg Berry on the Egg to do it, and Game Freak would have obviously fixed that in Gen 4, but you simply do the glitch with one of your other Pokemon.

So this means it is possible to get a Lv. 1 Donphan with Endeavor and Ice Shard.

Edit: BurningMan: Are you sure? This page on Bulbapedia never mentions that you can't battle with an Egg in Gen 4.
I've used this set quite well. First of all, you are only killing things with sandstorm. And this needs toxic spikes support, which still leaves you open to steels. And Ghosts. But it can wreck one or two things quite easily.


Don't use level 1 aron. Use about level six and Metal Burst. This lets you kill things you couldn't ordinarily kill (like steels) because 20 or so *1.5 is more than most people can have after an endeavor, even with leftovers recovery.
Imo, Lv1 Cleffa @ Focus Sash with Endeavor outclasses this set.
Mainly because it is immune to Hail as well and it isn't affraid of entry hazzards either (Magic Guard).
In my opinion the only move lvl 1 Aron should be using is Endeavor, the rest are for clutch situations like if you need to kill a rampaging +6 Ditto, if you need to escape Shanderra, or if your opponent is down to their last pokemon. Aron's not very good at killing things, so 95% of the time you should just switch out to something bulky. The strength of this set is its reusability; as long as Spikes, Hail, and SR are off the field it can come back in with one U-turn and keep draining pokemon of all their health. It shouldn't be sweeping unless you have NO other options.

Donphan/Phanpy are honestly better though, Toxic Spikes immunity isn't a good tradeoff for Priority killing everything without Leftovers

Using Aggron over Aron lets you use Taunt, which can beat pokemon who just Recover off the damage trying to stall out your Endeavor PP, and Dragon Tail if you like Roar missing 10% of the time

Oh, and Swagger gives a 45% chance to kill or force out Steel types with Leftovers. extremely minor bad option but it at least gives him a small chance 1v1
Lol this thing is so easy to stop

Burn, convert weather, trick, sleep, leech seed, a ghost type, also mummy ability passing, hail, taunt, fake out then attack, steel types if entry hazards are removed, magic guard pokemon ,knock off, setting up a two turn move like doom desire or future sight and simultaneously attacking,lum berry, and also having your own entry hazards out when it comes in
Imo, Lv1 Cleffa @ Focus Sash with Endeavor outclasses this set.
Mainly because it is immune to Hail as well and it isn't affraid of entry hazzards either (Magic Guard).

Only if you keep it in, of course in a 1v1 situation it's an inferior Cleffa. The difference is that there's nothing stopping you from switching out (w/ full health) to something faster or with priority. The strength of this set is that you can keep using it over and over as long as your opponent has healthy pokemon to drain- it's free damage against Sandstorm immunes, and a OHKO against everything else. Under the right conditions (which aren't difficult) it's like having a hundred Cleffas on your team
Lol this thing is so easy to stop

Burn, convert weather, trick, sleep, leech seed, a ghost type, also mummy ability passing, hail, taunt, fake out then attack, steel types if entry hazards are removed, magic guard pokemon ,knock off, setting up a two turn move like doom desire or future sight and simultaneously attacking,lum berry, and also having your own entry hazards out when it comes in

Only if you expect Aron to do something other than take a hit, Endeavor, then heal away the damage and bugger off so something can take advantage of a poke with 1-12 hp left. A lot of those only matter in a 1v1 situation, Aron's terrible at killing things so just switch to something that can
Taunt doesn't work even if you keep him in, it doesn't stop Endeavor, Endeavor + Aerial Ace will kill you if you use Taunt on the second turn, and Taunting the switch-in is just silly. Unless you're Shanderra (Taunt stopping Roar) you lose
Well, if you use level 6 Aggron or w/e, it gets Metal Burst and later on gets Dragon Tail, so that can bypass Taunt, and the ghost immunity for Shanderra, unless it uses Substitute. W-o-w, etc.


Dragon Taunt
Metal Burst
Just posting to say that I got to #76 on the PO ladder before getting bored of Pokemon with an Aron team...

This is a gimmick, but it's a surprisingly OK one.