BH Arceus-Ghost (Fur Coat, Normalize) [DONE]

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name: Fur Coat
move 1: Strength Sap
move 2: Judgment
move 3: Quiver Dance
move 4: Knock Off / Focus Blast
item: Spooky Plate
ability: Fur Coat
nature: Bold / Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Fur Coat Arceus-Ghost acts as both a bulky physical wall and a dangerous setup sweeper. Spooky Plate + Judgment allows Arceus-Ghost to Imposter-proof itself and block Knock Off's item removal. Strength Sap allows Arceus-Ghost to reliably defeat Imposter users—since they cannot PP stall it—and physically offensive threats such as Zacian-C. Quiver Dance increases Arceus-Ghost's damage output, allows it to outspeed the entire tier, and when combined with Fur Coat makes it very difficult to offensively check. Knock Off removes valuable items, such as Heavy-Duty Boots and Assault Vest, from checks like Ting-Lu and Ice Scales Arceus-Fairy; alternatively, Focus Blast provides perfect coverage with Judgment, notably 2HKOing Ting-Lu and Arceus after a Quiver Dance boost. Arceus-Ghost struggles to break past walls such as RegenVest Ting-Lu and Ice Scales Arceus-Dark, so powerful teammates like Zacian-C and Palkia-O can help alleviate this issue. Arceus-Ghost is useful for Imposter-proofing some physical wallbreakers, such as Zacian-C and Groudon.

name: Normalize
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Entrainment
move 3: Quiver Dance
move 4: Strength Sap / Taunt / Knock Off
item: Spooky Plate
ability: Normalize
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Normalize Arceus-Ghost is an effective setup sweeper that that requires specific counterplay to beat. Entrainment + Normalize makes foes unable to damage Arceus-Ghost. Quiver Dance boosts Arceus-Ghost's Speed, allowing it to nullify would-be faster threats like Zacian-C, and the Special Defense boosts ensure it can beat opposing Judgment users such as Miraidon. Strength Sap provides longevity, allowing Arceus-Ghost to switch in without the need for pivoting; alternatively, Taunt prevents defensive checks from PP stalling Arceus-Ghost and prevents Glare, while Knock Off can remove Ability Shield and opposing Plates. In exchange for power, a Timid nature can be used to outspeed neutral natured Arceus formes and use Entrainment first. Arceus-Ghost struggles to beat Good as Gold, Magic Bounce and Dark-type Pokemon, so strong wallbreakers such as Choice Band Zacian-C and Choice Specs Miraidon are good partners. Even with Normalize, moves like Glare and Will-O-Wisp can still inflict status conditions on Arceus-Ghost, so clerics are appreciated.

- Written by: [[Chessking345, 355040]]
- Quality checked by: [[Tea Guzzler, 577920], [TTTech, 338877]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Isaiah, 375662]]
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name: Fur Coat
move 1: Strength Sap
move 2: Judgment
move 3: Quiver Dance
move 4: Knock Off / Focus Blast
item: Spooky Plate
ability: Fur Coat
nature: Bold / Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk
tera type: Ghost

[SET COMMENTS](removed gap)
Fur Coat Arceus-Ghost acts as both a bulky physical wall and a dangerous setup sweeper. Spooky Plate + Judgment allows Arceus-Ghost to Imposter-proof itself. Strength Sap is the preferred recovery option to reliably defeat Imposter, as Imposter cannot attempt to stall out moves using recovery. Quiver Dance increases Arceus-Ghost's offensive presence, allows Arceus-Ghost to outspeed threats like Zacian-C, and, when combined with Fur Coat and Arceus-Ghost's lack of common weaknesses, makes it a very tough threat to take down, allowing it to check dangerous physical threats like Zacian-C and Poison Heal Arceus Quiver Dance increases Arceus-Ghost's damage output, allows it to outspeed threats like Zacian-C and opposing Arceus, and when combined with Fur Coat makes it very difficult to offensively check. Knock Off provides useful utility, removinges key items such as Heavy-Duty Boots and Assault Vest from checks like Ting-Lu and Ice Scales Arceus-Fairy; alternatively, while Focus Blast provides perfect coverage with Judgment, notably 2HKOing Ting-Lu and Arceus after a Quiver Dance boost. A Bold nature allows Arceus-Ghost to have an easier time switching into powerful physical threats like Choice Band Zacian-C, while Modest provides more power.if there's no specific calcs that bold or modest have i would just drop this sentence Arceus-Ghost lacks initial firepower, so it enjoys having powerful wallbreakers like Zacian-C and Palkia-O, as teammates that these can break past bulky Pokemon like Ting-Lu and Arceus-Dark. In return, Arceus-Ghost can Imposter-proof some physical wallbreakers. like? bear in mind it doesn't really improof zac-c that well because of torque confusion

name: Normalize
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Entrainment
move 3: Quiver Dance
move 4: Strength Sap / Taunt / Knock Off
item: Spooky Plate
ability: Normalize
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Ghost

[SET COMMENTS](removed gap)
Normalize Arceus-Ghost is an effective set-up sweeper that can be disruptive to teams without specific countermeasures easily sweep teams lacking specific counterplay. Entrainment paired with Normalize makes the opposing Pokemon unable to touch damage Arceus-Ghost with most moves. Quiver Dance boosts Arceus-Ghost's offenses, and the special defense boosts can allow Arceus-Ghost to 1v1 opposing Judgment users like Miraidon Speed, allowing it to nullify would-be faster threats like Zacian-C, and the Special Defense boosts ensure it can beat opposing Judgment users such as Miraidon. A coverage move like Boomburst is generally unnecessary on this set, since the most common Normal-types use Poison Heal, and thus lose to Entrainment. not tremendous need to explain this Instead, Utility options are more appealing: Strength Sap provides longevity, allowing Arceus-Ghost to repeatedly switch-in to passive Pokemon and threats like Poison Heal Arceus; alternatively, Taunt prevents defensive checks from PP stalling Arceus-Ghost and denies Glare, whereas Knock Off can remove Ability Shields and opposing Plates. out through moves like Haze and recovery, while also shutting down Glare; Knock Off is useful for removing plates from opposing non-Arceus Pokemon such as Miraidon, while also removing useful items like Leftovers and Assault Vest. A Modest nature provides a much needed power boost, but a Timid nature can be opted to outspeed neutral natured Arceus formes to use Entrainment before Taunt first. Arceus-Ghost can struggle to deal with bulky Ghost-type resists like Ting-Lu that carry moves like Haze, as well as Magic Bounce and Good as Gold users, so strong wallbreakers such as Choice Band Zacian-C and Choice Specs Miraidon are good partners. Even with Normalize, moves like Glare and Will-O-Wisp can still inflict status conditions on Arceus-Ghost, so a cleric can be helpful.

- Written by: [[Chessking345, 355040]]
- Quality checked by: [[Tea Guzzler, 577920], [name2, id2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[name1, id1]]
qc 1/2
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name: Fur Coat
move 1: Strength Sap
move 2: Judgment
move 3: Quiver Dance
move 4: Knock Off / Focus Blast
item: Spooky Plate
ability: Fur Coat
nature: Bold / Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk
tera type: Ghost

Fur Coat Arceus-Ghost acts as both a bulky physical wall and a dangerous setup sweeper. Spooky Plate + Judgment allows Arceus-Ghost to Imposter-proof itself. Strength Sap is the preferred recovery option allows Arceus-Ghost to reliably defeat Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Imposter users, as Imposter users cannot attempt to stall out moves using recovery its also good for beating physically offensive pokemon like zacian-c. Quiver Dance increases Arceus-Ghost's damage output, allows it to outspeed threats like Zacian-C and opposing Arceus formes, and when combined with Fur Coat makes it very difficult to offensively check. Knock Off removes key items such as Heavy-Duty Boots and Assault Vest from checks like Ting-Lu and Ice Scales Arceus-Fairy; alternatively, Focus Blast provides perfect coverage with Judgment, notably 2HKOing Ting-Lu and Arceus after a Quiver Dance boost. Arceus-Ghost lacks initial firepower, so it enjoys powerful wallbreakers like Zacian-C and Palkia-O, as these can break past bulky Pokemon like Ting-Lu and Arceus-Dark. In return, Arceus-Ghost can Imposter-proof some physical wallbreakers such as Zacian-C and Groudon.

name: Normalize
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Entrainment
move 3: Quiver Dance
move 4: Strength Sap / Taunt / Knock Off
item: Spooky Plate
ability: Normalize
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Ghost

Normalize Arceus-Ghost is an effective set-up sweeper that can easily sweep teams lacking specific counterplay you don't mention what the specific counterplay is. Entrainment paired with Normalize makes the opposing Pokemon foes unable to damage Arceus-Ghost. Quiver Dance boosts Arceus-Ghost's Speed, allowing it to nullify would-be faster threats like Zacian-C, and the Special Defense boosts ensure it can beat opposing Judgment users special attackers such as Miraidon SDef boost helps universal against special attackers. Strength Sap provides longevity, allowing Arceus-Ghost to repeatedly switch-in to passive Pokemon and threats like Poison Heal Arceus; alternatively, Taunt prevents defensive checks from PP stalling Arceus-Ghost and prevents Glare, while Knock Off can remove Ability Shield and opposing plates. A Modest nature provides a much needed power boost, but a Timid nature can be opted to outspeed neutral natured Arceus formes to use Entrainment first. Arceus-Ghost can struggle to deal with bulky Ghost-type resists like Ting-Lu that carry moves like Haze I've never seen ting lu carry haze, is it common? probably take out the carry haze part, as well as Magic Bounce and Good as Gold users, so strong wallbreakers such as Choice Band Zacian-C and Choice Specs Miraidon are good partners. Even with Normalize, moves like Glare and Will-O-Wisp can still inflict status conditions on Arceus-Ghost, so a cleric can be helpful probably specify an example of what a cleric is so readers can know what it does exactly, such as a pokemon carrying heal bell.

- Written by: [[Chessking345, 355040]]
- Quality checked by: [[Tea Guzzler, 577920], [TTTech, 338877]]
- Grammar checked by: [[name1, id1]]
QC Check 2/2
Implemented, ready for GP
I left specific in because later I mention it struggles against stuff like Haze resists and Bounce/GaG. Also left in Judgment because other special attackers just get Entrained. Ting-Lu Haze is necessary because otherwise you just setup to +6, and I think Haze Ting-Lu is fairly common even on non-prank to deny Miraidon setup if needed.
GP Team
AMGP, implement as desired but needs official verification
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name: Fur Coat
move 1: Strength Sap
move 2: Judgment
move 3: Quiver Dance
move 4: Knock Off / Focus Blast
item: Spooky Plate
ability: Fur Coat
nature: Bold / Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk
tera type: Ghost if the tera type is your primary type, there's no need to include this

Fur Coat Arceus-Ghost acts as both a bulky physical wall and a dangerous setup sweeper. Spooky Plate + Judgment allows Arceus-Ghost to Imposter-proof itself, as well as blocking Knock Off's item removal. Strength Sap allows Arceus-Ghost to reliably defeat Imposter and physically offensive threats such as Zacian-C, as Imposter users cannot attempt to stall out moves using recovery PP stall Arceus-Ghost. Quiver Dance increases Arceus-Ghost's damage output, allows it to outspeed threats like Zacian-C and opposing Arceus formes the entire tier, and when combined with Fur Coat makes it very difficult to offensively check. Knock Off removes key items, such as Heavy-Duty Boots and Assault Vest, (add 2 commas) from checks like Ting-Lu and Ice Scales Arceus-Fairy; alternatively, Focus Blast provides perfect coverage with Judgment, notably 2HKOing Ting-Lu and Arceus after a Quiver Dance boost. Arceus-Ghost lacks initial firepower, so it enjoys powerful wallbreakers like Zacian-C and Palkia-O, as these can break past bulky Pokemon like Ting-Lu and Arceus-Dark struggles to break past walls such as RegenVest Ting-Lu and Ice Scales Arceus-Dark, so powerful teammates like Zacian-C and Palkia-O can help alleviate this issue. In return, Arceus-Ghost can is useful for Imposter-proofing some physical wallbreakers, (add comma) such as Zacian-C and Groudon.

name: Normalize
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Entrainment
move 3: Quiver Dance
move 4: Strength Sap / Taunt / Knock Off
item: Spooky Plate
ability: Normalize
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk even though a phys attack isn't the primary slash here, i would personally still specify 0 attack because knock is an option.
tera type: Ghost

Normalize Arceus-Ghost is an effective set-up sweeper that can easily sweep teams lacking specific counterplay that requires specific counterplay to beat. Entrainment paired with Normalize makes opposing foes unable to damage Arceus-Ghost. Quiver Dance boosts Arceus-Ghost's Speed, allowing it to nullify would-be faster threats like Zacian-C, and the Special Defense boosts ensure it can beat opposing Judgment users such as Miraidon. Strength Sap provides longevity, allowing Arceus-Ghost to repeatedly switch-in to passive Pokemon and threats like Poison Heal Arceus switch in without the need for pivoting; alternatively, Taunt prevents defensive checks from PP stalling Arceus-Ghost and prevents Glare, while Knock Off can remove Ability Shield and opposing Plates. (capital P)A Modest nature provides a much needed power boost, but a Timid nature can be opted to allows Arceus-Ghost to outspeed neutral natured Arceus formes to use Entrainment first. Arceus-Ghost can struggle to deal with bulky Ghost-type resists like Ting-Lu that carry moves like Haze, as well as Magic Bounce and Good as Gold users struggles to beat Good as Gold or Magic Bounce users, as well as Dark-types, still loses to fat darks even if they don't have haze so strong wallbreakers such as Choice Band Zacian-C and Choice Specs Miraidon are good partners. Even with Normalize, moves like Glare and Will-O-Wisp can still inflict status conditions on Arceus-Ghost, so a cleric such as Heal Bell Arceus-Fire can be helpful clerics are appreciated. species clause = can't have 2 arcs, not much point in needing to specify dedicated clerics given any support mon can pack heal bell

- Written by: [[Chessking345, 355040]]
- Quality checked by: [[Tea Guzzler, 577920], [TTTech, 338877]]
- Grammar checked by: [[name1, id1]] prob still wait on this
name: Fur Coat
move 1: Strength Sap
move 2: Judgment
move 3: Quiver Dance
move 4: Knock Off / Focus Blast
item: Spooky Plate
ability: Fur Coat
nature: Bold / Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Fur Coat Arceus-Ghost acts as both a bulky physical wall and a dangerous setup sweeper. Spooky Plate + Judgment allows Arceus-Ghost to Imposter-proof itself, as well asnd blocking Knock Off's item removal. Strength Sap allows Arceus-Ghost to reliably defeat Imposter users—since they cannot PP stall it—and physically offensive threats such as Zacian-C, as Imposter users cannot PP stall Arceus-Ghost. Quiver Dance increases Arceus-Ghost's damage output, allows it to outspeed the entire tier, and when combined with Fur Coat makes it very difficult to offensively check. Knock Off removes valuable items, such as Heavy-Duty Boots and Assault Vest, from checks like Ting-Lu and Ice Scales Arceus-Fairy; alternatively, Focus Blast provides perfect coverage with Judgment, notably 2HKOing Ting-Lu and Arceus after a Quiver Dance boost. Arceus-Ghost struggles to break past walls such as RegenVest Ting-Lu and Ice Scales Arceus-Dark, so powerful teammates like Zacian-C and Palkia-O can help alleviate this issue. Arceus-Ghost is useful for Imposter-proofing some physical wallbreakers, such as Zacian-C and Groudon.

name: Normalize
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Entrainment
move 3: Quiver Dance
move 4: Strength Sap / Taunt / Knock Off
item: Spooky Plate
ability: Normalize
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Normalize Arceus-Ghost is an effective set-up sweeper that that requires specific counterplay to beat. Entrainment paired with+ Normalize makes foes unable to damage Arceus-Ghost. Quiver Dance boosts Arceus-Ghost's Speed, allowing it to nullify would-be faster threats like Zacian-C, and the Special Defense boosts ensure it can beat opposing Judgment users such as Miraidon. Strength Sap provides longevity, allowing Arceus-Ghost to switch in without the need for pivoting; alternatively, Taunt prevents defensive checks from PP stalling Arceus-Ghost and prevents Glare, while Knock Off can remove Ability Shield and opposing Plates. A Modest nature provides aIn exchange for power boost, but a Timid nature allows Arceus-Ghostcan be used to outspeed neutral natured Arceus formes toand use Entrainment first. Arceus-Ghost struggles to beat Good as Gold or, Magic Bounce users, as well asnd Dark-types Pokemon, so strong wallbreakers such as Choice Band Zacian-C and Choice Specs Miraidon are good partners. Even with Normalize, moves like Glare and Will-O-Wisp can still inflict status conditions on Arceus-Ghost, so clerics are appreciated.

- Written by: [[Chessking345, 355040]]
- Quality checked by: [[Tea Guzzler, 577920], [TTTech, 338877]]
- Grammar checked by: [[name1, id1Isaiah, 375662]]
GP 1/1
GP Team Done

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