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Apprentice Program - Round Thirty Two

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There doesn't seem to be a huge problem here - yes, you did scout, but by all accounts it doesn't seem to be "on purpose", so according to the rules, I'm going to let you stay.
animenagai v Olie
berserkpenguin v (Helios v thetorsoboy)
matty v Lightning Storm
Espreon v Giant Enemy Crab

Matty to win it all!
Well, I'm just glad I get to stay in.
It would fucking suck if I got kicked out at this point, but yeah I wasn't even really watching the match, some dude kept posting in German and we all kept telling him to fuck off.

So Thanks BK, GEC and Puggy for being understanding.
Oh, you too Da letter El :) for cheering me on

Edit: sorry for saying fuck so many times
man i was so lazy i didn't even realized we advanced to the next round :P. sorry for being lazy guys. i PM'd olie already so we can get this done.
Unfortunately, yesterday, as I was about to battle torso, I got kicked off the server by my internet and he hasn't been on since yesterday :( .
Assigned to JabbaTheGriffin

Shoddy Battle nick: Stellar
Age: 17
Time zone: -6 GMT
Regular Online Hours: 4 PM - 10 PM EST
Do you want to play in the tournament: Yes
Experience level: I'm pretty experienced, but after taking a bit of a break due to life issues, it seems I have lost touch with a bit of my prediction and team making skills. I don't seem to be as in touch with the current metagame as I would like to be. It would be nice if I could have someone who could get me back into the loop.
A little about myself: Senior in High School, eagerly awaiting college. I'm interested in engineering. I like making friends online and I'm just generally a nice person.

Maniac, Husk, or Iggy would be cool. :)
Assigned to Havak

Just copy pasting from the last round 'cause I'm lazy lol

ShoddyBattle Nick: ceramic/dragonfruit
Age: 13
Time Zone: GMT
Regular online hours (in EST): 10am-5pm
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? If there is space, yes.
Experience Level: I've been playing pokemon for about 18 months now, but never really got the hang of prediction. I'm hoping to get a tutor that can help me with predicting.
Assigned to imperfectluck

Shoddy Battle nick: Minijinx/Giant Enemy Crab
Age: 16
Time zone: GMT (England)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 11am - 4pm. 4pm - 9pm in GMT
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? no
Experience level*:A little about myself: I've been battling competitively in D/P since July 2007. Since then I would say I have been successful since I have reached the leaderboard on shoddy a few times. I have a few nitpicks which I really need help with, relating especially with Team building. I really need to learn comprehensively about team building.

*Sorry if it's an issue for me to continuously sign up but Taylor quit, so I didn't get a tutor last round. If it's possible, may I request someone like Maniac/ipl/Husk? the american time zone issue isn't a problem for me. I PMed them last round anyways if I could have them and they were fine.*

Edit 2- I just asked ipl on shoddy and he says he ok with tutoring me.
Assigned to Taylor

Shoddy Battle nick: Goldfan
Age: 17
Time zone: GMT
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 7-10 Most evenings except for saturday, although alternative arrangements can also be made in advance
Do you want to play in the tournament: Indeed I do, and I am determined to do better this time
Experience level: Shoddy rating right now is 1370 or something like that, but that is part of the problem, I don't know why this current team is doing ok, as compared to my previous lower ratings. I am OK with my theorymon, but I want to be able to compete at a higher level. So In short, I am not a random nub, but nowhere neat as goos as i want to be.
A little about myself: Not as big a geek as I could be I guess, the only RPG i play is pokemon but I play it waaaay to much. I also play cricket and occasionally golf in my spare time. Not much else to say, A-Level Maths and Physics Studant...

Requesting anyone but Havak, much as I love Havak I had him last time and I am interested on getting someone elses input into my game this time :D I don't nessecarily want to feel restricted to my timezone either. My timetable i reasonably flexible, I can make some time here and there. I'm not a great fan of requesting, but I don't want to be pushed to the "back of the queue" for not requesting. So please assign me who you think is best for me.
Assigned to Maniaclyrasist

Shoddy Battle nick: SoT/Son of Thunder/Spanky
Age: 15
Time zone: GMT -8 (pacific)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Weekends between 12 a.m - 11. p.m Weekdays 6 pm - 9 pm. 11 pm - 12:30 a.m
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? YES
Experience level*: I am an experienced battler. I am well known around the Smogon Server and I was #2 at one point or another. I consider myself to be of decent quality but I do have one significant flaw. Team building. It takes many many many tries for me to make a decent team, and I hope to improve on that.
A little about myself: I'm a sophmore in High School. I strive to be the best I can be, and I hope that I'll go far in life. I have a 3.8 and am playing on my Varsity soccer team.

I would like to request: Maniaclyrasist. Backup as
Aeroblacktyl cause apparently the guy ahead of me edited his post asking for Maniac an hour after me...
Assigned to husk

Shoddy Battle nick: Coconut storm, Chovo, Hastrami
Age: 14
Time zone: est
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 3:30-11:00
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? NO
Experience level*:A little about myself: i like to use strange and out of the box teams, I have started taking things much more seriously since i started and have started using OU

oh and i never got a chance to be with my tutor last time
Assigned to Jackal

Shoddy Battle nick: NachoMan/Nachos
Age: 14
Time zone: GMT United Kingdom
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 11am - 5pm
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? Yes
Experience level* I've been playing competitive for over a year. I know the basics of prediction but I always find myself losing to the better players. I'd like to know the in and outs of good Team-Building and how to predict as well as I can.
:A little about myself: I like business and law.

I don't mind if the person I get isn't in my time zone.
Assigned to Brawlex

Shoddy Battle nick: Elevator Music
Age: 15
Time zone: EST
Regular Online Hours: 6:00-8:00 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Not much on Tuesdays and Fridays because of soccer games. I can be on usually whenever on the weekends.
Do you want to play in the tournament: Yes
Experience level*: A litte about myself: I've been on the leaderboard, I can usually get pretty high up if I try hard. I'm... a decent team builder at best, so I'd like to get better at that. I have a fairly good knowledge of the metagame though.
Assigned to Bologo

Shoddy Battle nick: Matt_Lane
Age: 16
Time zone: Central Time Zone (Texas)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 5:30 - 10:30 (it can be anywhere between those times)
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? Yes
Experience level* I'm an OKAY player. I know what I've picked up by myself through experience and reading, I can predict ok and have the basics down (atleast I think I do lol); I'm interested in becoming a more advanced player and a bette team builder.
:A little about myself: I'm an all around cool guy who gets along with everyone. I almost always exceed in everything I do and I learn quickly.
Assigned to Calciphoce

Shoddy Battle nick: genestaahhh
Age: 17
Time zone: Pacific(California)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Weekdays 9pm- 2 am. Weekends 6pm-3am.
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? yes
Experience level*: Novice. I'm not so good at setting up and using the right moves and countering.
A little about myself: I'm new to competitive battling and I'm using this to learn more about it. Hopefully the info I'm given helps me succeed in becoming a more experienced battler and that I use the info well on Wi-Fi.
Assigned to maddog

Shoddy Battle nick:Dpmt
Time zone:PST
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!):10:30pm to 5:30am
Do you want to play in the tournament: no
Experience level*: Playing shoddy irregularly since D/P came out.
A little about myself: I'm a bit of a night owl and would t someone in the pacific time zone. I'm a little gimmicky with my teams some times but I try to think things through.
Assigned to jrrrrrrr

Shoddy Battle nick: 91ale
Age: 17
Time zone: GMT-5 (I think its the same as EST)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): weekdays: 17:00 to 21:00, weekends: 11-14 and 20-22, it is flexible though.
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? YES, why not?
Experience level: Well, I’ve played competitively now for about less than a month or so, I have basic knowledge. However, my teams never appear as having a strategy. I need help at battling and team building.
A little about myself: I have played since the red/blue days but so far my favourite game was crystal (I had a typhosion lvl 100 with fire blast, flamethrower, flame wheel and swift) and had ever enjoyed playing it over and over again. I’m new with competitive battling so I need some help. As you can see, my English is pretty good although it is not my native language. I think it’s great practice for me to write and communicate in English.
Thanks for the help :) !
Assigned to TAY

Shoddy Battle nick: Thebattler1
Age: 17
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 8-12 in the morning. 6-12 at night. Very Flexible depending on plans.
Do you want to play in the tournament: Yes
Experience level: I started playing when D/P came out. I would say I'm a nice guy thats looking for help so I can improve. I started playing on the Tour this Season 6 and ended 44th, which is not bad. I specialize in the OU game but I would like a tutor that is great at team-building especially and prediction so I could get some tips from on improving my team and battling also. Randomly, I understand Chinese and French. Thanks!
Assigned to Great Sage

Shoddy Battle nick: Silvaer
Age: 16
Time zone: GMT -6
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Weekdays: 4:30pm - 9pm Weekends: Pretty much anytime
Do you want to play in the tournament: Yes
Experience level*: Decent, I know a good amount, but need help team building and predicting.
A little about myself:
Err, I play pokemon. =)
Assigned to MS

Shoddy Battle nick: MCXD (main account) and MCXD2 (optional account, just in case).
Age: 15
Time zone: Australian EST (GMT+10)
Regular Online Hours: Holidays/Weekends: 3PM-7AM (Eastern), 5AM-9PM (My Time). School days: 3PM-6PM and 2AM-7AM (Eastern), 5AM-8AM and 4PM-9PM (My Time).
Do you want to play in the tournament: Yes
Experience level: Practically zero in competitive play, although i've been playing Pokemon in general for years. Do have experience watching videos of UU/BL and OU tier battles though. First time in Tutoring Program.
A little about myself: A solid gamer for 11 years now, ready and willing to partake in OU battling. Generally I play platformers and RPGs, not really into FPSs and things all that much. I'm also a amateur programmer with some knowledge of things like C++ and a part time music composer (although my old stuff is really terrible). Also I'm Australian, but you probably gathered that already.
School holidays starts this week for me, so I've got 2 weeks of free time.

I don't really mind who I get, I don't know any of the tutors well at all anyway to have a preference. Also timezone matching isn't much of an issue because I have a broad active time, so don't bother yourself with that too much either.
Assigned to Ryo

Shoddy Battle nick: Xenon

Age: 17

Time zone: IST (Indian Standard Time) (GMT +05:30) (EST +10:30)

Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Completely flexible for anytime other than 3:30 AM - 7:30 AM EST and my very late nights (12:30PM - 5:30PM EST).

Do you want to play in the tournament: Yes, Why not?

Experience level*: A few years on NetBattle and a year on ShoddyBattle. I don't have many problems in predicting and stuff, but i really suck at team building, which is where i need a lot of help.
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